Redhawk Caldera i've never been great with peer pressure.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
All Welcome 
@Tegan @Fiadh @Lucca I BIRTHED YOU. Only Elwood will be allowed inside the den, but anyone else is welcome to sit outside and wag their tails ^_^ OH AND, this is set for 7/12, just posting early since I won't be home that day.

Were she human, Fin would've seen on her Fitbit HR that it was near midnight - 'cause you know she would totally have one even if she ignored how many steps she got. She had no idea that the sun that had been up when she'd tucked herself away in the whelping den had set hours ago. It felt like the longest labor she'd had to date, but there was a high probability that she would say that just after every litter without having any actual idea if it was true. She'd say the same about her level of weariness - that she was more exhausted than ever she'd been before, and that one definitely wasn't true considering her last litter had nearly killed her.

But, the time of day, number of hours spent with a rampantly contracting uterus and level of exhaustion were truly irrelevant compared to the four, teensy little wolves now tucked against her belly. Fin laid her head upon the ground, still panting from the effort it had taken, but smiling as they squirmed all over each other. Four of them. Four. They hadn't given her much trouble coming out, surprisingly. Except for the fact that they had taken their damn sweet time finally getting on with it. But eventually, Taoiseach had decided to be the brave one and head out first. Eventually, Fiadh had followed, then Mathghamhain, and finally.. whatsit. Fin and Elwood had only planned names for three. She'd wrack her brain for more gaelic names after a good nap.

Finley gave a happy sigh and whined for @Elwood, deciding it was time for him to come and greet his latest round of babies. That and he could keep an eye on them while she dozed.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian

Despite having been through this very situation two other times, it was still nerve-wracking for Elwood. As usual, Finley banished him from the whelping den; he wouldn't have expected anything less and knew that she was just following her instincts. But after Fin's brush with death last time, he was more nervous than usual. For those hours as the sun disappeared behind the caldera's scooped peak, he alternated between pacing outside of the den and perching stoically near its entrance, listening carefully for any signs of distress within.

Eventually, he was rewarded with the sound of Finley's voice as she quietly requested his presence. He released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and stood, peering into the burrow where his third litter of puppies had just joined the world. He let his eyes adjust to the shadows as his gaze fell to Finley's side, and he gasped audibly as he counted the little bodies gathered there. Four! It was their largest brood to date, and while that worried him -- because, to be honest, their track record hadn't been all that great so far -- he still felt a thrill of excitement.

"Who's who?" he asked quietly, studying each perfect gray puppy. Lucy was still their only child of a different color; he thought briefly of her, wondering if her dark fur had been a sign. He pushed those thoughts away, instead focusing on the new life squirming right in front of him.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
She couldn't explain how she knew the time had come. Some sixth sense compelled Towhee to abandon her border patrol only halfway through and make a hasty return to the rendezvous site. But even as she climbed, her inner compass directed her in another direction: toward Finley's whelping den. That's when the Xi actually thought consciously, Aunt Finley's having her babies.

Although she wanted to throw herself headlong into the den, the youth instead chose a post about fifteen yards away and stood sentinel there. Towhee couldn't deny that she glanced curiously toward the mouth every minute or two—tail doing a happy little wiggle each and every time—though she didn't disturb the proud parents. She was a mercenary, a guardian specifically, and her job right now was to protect the den site.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
'cause i'm a hopeless wanderer
254 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Life in the womb, for Clover, was wonderful. It was warm, and she and her fellows had conversations via kicking. It being all she knew was wonderful, so when things changed, well, to begin with she wasn't too happy. She squalled and revolted for the first two minutes of life (a healthy baby girl), but as soon as she was pressed against her mothers belly and she was introduced to food, Clover decided, hey, this isn't so bad. And so she fell silent, content to nurse and sleep and be a perfect newborn. Her awareness was quite limited—all was well in the world, as far as she was concerned. If her parents doubted their fortune in having her, newborn Clover wouldn't let them forget it; she wiggled her rear, showing those around her the shamrock she bore. Lucky you.
dayvan cowboy
99 Posts
Ooc — Laur
The beginnings of life came easy to the little blackthorn. The small pup, only a bundle of unconscious nerves and cells, was aware of nothing, felt nothing, knew nothing. The only sensation he was aware of a certain floating sensation, but it was incredibly soothing and for the most part, the boy drifted in a still, dreamless state — until everything changed. Almost immediately, the unknowing cub was thrust into a world that was much more… sensational than he had ever known. He felt so many things that she had never encountered before; couldn’t even imagine these possibilities! There was the rush of oxygen in his lungs and his mother’s harsh tongue — it was strong against his infinitesimal frame. There were the muffled voice of his father and the feeling of his small chest rising and falling with each breath and it was all so strange that he couldn’t help but cry out! This was too new! He wanted back in, where it was warm and reality was suspended. Yeah, that had been nice.

