Ouroboros Spine neuling
mercenary (0/5)
10 Posts
Ooc —

It is not far from where she hunted that she finds others. The tell tale signs of a pack, scents along protected borders. It seemed promising to the woman who had nothing. Being away from home was supposed to be an adventure, full of new findings and experiences she could not have in Deep Grove. Yet she yearned to settle back into some sense of normalcy.

She kept a respectful distance from the territory, mindful of the markers that made up the border of claimed land. Then tilted her head back. A strong call meant to summon those who ruled.
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
*steals you and your BEAUTIFUL avatar art :)*

Patrolling the borders, to Adrastus, also meant patrolling beyond the borders so that he could keep track of the herds that moved near their range, as well as scout out wolves who might be lurking a respectful distance from their claim. Some came directly to them and called out, but he was well aware that others used the same tactic as he had- to come to the vicinity, but remain a small distance away so that they could be greeted when a guardian came around. 

While he was not a leader within the pack, Adrastus still considered it to be within his perogative to guard the borders and greet strangers, so when he heard the wolf's call, he made his way toward the borders, noticing that she had chosen to give them some space. She was a handsome creature to say the least- with a healthy, muscular frame and a thick, earth-toned pelt. Light freckling highlighted her cheekbones, which accented the deep, stormy ocean blue of her gaze. She looked to be taller than him- but this was no surprise for the male whose height was nothing notable. He had to wonder, of course, if perhaps she was another survivor of the landslide, having finally found her way home. 

So he greeted her with a nod of his head. "I greet you," He said calmly. "You have come to Moonglow, led by Kukutux and Sialuk. I am Adrastus; if there something I can help you with?" He asked.
mercenary (0/5)
10 Posts
Ooc —
She did not wait long. A pale mountain man hailed her with the common tongue. He was a robust man. Shorter than herself (although she was used to being a large woman) but still thick built. Rugged despite the fact that no scars marred him.

Handsome, even if she did not feel deeply inclined towards men.

Yet he revealed plenty when he spoke. He did not lead here. Moonglow was led by a...Kukutux and Sialuk. He was Adrastus. A name that indeed not match either leader stated.

Servus, She started with in her accented tongue, head nodded with respect for him. Vish to join. She informed him with a faint smile. Tried to remember the things she had been taught. To be kind and respectful upon the doorstep of others.

Can you help vith zis?
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
A greeting was offered in response, a word which sounded to him, vaguely, like the word service. Her accent made it hard for him to tell if that was what she did indeed mean to say, but when she spoke again he realized that perhaps this was a greeting in another language. Her accent reminded him somewhat of a language he had heard spoken before, though he wasn't entirely familiar with an accent which turned the w sound into a v. Nevertheless, he was intrigued and charmed. She was polite, and clever enough to know that with his introduction, he had admitted that he wasn't a leader, albeit in a subtle way. 

"I might," He admitted softly. "I am not a leader, but I am trusted, and I am sure one of the leaders will be on their way shortly. I'd like to know a bit more about you, in the meantime," He said, with a gentle nod. "What is your name, and where are you from?"
mercenary (0/5)
10 Posts
Ooc —
He spoke more with loose promises. A leader would be here soon, surely. Truthfully this was not unusual in her mind. A guardian in place of a leader. They knew not who she was, she could not be simply thrusted upon a leader without risk of safety and security.

Shilloh from Deep Grofe. A fond look in her eyes as she said such. She was proud of her identity and home. She had not tarnished her reputation in her youth just yet.

I ahm a varrior. She tacked on, a good bit of information for them to know about her. What she had to offer with her presence.
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Willingly, the fawn bear of a wolf supplied him with her name, and the name of the place- or pack- she had come from. He noticed, of course, what he thought was either pride or affection for the place she spoke of, which was reassuring. To hear a wolf come from another land and speak only with spite meant that they likely came from a bad situation- and could potentially be a liar or trouble. But Shilloh, instead, seemed to regard her birthplace with a fair amount of dignity and fondness. He might speak the same, of the lands he had come from- and knew better than to assume that all those who wandered from a cherished homeland did so because something bad had happened. He had travelled as he had wanderlust- he suspected the same might be true of the female who identified herself as a warrior. 

He had to wonder, though, what Kukutux might think of a woman who wanted to be a warrior. Within the pack, there were two established circles- the men who were the hunters and guardians, and the women who were the keepers of lore and stories, those who practiced the arts, and who kept peace within the pack. He had not been told yet what his leaders might think of a wolf who came to the pack, who might fit into a different circle. Adrastus, though, was not one to deny a wolf from their destiny, and still believed that males and females could choose the roles which suited them best. In this situation, though- it seemed as though her desires and skills might conflict with what he knew to be the typical way of things in Moonglow. He was still learning of course- and would have to defer to his superiors. 

