Ouroboros Spine katjanik ⋖
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@Adrastus. kukutux committed it to memory as much as she had the fleet-foot woman in the small frame. but she was not sure of his face, having removed herself to the heart of the territory for so long.

it was afternoon, and she had returned to the snow-shelter for sleep.

but somehow the sight of it caused kukutux to twist from within. she turned her back upon moonspear; she stood upon three legs, the fourth drawn up and high, staring with grim-faced intensity at the curves that sialuk had dug for her.

sialuk, poor girl. kukutux clucked her tongue and sank down into the snow that was each day devoured by the sun. she did not wish to stay here, but wished to honor the effort her daughter had given. at length, the duck pulled the cured foxfur from the den, holding it between her paws.
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Ooc — Jess
I was hoping we could have a thread. This is the second time I've written this because I lost the first one UGH 

He found himself craving salmon- but figured he ought to wait until the ice had melted before he began fishing for them. With the days getting warmer, he'd lost some confidence in the ice's thickness, and had decided to avoid risking his safety on the lake's surface knowing that at any point, it could give away under his weight. 

He had begun to track a herd of mountain goats that had come to pass through their mountain range, and had spotted several that would make a potential meal- but again, they were slightly out of reach as they kept to the upper altitudes of their mountain range. He would have to wait until they came down to lower pastures before the wolves would have a chance at hunting them. Still- he might call upon Raimo, Sialuk and Lótë later to see if they were interested in hunting mountain goats. 

He ended up settling for a muskrat. There were many of them at the lake, though most of them were out on the ice, where they could dip into the little holes in the lake's surface to go and scavenge for their weeds and food in the icy waters, before popping back up onto the ice shelf to eat. They were safe from him there, as they were light enough to sit on the ice without worrying about falling in. But he managed to find a lodge, where a muskrat had come ashore and had managed to cut it off before it could escape back into the water. It wasn't his first choice for a meal, but it would have to do. 

He had still not met Kukutux- but had been doing what he could to drop off food relatively nearby her dwelling in caches for Sialuk to find. Finally, though, he wondered if he might not be permitted to approach a bit more closely, the area where he knew the two females lived. He had not been invited, but he thought if he came with an offering, he might be received without hostility. He was curious to see this Kukutux, having only ever heard her voice in a mourning song, and in the pack's claiming howl. 

So with careful footsteps he crept closer, until he could see a pale figure clutching a bright red pelt between her forelegs outside of the den. It wasn't Sialuk- but a fair, creature he assumed would be their Moon. He paused, still some distance away, and called out with a quiet chuff to see if he might be permitted to approach.
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Ooc — ebony
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me too! also i am on chrome & using this extension called typio form recovery and it has saved a lot of posts for me :o

kukutux was unsure what to do with the pelt. it had become beautiful, a credit to he who had slain the fox. first-hunter. for that was the role he had given himself and the role he had set. what was she to tell a man he must not be transformed? as she looked upon its lovely color, the duck realized that she had become head of this clan.

the duck felt as though she might drown; she clawed for the carefully shelved memories of what her mother had been to the isle.

she steadied herself upon the edge of a sound, fine head shifting belatedly toward the man who watched. like sialuk, kukutux marvelled at his resemblance to the white bear, but was too low-laid by her previous realization to do much than swish her plume once against the drift. 

jadestone stare fixed to his great frame, and she felt a glissade of fear. an ice-giant, broken from the glacier where she had buried the grey brother. first-hunter was strong and fast. this man perhaps, she hoped, and it stirred within her quickly — that like kigipigak he was kinsman! — and the fear died beneath a wary recognition. he wore a great parka of plush pale hairs and had waited politely to be seen.

she pulled the foxfur closer to her breast, enjoying the softened feel of it, the way that the skin warmed against her own, providing a pleasant relief to the ache in her ankle-bone; kukutux did not take her eyes from him.
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Ooc — Jess
When she lifted her gaze, he noticed for the first time the shade of them- and likened them to the colour of pale spruce needles. His gaze did not linger on her facial features, however, and as soon as he'd been noticed, he dipped his head in a greeting, aware that he was being watched and considered. Silently, he held his place, and waited to see if she might call him closer so that they might become acquainted. No such invitation occurred, though he heard her shift slightly in the snow. He glanced up, only to notice that she'd just slightly pulled the fox pelt closer to herself. Perhaps she was wary of him. 

