Ouroboros Spine Black willow
3,277 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
her throat closed with hurt; kukutux tried not to stare at panuk, not wishing the boy to feel as if he had done any wrong. the shining water girl and the pathmaking man glittered in water and spoke of spirits.

what else could this be?

but more was the shock of hearing almost the sound of ariadne's spirit name in the mouth of a child who had not been born when it was given.

had the wind offered this to tautukpik?

"soon we will need to leave moonglow, panuk and i."

there was still time for all of this to be a falsehood, for callyope to discover ariadne and — but the duck had been molded by belief in the spirits, guided always by them.

her tears forced against the gaze that remained stalwart, but shock had started to steal the echoes of her soul. 

please, sedna. please. please. have you not had your fill of sunshine spirits already? please, sedna, no.

"first, come and rest, panuk. ah, tautukpik. we must continue and listen for her. you must tell me if more names come to you." her voice trailed. "if i leave with panuk, will you follow me? even if i ask you to stay?" her voice was gentle; she did not want another lost child, but neither did she feel he should be brought to the forest. 

he knows the name of her spirit. he hears things he would not if she were alive.
Messages In This Thread
Black willow - by Panuk - June 19, 2024, 05:12 PM
RE: Black willow - by Kukutux - June 19, 2024, 05:15 PM
RE: Black willow - by Tautukpik - June 19, 2024, 05:15 PM
RE: Black willow - by Panuk - June 19, 2024, 05:20 PM
RE: Black willow - by Kukutux - June 19, 2024, 05:33 PM
RE: Black willow - by Tautukpik - June 19, 2024, 05:38 PM
RE: Black willow - by Panuk - June 19, 2024, 05:57 PM
RE: Black willow - by Kukutux - June 19, 2024, 06:07 PM
RE: Black willow - by Tautukpik - June 19, 2024, 06:19 PM
RE: Black willow - by Panuk - June 19, 2024, 06:28 PM
RE: Black willow - by Kukutux - June 19, 2024, 06:42 PM
RE: Black willow - by Tautukpik - June 19, 2024, 06:56 PM
RE: Black willow - by Panuk - June 24, 2024, 11:55 AM