Firefly Glen We should all wear polka dots.
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Ooc — Kat
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All Welcome 
Towhee returned to the glen with a secret tucked into the crook where her neck met her shoulder, hidden from sight by the longer furs of her ruff. She smiled wanly as she padded toward her usual spot, trying to think of who to call for help.

Perhaps @Alaric might be able to lend a paw, she decided. She pointed her muzzle toward the nearby mountainside and called for the envoy, trying to emphasize that it wasn’t entirely urgent. Towhee then glanced around and moved toward the nearest brook to fetch a drink.

She stood over the water, concerned that she might unwittingly dump her tiny passenger if she bent over too far. Towhee slung her belly to the ground, still moving her head carefully as she dipped her tongue in the cool water. She drank deeply, parched after her long journey back from the lowlands.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wasn't often that Alaric got a call for his own wolf. So when he heard it, he was surprised enough for a minute that he almost tumbled ass over end, down the mountain. But he righted himself. Minus a small cut in his footpaw from where it caught on a sharp rock.

It didn't sound urgent, but he wasn't one to ignore a call. So he trotted down the mountain. After pressing healing herbs and a dressing over his foot. There that was better. Then he was off and on his way.

It was with trepidation and surprise he found the older Towhee. She was laying to drink and he was concerned. Was she sick or something. He moved in front of her, so she could see his face. He really needed to learn Ptero. 

You really need to teach me your paw language so i don't strain your eyes. What's up?
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
He appeared in front of her not long after Towhee finished her drink, halting just on the other side of the stream. Her eyes raised first, then she carefully pushed herself back up into a seated position. Her lips twitched at his comment.

-“Don’t worry, it’s not me who needs help,”- she said in the hopes of smoothing that wrinkle of concern on his forehead. Towhee paused before asking, apropos of nothing, -“You’re not hungry right now, are you?”-

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She didn't seem too bad. He gave a cursory glance to make sure she was alright. She seemed in good health, but his furrow deepened. Maybe it was something he coudn't see. He couldn't think of any other reason she had called. They never really met just for the hell of it. Usually something had happened or well he caused something to happen.

He blinked and then looked all around the ground and around her. He hadn't seen anyone else. Maybe she needed to take him to someone? Though her next question surprised him and he stared at her for a minute with wide green eyes.

Uh. No. No i'm not.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
He confirmed that he wasn’t currently peckish. Some tension in her shoulders released a little, though she minded how she shifted them. Towhee returned Alaric’s puzzled gaze with a searching look of her own before a mischievous smile began to curve her lips.

Okay, good, she said before stepping into the water and swiveling to present her right shoulder to him. Uh, so, I found this little guy on the ground last night and I was hoping you could tell me if there’s anything wrong with him. Nothing looks broken and he’s been hanging onto me just fine but, I mean, he seemed a little out of it when I found him. Maybe he was just dizzy? Or thirsty?

That was enough talking, she decided, nosing at her own shoulder to part her fur and reveal the baby canyon bat attached to her. Ignoring the pain in her neck from holding it at this angle, she peered at the little creature currently hanging upside down by the tiny hind feet latched into her skin. She barely registered the pinch of that, he was so small. Despite his size, he didn’t seem to fear her—or Alaric, now—raising his little head to blink at them.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She looked him over and then looked mischievious. What was this imp about to do to him, a small smirk lit up his face in kind. He wasn't sure what it was, but her mood was catching. But Alaric himself liked mischief sometimes. 

She moved and presented her shoulder to him. He was um unsure what she wanted. He looked it over there was no scratches or scrapes. Then she parted the fur and he was staring into the cutest little shadow puppy he'd ever seen and he couldn't stop the grin. 

Good gods he's adorable. Look at the little bat puppy. He chuckled to himself, green eyes dancing in delight.

He pressed his nose forward for the creature to get a scent of him, could they even smell? he wasn't sure honestly, but well he didn't want to scare the little thing. Great gods it was cute.

He looked him over and gently pressed against different parts of it with his nose. Hoping if it squeaked he would know what was hurt. But he tried to be gentle as possible. He was loads bigger than the thing.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee didn’t catch what Alaric said, though even from this weird angle, she could see the expression on his face. Hers probably looked similar. She still tensed when he moved nearer, though she’d asked him to take a look and he’d said he wasn’t hungry…

I’m pretty sure it’s a boy, she said as Alaric examined the lil’ guy. Thinking of poor X—misgendered for years—she couldn’t help but wonder, Maybe I should give him a name and, like, try to look after him, especially if he’s hurt. Is he…?

But before the envoy could provide any particular prognosis, the tiny bat suddenly exploded into flight, his little wings brushing both wolves’ faces as he fluttered upward. Towhee’s mouth twisted into a sad little moue as her eyes followed his skyward spiral, though he just as soon boomeranged back and somewhat haphazardly landed on the joint where her tail connected to her hindquarters.

Uh, she said articulately, bending in half to sniff at the little creature. I guess nothing’s broken then, Towhee surmised, secretly very pleased that he’d chosen to continue using her as a roost. Dangerous choice of landing pad though, little buddy.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric wasn't gonna eat the sky puppy. He just wanted to get a closer look, but nothing seemed broken or cut. He just was very young he surmised. Probably not quite old enough to completely look after himself. But they couldn't return him now. He frowned. 

