Whitebark Stream samna ⧏
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
when/if u have time! <3

sialuk had still not become herself.

today kukutux pulled hides alone from the top of the stream. these were smaller, taken from calves. they would cure into soft leather and could be cut then into toys for children.

this thought gave her pause. there were many plans for springtime already laid. but there were those that were not. on impulse she rose, leaving the skins waterside, and began to search for @Foxfur.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I will always make time for you, my friend. <3

The warrior had been away from the Moonglow wolves for some time. He had searched for the missing members of their clan until his paws had been broken and raw. He had ventured to Akashingo in his search before he corrected his course and began making his way to where the Moonwoman would be. Foxfur’s mind buzzed with thoughts of the runaway prince. Crowfeather was near, but he could not be taken.

Wearily, the man plodded until his gaze landed on a familiar pale shape. Foxfur drew his head up and called out to her. His voice was worn, and his frame had withered from days of travel. The warrior did not look well. There was a tiredness that clung to his figure and pulled him down.

Moonwoman, he greeted in his bleary voice. Foxfur’s ears fell to his head and he bowed deeply to her.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic

foxfur was seldom among them it seemed.

now he had come back.

kukutux saw the redness of his paws. he had come exhausted to them and still he had not slept. she tsked beneath her breath and hurried to meet him. the woman meant to steady him upon her strong shoulder. "you have the look of a haunted man. where have you journeyed?" her voice was soft but worried.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The woman was good to him, approaching to support his tired frame with the strength of her shoulder. Foxfur breathed steadily and his head fell downward out of respect for the lady of the moon. For all the time that he had traveled away from her people, her clan, he did not think that he would be welcomed back so warmly. It was a testament to her, Kukutux, and all that she did.

I have been across many lands in search of the missing children… I am afraid that no one had seen them, Moonwoman. The Moonglow pups who disappeared are-

Foxfur found that he could not finish.

Gone… he breathed a rattling breath into the chilly air. Then, the warrior regarded her with an exhausted expression and a warm smile. As much as he had not expected to be welcomed back warmly, there was some relief to be felt in the familiarity of the pale woman.

I'm so sorry for dragging this around for ages. I'm trying to keep things vague until the posts are finished in Akashingo. <3 ^^ I promise I'm not letting this sit around on purpose.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
u are totally utterly fine <3333

"inkalorë is home in this village. lótë and wilwarin have been led back to moonglow."

kukutux approached.

"she is healing in my ulaq. the spirits brought our paths together when moonglow traveled here to this place."

her jadestone eyes searched him. "it is time for you to sleep, foxfur. a good sleep. i will give you medicine. in your mind, you live too close upon the edge of a dark river."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The children had been returned safely, then. To this, Foxfur breathed a sigh of relief. Through no help of his own, they had returned to their clan and were accounted for. The warrior did not have to keep them in his mind, then. He could focus on the reason he was truly there.

Kukutux spoke to him of a deep sleep, one aided by medicines. Foxfur thought of the medicine wolves of his home. It was only the elderly who saw the use of sleeping aids, and the clan leader when they would commune with the stars. It was almost funny that the warrior should look so worn that he might need the aid of herbs to send him into a deep slumber.

Moonwoman, I cannot remain for long. I believe I have found where the princeling of my people is being… kept. They were not kind enough to let me see him, but I cannot simply turn away. I must wait on the edge of their territory until I can find him and speak to him.

There was worry on his face. He feared she would cast him from her people and be done. What good was he to Moonglow, anyway?
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux felt her features fill with worry at the story given by foxfur. the duck approached, standing before him. she looked at the direct exhaustion upon him.

"you must go then," she decided. he was a man bound by his honor. "make your path back to us when you know what this boy has become. then i will make you sleeping medicine."

her brow arched gently over her smile. sialuk liked this man. kukutux meant for him to return.
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Would Whitestar have reacted the same way?

Foxfur could not help but find himself surprised at her willingness to see his task fulfilled. He had believed the Moonwoman to be a kind spirit, a good soul, and a fine leader. She had done well for her clan, and it was evident in the people who had been gathered beneath her.

A complicated thought passed through the warrior’s mind.

Kukutux expected he would return. Foxfur expected this of himself, as well. It would not have suited him to leave her kindness with nothing in return. She had offered him a great deal. The warrior was, for the first time, uncertain of his plan to return to the Starsea.

I will rest here for the night and return when morning comes. When I have word, I will find you again. For tonight… your herbs would be appreciated. Foxfur bowed his head to her. He did not know when he had last slept through the night.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux brightened. "come with me."

she would lead him from the stream to the closest curing-camp. inside a small ulaq she took a tiny package of herbs wedged deep inside. "i brought this with me from the village," she murmured when she had set it at foxfur's paws.

"take them with water before you sleep. you will not dream, so do not eat this medicine until you have the readiness to lie down." her gaze was knowing. "you are warrior in your clan, to protect with all your heart. your bones must rest too."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Foxfur followed her, watching as she picked a path for them to where she would offer what he needed. He thought of Sialuk and wondered how the Moonwoman’s child was faring with the journey away from their homeland and into unknown terrain. He had not seen her in quite some time. The warrior hoped that she was well.

The Moonwoman offered him instruction. He listened with a solemn nod of his head.

She spoke of his role as a warrior. There was a heavy weight felt with her words. Foxfur was not certain how she had come upon the talent for speaking the right thing at the right time. It served her well, though.

How has the clan been? Are things well here? he asked of her. The company of the Moonwoman was respected. He appreciated her presence and her thoughtful nature. She had a level-headedness to the things she shared that he could not help but admire.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
would u like me to untitle foxfur for now or leave him as is?

"all is well here. but sialuk has sadness inside her spirit. i think she wishes to go home."

she meant to see if his eyes shone a truth at her.

but foxfur would not be suitable for another path until he had ended this one. kukutux smiled at him. "moonglow has a gift in you."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I’m happy to leave him as he is! Until anything is decided for certain. <3

The Moonwoman spoke of her daughter, as though she had heard the thoughts in his head. Foxfur softened slightly, hoping that what Kukutux said was not true. It was so difficult to miss one’s home. Sialuk had carried confidence upon her, in Moonglow, but the warrior had not seen her outside of her element. He wondered if the wilds had dampened her spirits. It saddened him to think it.

Sialuk belongs to Moonglow. It is her place of peace, he said with a half-hearted smile.

When she said that he was a gift to them, Foxfur shook his head.

I am only a warrior, Moonwoman. I do what warriors do. It still did not feel like enough to repay her kindness.
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic

kukutux shook her own head. "none of us are only one thing." 

she and foxfur had come to an impasse. they would not agree upon this. she only inclined her head at him. he was full of tiredness but she was not sure if he was ready to sleep.

and so kukutux would invite him closer, to speak of small things until the man was ready to seek his sleeping-place.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
136 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The warrior would not argue with her. He respected her far too much to do such a thing.

It was clear that her words did not find a chord in him. Foxfur knew better. He had seen how well the structure of their people had done for them. Warriors protected, the young were trained to take their places, the elders were cared for, the stars were pleased. It did not mean that he would not accept the ways of others. He merely thought that the way of the Starsea was best.

The tired man remained with Kukutux until his eyelids ached. He accepted her medicines and a place of rest for the night. No dreams found him, just as she had promised.