Swiftcurrent Creek Fuck love, got too many reasons
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie felt compelled to find @Arric, if only to apologize for dropping into his life and immediately causing problems. There was a small problem, though: Reverie was feeling dizzy again. Overwhelmed. Exhausted. She picked her way through the Creek much more carefully now, and this time she did not even startle at the sounds of the wilds.
The gilded girl pursued the scent trail until a break became entirely necessary. She didn't understand. What was wrong with her? Reverie stopped and took a few deep breaths, willing the ground to stop spinning beneath her feet. She would need to leave soon, and she couldn't be in this state when she did. Not if she was going to go through with her decision, that almost-subconscious resolution she'd made somewhere between the icy river and the creek. The thought made her stomach churn, but she knew she couldn't go back on it. She would just need to be stronger.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric moved through the pathways of his pack lands. Learning the trails even better than he had. There was the she wolf in their center, and she was causing issues. Even if she hadn't meant too. Lestan was crazy about her, and that meant that Arric needed to stay away. Women liked him more than he liked sometimes. And he was the worst at being nice. He was a flirt. Even if he meant nothing by it. He realized he really needed to work on that, or expect more of these issues.

He caught wind of the  girl reverie and followed the path to her. She seemed weak and strange and he moved closer. 

Peering at her with pretty blue eyes. Are you okay?
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
As she rested, Arric appeared. He asked if she was okay. Reverie frowned, realizing she didn't know how to answer. Was she okay? Honestly, it didn't feel like it, but more than anything she wanted the answer to be yes. If the answer was yes, she wouldn't need to worry about what she would do when she left Swiftcurrent Creek. She wouldn't need to worry about being on her own.
The reality was that she simply could not go back to Kvarsheim.
I don't know, She admitted after a moment. I was looking for you - to apologize. But I guess I'm still not... back to normal yet. Reverie took a breath. I am sorry, though. I didn't mean to become a problem for you, or Swiftcurrent Creek.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was a frown on her golden face and he felt bad. Had he put that there? He hoped not? If so he was kind of a dick.

He perked black ears forward at her small admission. Then he chuckled and shrugged his large shoulders. 

NO apology necessary. In case you didn't notice. I'm not a angry guy. Most stuff just rolls off my shoulders. I don't like being accused of things i've not done, and i don't like assumptions, but otherwise. Pretty chill.

And you're not a problem.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Arric was kinder than she deserved. They all were. She shook her head with a soft laugh, thinking back to what Lestan had said to her about Tybault. I am kind of a problem, Reverie said, long resigned to this fact. I heard my brother came here. Lestan - said it wasn't pleasant. And that you were there.
She sighed. No one knew what Tybault was capable of, no one but her because he'd always kept it that way, and now she was uncertain if she should tell anyone. What if they decided she was too much of a liability to be allowed to visit Lestan? But they deserved to be warned, didn't they? Reverie was conflicted, and for now said nothing more.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric heard her laugh and eased into a more relaxed stance now that he knew she wasn't upset at least as much.

He grinned though there was a distinct edge to it. I met him. He doesn't scare me.

And he didn't sure there would come a day Arric would lose a fight, but thus far he'd been fine.

Aure he and Akavir seemed nice, but they both had alread kicked ass once before and that was 3 wolves to 2. Arric was just as dangerous as another. He just hid it better.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Something about the way Arric said it made her feel — safe. It made her wish that she could stay here. But only for a moment. She didn't want to be a pack wolf, and she didn't think any pack other than Kvarsheim would want her anyway. But it would be nice, she thought, to feel protected.
It just wasn't her reality.
He scares me, Reverie admitted quietly. She knew Tybault wouldn't hurt her, at least not physically. She did not know that he wouldn't hurt those she loved, carve a path of destruction and at the end of it all drag her glassy-eyed and trapped back to The Gilded Sea. Everett had said they weren't here to bring her back, and she believed him — but not Tybault. She knew her littermate too well, knew how he craved control. And he would never be able to control her here.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric would have allowed her entry. It seemed that Lestan liked her near, and he had no problem offering her the safety she craved. However, it seemed that there was a different path on the horizon for the golden gilded lily of a girl.

Arric looked her over. Why? He seems all hot air. No power behind the acts.