He gently set the limp muskrat carcass down onto the ground, and flicked his ears forward, though he didn't raise his gaze to meet hers, if it might be perceived as being too bold. He remembered the words Sialuk had first spoken to him- so he felt it might be the best way to address the Moon-duck. "I greet you," He said calmly, hoping that it might win him a bit of favour should it be the manner in which she preferred to be addressed.
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his eyes were the color of soft fawnskin, his scent laced with the tell-tale reek of kivuluk; its body set to the ground by careful jaws. and his greeting did provoke a brightening of her gaze, nothing like the humour she had formerly enjoyed, but warmth suffusing the jadeite. "you have shared words with sialuk," kukutux said carefully, throat scuffed from long nights of singing.

thankful for the pure fact that she had come up cleansed from the lake, kukutux pushed herself upright again. the foxpelt close, but her attention given to the ice-man. "you tell me that you would follow me as moon when i sang for all your ears," she remembered, having heard the notes in his song. her natural suspicion welled, but for now she kept it reined and close. 

what did this one want? he was not forceful. he knew his own power. and yet kukutux held to her original wariness and cupped her ears forward in anticipation.
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Ooc — Jess
Well, if he needed any more proof that Kukutux and Sialuk were close, he had it. He smiled softly as he was found out, and nodded. "Indeed I have," He admitted. Both times he had crossed Sialuk's path, she had greeted him with those words, so he assumed that it was a greeting accepted socially by the pack's Moon and Stars in use for both strangers and those who were acquaintances. He wasn't sure if it was appropriate as a way to greet the leader, however...But she seemed at least somewhat amused. He figured he would be corrected if she had been at all displeased with him. 

In his peripheral vision he saw her sit up carefully, still regarding him with an even gaze. He remained very still, without lifting his head so that she might look upon him and judge him respectful and worthy. She mentioned the howl, and he nodded again. "I do." He said. "I exchanged words with Sialuk, in an agreement that I might live here and join the pack. I thought it might be time to do the same for you." He said. He had brought the muskrat as an offering, of course, but he didn't move to bring it closer. He remained where he was, with the understanding that he ought not approach unless called upon or invited to do so.
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Ooc — ebony
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adrastus' show of deference satisfied something low and wolfish in her. his great head remained dipped toward her. kukutux was unsure that she liked such; internal acceptance of such placed her above this man, effortlessly her superior in power. and yet he was gentle and soft. she was reminded of aiolos, and the similarity in a growing ease.

"you are third hunter to join," she said gently, though sialuk was hunter also. kukutux meant this by way of the two circles she had considered during her last speak with zane: one of her and sialuk, meerkat, norah, and perhaps soon the delicately painted lótë; the other of raimo, zane, and now the man who was like the white bear. "it is good to have so many as we build our village here."

an ashen, tasteless sense of formality clinging to lips and tongue and mouth. she wanted to shake it away, to be done with it. kukutux bathed her jaws for a moment of silence. "you have met the others?" what would the great-cloud make of them, for in her mind she had a small image, and wondered how else it could be matched.
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Ooc — Jess
The third hunter. He wasn't sure exactly what she meant in telling him that; was this to establish that he would need to prove himself to become the first hunter? Or was she merely commenting on the fact that he was the third wolf who had joined the pack who was a capable hunter? He chose not to ask, but to accept the acknowledgement, and to be grateful that he was not the only one who at least deserved such a label. It was encouraging to know that there were others who were willing to work to feed the pack. They would be healthy so long as they kept their borders established, and their bellies full. "It is," He agreed, then. He still wondered who else was one of the hunters she'd referenced- and would only safely assume she included Raimo for now, as he was well aware that the dark male had been hunting for the women as well. 

"I have," He said. "I have met Raimo and Lótë," He said. His tone became more fond when he mentioned the latter. "Though I smell three others I have not yet met," He admitted. Two were female and one was male- but from what he could tell, their paths mingled amongst the others with a familiarity that meant they too belonged to the pack.
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kukutux did not miss the way that the man's voice changed as he mentioned the painfully beautiful woman who had come to live among them. downward tilt of her muzzle and a sweep of lashes across her greenstone gaze hoped to veil the pain that webbed across her features. she would have liked to be thinking so of the blackfox, to be allowed the utterance of his name.

not so now.

