Sun Mote Copse musical chairs is turning into an adult drinking game.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
All Welcome 
So his ear had apparently healed. Or so he thought as he squinted as his reflection in a pool near the Copse's Southern border. The coyote had definitely tattered it, but if he wasn't mistaken, it actually looked kinda cool. He hadn't been alive for a full year yet, but he was certainly collecting himself an impressive array of "beauty marks" from his various altercations. He spun around to bring his hip to the forefront in an effort to get a look at where the elk had caught him with its antlers. His fur had grown back thicker than the last time he'd checked. He could barely tell now where he'd gotten hit, which was a bummer. He'd wanted a cool scar.

Sighing, he straightened himself and continued to peer at the tear in his ear. He had that at least. A tiny smile slipped across his lips as he considered what @Fennec would think of it. It took him a minute to remember she was blind and wouldn't be able to see it, at which point he frowned. But then he thought of how she might be able to feel it instead. That thought was exciting. He smiled again, bigger this time.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

Fennec was extremely bored.  The weather was still cold and everything was wet and snowy.  It dampened smell and made walking around even harder than normal, which put her in a not so great position.  But!  It also made for great ammo to chuck at Figment.  Blindly, so she maybe hit like 20% of the time.

She sighed as she lifted a paw to shake it, then shook her damp pelt.  As she was walking, she definitely didn't notice Penn nearby, seeing as he wasn't moving or really making noise.  Her goal was the trees, where she might maybe find some kind of area that wasn't completely snowbound.  Naptime?
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie

Fortunately for the sake of not ending this thread within two posts, Penn wasn't so wrapped up in gazing at his reflection in the ice that he didn't notice the sound of footsteps nearby. It didn't take him long to spot just who was causing the noise. His face brightened into a grin immediately. He opened his mouth to call to her, but then paused briefly before... Well, calling to her, but in a slightly more dick-ish way than he'd originally planned.

"OH NO LOOK OUT!!" he shouted abruptly, as though there was something to look out for, which there wasn't. He just wanted to startle her and make her all paranoid so he could laugh at her expense and this was the best he could come up with in a pinch.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He definitely got the effect he wanted.  Fennec froze, and her heart jumped into her throat as she hunched and her fur bristled.  She didn't hear anything, but she also hadn't heard Penn, and his voice startled her just as much as the implication behind his shout.

She was clearly ready to fight, but there was more fear than anything else in her response.  She was remembering the fight with the coyote, and what Wraen had told her about wolves who could snap her spine with a single bite.  Bears who were as big as four wolves.  Lions who would give no warning.  Her mind painted all of these as she spun in a tight semi-circle and strained to hear.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco had not been far off when he caught sight of Fennec, her pale, dusty-golden coat making her stand out against the snowy backdrop of the forest. He'd been on his way to get a drink from the very same pool that Penn had been using as a mirror when he spotted her first. He caught sight of his cousin the moment the playful, but slightly wicked smile came across his features as the idea occurred to him. Incapable of reading minds, Bronco just thought Penn was being a wierdo- until he called out to Fennec in such a way that caused her to startle unnecessarily. 

Bronco, too, was startled, having not predicted the sudden outburst and like Fennec, he froze, flinching suddenly and looking about to see what Penn could have shouted about. He saw nothing. Fennec was frozen somewhere between flight and fight and her unseeing eyes stared from an expression of surprise and fear. He was reminded of the male who'd attacked Sugar Glider, and immediately, he flipped into 'defender of the meek' mode, and flattened his ears. "Penn you little shit" He growled, pulling a line directly out of his mother's vernacular, and bee-lined it for the grey male with the intention of putting him in his place, and punishing him for pulling such a mean trick on his friend.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
His call had the desired effect on her. He grinned fiendishly as she froze, a laugh attempting to burst free of his lips. He pulled it back, not wanting to give up the charade quite yet. Not that he was going to do much else to her. Maybe make a joke about how she can't look, or announce that the mightiest, most handsome and clever of all the Blackthorns was coming at her. Something playful and charming that would make her roll her eyes and smack him upside the head--the things he enjoyed making her do.