Tybault reminded ARric of a spoiled boy. He hadn't been entirely fond of him upn their first meeting and when he went towards Lestan less so. But he was not hateful to the guy. He thought perhaps even that given time and conversation they could be at the very least civil.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All hot air. Yeah, that sounded like Tybault, or at least the image he tried to portray. All bark and no bite. Reverie knew better, but who would ever believe her? Her eyes were earnest and full of raw anxiety as she answered Arric. That's what everyone thinks, She looked away, thinking again of how he must have spent months tracking her. Months.
That kind of obsession — it was dangerous, not least because she knew the violence that lived in his heart. But I know him, and - What could she say to make him understand? He thinks he can fix me. He would do anything for that. And... anything includes a lot of terrible things. Reverie sighed, and wished for a terrible moment that she could be — some fierce warrior woman, with cool battle scars and thigh muscles for days. Maybe then Tybault would think twice before hunting her down.
I wish I could - just - punch him! It came out in a sudden huff. That wasn't exactly what she had been going for, but realistically it was probably the best she could manage, so that was all she admitted to for now.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She shrunk before his eyes and he was suddenly furious. This male who the hell did he think he was. He wanted a piece of golden fur.

Arric moved closer. well you got me topunch him if you want me too? I have no problems teaching him a lesson.

he briefly thought he should check with Akavir first, but he didn't think his friend would care. He would actually possibly join him, because neither one liked it when others buillied little girls.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Oh! Reverie warmed under Arric's offer, feeling that fleeting brush of safety around her once again. She offered a somewhat timid smile, still a little shaken by her thoughts of Tybault. If he comes around again, yes, please, She laughed a little, but it was more from stress than anything. But... I'm going to make sure he won't.
That thought affected her even more than Tybault's obsession. To be alone again — entirely alone, with no one to even notice if she just stopped coming back one day because there would be nowhere and no one to come back to —
Exhilarating, but terrifying. Especially after today; what if she had been alone when she collapsed? What if no one had found her? Reverie didn't know, but she knew she could not look back now. Not with Tybault out there.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was something off about the way she spoke. And blue eyes honed in on her face. He frowned at her and spoke softly.

Reverie. Are you going to try and do something on your own to keep him away from all of us? Because I assure you that won't make anyone happy.

He didn't know what she could be doing, or even thinking, but her tone of voice didn't sound good. And He tilted his head forward further and looked deeply at her trying to gauge what she was doing and saying.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Arric picked up on her anxiety; that part didn't surprise her, but the way he responded to it certainly did. He cared more than she would have assumed. Reverie tended to think of her problems as solely her own. Why should anyone else care what happened to her? Especially Arric, who she had only caused problems for thus far.
He had cared enough to bring her here, so maybe it shouldn't have been a surprise. Still, his kindness was misplaced here. Reverie shook her head. I have to, She said in a rare moment of certainty. I can't let him hurt anyone. But what she meant was Lestan. He was far too gentle, she thought, far too kind to be subjected to her brother's cold rage. So for the same reason she could not return to Kvarsheim, Reverie could not stay here. Not even in the valley. It was just too dangerous.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric was an observant wolf. It came from sitting in silence so much of the time. He could see waht other's couldn't. And in this case there was more than she was telling him. But did he have a right to ask anything from her. Lestan did certainly, but Arric was just a guy she danced with. They weren't even friends yet.

Arric raised a brow at her. He assumed she meant Lestan but he wasn't cetain so instead he spoke. The creek takes care of our own. No one would hurt any of us while Akavir and I both draw breath.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He seemed to understand, at least to an extent. Reverie took his words to heart, and nodded once; protect him, then. She could trust that. But it wasn't just about Lestan, and so even Arric's reassurance did not have the power to change her decision. She still had Bjarna to think of, and Gunnar; their safety, their happiness. Even if Tybault didn't hurt them, would they really be content with him looming over Kvarsheim? Surely not, and then it would come to violence.
I have Kvarsheim to protect, too, She murmured, chest aching at the thought. It wasn't forever, it wasn't supposed to be, but right now she could only feel the loss in her decision.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Because Gunnar is mine I can assume much :D

Arric laughed. I have met the patriarch of that pack. I assure you he will dole out violence if he must. He is old and he is calm, but he didn't get that way by being a pascifist. You actually maybe surprised at the violence that he could dole out.