Suddenly, the cub was overtaken by a need to nurse. With vigorous movements he sought out the form of his moth and when he latched — with gusto! — he pulled milk forth. It was thick and coated his tongue in an ultimately pleasing way — but while he easily figured out how to pull the milk into his mouth, swallowing was another thing entirely. It seemed his muscles of his throat had yet to waken, so the liquid pulled into his mouth but dribbled pathetically out the sides of his mouth. Soon his entire muzzle, neck and chest were covered in the stuff and sure he wasn’t really nursing but did the mottled boy care? Goodness, no! The simple act of suckling felt so real, felt so right, that he resigned himself to a life of this: drinking and feasting against the wriggling masses of his many siblings, all of whom were both doing the same exact thing.
THREADS: 1 / 1
154 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Life changed in a matter of moments for Fiadh. The quaking of her mother's contractions stirred her from the lucid state that had preoccupied her for her short existence. The progression of her birth forced her from the comforts of Finley's uterus to the world that she was unprepared for. Her first moments were a blur as she scrambled helplessly on the ground and succame to the guidance that both instinct and Finely gave her. 

Soon enough she was nursing, the memories of what she had endured slipping with every feverish drink she took. Something in the back of her mind urged her to drink to her content, to fill herself to the brim. Satisfied with her fill, Fiadh unlatched with milk still in her mouth. The substance dribbled down the corners of her mouth, and despite her sudden discomfort, the urge to sleep was far more overbearing than her desire to cause a ruckus. With this, and as gurgled sigh, she lowered her head to her forepaws and spilled the remains of her meal onto herself, her mother, and the ground.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
In spite of her exhaustion, Fin's tail began to thump upon the ground as Elwood crept in. She watched his face closely as he set his eyes upon the latest batch of Blackthorns, memorizing each second for the times to come in the future when the kids were driving her nuts and she needed to remember why she'd had them in the first place. Some part of the reason was for her, but a majority of it was for him. Most of what she did in her life since meeting Elwood had all been for him. Once or twice, she'd rebelled against it. But she had long since given into her devotion for this man who stood grinning like a silly billy down at his children.

She forced herself to lift her head to glance at the four pups tucked against her when he asked who they were. Her gaze was unfocused and the act of moving made her head spin slightly, but she was determined to respond. "This guy is Taoiseach," she said, leaning to give each pup a quick face cleaning as she introduced them in turn, "This little chick is Fiadh, and this is Mathghamhain," she announced with a bleary smile, completely failing to notice she'd just given her daughter a boy's name and her mate would never know the difference since he didn't know the language. Lol sorry Clover.

She looked at Lucca last and gave him a frown,
"I dunno about this one. I'll have to think... someday," she murmured, her voice fading as she plopped her head back down with a sigh. "Hey, how bout I get you pregnant next time. I think it's your turn," Fin said, her eyes closing.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
Though he listened carefully to the names that Finley recited, and began working to commit them to memory, Elwood's gaze was still fixed on the brood of suckling babes. They were very similar, yet already he could spot minor differences. He watched as Fiadh gracefully dribbled milk all over herself and promptly fell asleep. The unnamed puppy continued eating enthusiastically alongside Taoiseach, and the clover-shaped birthmark on Mathghamhain's flank was unmistakable.

"We could always call him Elwood," he teased, gesturing towards the boy who hadn't yet been christened. The joke made his heart twist as he thought of Eljay; oh, how he wished his son could be here to welcome his siblings into the world. As far as taking on the physical burdens of pregnancy in the future, he replied, "As long as I can eat whatever I want while I'm pregnant -- I'm game." He laughed, then planted an affectionate kiss on Finley's cheek.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
If there were noises—the parents' voices, the puppies' whimpers and cries—coming from inside the den, Towhee knew nothing about it. She wanted so badly to peek her head inside but some instinct told her it would be a bad idea. Instead, she began to mill back and forth, essentially pacing even as she swept the area with her eyes and nose. Nobody had made an approach. It was likely the Alpha pair hadn't announced the birth yet.

But surely Elwood would step outside at some point to howl the good news? And though Towhee doubted they would let her near the newborns just yet, she had so many questions. How many were there? Were they boys or girls? What were their names? How soon could she see them? Did they need anything from her?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Her mate's comment made her laugh gently. Her eyes were closed as she smiled at him. She felt her thoughts attempt to stray towards Eljay, but Fin pulled them wearily back to the present. Eljay was gone. Lucy was gone, and so too was Liffey. She could do nothing for any of them but hope she had taught them enough in her short time with them how to survive. They were beyond her reach, but these four little creatures were right within her grasp, and they needed her more than any of her children.

Then again, she was super tired.

