Hideaway Strath Traust.
Sun Mote Copse
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She hadn't been feeling well lately (thanks, @Rye!) but Towhee insisted on participating in the latest pack hunt. She noticed that @Keyni was missing but forgot about her until they'd managed to fell their prey. After supping, the Kilonova felt a little better, though still very weary. She was deliberating whether to take a patrol at the pass or a nap instead when she remembered the face missing at the pack hunt.

Towhee set off to search for Keyni, starting with her scent trail. When that led her to cross paths with @Dingo, she asked if he'd seen her. He hadn't, though he volunteered to join her search. She warned him that she was quite likely contagious but he didn't seem deterred, so the two of them plodded along, side by side, through the strath.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Rue lifted her nose, scenting her packmates nearby. She was chest-deep in the river that bordered the northern edge of the strath, cleaning herself up after a particularly messy wrestling session with a honeycomb. Rue drifted toward the riverbank, and once her paws were on dry land she sent a curious bark out to Towhee and Dingo. Rue had learned by now that Towhee would not respond to the verbal call, but Dingo would let the kilonova know that Rue was nearby.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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They had nearly reached the furthest northern fringe of their claim when Dingo halted her, directing her attention to the nearby riverside. Towhee spotted Ruenna and her tail gave a slow wave. When she turned back to Dingo, he said he would continue the search, heading east. The Kilonova nodded, then looked over at Rue again.

-"Hey, we were—wait, why are you wet?"- Towhee wondered with a light laugh as she moved nearer to her pack mate. -"And why do you smell so sweet?"-
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
"Stay over there, sick lady," Rue joked, shaking her pelt out in a facetious show of warding Towhee away. "I know my magnetic scent is hard to resist, but I don't want to catch your curse." 

The kilonova's words registered, and Rue looked down at the sticky mess that still clung to her chest. "Damn it," she murmurred, annoyed that the river hadn't washed her pelt clean.

"Yeah, its... it's honey.." Rue answered Towhee's question distractedly, still frowing down at the mess. She looked up after a short pause, returning her full attention to Towhee. "Any ideas how to get rid of it? The river kinda let me down." 

Thank the stars Dingo hadn't shown up with Towhee, because he would probably have offered Rue a tongue bath on the spot. The man's fliriting provoked an odd combination of feelings within Rue-- like butterflies and cringey-ness all rolled up together-- and she'd rather not have to deal with that when she had (literally) such a big mess on her paws.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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The Kilonova stopped short at Rue's words. She took them as intended (playfully), though she knew her pack mate was probably somewhat serious at the same time. She could respect it if Rue didn't feel like taking her chances and made certain to keep a distance of several yards between them.

-"Honey?"- Towhee repeated, not sure she'd caught that correctly. But she could see the sticky, sap-like stuff on Rue's chest. She laughed dryly. -"Well, I'd happily come over there and lick it off you but..."- She shrugged a little exaggeratedly. -"Germs."-

-"Want me to call Dingo back? I'm sure he'd be happy to help,"- she thought to say in the next beat.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She had been laying low as of late, the cause of which was beyond her control. The silver and fawn pelted female had been sticking to the opposite end of the territory, placing her quite a ways from the search party comprised of Towhee and Ruenna. Oblivious to their efforts now set in motion, Keyni stuck to her plan of staying in one place.

The cause for such unusual behavior of the normally composed, wise wolf? A painfully swollen right front paw. Weeks ago, while she had been digging for herbs, she had accidentally disturbed a hidden wasps nest in the ground, angering the vivid black and yellow insects. Normally a sting or two wouldn't have posed a problem, but blast of searing pain engulfed her paw like it was on fire. Multiple pinprick like dots peppered her now raw, reddened skin, leaving her paw swollen like a balloon. It was painful and difficult to walk on, so she chose to wait until the swelling went down. Towhee and Ruenna would find her soon enough, if they found the trail of haphazard paw prints imprinted in the mud.
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Ruenna retured Towhee's facetious shrug, smile pulling at her cheeks despite a halfhearted effort to remain straightfaced. Her smile dropped completely at the (rather wicked) mention of Dingo. "No.. no, I'm sure he's ah.. doing something really important--" Rue made an effort to keep the lightness in her voice when she spoke. 

