Ouroboros Spine it'll eat away at your knees until you are left with nothing
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Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux listened to all. "you and i have had the same thinking: that letting nuak make a path from us would only bring back the tupilak." a look of her eyes to shikoba, reassuring; moonwoman let out her breath and thought for a time longer, silently weakening beneath this new burden.

unless kukutux ordered it, no one of her village would kill the boy. and she knew she could not order it.

shikoba's words were true. fair. 

"we must do it before all the eyes of the village. they must know his face and that he is outcast."

"but," and the duck breathed a moment, "i would like to let him make a path back. to ah, re-deem. redeem. redeem him," she attempted. "nuak has done a thing that is very wrong. but he was led down a bad way by evil."

moonwoman glanced to shikoba now, wondering how the hunter-woman might accept this compromise.
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