Only Penn wasn't really given a chance to make light of the situation before Bronco came steam-rolling in. He glanced at his cousin and rolled his eyes at the pissy look on his face. It wasn't a wise move--Penn was small and Bronco was not small. He opened his mouth to tell him to chill, but shut it as he had to duck out of the way of his charge. "Dude, chill!" he snapped as he moved, "It was a joke." Bronco might be big, but Penn was fast and plenty used to avoiding attacks seeing as he was constantly motivating things to want to muirder him. I dunno if he's fast enough, but maybe.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec was indeed terrified, so much so that she was too distracted to catch Bronco's words right away.  The hubbub did make her turn when Penn joined in, though, and as soon as she realized she'd been had her fur prickled.  Unlike Bronco, though, Penn had likely learned something about Fennec.  The girl loved a good joke, especially a mean one.

YOU DICK!! She hollered, but she was grinning.  Then she too started to run in that direction... only slower.  If Bronco was going to be on her side in meting out some well deserved payback, she wasn't complaining!
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco snapped at the air between himself and Penn as his cousin retaliated, albeit only in words. He glared at him and opened his mouth to further chastize him for pulling what he saw as an unsympathetic prank on Fennec, when Fennec called out, too. His confidence was bolstered- but only for a moment, when he saw Fennec's reaction. She was smiling as she bounded toward Penn, which was both a relief and a bit of a disappointment. She was allowing him to treat her like this? Here he'd been, ready to sweep in like a knight in shining armour- but apparently, she hadn't minded Penn's trickery. 

Still- he was young enough to take a joke...But still spiteful enough to want at least Fennec to get her revenge, so he used his size and positioning to block off Penn's escape, should Fennec decide to go for him. He did his best to do an attitude 180, though it was difficult, considering the fact that he still thought Penn had made an asshole move- and Fennec didn't deserve to be treated like that.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn tore his eyes away from Bronco only to glance in Fenn's direction when she cried out. He heard the amusement in her tone and saw a flash of the smile on her face. In spite of the fact that his cousin was still snarling in his face, he smiled a smile that turned into a smirk as he looked back at Bronco.

His cousin seemed intent on sticking with the whole bully thing, which Penn found to be rather amusing. He wondered if it bothered Bronco that Fennec clearly liked him better (that's how he twisted the situation in his head anyway). He thought about saying something to rub it in, but he saw her racing toward him and Penn decided he was perfectly content to just let himself be tackled by her.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
And tackle she did!  Well... mostly.  She cannoned into both of them, sorting out by scent which one was Penn and grabbing a (semi gentle) mouthful of whatever was convenient to give a tug.  You are such a dick, she said, but she was laughing.  Sometime you're going to be getting eaten and I'm just going to walk right past, not even bother to stop!

He'd gotten her good, and she knew it.  Bronco, I think you gotta sit on him until he sees the errors of his ways. She said, in all seriousness, as though the sentence were the only way he might be shown the light.  Man, if he actually did it, it was too bad she wouldn't see.  She imagined it would paint a funny picture.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
All Welcome 
Bronco grinned and braced himself as Fennec bolted toward the two of them, squaring his feet so that even when Fennec piled into Penn, he wouldn't be able to go far as Bronco would be there like a furry cement wall to keep him from getting away or flopping over. Except he did overestimate his own strength, and with the weight of both Fennec and Penn suddenly shoved against his side, he too stumbled and fell, laughing. 

Dutifully, when he was ordered to sit on Penn, he happily attempted to comply, pulling himself the the heap and attempting to step over Penn and smash his weight down on him. "Your wish is my command," laughing albeit a bit cruelly, prepared to get a good kick in the guts, but fully willing to accept those consequences.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
If he'd had enough time before impact, he would've turned and gazed smugly at Bronco as Fenn dropped her body on top of him and closed her mouth around the side of his neck. Sure, she hadn't done it in the romantic or sensual way that would've been more suited for just why he considered this moment such to be a triumph, but he still felt victorious as he fell beneath her.

