Northstar Vale Appangik
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
We can do another round of replies in the first thread and then wrap it, but I wanted to have this under way. This should be set about 1 week after the initial thread where Issor asks the Duskfire youth to travel with him! ^^ I will make a few of these over the next week to show their scouting and then we will have them all return to Duskfire and prepare for the move. 

It is not required to respond to any of these threads if you do not want to, but it could give them a chance to work on trades or bond!

@Ensio @Veteran @Wayfarer @Heda

It was late in the evening, but they had traveled across a great deal of ground and had climbed over the mountains, finding a path that wound down into a vale where they could rest for the night. Issorartuyok was weary from their pace, but he was pleased to see that the young ones were sharp with their senses and swift on their paws.

The sun had fallen in the sky long before they found a peaceful place to bed down. Snow surrounded them with a chilly nip. Issorartuyok had discovered old dens that may have belonged to a village from long before. It would do them well to have a sound place to sleep, to regain strength.

The northerner gazed out across the land with a small sigh.
Den Mother*
1,274 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
feel free to title her whenever <3

after her time with @Druid, heda rejoined the scouting party.
this time she was not so approachable. she did not hang with veteran or look at ensio. the girl tucked her grief inside her ribcage and lay down in the snow. 
eventually, however, she drifted closer to issorartuyok, standing at his side. "i'm ready to join you."
she sniffed once and then began to look around for a den, not yet straying from the northern man just yet.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
cameo for now! tags for ref

the soldiers of mereo moved.

leaving arsenio as guard, germanicus led @Kallik, @Glaukos, and @Diesel along the ridgeline. their own camping had been pulled up as the strange wolves filtered into the vale. 

not saints. half-grown children and a man. germanicus did not announce mereo yet. he motioned that the soldiers should take up their place in hiding until he signalled.
190 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Veteran is off on his own, exploring. Everyone carry on, I'm just going to tap out some ecologist posts while we're here. xD

Veteran was in good spirits, all things considered. Although he was excited to be on the road with his siblings, friends, and mentor, it did not thrill him that a "successful" end to this mission would result in the permanent relocation of their pack. What would they even call themselves, after they moved? They couldn't carry on being "Duskfire Glacier" when there was no glacier in sight. That would be confusing. 

The other kids seemed tired after their long hike through the mountains, and so Veteran left them behind at camp as he trekked off alone to explore the Vale. He stopped at a small, frozen pond nestled into the base of a looming mountain. Had he visited this area during any other season, he would have found the spring humming with insect and amphibian life this time of the evening. As it was though, the Lotus Spring was quiet and still. 

Veteran's nose hovered over the frozen surface of the shallows. There were little black spots-- about the size and shape of his toe-pads-- just below the thin layer of ice. The spots were moving. Veteran stared intently, his curiosity deepening with every passing moment.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
He kept up dutifully with the scouting party. Issorartuyok led the way, while he, Veteran, Wayfarer and Heda followed. He was thrilled that the fire crested girl had chosen to join them, permanently, as one of their own. Keenly, he was aware of her mood, which wasn't quite so open. Respectably, he gave her her space, but his eye never strayed far from her for long.

That was, until something more pressing, that which demanded not to be ignored, made itself known. His young legs were tired from the many miles they had crossed over and through the mountains. His stomach was still at ease, in thanks to one of the rabbits he had caught before their departure, which he wisely brought along for them all.

It came in the form of strange scents. Of distantly moving wolven shapes on the ridgeline. Sharp eyed, he watched them slip away, discreetly out of sight. He grumbled, guard hairs raising. On edge, he made a beeline back to Issorartuyok. Heda was with him. He glanced at her, before speaking to him, lowly. "We aren't alone. There are others. Towards the ridge..."
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The northern man could feel eyes upon them, could scent the traces of a foreign smell upon the air. He was assured that they had not settled in pack territory. None of the dens had been lived in for ages. Nothing seemed to have been touched in quite some time. If there was a village there, Issorartuyok would have scoffed.

Heda approached him, pledging herself. The thoughts of who might checking on them slipped to the back of his mind. He regarded her warmly, welcoming her with a swinging motion of his head. Issorartuyok wondered how she felt after making such a large decision.

Ensio approached, speaking of watchers. Issorartuyok caught his eye and nodded firmly. The northerner glanced worriedly to Heda and found himself stiffening. If the young ones had already found the individual who had seen them, he needed to be sure that they were all accounted for. Something in his chest spiked as he realized he did not have a visual on Veteran. The boy had gone scouting…

I ask you to please remain close and let us see if we can greet the watchers, he instructed Heda and Ensio. They would be fine to go with him – safer that than leaving them behind.

Issorartuyok drew his head back and howled. His voice filled the air, calling to anyone who might have been near enough to hear it.
Den Mother*
1,274 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
heda kept close to issorartuyok, but she had heard ensio. she peered into the night, upward toward the high stone paths. they had only just gotten here? instinct told her that they should go to find veteran, but it also grounded heda at the flank of her new alpha.
he bravely called to the watchers, and she hoped veteran would hear it too. she drew herself up to her small height and stared at the darkness, waiting for the unknown to reveal itself.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
germanicus listened.

the man was in his prime and observant.

the imperator descended the slopes. mereo could keep back until he gestured them forward.

he slowed and stepped where he could be seen, keeping back a respectful distance. "hail," he murmured, taking in the sight of the man flanked by the two young wolves. 