"you will meet them. one, norah, is from the mountain as are we. another, meerkat, is from village of firefly glen. her clan is sister to our — to what ours was." painful, the misstep; moreso to stumble back. "and the last is zane." knife cutting bitter grass. "he is new to us, but has been second hunter during the death songs." would the trader stay? or would he find the closer binding of their boundaries untenable, no longer sweet to his visions of self?

she had not missed the way his tone shifted, and decided to pluck up the painful string. "spring has come to moonglow," the duck mused, toes clenching gently into the red fur. "what does it bring for you, is the question in my mouth, adrastus."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
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Ooc — Jess
With movements careful and calm, he lowered his haunches to the ground, taking a seated position as she began to give him information about the other wolves he had scented. He was pleased to see he had been correct- there were three other wolves he had yet to meet, but that they were known to his alpha. He was lightly surprised to hear that they had found a survivor from their previous pack- but pleased nonetheless. As he had assumed, there might be more out there, simply scattered by the disruption and destruction. More might come to take their place in their village yet; which meant there might be a chance that some day, they might want to return to their previous home. 

He hoped to find the fallen star before then, if such a thing was to come to pass. 

The other two wolves were introduced, and it seemed that one had joined them having known them previously, and that another- Zane- was a hunter. Second hunter, he noted; he was still not sure exactly what she meant in numbering the hunters. If it was simply a means of keeping track of how many there were or if potentially there was some favouritism involved. He would have to settle with being third, for now. After all, perhaps it simply meant he was the third one to join the pack. 

"I will meet them," He said with a nod of his head. He'd perhaps seek out Norah first, if he could. The more he endeared himself to what he assumed was the inner circle of the pack, the better his chances were of becoming a part of it and earning their favour. 

His gaze lifted a bit when she asked him of his intentions, and he thought quietly for a moment. He wanted the star. He wanted that more than anything else- but it had caused her so much pain, and had destroyed her pack- he thought it would be terribly rude to ever admit that he lusted for that more than anything else. So he considered what else he could want from the pack he had pledged himself to, and his answer was simple. "A home and a family, so that I might create a legacy."
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men had their silent thoughts. but few were expressive as adrastus. and it was not an overmuch sort; kukutux had simply become sharply vigilant upon any way the face of a man might chance, for it suggested several things. a family. a legacy. she was pleased that he had raised himself in her regard. he had spoken directly, and sought her approval.

the jade-gaze smoothed into something that was briefly curious, the expression lifting from behind the ice she felt surely lurked within her features. but perhaps it was not coolness, not sadness; she feared it might only be a void.

"in moonglow we will keep the ways of my people," she said softly, surprised at the subtle firmness that had crept into her tones. but too many taboos had she broken. if the old ones sought to place into her care the shimmering shell-flake of wise-mother, then this is what the duck must become. "it is different from the things that are done here," kukutux cautioned gently, wondering what adrastus might take of this pushing-back upon perhaps what his vision of the future could be.

for she must know the truth of things before she proceeded.
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Ooc — Jess
While he couldn't be absolutely certain, as he did not lift his gaze to study her features and judge for himself, he felt as though he was perhaps being tested. If not tested, then he was certainly being studied. The way she spoke of the pack's ways, and how they would adhere to Kukutux's customs made him believe that there might be very little room for wolves to deviate or follow their own path. He was not ruffled by this; customs and laws existed to create order, and he was far more in favour of living in a structured, peaceful environment than one that encouraged rebellion and entitlement. 

"I would learn the ways of your people," He said, "If you would share them. I abide by the laws of the lands I call home." He said. In that statement, he knew he would imply enough. If he chose to live in a certain place, then he pledged his loyalty to the expectations that were set for him. And if he did not agree with them, then it would simply not be a suitable home for him.
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Ooc — ebony
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he would learn.

kukutux watched adrastus for a long moment; she meant to look behind his eyes, as her mother and aunts and grandmother had said was possible to do. look behind his eyes. look for the spirit there. you will see it if it is good.

the duck could see nothing that was not genuine in the ice-man, though she did not yet know all the sides of his face. and so she drew back, motioned to his kill. "the woman has last choice. this has the meaning that no matter what a man might wish, she can deny." the words, at first weighing upon her tongue like stones, soon became more rounded as she pulled the lines from memory: recitation of each role within her world.

