Ouroboros Spine Glisterwing
39 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Limit Two 
Next the moongirl sought @Kukutux, her steps light as she followed the freshest trail of her grandmother. Nasamiituuq had learned much in her time away from Moonglow — but this knowledge had only served to strengthen her yearning to learn from her beloved grandmother. The secrets of the Summerwalkers had intrigued her, but they were not her own.

Moonglow's secrets, she thought, could be her own.
3,480 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
atsak's mind worked tirelessly.

peltwork soothed her thoughts, streamlined them. nantahala had gone to moontide, and while the duck had not sent her granddaughter to do this, encouraged all the same it had been.

nantahala's presence upon the plateau would remind chakliux of the obligation which kukutux had placed at his hearth.

for akmaaksi too she had spoken, and now as the sweet-soft voice of nasamiituuq called, a smile crossed alabastrine features.

her granddaughter might well choose to resettle in moonglow with the seal hunter boy, kukutux mused, already deciding that it would be done. or perhaps she was destined to claim land as had her mother and her mother's sisters.

nasamiituuq was the only one remaining. salaksartok had gone off, and ipiktok meant to pursue a man's vision. 

and now the duck's consideration drifted toward the man who had given such skilled hunting wisdom. "it is good to see your face," she greeted. "come and sit with me." now why had she come, the green eyes asked in knowing.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
39 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Grandmother, Nasamiituuq's smile was always warm for the woman she idolized. She embraced her briefly, then sat to speak. While I was away, I met a people called the Summerwalkers. Their shaman took me as her student, and I learned many things from her. But a dream called me home, and I -

I would like to learn more. Will you teach me? Her gilded eyes were bright and hopeful as she finished.
3,480 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
pleasantness touched the face of the duck. "yes. i will teach these things to you, nasamiituuq. ask your question to my ears."

this time, she held her tongue; kukutux wished to know if this granddaughter too envisioned a family when the sun returned.

but there was time to choose this; now her green eyes only waited.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]