Ouroboros Spine nâmmasik ⌭
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
future dated for the 12th :o

when she had truly, truly come home, body soft from the way that aiolos had adored her unending, mouth a sated blush of rose and pelt carrying the seawolf's scent, kukutux called for @Keyni

she wanted to see how the fawn-woman fared in moonglow, and the duck went down to the lake to bathe as she waited, reluctantly lifting the redsun from skin and from fur while her figure remembered his embrace and the brazen touch of the sun, her mind turning over and over and words they had spoken in their entwined state away from the rest of yuelong.
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367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Hearing the summoning voice of Kukutux, Keyni was quick to abandon what she was doing to answer the call. She had adjusted easily, but there were still a handful of wolves she wanted to get to know on a more personal level. There was also the matter of considering what trade she should pursue, here in Moonglow. Herbalism and medicine were not exactly her field, and the pack had two of those anyways. Hunters were also not in short supply.

She didn't let it bother her long, making her way down to the lakeside. It seemed to be a favorite spot of many of the wolves, herself included. There, she found the duck bathing peacefully. Smiling slightly, she let out a soft chuff to earn her attention. "Afternoon, Kukutux." She greeted, padding upon soft paws up to the waters edge.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"it is good to see your face, keyni," moonwoman said gently. the vestiges of aiolos remained now only in the slight glow that auraed her pale head. she emerged from the waters with streaming pelt, stepped lightly away from the woman, and shook them out.

"what have you seen in moonglow?" she invited. it was not the glen, and the fireflies had moved away from one another. but their packland remained, and now she regarded keyni with a soft inclination toward sisterhood. reclining upon the bank, she invited fawn-woman to sit with her, jadestone eyes alight and waiting.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Keeping some details vague as the relevant threads are still in progress. <3

The feeling of a growing sisterly bond radiating from Kukutux was mutual. Keyni felt a pull towards her. One that was natural, buzzing with an unsaid understanding. Even as she pulled closer, there was no trace of tension in her body. No sense of having to mind her movements. Just a sense of peaceful acceptance. "Likewise. I am glad to see you are well." Only after the duck had shook her furs out, did Keyni move in to slide and bump her flank along that of white in a show of comradery.

Pulling aside then, to sit facing Kukutux conversationally, the Tundra cross considered her question. Her silence was brief but significant, always one to put careful thought into her words. Or at least she tried to. Keyni was still relatively young, and there had been times when she had not been spot on. "Many things." She began. "Budding friendships. Adrastus and I got along quite nicely while stalking and taking count of the resident deer herd." She recalled fondly. "I also had a very rich conversation with the one who bears midnight on his pelt." She referred to Dragomir. "But most of all, I am finding opportunity." She smiled.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic


she considered the brief promise of merrit, then of dragomir. but men who were not content did not stay long in one place. kukutux had no offense that they had gone, and it seemed keyni did not either. the woman glowed with a lush delight, one that the duck, for a moment, missed within herself.

adrastus. she smiled. "he is firsthunter. and you see why," came the bawdy jest; firsthunter; first in many things. perhaps keyn wanted him, but sivullik had eyes upon the cloudberry woman. and the second; for a moment kukutux thought she must mean raimo. but surely she did not. a pang swept through her spirit. 

she would continue searching for a husband to match the woman beside her now. "opportunity," musing aloud this time.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"Yes. His skill at hunting and tracking is exceptional. The man is deserving of the title." She praised with admiration in her voice. It was not to be mistaken for affection. Keyni did not have eyes for Adrastus. She viewed him as more of a good friend type, who shared a common interest with her. 

Fate had passed by in lining her path up with Merrit, and then Dragomir, who's whereabouts she did not know of. It wasn't something she lingered on or got hung up about. It could be that the time just was not right for her yet. And equally so for the man destined to be in her life, whoever that would be. She clarified, adding more light to her previous phrasing. "I have begun to consider what role I may take, here in Moonglow. I have always enjoyed the study of those with who we share the land. I've read in between the lines and have found there is a fine line between acting as a great hunter and knowing your subjects." She offered, quite interested to see what Kukutux might say in return.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux agreed. moonglow, too, had become far more peaceful in the time that adrastus had been sivullik. she was pleased to know that he had gotten respect from those around him. keyni's voice was soft, tending toward gentle, but with the same determination that had led her to the fireflies, stepping over their threshold from antares.

she still thought of him, her sister's dark and troubled son.

smile tugging at the edge of her lips. "one takes a humble spirit. one does not." she knew of the swaggering to which keyni alluded, and it was good that this was not long practiced in their village. a flick of snow-bound ears. "what role has come to your mind, keyni?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
It always amazed her how in sync she and Kukutux seemed to be, in their flow of thinking. She dared to wonder how deep it went. Possibly to the level where speech was not needed? If it wasn't at such a point already, it would be nice to one day reach it. Though, she and the Moon woman did have differences, she remained open.