"I see." Yes, it was quite obvious that she would make a warrior; she had the size and muscles for it. He had no qualms with her becoming a guardian of the pack, so long as Kukutux and Sialuk were also comfortable with Shilloh existing within a trade more commonly pursued by the men. "What draw you to our home? Have you heard of Moonglow before?" He asked.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
skip unless spoken to! <3

kukutux felt that within another span of days her injury would be healed. a firm call thrummed in the air above moonglow, and without thinking the duck moved to attend it. she was surprised, pleased, to find that the press of paw against earth did not elicit a twinge this time. relief and caution warred in her heart, but she found one of the many pathways worn by her wolves and followed it with ginger steps until she came upon sivullik greeting a tall, powerfully built woman.

she was hued in the colors that made a young deer — the moon drew alongside adrastus and gave a gentle look to the newcomer, silent in deference to the questioning of firsthunter.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
mercenary (0/5)
10 Posts
Ooc —
sorry bout the delay!

He was kind, albeit simple. Although not in the way that meant dull. No, he was just to the point and did not seem to dally. Something she could appreciate deeply. No, She answered with a gentle shake of her head. I hunted in near lands. Did not vish to be alone long, not for me. An honest answer.

She had noted the arrival of another. A woman who seemed kind, draped with fur not of her own. It deeply intrigued her. Charmed her, even. She wished to know more but she did not speak to her. Not yet.
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Her answer was simple enough. And he wouldn't expect that every visitor would have reason to come to them, rather than going to another pack. It did not seem as though it mattered to her, greatly, where she ended up, and that she was willing to put some faith into whichever pack she wandered to first. He wasn't sure how to feel about that; what if she had come to a pack full of wolves whose beliefs did not align with her own? It was quite potentially the case with Moonglow. She came to them, as a warrior, and he- as someone still learning the ways of the pack himself- was not sure how Kukutux would feel about someone who did not seem to fit into the circle that existed for the women of the pack, who were not expected to be warriors. 

This, he decided, was likely more for her to decide than him. She was the authority on the matter- and the authority within the pack as well. 

"This is Kukutux; she is our alpha," He said. He'd mentioned her name earlier, but she had arrived a moment or two after she'd been mentioned. "This is Shilloh, a warrior, from a place called Deep Grofe," He said, doing his best to pronounce the name of the place as Shilloh had- not realized that she likely meant grove. "This is a peaceful place...But I think Kukutux might be able to tell you a bit more about the roles within the pack," He said. He was content to have a woman guard the borders, and act as a warrior- but he was not sure if that was the way within Moonglow.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
with the icehunter strong beside her, kukutux felt her spirit strengthen with his regard. deep grofe. "it is good to know your face, shilloh," the moon murmured softly, gathering her thoughts. "in moonglow, there are two circles, those of women, and those of men. this means that you and i and the other women share words that are not for the ears of men, and sivullik," here she indicated adrastus with a warm expression, "is leader of the men's circle."

"all of us may hunt," kukutux went on, despite the fact that this bent precedent somewhat. she did not mind, for it was the health of moonglow she prized most. "but when i speak the word 'hunter,' i mean that this word is for a man." she smiled softly. "i know that our ways have difference, but we have grown close in the small paths of our world. it will be a good thing if you choose to walk with us in this land."

her voice stilled, and moonwoman watched shilloh, waiting for a response or for questions.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
mercenary (0/5)
10 Posts
Ooc —
She listened intently, intrigued by it all. A circle of men and a circle of women. She wondered how they coexisted but it seemed that they...almost didn't. Not truly.

Yet here it seemed some rule was perhaps bent for Shilloh. That they all may hunt, even if it was a man's job, and that she would be welcomed to walk the path with them.

And I, voman, vould be allowed to be zee varrior I am here? Even if zuch is path for man?
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
sneaking this in to answer!

kukutux nodded gently. "yes. maybe we hunt together," and here she indicated the jagged t-mark, high upon her shoulder. "boar." a grin. she had heard them grunting and snuffling in the high reaches of forest overlooking their valley, and while one was dangerous alone, they had such numbers to take one for themselves.

the memory of fatted meat would have made her tongue water, had she not glanced again to sivullik, deferential now that she had answered the question of moonglow's practice.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]