"--But if you have a taste for honey, I mixed up a cold remedy for you. And @Rye, and whoever else." Thank the stars Keyni had been gathering medicinal herbs; her stores had supplied the feverfew and lavender in the remedy. Rue had left a whole chunk of the medicine back with the kids, asking @Figment to guard it and trusting @Fennec with dosage instructions. Who knows, perhaps the child would take to the medicinal arts.

"Fig and Fennec are looking after the medicine, but they know not to get up close and personal with anyone who comes for it." Rue had also instructed the kids not to eat the medicine themselves (kids, amirite?), but they had seemed pretty interested in the honey-mixture and their promises had been dubious at best. It certainly wouldn't hurt them if they did eat it-- it would just add up to a lot of wasted effort on Rue's part.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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The tone was lost on Towhee, though she met Ruenna's reply with a small smirk. It quickly transformed into a look of pleased surprise when the she-wolf went on to explain that she'd concocted some sort of remedy for those afflicted with the cold spreading through the ranks. Furthermore, Towhee's own children were guarding the stash. All of this eventually pulled the Kilonova's lips into a soft smile.

-"Cool, I'd love to give it a try,"- she said, then paused and cocked her head. -"Before we go off and do that, do you think you could howl for Keyni? I forgot to ask Dingo to do it, would've been the simplest way to try locating her..."- Naturally, Towhee couldn't do it herself. Well, technically, she could howl, but any response would fall on literally deaf ears.

Forgetting she hadn't actually mentioned their search for Keyni to Ruenna yet, the Kilonova shifted her weight and waited to see if the Magnetar would oblige her. In the meantime, she thought to herself how lucky they were to have someone like her in the ranks, especially if she knew her way around natural remedies.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Skipping Keyni with permission.

Thankfully, Towhee abandoned the idea of calling Dingo back, allowing Rue to change the subject.

"Keyni?" Rue echoed in confusion. When Keyni had been absent from the pack hunt, Rue had assumed that she was off traveling (as herbalists were wont to do). Perhaps Towhee had expected her back by now. 

As requested, Rue raised her voice to contact the herbalist. She remained alert after the call, knowing it would fall to her to pinpoint Keyni's location if the howl was returned.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Warrior
Skipping with...out permission? Lol, I wasn't sure if/when @Keyni planned to post again?

Rue seemed curious about Towhee's request, though she obliged her nonetheless. After she sent up the call, Towhee explained, -"I didn't see her at the hunt and it occurred to me I haven't seen her much at all lately. Have you?"-

Howls were a fairly urgent form of communication, so even as the Kilonova waited for Rue's answer, she also anticipated some mention of whether or not their pack mate had responded.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Unaware of the plans between the search party consisting of Towhee and Ruenna, she laid as comfortably as possible in the shade of a great Oak tree. Idly she gingerly nosed her injured paw, carefully sniffing at the painful little wounds dotting the skin. It was just her luck that she hadn't any herbs nearby at the moment to better the situation.

A voice...a howl rang out in the not so far off distance. Alerted, her ears stiffened. It was Ruenna's voice. Another fellow herbalist. That call was for her, which meant some of the pack had to have been out searching. It touched her to know these wolves cared. Hobbling to her feet with some effort, she replied with an answer and started to limp her way forward on her three good legs.
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
"No, I guess not," Ruenna concurred, "I guess I assumed.." 

The Pulsar froze mid-sentence, jerking her head in the direction of Kenyi's faint reply. Concern etched across her features as she turned back to Towhee. "It's Keyni, but she sounds weak." Rue started forward, intending to navigate the pair to the source of Keyni's howl.  

Urgency pressed Rue forward at a climbing pace. If Keyni needed help, why hadn't she called sooner? That's what a pack was for, after all. Rue slowed when she sensed that they were approaching the herbalist's location. She barked, hoping to receive some kind of reply from Keyni that would orient them towards their missing packmate. 

Rue gestured to Towhee that it was time to spread out and start looking. It was possible Keyni could have fallen unconscious in the time it took for them to reach her.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Rue needn't reply directly, her behavior was all the answer Towhee needed. Her brow furrowed when her cohort conveyed the message indicating Keyni's weakness. If she was in a bad way, why hadn't she summoned someone to aid her?

Well, they were going to her now. As Rue presumably traced the source of the call, Towhee swept the woods with her eyes and tipped her nose into the air. It wasn't long before she picked up a trace scent and hastened, moving past Rue as she closed in on their quarry.