Catching on to her unspoken suggestion, Kukutux got right to the point and asked her what role she would consider. With hardly any hesitation on her part, Keyni gave her answer. Seemingly certain on what would be right for her and make her happy. "A naturalist seems the best fit. I want to continue my understanding of all the elements of the environment. Not just the prey." Her eyes twinkled. "A skilled naturalist would be invaluable to an equally skilled sivullik."  Her ears cupped forward. "I also believe I could offer my assistance as a counselor as well." Keyni certainly had the temperament and right perspectives for such a role.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
a counselor. kukutux did not believe she had heard the word before; if she had, it did not come to memory. "what is this word that you have said? counsel —" voice trailing away as she felt it sit in the curve of her throat rather than at its back. the word, unfamiliar, had an odd roundness.

she chose to swallow it; perhaps keyni would oblige her with another repetition. "to know the way of the earth and the night, it is always something that is treasured to my spirit." she herself had been reared as such, as all wolves were, though her own people personified each element with a tangible sound. 

a thousand words for ice, for snow, for the drifting cold rain, stories to bind them to the everyday and the mundane. she could not consider another way. "these are good places in moonglow to be filled." appreciation, approval, dancing in the greenstone expression.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Keyni backpedaled at Kukutux's visible confusion relating to her terminology. She had to remind herself that the pale woman came from a different background, a different culture than she. "Oh. Allow me to simplify. It is another term for an advisor. However, I would never ask for such a role unless you, Sialuk and sivullik deemed me fit." She assured her humbly, hoping that Kukutux understood that it was for Moonglow to decide on such a choice. Not Keyni herself.

She was happy that the duck's spirit was enlightened by the knowledge of what the tundrian pursued in understanding every aspect of nature. "I am glad you feel that way. I have always found myself naturally drawn to such studies. Like there is always more to understand, even when you think you might have seen it all." She dipped her head down, coming close to gently nudge the underside of her white chin. "For Moonglow I will strive to earn this place I seek."
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux smiled. she could ask for no greater thing than this, no more offering on keyni's behalf. she had left the glen-wolves to come to this place. moonwoman counted her the number of their sisters upon the mountain. "i think that this ... coun-sel-lor — that it will be welcome. do not forget you are part of the woman's circle now."

she must have a gathering for them alone, and soon. 

"one who has this role, what do they ask? what do they say?" what must keyni do to establish herself as such? kukutux was curious to hear what sort of language the fawn-wolf might use for herself.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
With Kukutux's approval to pursue the roles she desired, all that was left to do was prove herself proficient. A challenge that Keyni would happily rise to. The duck seemed especially interested in the intricacies of the role of advisor and what was entailed.

All too willing to explain in depth, Keyni memorized the fundamentals of what she knew. "In such a role, one offers advice. Suggestions. Opinions various topics and what action should be taken, if any is required. They can try guide oneself or assist others in resolving conflicts, forming alliances or diffusing tension with multiple parties involved. But it extends more than serving as a...kind of diplomat. An advisor must also be able to work with others on a personal, individual basis. Coach them in developing coping mechanisms. Easing their anxiety. Or often their task is just as simple as serving as a pair ears to listen, or a companion for support." If her memory served her well, she might recall the time when the tundrian called Antares to join her at the borders. Of how she took charge and acknowledged his turmoil.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux listened to keyni's detailed explanation. not every word was known to her, but the duck was able to parse the deeper meaning: the fawn-wolf intended that she would have a role in handling disputes between moonglow and other villages, or perhaps arranging meetings between each.

"i do not know i have a word for this," she said shyly, though she was pleased to learn so many new ones from keyni. "we have many allies."

she paused.

"do you believe that the knowing of them, that i will tell you — will my words help you to reach this want that you have?" how might she best guide keyni, if at all?
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She chuckled softly, sweetly. "It is fine. There are many words you use that are quite unfamiliar to me as well." She would love to gain insight on Kukutux's native language one day. One could never know too much, and Keyni's mind was always open.
With a nod, she encouraged the white woman. "I believe it would. Tell me their names. Where I might find them. I think the more I know, the better." She waited, listening attentively.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"there is the duskfire glacier, led by wintersbane. many days east, into the long and cold lands."

"south, the caldera. and further than this, brecheliant." though she did not recall meeting a wolf of that pack, and supposed this must be rendered. for she did not know their names.

"and yuelong, to the sea. an island, led by aiolos and empress hua."
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