Ouroboros Spine unallak ⌆
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Ooc — ebony
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"@Kausiut," kukutux said softly. they were beside anik lake with @Samani. kukutux groomed the back of her daytime star's head, combing tangles from the rose-white fur.

the island child was filled with a restless energy today, and brought many stones to her sister and mother from among the grasses. the lake burbled a fair distance away.

kukutux kept kausiut close. she was afraid the fierce child would find something to fear or ward off in the water. the duck hummed a song, focused upon her task at hand though with a watchful eye trained in samani's direction.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
For a change Kausiut did not mind being showered by love and affection of her mom. Usually from the moment she woke up, she was up and away, and spent the majority of her day outside, declaring her independence and fighting for her freedom, whenever someone tried to take it away from her. She successfully evaded most bath times (save for those that her parents managed to sneak in, while she slept soundly) and could only be lured by food. That one thing that she still had not yet mastered to get. 

Though - if we are being very honest - there was one particular reason, why she remained cradled in her mother's arms. Even though her twisted foot did not prevent her from doing anything she wanted, willpower was not enough, when it came to realistic limitations on, how much she could do. Her paw ached today. She did not understand pain yet and, why was it suddenly so difficult for her to walk. It annoyed and frustrated her, she had been whiny and throwing fits and tantrums all morning long. Until Kukutux the experienced and intuitive mom she was, had found a way to divert the puppy's focus on the problem and offer something else instead. 

For the time being she was quite content to inspect every colourful rock her sister brought her, pretend that her mom was not there, but all the while allowing and enjoying the time spent together.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux sang and thought.

soon it would be time to go to winter hunting. the children now were old enough to walk so far.

her mind was filled with the images of how it had once been.

"kausiut. it is time to meet new wolves."

she adjusted the girl in her arms, love swelling in her heart.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Kau flicked an ear in Kukutux's direction, when she stopped singing and addressed her. None of the words according to her limited vocabulary were familiar, therefore she dismissed them and continued inspecting a piece of stick her sister had brought her moments ago. Unlike rocks, which were interesting to look at, but boring beyond that, this was something she could work with. The period of teething had come and gone - her gums no longer itched and ached, but she enjoyed chewing stuff. And, when it was not her father's or any other adult's limbs within reach (and surprisingly they weren't particularly willing to volunteer), a stick was the next best option. 

She dragged it towards herself with her crooked foot, winced a bit in pain, while she adjusted the toy between her forepaws. Then she began to chew vigorously, slobber mixed with bits of tree dripping down on the snow-white fur of her mom.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"i hope to make a high place for you in this world. one with much power."

how she wished that kausiut's words would come! but time went on. and her daughter did not speak.

she bent to cradle her daytime star closer. "i think in the next warm moons, you will have companions that are new."

she spoke of sialuk. 

kukutux suddenly was unsure of allowing her raindrop to be wife. a swift fear had risen in her chest.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Gods laugh at people's plans. 

The god sharing Kau's brain cells, however, wished that he could aid her mom in this quest. Though it had accepted the fact that little puppies took time to grow up and develop, the more time passed, the more discontent with the chosen vessel it was. It was disfigured and ugly. Fierce, but weak in the eyes of others. The likelihood of its survival was small in unfavourable conditions. It was dumb and stubborn. Not a good combination, if you want to guide it towards greatness. Make it a pliabke host. Easy to control. It chose mindlessness over stupidity and triviality any day. Given a chance. 

The problem - once welded with the host, it was unable to leave. Stuck, until the flesh died. And even then it could not be sure that it would regain its freedom. It stirred in frustration and Kau's expression changed to a scowl and a quiet growl rumbled from the depths of her chest. Kau turned to scratch behind her ears, then got to her feet, picked her stick and hobbled towards, where Samani was playing in the water.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kausiut rose on unsteady paws.

kukutux knew that her daughter would not walk as samani did, or as any of them.

she would need to be a sacred person. then a village would provide for her. the duck hated to think so firmly of the future, but this was her task as anaa.

samani would be beautiful and married. kausiut would have more power.

it was a balance.

she rose and followed her daytime star.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
A sacred person, when the devil itself hides within her?

Village continuing to provide for a cripple by the time her mother brings forth more young in the world?

Kukutux could plan and direct Kausiut's life, but in the end the girl's own choices would result in, what her fate would be. 

Even in small situations like now, when Kau slipped and fell in the ice-cold water, scrambling frantically to the shore and in her frustration going after Samani. Someone had to be guilty for what had happened and the sister was the closest person her own size she could take.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"tchaili!" she called toward kausiut. the girl was scrambling after samani, who stood a few feet in the water.

there was some rage in her child.

she put herself between the daughters and shook her head at kausiut. but her arms were open once more to warm and soothe the girl. "you must have love and honor for your sisters. they will love you the longest in this world, after i am gone to sedna."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Later in life Kausiut would wonder, why would her mother continue to dote on her, even if it was evident, how little it meant to her. Words of wisdom listened to with bored gaze. Reprimands and punishment taken with indifference. Rules broken constantly with no fear for consequences. 

Now too - she had very little control over the burst of anger she felt - and her mother's babbling only ignited it further. Samani was out of her reach, but she attacked her mother's paws fiercely. Not merely out of frustration, but with an intent to harm.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kausiut turned on her mother.

kukutux gasped.

she grabbed the nape of the twin, seeking to pin her daughter against the grass. samani looked over in worry.

the duck felt a seethe beginning. she released her daytime star at once, backing away.

"never again!" she warned, shocked and hurt.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
It was not Kausiut's first stunt, nor would it be the last. She did not understand all of the "why"s some things were forbidden, but she responded well to direct negative consequences. Kukutux's acted quickly and swiftly - she grabbed the naughty pup by the nape and pinned her down, eliciting a discontent growl from the offender, but after a brief struggle to get free (her belly was in the water, exposed to cold that she loathed), she relaxed and waited to be released. 

This happened sooner than she had anticipated - mom stepped away, told her something, she replied with an indifferent gaze. Then she got to her feet, shook her coat and joined Samani in a calmer manner to find out, what she was doing. All as if the incident minutes previously had not taken place at all. 

Last one from me. :) Thanks!
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic

kausiut was becoming worse.

kukutux kept close to her daughters. worry would still fill her eyes that night, and after they slept, she would go outside and commune with the stars.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]