"i am germanicus, imperator of mereo. i am only interested to know your purpose here." his attention was on the man. "cruel wolves have moved through these mountains too recently for me to chance it again."
190 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Veteran was still off in his own little world, observing the wiggling black dots beneath the ice of the Lotus Spring. 

He placed a paw on the ice and pressed down firmly, increasing pressure until it cracked. The dots moved faster, becoming more frantic.

Carefully, Veteran peeled away the thin layer of ice to expose the dots. He could now see that they were some kind of bulbous minnow-- little round beings with eyes and tails. There was one that was a good bit larger than the others, and Veteran could see it had grown legs. What use could legs possibly be to a fish? This interested the boy greatly. 

Issorartuyok called out, cutting short Veteran's investigation. 

The boy used his tongue to gently sweep the tiny, legged fish into his mouth. He then made his way towards Issorartuyok, intent on showing him this discovery. 

Veteran rejoined the group as the Imperator of Mereo introduced himself. He spoke of cruel wolves in these parts. Bad guys. Veteran hung on his every word, wondering if Germanicus was like the heroes in the stories he was told as a pup, dedicated to vanquishing evil wherever it manifested. Veteran was so excited he nearly swallowed the new friend he concealed within his closed mouth.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Even with Issorartuyok, Veteran and Heda nearby, Ensio couldn't help but feel cautious. They were away from the Glacier, in uncharted territory. His instincts were right, not to instantly trust any wolves he didn't know. To his relief, Veteran returned, joining them. He noticed his half brother's mouth was distinctly wet, but had no idea of the friend carried inside.

Still feeling quite protective (particularly over Heda), he stepped forward alongside Issorartuyok. His posture was non-threatening, only curious, while he appraised the dark male who emerged to greet them. And it was with a warning. Cautioning of a group of hostile wolves, recently in the area. He blinked, tail sweeping at his heels. Well, at least the man, named Germanicus, did not appear to be a threat. Confident that the Northerner could handle the explaining, he remained silent.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Greetings, Imperator of Mereo.

The northerner regarded the man carefully. He was alone with the children of the glacier. It did not bode well to hear that there were wolves with ill intent in the area. To know that bad spirits were so close had made him feel at risk.

I am called Issorartuyok. I am Alpha at Duskfire Glacier, he motioned with a sweep of his muzzle toward the distant glacial territory – far out of sight, but he knew it to be to the east. There is a sickness in our herds and we must move. I travel with aspiring protectors and scouts to find our new home. We are only passing through these lands. There was no reason for tension or hostility, he wished to say. He only wanted to make sure the children were kept safe and that they moved through the mountain range unharmed.
91 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Wayfarer, too, had strayed from the group. It was nothing unusual, for as soon as it became clear that they were to venture beyond boundaries she hadn't been brave enough to cross before, the girl felt as though life had been breathed back into her soul. She carried on ahead with confidence bolstered by the proximity of comrades, sniffing and testing everything new to her nose.

Only when Issorartuyok's warning call rose did the youth turn back, cautious, to regroup. As the Alpha and her siblings appeared in her line of sight, Wayfarer was quick to fix her attention to the one figure among them she did not recognise.

She skirted the group with a low tail, and moved to fit herself alongside Veteran where they could listen quietly to the adults' exchange.

"After all we've been through, everything I've done,
it can't all be for nothing."

an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
issorartuyok of duskfire glacier. he spoke of sickness and passing through the range. germanicus appreciated his honesty and the straightforward way in which he spoke. 

it was a quite a comparison in response to how the woman of the vale had acted. germanicus did not believe this man had anything to hide. 

"south of here is a redsand canyon. it is where mereo resides. if you find yourself a home in these mountains, i would be happy to receive you as allies, issorartuyok of the glacier."

he looked at each of the young wolves in turn, yellow eyes flicking over their faces before he glanced back to their leader. "take care if you move east. i found the stale marks of a mountain lion."
190 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Veteran made a mental note of the details Germanicus shared. The imperator then mentioned that he would like to have the Glacier as an ally. Veteran looked to Issorartuyok. They already had allies, but since they were moving, did hat mean they needed new ones now? Different ones?

The Mereo wolf looked at each of them in turn, and Veteran felt his stomach clench when the golden gaze landed on him. A bile rise in back of his throat, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. He coughed, spitting the tadpole out into the snow along with a mouthful of slime. It wiggled pathetically, its legs kicking feebly and uselessly. Veteran tilted his head, watching it intently. Why would it have legs if it couldn't walk with them..? 

Mountain lion??

Veteran's attention snapped back to Germanicus.
206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Depending on where they settled, the man known as Imperator of Mereo, or Germanicus, was willing to forge an alliance with them. His brows shot up in interest. They already had allies in Moonglow and Rivenwood, but more could never be a bad thing. It wasn't his call to make, though he hoped their two packs may stay in touch, regardless of where their new home would be.