Or.. sort of beneath her. Penn's laughter paused when he realized she'd knocked into Bronco as well, but he focused his attention back to her as she scolded him. "Well duh, I'll be getting myself eaten specifically so you can make your escape," Penn replied, making a very weak attempt at escaping her clutches, "It's called manners."

It wasn't until she summoned Bronco that he actually began to put some real effort into escaping. "Oh hell no, I ain't your damn chair," he growled as he scrambled. He wasn't fast enough this time to avoid the butt that landed on his spine just as he managed to put the ground beneath his stomach--an impact that made him oof as the wind was swept from his lungs.

"Dude... eat less..." he wheezed bitterly, very glad that Fenn wasn't actually able to see this. There goes that victory.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec was merciless, and the fact that Penn was complaining meant he wasn't being suffocated.  His response actually pleased her deeply, that he'd be sacrificing himself so she could head out.  Manners!  Though in truth she knew she'd definitely be there and eating back on whatever dared attack them.  

I want to hear 'Fennec is the coolest and Penn is a huge dick' first!  She said, grinning wickedly and stepping back to sit down next to Bronco.  She trusted him to keep Penn pinned.  She knew her friend had no problems declaring the second, so it was really the first part that was the biggest.  Lay down those truths!
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco leaned his weight into Penn's side now that he had him pinned, regardless of his cousin's pleas. He was simply doing what Fennec requested that he do, and she came to sit next to him, so he grinned and chuckled, casting a sly glance down at Penn, daring him to try and writhe out from under him then. "Dude, exercise more," Was his remorseless chuckle, knowing that he outweighed Penn by enough to keep him still- especially with Fennec now also making demands of him. 

"If ya don't," He said, "I'm sure I got a good fart cookin' up that'll stick to your fur for weeks," He said. As though to emphasize the threat, he took in a breath and clenched his teeth, making it look as though he was trying to squeeze out some flatulance. "Aaaaand five, four, three, two..." He said, counting down to try and prompt Penn into action.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn struggled a bit under Bronco's weight, but ultimately recognized this was not a battle he could win, much as his cousin's retort made him want to smash his face into the firt. He did not admit defeat so easily, and in fact hadn't really admitted it then. He had learned that the battle didn't end in just one altercation--it continued beyond that, maybe days or even years, however long it took for him to come out on top. So, Bronco could sit on him all he wanted. Penn would get him back. Someday.

The Blackthorn rolled his eyes at Fenn's request, but decided to acquiesce, sort of. "Alright, alright. Fennec is the coolest and Penn has a huge dick," he answered, smirking at his own brilliance--a smirk that didn't last long as Bronco began to threaten him with flatulance. Penn rolled his eyes. He'd never been amused by bodily functions and saw it as a cheap means of humor. Still, he didn't really want to be around for this.

"Dude, just get the fuck off me," Penn growled, trying to manuever an elbow up into his cousin's ribs. He twisted his head at the same time, eyes pinning sharply on a paw that was just nearby enough that he could make a grab for it, aiming to dig his teeth without mercy.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He didn't say it exactly right, but the first part was the most important anyway.  Good enough, she surmised with a teasing loftiness, and took a step back just in case Bronco let him up and Penn got any ideas about revenge.  She enjoyed having Bronco side with her on this, but she didn't want to completely be a dick back to Penn, who deserved it sure but was also a friend.  

She was definitely focused on listening for any movements her way, because if they started wrestling, she was going to have to make the decision to join in or get the heck out of the way.  The former would be more fun... but a three way fight was probably beyond what her limited senses could handle.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Once given the phrase to say, in order to buy his freedom, Bronco started holding his breath just as a pre-emptive maneuver so that he could squeak out whatever he had in him in terms of gas. He clenched his teeth together in a grin as Penn gave in and started to repeat what Fennec had said- but he changed the ending to suit himself. Bronco rolled his eyes, and had expected Fennec to stick to her guns and demand that he say it right- but she seemed appeased with just that, and moved out of the way. While she might've been satisfied, Bronco wasn't. And Bronco was a teenage boy, and exactly the sort of teenage boy that could somehow, inexplicably, seem to summon a fart whenever necessary. And he deemed it necessary. His cousin's bony elbow hit him in the haunches, but Bronco wasn't short on padding in that area. It was only when the male's teeth clamped down on his paw that he seemingly hit the eject button. 