"he comes to the ulaq of her father. together they decide what is proper bride-price. furs. meats. it shows you are ready to make a good life for any children born to your hearth. a man gives these things to a father, for he is not only taking a daughter from her home, he is taking a healer. one who makes furs. one who knows secret things. it has the meaning of respect, both to her home and to his new wife." how many times had she seen such done? "here i will be mother, and it will be at my ulaq that such things are decided. i have only one daughter, and she is not ready. therefore, i will say, give this bride-price to the woman who has chosen you." it was a position of power that sickened kukutux with thoughts of failure, but it was one she must hold despite her own wants.

"build a place for a wife to live before you ask to take one," she said softly. "if you are good in spirit, she will have chosen you before we make our meeting." 

kukutux searched her own aching spirit for the last remembrance of the blackfox speaking her own name in that way.
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Ooc — Jess
The motion she gave was noted, and he picked up his kill and moved forward, cautiously watching for any sign that she had not intended to beckon him. He would stop at a respectful distance, perhaps leaving some space between them that she might have longed for him to fill, rather than overstepping any boundaries. She was a grieving woman, he reminded himself. And she was about to talk about the process of partnering up within the pack...As he set the kill down- gently, again- he realized that this topic likely made her heart ache. He wondered if it had been insensitive to mention wanting a family, when she had only just finished grieving for hers. 

He leapt to the wrong conclusion when she said that females had the last choices. Perhaps a bit of surprise showed on his features, as he'd assumed that meant that men had first choice, and that a woman's feelings were put lower on the priority list. He wasn't terribly comfortable with that notion, so when she went on to explain that a female would have the opportunity to deny a suggested husband, his features relaxed and he uttered a soft sigh of relief. He nodded, grateful that women were granted the opportunity to reject a proposed husband. 

And it didn't seem to be as simple as he thought it might be. There were nuances, it seemed, to even being considered in the running for fetching himself the attention of a bride, through her family. He was not aware that any of the females in the pack had a father that he could approach...But it seemed in this case, that Kukutux would assume the role of matchmaker, and would stand in as the one who would keep the interests of her female packmates close to her heart. She would be the judge of a man's worthiness, which seemed reasonable to him. Reassuring, almost. He got the feeling that Kukutux was the sort of wolf to be an adept judge of character- which would keep her packmates safe from toxic relationships. He expected her standards to be relatively high, which again made him feel reassured. He would hate to see one of the women of his village become betrothed to someone who did not deserve them. 

He was reminded of the odd feeling he'd had, when Raimo had mentioned that he wanted to win Kukutux and Sialuk by their hearts, and was yet again pleased when Kukutux stated blatantly that her daughter was off limits. He would keep that in mind, if he ever heard Raimo say anything that made him suspicious again. Otherwise, the male had seemed fairly decent- so he didn't feel inclined to express his very mild concern with Kukutux. He might have to seek the male out and get to know him better- in the interest of making sure that Kukutux and Sialuk would be safe from inappropriate affections. 

He was informed to make a den before seeking out a wife, so he nodded. He would need a price to offer, which would mean not only feeding himself, but collecting and storing food and pelts so that he might create an environment, and have enough goods to properly attract and tend to a wife's needs. He would begin scouting for a den location immediately. It seemed as though the best situation was one wherein he could attract a wife by creating an environment that welcomed and attracted one, as well as conducting himself in a manner that was honourable. These ideas weren't terribly new to him- he was well aware that there were many different ways to woo women, and being advised to create a wonderful, well-maintained den area motivated him to do so. "I will do as you say," He concluded calmly. He knew that there was a great deal for him to do before he even began to wonder about a timeline for such things; he would need a home and several offerings, and would also want to establish himself within the fledgling village before he was even notable enough to merit a wife's attention. "Do you have any other suggestions that I might learn?" He asked. Simply digging a den and collecting furs was fairly vague- specific things such as den location (which was fairly common-sense, he thought, be he was open to suggestions) and which kinds of furs were preferred were things he was keen to learn.
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he moved closer and she did not move to dissuade him. adrastus had pleased her with his caution and soothed some of her starting threats away with his willingness to recognize her as moon over this ring of mountains. she looked at his kill again, considered it with a tip of her muzzle and a careful musing over what he had said.