Arric sighed. I think you need to do what you need to do, but don't make the mistake of thinking you're alone, because you're not.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Arric spoke of violence, not seeming to understand that this was the exact outcome she wanted to avoid. Even winning a fight didn't come without cost. She had almost become a healer, she knew this. But she knew too that he was trying to be kind, particularly when he assured her that she was not alone.
So Reverie smiled wearily. It's easy to forget, sometimes, How long had she spent with no one at all to care what she wanted, what was best for her? Now it seemed everyone she met cared in one way or another, whether they had a reason to care or not. It was overwhelming; it made her feel needy and selfish more often than not, because it was just too much caring. That was the thing about spending your whole life believing that even neglect is a state of asking too much. Even the smallest kindness felt simultaneously like uninvited affection and a debt owed. She was learning, though, that this was normal. It was Reverie who was odd. Thank you, Arric.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric didn't know what else to say. She could take what he said with a grain of salt, or accept it. He hoped she would. He was willing to put his body and his health on the line to keep her safe, because it was the right thing to do and because it would make Lestan happy who had stuck by them when he didn't need too.

Ah You're welcome. (que boyish hand behind head here, rubbing, bashful :D)
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Arric was cute in his own way, but even acknowledging this, Reverie did not feel the same want she had felt for him before. Lestan's scent was still heavy on her, and she could still feel the warm ghost of his touch across her skin if she thought about it. These things kept her grounded; content.
I never did get to tell you - you're a good dancer, you know, She added a little shyly, but this time her shyness stemmed more from the fact that Arric's opinion actually mattered to her. He was one of the leaders of Swiftcurrent Creek, after all! Someone important to Lestan's life, and therefore important to her in some way. Do you dance often?
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric lifted his head and looked around. Reverie was pretty girl, but she was Lestan's girl and therefore, that was all the further he'd allow his thoughts to canter. Pretty girl, alright moving on. Besides that based on the scents coming off of her, and the way she and Lestan had been looking and talking. He was pretty certain he knew what they had gotten up to and it amused him. Sometimes, worried and angery S** was the best kind.

He chuckled and dipped his head. Thank you. Umm sort of. I meditate a lot, so I focus on balance, even breathing that kind of stuff. So it segues into being a good dancer. Grace and all that.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie tilted her head as he explained. Meditate? She echoed, immediately interested in the unknown word if only for the implication that it might make her a better dancer. Anything that could improve her dancing was worth exploring! But Reverie was still a little distracted by thoughts of Lestan, even so. Already she wanted to return to him, to his embrace, even as tired as she was.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded. Yea. You know still breathing, just existing in the silence. I like to stand quietly and just quiet everything, my mind and everything. Just exist in the silence.

He saw her distraction, but said nothing. She could let him know if she wanted to leave.

He shifted and nodded. I also go on runs.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The first thing Reverie thought when Arric explained was: you do that on purpose?! She was baffled for a moment. But then she remembered the strange disjointed comfort of that dark quiet place she sometimes went to, and wondered if it could be different. Her next thought, however, was that she couldn't see how it would make anyone a better dancer. Arric had mentioned balance, but Reverie wasn't sure she understood what he meant.
It sounds interesting, but I'm not sure I understand, She said earnestly, hoping Arric might elaborate. What is it... for? And how does it work, and why, and does it hurt? It always hurt when she went to that place of silence. She didn't think she could bear to meditate if it meant experiencing that pain.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,069 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He did do it un purpose, but he was lucky enough not to have trauma in his life. Other than his father's death, but he had handled that with grace, because his father had died saving someone. IT seemed a noble death. 

There's a couple of ways. I might stand on one leg in a rushing river to push myself. I might stand on two legs in a field while the wind buffets. I may go up on cliffs and stand on the edge.

He frowned. It's to help you get a better mind space. You meditate, you quiet the anxious thoughts, the grief whatever it maybe at the time. It's to make you healthier mentally. Help regulate emotions.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie tried to picture the things Arric described. It sounded like something that required strength, and she was a dancer but she was — well, not quite at her best. She skirted around thoughts of her self-neglect and instead pondered how she might modify Arric's routines to suit herself. The things he described were intriguing to her.
What if she could fix herself with this? Or at least, it might help. Reverie wasn't quite naive enough to think that there was one ultimate solution to what plagued her, but she knew that each tool she collected was another step toward it. Maybe I'll try it sometime, She said thoughtfully. Thank you for explaining it to me.