He warned them of old traces of a Mountain Lion in the east. Ensio had never encountered one before, not around the Glacier. He looked thoughtful, tucking the information away to keep for later. Veteran spat something up, covered in saliva and film, from his mouth. He craned his neck over, peering at the tiny, wriggling tadpole curiously, but didn't try and touch it.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man had claimed a territory in a canyon, south of where they stood. Issorartuyok lifted his gaze to the southern mountains and nodded softly. Germanicus spoke of an alliance that was offered, if their intention was to settle somewhere in the mountain range. The northerner might have considered this acceptable, but he did not feel that they had traveled far enough to escape the illness in the herds.

We may settle in these mountains, though I am not certain. If we do, I will howl to you to announce our arrival.

Then, a warning to them – if they sought to travel to the east, there was a good chance that they would be met with some hostility. Issorartuyok glanced toward Veteran and then to Heda. They had already passed through the most threatening parts, he believed.

Our intention is to travel to the west. Perhaps, beyond the mountain range there, he said and gestured with a nod of his nose toward the western peaks. Perhaps you will stay and share stories of your people for a short time. It would be good to hear from a man of these lands. The invitation could be accepted or denied, but Issorartuyok thought it best to show kindness to the grey-muzzled man.
Den Mother*
1,274 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
the situation was tense and then it was not. heda looked to her leader and then to ensio. finally her eyes alit on veteran, of whom she was quite fond. 
the man called germanicus was interesting. he spoke of canyons. he spoke of mountain lions. he spoke of alliance. but her attention more and more was diverted by the son of lane, who eventually spat something fishlike and slimy into the snow.
heda clapped a paw over her mouth and spun away, catching wayfarer's eye as she tried very hard not to laugh during this important time.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the imperator nodded. he appreciated the directness of the northwolf. he did not expect the invitation which followed. the man looked at the young wolves crowded around their taller leader. "i do not have so many stories to tell," he said with a vaguely apologetic tone. "we are soldiers in mereo. we drill. we spar. we travel the canyon walls and run hard to grow strong."

the man paused. "not long ago in these mountains there was meant to be a war. many of us rushed down, ready for bloodshed. but we found only cowards. we took spoils of battle. we took their herbs, their objects, the skins they had left. those things are in akashingo, in the flatlands. mereo was one of them, the canyon liberated from its evil."
190 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Out of the corner of his eye, Veteran caught Heda ducking away, suppressing a snicker. A smirk flashed across his face; he was very much a young boy and therefore his proudest moments were those in which he was able to make his age-mates laugh. 

The adults moved on, oblivious of (or more likely, ignoring) the antics of the children. Veteran found himself engrossed in the story that Germancus told. His eyes widened as the man described the swift, decisive victory in which his valiant forces crushed the camp of evil cowards. This was exactly what Veteran pictured for his own future as a soldier. He had never met a real, live war hero before, and he was mesmerized.

By the time Veteran snapped out of it and remembered to check on the tadpole, it had gone still. Huh. Guess it didn't like the snow. Veteran swept a pawful of snow over the little creature, providing it an honorable burial.
389 Posts
Ooc — Teo
You can all write out a closing post. I’ll keep this up for a week and then archive it. Thanks for being so amazing. <3

Ah, you are a defender. This is honorable and difficult work.

Issorartuyok dipped his head to the silver-muzzled man. He did not miss the way that young Veteran had been captivated by the soldier’s words. The northerner was sure to put it in his mind that Lane’s son would likely benefit from some practice with sparring and more frequent border patrols. When they had found their new territory, or an idea of where they might settle, Issorartuyok would speak with the young man about such matters.

It has been good speaking to you, Imperator of Mereo. We should be pressing on. We have much ground to cover, and our people are waiting on us. I will not forget you. If we are to settle in these mountains, you will hear my call.

Issorartuyok looked to the young ones in his group and motioned for them. They could bid Germanicus farewell, if they pleased. He would not mind. Meeting the leaders of the villages in the area would allow for them to socialize with different cultures and to know different strengths. The northerner believed he would like to visit the Imperator, when he did not have quite so much to worry about.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the imperator dipped his head in a sharp nod. "farewell, leader and young ones of duskfire." his eyes lingered on the boy who had borne the tadpole to their meeting. germanicus had not missed the antics and been bemused deep within himself at them.

"travel safely."

the eagle turned upon his heel and moved away. he signalled the watching auxillia with a wave of his tail once the darkness swallowed them.

mereo would visit the vale again.
Den Mother*
1,274 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
her eyes were wide. she did not know this world. her amusement had died in the wake of the imperator's story. but it was not fear that heda felt; it was admiration. she recalled now how she had felt during her spar with kigipigak. how she had felt when the man had bullied her.
the caribou hunt. the blood beneath her teeth.
feral. wild.
was being a soldier like that? it did not seem free.
heda called goodbye when the mereo wolf had turned away and leapt immediately to veteran's side. "what was that?" she chortled, ready to investigate until issorartuyok took them all away.