Fin stretched and shifted her weight slightly upon the ground, likely knocking a tit free from one or more little mouths. They'd find their way again, and she she simply curled her spine to make a neat little cove for them. She smiled at the touch of affection Elwood planted upon her cheek and batted a paw at his nose as he moved it away. "Fine, but don't you get fat on me," she quipped back as she took in a deep sigh. "Can has nap?" she murmured a few seconds later, already clearly drifting off.
hey, motherfucker!
770 Posts
Ooc —
to say he was happy to leave the womb was possibly an overstatement, but tegan was really ready for some space from these punching beans. little did he know, that even as he did fly the coop (in hopes of a similar enviorment) tegan found that those punchy siblings of his were following right behind. ugh! why were they so obsessed with him?! 

tegan had no answers-- or true thoughts. but boy did those few moments of freedom feel nice. even though the air was a little colder, tegan had no complaints. his only sign of normal puppy behavior was in the form of a wiggle. he wiggled and wiggled-- free at last!-- until something punched him. it was much nicer though, despite his first instinct, sorta soft and calming. he wiggled a little less under the sensation, until the desire to eat superseded the desire to wiggle... then he did that. eventually, the other punchy beans followed him out, but they were maybe less punchy. as a combined whole, they were all much better at eating. then, after delivering a few punches of his own to get situation, tegan passed the hell out. being this tiny and cute was exhausting.
1,002 Posts
Ooc — Houkie
Master Medic
Even though I'm really, really, really, really late to this party, this is something Raven wouldn't miss so I really wanted to toss a post up in here. This will be my only post here. <3

Raven had known the time was coming for several days now. Poor Aunt Flea looked like a grape about to burst, and the dark healer's heart went out to the Alpha female. She'd been working in overdrive to keep Finley comfortable and to make sure her own medicinal stores were well-stocked with anything Finley might need. As the days counted down, she was always within a few minutes' run of the Blackthorns' den...just in case. The death of her own mother in childbirth haunted Raven as Finley's due date loomed closer and closer, and when the time finally came, there was a little tickle of terror deep in her heart. Please don't die...please be okay... she prayed silently to nobody in particular as Finley labored.

Raven knew better than to try and crowd into the den while Finley was giving birth, so she settled herself in an area of shady saplings nearby. Most who came and went wouldn't even notice the dark medic right away amidst the shadows and forestry, but she had a good view of the den and could hear and smell all that went on. If anything went amiss, she'd be there in an instant. She saw Elwood pacing, and she smiled at Towhee's obvious desire to see the new pups. Anxiety was all Raven knew as the scents and sounds of birth began to permeate the air, but as the moments ticked by and new life after new life entered the world, excitement began to blossom in her heart. After a while, Uncle El was allowed into the den, and from where she lay, she could hear short, muffled conversation. A sigh of relief escaped her then -- no babies cried for an unresponsive mother, no frantic Elwood burst from the den. Finley was going to be all right. Rising from where she lay, she approached the den -- nuzzling Towhee's shoulder on the way -- and said very softly down into its darkened depths, "I'm right here if you guys need anything." She wanted very much to see the babies and to congratulate the parents, but there would be time for that later. Finley needed rest now. Stepping aside, she sat down and looked at Towhee, an almost idiotically gleeful grin on her face.
2,313 Posts
Ooc — Kim
Master Guardian
"You can has nap," Elwood reassured Finley, although it was evident that she planned to fall asleep whether she had his permission or not. His gaze returned to the four babies, examining them one more time just to be sure that everything was as it should be. It seemed that most of them had fallen asleep or were well on their way to slumber. Satisfied, Elwood kissed Finley's cheek, just as Raven's voice drifted quietly down into the depths of the den.

He turned to look up at her and smiled, gathering his feet beneath him as he made to exit the den. Outside, he stretched and then, glancing at Towhee too, he said, "All's well in there. Everyone's napping. Two girls and two boys." With a smile, he turned back to tend to the newest Blackthorns.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
The young guardian turned at a touch to her shoulder. -Hi,- she signed at her sister, eyes tracking the caretaker's movements as she approached the den. Towhee bit her lip, quashing down the mingling apprehension and jealousy as Raven got so close to the babes. But she didn't enter the sanctum, instead retreating several feet and proffering her younger sister a gleeful smile.

Towhee licked her lips and returned it, the tip of her tail beginning to wiggle again. Raven's behavior told her that everything was fine. And then Elwood himself stepped into the open air to announce the news formally. The deaf wolf had never concentrated so hard on another's lips as she did now. Her own mouth curved into an ear-to-ear grin when she realized she had two new brothers and two new sisters.

A queer sensation bubbled in her chest, then shot up her throat. It was a joyful (if somewhat earsplitting) noise, a congratulations to the proud parents and a celebration of the caldera's growing legacy.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)