Suddenly the bat burst forth and Alaric had to sneeze as it brushed his face and nose. Yea he was pretty young yet. Not fully able to fly long distances that had been his problem then. Alaric smiled and then moved so Towhee could see his face. Though he had to pause a minute because he cracked up at her words to the little thing.

But finally once he got himself under enough control he spoke made sure she could see him. I don't think he's hurt. Just too young to fly far. So yea he'll probably need some watching over for a little while yet. You want to find him a little cave to sleep in? They're nocturnal. I think. Pretty sure.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Alaric’s offer immediately triggered a memory of another bat. She remembered yelling at Kallik not to hurt the “sky puppy.” Hadn’t she joked about naming it Batman? That’d work… she thought presently, watching as the itty bitty bat crawled from the base of her tail toward the small of her back, perhaps making his way back to her shoulder.

I think he already found a little cave, she observed as, indeed, Batman buried himself in the same patch of fur where he’d spent the past few hours.

They eat bugs, she said in the next moment, turning her eyes to Alaric’s face. I saw a whole flock of ‘em chasing bugs in the lowlands last night. Maybe he crashed into one of his friends and that’s why I found him on the ground? Anyway, I think he’ll find plenty to eat here, Towhee mused, eyes darting around Firefly Glen.

She wondered if Alaric might have any other advice for her. She knew he wasn’t a zoologist or something but she’d seen the healer in action a time or two and simply assumed he might know some things. Fennec might have some wisdom to share too, though Towhee wondered if her daughter would think she was some kind of weirdo for keeping a pet bat.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric hadn't spent much time around bats. But he had watched a few when he was a child at night. He frowned in thought. 

Well they have really sensitive hearing and they use noises to find things. SO h eneeds a quiet place.

Alaric smiled at the thing as it moved around. Yea but how are you going to keep it there when it's daylight out? That's not good for it.

Put him in a darker place where there are bugs and small waters. They usually drink like the water from plants and walls i think. They can also eat berries i believe.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee felt a flicker of annoyance as Alaric lectured her about bat husbandry. But then she remembered she’d called him here to ask for his advice. She took a deep breath and paid attention to what he was saying.

I’m not keeping him anywhere, she did point out. He attached to me of his own free will. I mean, he’s more than welcome but I’m not forcing him to do anything, Towhee continued, wondering if the small creature could understand her.

He was so unbelievably tiny, it was easy for him to burrow into her ruff and conceal himself entirely. But Towhee knew Alaric had good points. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to look for a small cave as an option in case Batman wanted somewhere a little more practical to hang out.

I’m sure there’s plenty of good places around here, maybe near the foot of the mountain where there’s a spring, Towhee posited, glancing at the envoy to see if he approved.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric hadn't been trying to lecture her. He was pushing through his thoughts and memories of what he'd learn and word vomiting it to Towhee. He hoped he wasn't coming off as a know it all. That wasn't his intention.

He blinked surprised, and quit talking. Did she not want to know what he had to say? Then why did she call him. Poor word choice i guess.

He nodded. and you're gonna want a meadow nearby for him to have access to all the buggies.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
He advised her to seek out a meadow to provide insects, to which Towhee replied, You don’t think the glen will work just fine for that? I mean, bugs are even in the name, she quipped. Honestly, though, I assume he’ll fly wherever he wants and/or needs? I know he’s teeny and all but the ones down in the lowlands were flying practically across the desert, so I think he’ll be capable of going wherever he likes.

In fact, there was probably nothing that would keep him close, once little Batman sorted himself out properly. The thought made Towhee’s lower lip push out with a small sigh. He didn’t need her quite the same way X had once needed her help, though perhaps there was something she could provide that would compel the wee bat to bond with her.

Do you think he understands us when we talk? she posed to Alaric. And then something else occurred to her and she hisspered, Wait, can he talk? Is he saying anything, Alaric?

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He nodded, he had misunderstood. Sorry i misunderstood you. Yea the glen will work fine.

Suddenly she was excited and a small grin curved his mouth. And he shook his head. No talking, most i heard were a couple of squeaks, but he can probably understand at least a little.

He didn't know how much other species could understand. However, they seemed to know. At the very least he knew that Towhee was safety.
5,275 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Her ears splayed in mild disappointment when Alaric informed her the bat hadn’t spoken. But he did seem optimistic that Batman could understand somewhat. Towhee really hoped that was true. She would love to be able to communicate with the little fellow, even in a rudimentary way.

Well, thanks for the assessment. I guess we’ll see what happens, Towhee remarked, looking around a moment before saying, I’m gonna go look around the foot of the mountain, if you’d like to join me, to Alaric before amending, us.

Want to fade this? :)

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
High Sage*
648 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric twitched an ear. He hadn't meant to disappoint her.

But it was hard to speak with other species. Perhaps there could be am understanding, but not more than limited.

He nodded and motioned for her to lead the way. Maybe she could teach him some of her paw language so he didn't have to constantly strain her eyes.

aure. Last from me<3