When she found Keyni hobbling through the trees, Towhee unknowingly echoed Rue's bark. "Keyni!" she shouted, not bothering with signs as she closed the distance. "What's the matter?" she queried, giving the she-wolf a critical once-over.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
The familiar sight of Towhee, the Alpha she so respected, came in sight first. She could smell Ruenna not far off and relief flooded over her. Pressing her ears back with a low whine, she limped her way towards the Kilonova. Her tail wagged tentatively but hung low, showing her mild submission. Clearly the woman was concerned...but...would she be upset with her?

"I'm sorry..." Was the first phrase whispered from her vocal chords. "I was...I was stupid. I hadn't been watching where I put my paw while I was out gathering herbs..." Her jade eyes averted to her right front paw, the joint swollen and the skin angrily inflamed. "I disturbed a nest of wasps in the ground..." Then she lapsed into silence. There was no need to explain the rest. But she did add. "I just thought...that if I kept off my paw...let it rest..." She swallowed thickly, feeling her throat tighten as she got a tad choked up. This wasn't like her! Not at all. But then, she had always been self-reliant. Having a support system wasn't what she was used to, though that didn't mean she was ungrateful.
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Rue was quick to catch up with Towhee once Keyni was discovered. 

Concern etched across her features when she saw the Gravastar limping. That concern turned to horror as she listened to Keyni's story. She shuddered, imagining Keyni all on her own, lying injured for days in unfamiliar territory. 

Rue pressed forward to get a better look at the swollen paw, stopping short about a wolfslength away from Keyni. As curious as she was, Rue knew better than to invade the personal space of an injured wolf. She nodded toward the paw, nonverbally asking permission to move forward and examine it. If Keyni allowed her, Rue would approach her and provide a shoulder for the limping wolf to lean against. From the looks of that paw, Rue was impressed that Keyni had been able to limp her way back into Grove territory. It looked super painful. 

"Oh, Keyni.." Rue's voice was full of sympathy. "Why didn't you call for help? Is your throat swollen?" The Gravastar's voice did seem a little strained to Rue. Rue knew that with insect stings, there could sometimes be odd reactions like a throat closing up or itchy spots popping up all over the body. Rue had been told once that some stings contain poison, and some wolves react to the poison more than others.
Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Warrior
After making sure Keyni wasn't in critical condition, Towhee stepped back to give Ruenna room. She caught snatches of the exchange between the two of them and her brow furrowed. Evidently, Keyni hadn't called for help. The Kilonova found that very strange. The whole situation was kind of odd, though she supposed she was just relieved their pack mate hadn't just disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again.

-"You got this, Rue?"- Towhee interjected when she she saw an opening. After waiting for an answer, she added, -"I'm going to keep my distance, since I'm not feeling so well. I don't want to make things worse. If you need help, just call and someone will come."- Her orange eyes roved between the other two she-wolves for a beat before she turned to depart with a final, -"She'll have you back on your feet soon, I hope, Keyni. Take care of yourself."-
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
367 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Any tension in her body left. Towhee didn't seem displeased. Just genuinely concerned. But it was Ruenna who expressed the most sympathy. Touched by her caring nature, Keyni almost felt a spark of a connection towards the woman. 

Docile but steadfast in nature, she offered only a faint dip of her muzzle, assuring Ruenna that she may move closer to examine her paw. She wasn't the type to lash out suddenly. She preferred clear communication first. Upon approaching her, she stepped close without hesitating and leaned comfortably on the shoulder Ruenna provided. "Sorry...I'm just...so used to looking after myself for so long..." She shook her head, answering her question. "Only just a slight tickle at the back of my throat." She offered, watching as Towhee bid them farewell. She nodded, smiling slightly. "Yes I will...thank you."
856 Posts
Ooc — Zoo
Master Ambassador
Time to wrap this one up, fam? Feel free to archive!

After a short insprection, Rue pulled her muzzle away from Keyni's injured paw. The paw looked painful certainly, but as far as Rue could tell it was nothing that time and rest wouldn't cure. 

Speaking of people who needed to rest, Towhee spoke a few well-wishes and departed soon after. Rue figured she and Keyni would do best to follow her example. 

"You don't have to do it all on your own anymore," Rue assured the woman leaning against her shoulder. When she was ready, they would begin moving toward the rendevous site. There they could all rest together, where they all belonged.