It started out somewhat high pitched and wavering for a moment, but quickly (within half a second), in its pent up frustration, lost its dry, innocent tone and dropped in pitch, making a low, rippling roar. Bronco- pleased beyond belief with himself for having conjured such an offensive noise, laughed raucously as he finally tumbled away from Penn, stumbling from sheer amusement (and presumably some desparate squirming from Penn as he tried to escape the incoming gas attack). His foot stung, and a small line of blood began to trickle down between his toes where Penn had bitten him, but he couldn't feel the pain for the laughter that made him shake and guffaw. "Phew! That'un musta been Penn-t up in there for a while! Yer Momma's gonna think you're some kinda -ass-licker- when you get home!" Bronco said, throwing in Ptero to emphasize his chosen insult. He stepped away, wrinkling his nose when the scent wafted toward him, making him laugh again.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn was deeply pleased with Fennec accepted his offering. He was mostly pleased that she didn't try to refute his claim. I assume even male wolves found a weird sense of pride in being penisically gifted, but in any event, Penn certainly did. He grinned smugly, even as he caught hold of Bronco's paw and dug his teeth in. It disappeared after a moment when his cousin proved to be too stubborn to let a little something like pain deter him from his shenanigans. And when finally, the threat became a reality, the smile turned into an angry, snarling scowl.

Penn darted forward the moment he felt Bronco's weight lessen from his back. He spun back once he'd put a few feet between himself and the stench, glaring at Bronco with hatred. "You're such a fucking loser, dude!" he shouted, his voice curled over the snarl in his throat. He couldn't remember ever being this pissed off before, but he shortly discovered that he actually was capable of getting even angrier. And that happened when Bronco laughed.

That laugh was enough for Penn to lose it. He forgot about how small he was in comparison with his cousin and how his body was already aching from being wrestled to the ground. He was just pissed. And so he sprang forward with bared teeth aimed at ripping the stupid smile off of his stupid cousin's face.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec cackled as well, unable to read  Penn's body language and just how pissed he was.  It wasn't until he shouted that Fennec picked up on the lack of sense of humor, and she frowned.  C'mon, he was joking...

But Penn was already going for it.  Fennec gave a frustrated sigh that was more of a growl and moved to, as best as she was able, shove her way in.  Knock it off, dickhead.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
His laughter left him vulnerable to Penn's attack, and in all seriousness, he didn't really figure Penn could actually take him on anyway, so he didn't deem the smaller male a threat. Though Bronco had size on his side, and had had some training from Towhee, he didn't have much of a warrior's instinct in him, and had only had to call upon his skills once- in order to defend Sugar Glider against an attacker. It still made him ill to think that he had been in a position, once he'd beaten the male, that he could have killed him had he gripped the male's throat too tight. The memory haunted him, and he hadn't been in a fight since. 

Still, the fact that he didn't consider Penn to be an honest threat made him poorly prepared to defend himself. Penn's voice was sharp with frustration, and when he lunged, he lunged for Bronco's face. He'd been put through the motions of how to defend himself in a similar attack- and that jerking his face out of the way would leave his throat exposed, so he ducked it instead, allowing Penn to grab a hold of the fur and skin just behind his skull where it was thick and loose- a natural defense strategy. He pulled back, but felt Fennec at his side, so he didn't feel comfortable really putting effort into escaping, so he relaxed into Penn's grip, gritting his teeth against the pain. "Oh come on ya little shit," Bronco growled, tired of Penn's sensitivity, and after leaning back for a second, he suddenly lurched forward, hoping to thunk his head hard enough against Penn's chest that he might release his grip, though with only a few inches of space between them, he wasn't able to do much.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fenn's reasoning fell on deaf ears, as did Bronco's snarled words. Penn's focus now was fully on trying to make Bronco feel some sort of pain. Some sort of humiliation. He collided with the larger boy in the way a tidal wave crashes against a cliff--with force, but not really enough to move the stone. He snapped his jaws shut on what he'd hoped was going to be Bronco's face, but instead felt his teeth sink into the thick fur of his ruff. He dug them in, though. There was skin there and he could feel it. He gripped it viciously, refusing to let go.

