Ouroboros Spine And do you ever feel things here aren't right?
21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Whenever you have time! <3
Nasamiituuq had passed the morning in high spirits, flitting busily back and forth, singing working songs softly to herself. This was often how she spent her time since her return to Moonglow. Always busy, always wreathed in the scent of herbs. Her paws and legs were often speckled with green stains.

But as afternoon crept in, her mood fell. She had turned quiet and thoughtful, distracted when @Kukutux spoke to her. It wasn't until evening that she approached her grandmother.

Anaanatsiaq, Nasamiituuq spoke as softly as ever, ducking her head a bit shyly. She had grown quite comfortable with her grandmother while they traveled, more so than any other wolf, but even so she was still a bit in awe of her. She waited patiently for Kukutux's attention before she spoke what was on her mind.
3,285 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic

"kavvipamiuk," kukutux greeted the granddaughter who had been at each camp, near each birthing, who even now wore the stamp of a healer.

of a song-girl.

the duck put aside her lavender-sorting, searching nasamiituuq. "tell me what is in your mind."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Can I get Nasamiituuq reranked if Moonglow has the room? If not she can hang out as a loner, she'll be traveling until the end of birthing season anyway!
I have been thinking... I would like to travel as you did, to help women, Nasamiituuq told her grandmother, a hesitant light in her eyes. To hear these words from her own mouth both thrilled and terrified the girl! Not forever! Moonglow will always hold my heart.
3,285 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
she can stay ranked as she travels unless u choose to make her a loner! <3

this brought a surprised flutter to the grandmother's lashes, though a warm smile of great encouragement followed. "i did not think you would leave so soon," she admitted, reaching to touch one soft shoulder. "where do you have the want to travel first? i will make a pack for you," oh, and she paused, heart aching with sorrow and pride to see another descendant depart the spinewoods.
21 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I'll keep her ranked then, she's coming back for sure <3
Oh, I haven't decided! Everywhere! She laughed, all brimming excitement and fraying nerves. We visited many packs together. I think I would like to take word of my trade to the others, and to the lone travelers also.

And wherever I am needed, I will go, Nasamiituuq finished simply, glimmering with a hesitant pride of her own as she searched for her grandmother's approval in her gentle jade eyes. When the last labors of the season have ended, it will be Moonglow again. Until I'm needed again.
3,285 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
yay! <3

"i have much pride in you, nasamiituuq," the grandmother said with great feeling, her eyes a study in love upon the face of her granddaughter.

"remember that you do not carry only knowledge of medicine, but sacred and holy wisdom, ancient, passed down between mothers and daughters and grandmothers for many, many cycles of time. it lives in you now, my granddaughter."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]