she was not sure what sort of legacy moonglow would have, simply that it must include the teachings that had forever kept her upon a focused path. it would be well for everyone, she felt, if she placed them into her way of how things existed within her mind. this comforted her, and moreso that adrastus had formed his great frame to adapt. "many things," and her mouth lifted into a small and gentle smile, though one that remained closed. "but you will learn over the moons that you are here." language seeking not to bind but to invite; a nuance that must be taken with men who wished to build things of their own.

"in my home there were two circles. the women's, and that of the hunters. the heads of both may come together to consult, but first-hunter leads the men, and wise-woman leads the others. " she blinked, remembering, feeling how good it was to untangle her tongue and let memories of her radiant birthland guide her words. "if there is a dispute among hunters, the first among them settles it. he is recognized by the women as first so long as he does not lose a challenge to his title. it is better for there to be peace among the ones who hunt. that is why sivullik is respected as long as he is fair."

raimo had made himself that. kukutux and sialuk had come first, and he had hunted first for them. she was reluctant to accept this, for she did not trust him in her spirit, but it was not her place to deny the role he had cut for himself in their village. "but even the first needs a brother," and she leveled green eyes upon adrastus, feeling strangely compelled as she explained what it was to be man of the frigid island-home.

kukutux was silent. a breeze whispered through the fur upon her spine. "there is much i will teach, to all of you."
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Ooc — Jess
He nodded. It would take him some time to completely understand the ways of the Moonglow pack, but he hoped at least that he was making a favourable impression, without overstepping any boundaries while doing so. From what he could understand, there were gender roles, and that the men and women were ranked somewhat separately, each group having a leader. He assumed, then, that his rank as third hunter had something to do with his placement within the male part of the hierarchy, but he felt a bit confused when she offered a name. 

"Sivullik?" He asked. He had not yet met a wolf by that name. He had thought perhaps that Raimo had the title of 'first hunter,' which was all well and fair if he'd achieved that title simply by joining the pack first- but he still had an odd feeling about him. He wasn't entirely certain he felt inclined to follow Raimo; there was something unsettling about him. Perhaps this Sivullik was the first hunter, making Zane second hunter and Adrastus the third hunter. Raimo, he then concluded, might be the fourth hunter. 

"How does one become first hunter?" He then asked, but peacefully. "Is he chosen by all of the hunters or is he chosen by you?" He asked. He assumed the latter- though he wondered what might happen within the pack should the wise-woman choose one wolf as first-hunter, while the hunters preferred another. As the pack was new, he assumed the ranks might be somewhat fluid until they all settled in together and established their ranks normally- but if Kukutux was the one to make all of the executive decisons, then he would have to set his mind to keeping her happy in order to find a comfortable rank within the pack for himself.
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"sivullik only has the meaning of first," she explained. adrastus asked many questions, and for this she was grateful. but kukutux had only the answers for the inner circle which which she had been raised.

"when we first came to this place, raimo hunted for us even when we did not trust him. when moonglow came to live, he had become firsthunter here. he has my respect, but the ways of those who hunt and are men are decided only by men. i do not choose. i only honor those who hold their place here."

"if you wish to become first, and to choose who hunts and what prey will be followed, go to raimo. take from him his title. or bring better meat. kill for furs. bring more to moonglow than he has." a roll of her shoulders. "he can only stay as he is when he has the eyes of the other hunters upon him. zane will not challenge you, i do not have that thinking."

she suspected the swaggering man would rather run away than face the teeth of the polar giant. her green eyes were soft now as she turned them upon adrastus. "our ways are different. but it is for a good purpose. this way i leave much choice to the hunters. firsthunter's tasks are many. he chooses the prey. he chooses those to follow. he may bring wolves into moonglow. he is guardian to the body and spirit of those who are at the head of his village."

kukutux had spoken so much; she paused now, as much from chagrin as from tiredness.
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Ooc — Jess
There was a great deal to the culture here in Moonglow that he had yet to learn, which apparently came with learning different words as well. Ones he suspected came from a language Kukutux had learned growing up, and he wasn't sure if it was polite to ask to be taught, or to simply keep asking her what the words meant, and learn only as much as he needed to. For all he knew, it could possibly be a sacred language only spoken by women, but known by the men only so much so that they could understand what their wives were referring to. At least it didn't seem to be a secret language- that might have made him feel a bit uneasy. 