Penn held tight even as Bronco surged into his chest, causing a woosh of air to let loose from his lungs. He breathed in hard through his nose with flared nostrils and as soon as he found his feet beneath him, he began to jerk his head with a snarl, trying to break skin, throw him to the ground, do something to teach him a lesson for being such a stupid, bullying brute.
Sun Mote Copse
2,019 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Effectively ignored, Fennec made a disgusted sound and decided she had better things to do than sit around and listen to them beat the shit out of each other.  Obviously they were done with her, and it didn't sound like a situation she entirely wanted to jump into anyway.

Boys are so stupid, she muttered to herself, then turned and stalked off towards where she knew her mom or dad or brother would be.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco's laughter only lasted for another moment or two, but as Penn wrenched his head this way and that, digging his teeth in deeper, Bronco felt pain sear through the back of his skull and down through his shoulders as the skin was stretched, pulled, and beneath the points of his fangs, broken. He sent a glance to Fennec, who moved away, disinterested in the brawl Penn had started, and removing herself from the vicinity. Bronco wasn't angry- but he did not like the fact that Penn was hurting him so much- and just because a joke had been played on him. He didn't want Penn to think that he could be pushed around, so he gave Penn a warning growl, and then, finally retaliated. 

He was still immobilized, more or less, by the grip that Penn had on the very top of his scruff, which at least meant that his throat was protected and it also meant that Penn's mouth was full. With his muzzle forced low, Bronco used a combination attack he'd been taught, with electric speed- snapping at one of Penn's front legs, and then the other- and then, without hesitation, he shoved himself forward, aiming directly for Penn's throat.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn was under no delusion that he was in any way stronger than his cousin. Bronco clearly had size and build on him. Penn was learning how to use what talents he did have to his advantage, but when it came to something like this, he remained woefully outmatched.

But! Penn was his mother's son. Finley had never a day in her life allowed her own small size and slight build hold her back, and nor would her last born. He held tight for dear life as Bronco struggled to break free of him. He recognized Bronco's movements, but wasn't able to get his own leg out of the way before he felt teeth snapping into it. He winced from the pain, but didn't loosen his grip. It was until he noticed Fenn walking away that he loosened, and that was more out of surprise than due to any fight leaving him.

It was enough, though. He gagged as Bronco's weight slammed into his throat and he finally allowed himself to be shaken loose. He backpedaled away from his cousin, hackles still raised and head lowered to protect himself, though he made no move to re-engage. His breaths were heavy as he glared at the other boy. He tried to think of something to say, some last verbal slap in the face that he could throw. But Penn had nothing, so he merely snorted a "Fuck you," before he too turned and stalked off, trying not to limp from the cut across his foreleg, nor hurt from the fact that Fenn had just bailed.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
It hadn't taken much to regain the upper hand, though he hadn't necessarily had to resort to the quickest action to win. He could have continued to spar with Penn, and maybe make something fun out of it- but instead, he'd chosen to be quick and effective, which ended up throwing Penn back a few paces as he reeled from the sudden attack at his throat. Bronco didn't pursue him, but lifted his head and tail, asserting his physical dominance in a warning, advising his cousin against trying to pick on him again. He was quiet, even though he too panted slightly, as he regarded his foe, and licked his lips in satisfaction as the sour boy cursed at him and stalked off. This was a peaceful pack- and they did not fight for rank or heirarchy- but anyone who'd studied William Golding's Lord of the Flies would know that boys will fight, even if they don't have to. 

Fennec had wandered off, and he thought about following her, even though she likely wanted very little to do with the two boys who'd been incapable of keeping their teenage hormones at bay. Still- he did like hanging out with her over Penn, so he set off to see if he could catch up with her, as long as she was willing to forgive him and Penn for being blockheads.