It seemed as though there were a few ways to improve his status within the pack, though he wasn't sure he wanted to go straight to Raimo and demand his title from him. It seemed there were other ways, which might earn him favour, and he found himself liking that possibility more. He could simply earn the favour of Moonglow by proving himself to be an excellent provider. He could kill for meat and for furs. Zane, apparently, would not likely be a problem, and for that he was thankful. Perhaps he should aim to befriend Zane, so that he might have a 'brother,' as Kukutux had said. 

"I will earn my place," He said, though he did not want to be so bold and say exactly what place that was, so that Kukutux might see that he had ambition, without necessarily uprooting their way of life in order to do so. The tasks she had given him, and the advice- he would put it all to good use. "For you," He said, as he reached down to gently nudge the muskrat in her direction.
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the muskrat. a few blinks in apology; she took it beneath her unbroken paw and pulled the animal closer. "we call him kivuluk where i lived," she said perhaps too abruptly, unnerved by adrastus' feeling of reverence. it was only respect, but kukutux did not yet see that she deserved such, and her nerves only constricted with the old, ingrained taboo of believing one first.

how had her mother bound this feeling to her respect as wisewoman? 

but she did not spare herself a moment to think of it; she pushed the thought away for another time. "his fur, the water slides off. he will make a good pelt when i have finished." small teeth shone in a brief grin; despite her fumbling through their firstmeet, she had enjoyed it thus far. "you have much respect, adrastus. i think that maybe this has always served you well." 

the ice-mountain was not tied here, but kukutux enjoyed the way that their talking had gone. "as i heal, i often wish i was able to do the things i fulfilled before. but i cannot. if this is acceptable to you, bring me hides, and i will make them into softer things." another moon of mending before her, and the duck knew that without something to busy her hours, she would begin to waste.
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Ooc — Jess
She shared more of her language with him, and he thought to try and remember these words. "I will learn these words...If it is permitted for a hunter, from another family, to do so." He did not know if this was a language shared between both the women and the hunters of her pack, but he did not want to make any assumptions. Simply because she said words to him, and told him their meaning, did not necessarily mean that they were words he was permitted to use as well. He came from a different place, a different background- and while he was eager to learn more about Kukutux, he wanted to make sure that he did not want to do anything that was taboo. 

Her smile caught him by surprise- and he realized only a moment later that his own features had drawn a look of fondness as a reflection of hers. He was flattered when he was praised, and he dipped his head gratefully. "I come from a good family." He said. It was a gentle way of accepting her praise, without being bold or egotistical. He took great pride in his family, though he had chosen to travel away from them. He had learned a great deal from them, including respect, and had carried that with him. 

In a way, what Kukutux did next was supply him with a plea, though she seemed somewhat timid to make a direct request of him. Perhaps leadership was new to her, he thought. It had likely fallen to her with the same weight that the mountain's shoulder had fallen down its length. He wanted to reach out and touch her cheek to reassure her, and to show his empathy but he felt that to do so would be to trespass on hallowed ground. Perhaps she would not want to be touched, so soon following the landslide. Given the fact she had a daughter, he could also assume she had once had a husband, and that thought made his heart ache. 

"I will bring you the finest furs," He said quietly. If nothing else, he could do what she had asked. "Which are your favourites?"
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kukutux nodded. "it is permitted. i wish for all of you to speak as sialuk and i do. it is good to know more than one tongue, i think, and more if you are traveller." again, his care, raising adrastus in her eyes. he was skilled with his care and had not decided things as raimo had. and yet kukutux remained unsure of him. perhaps behind a fine demeanour there lurked other wants.

she would find out.

"you are a good reflection of them." well-raised and mannerly. he would have been a sought-after choice for the girls upon her island. with an inner start, kukutux felt how long it had been since she had called herself a girl. a widow. a mother. a widow a second time, now. she wished adrastus might begin his life more sweetly.

unsure if she had been asked after her favourite things, the duck mulled upon this for a long moment. "any fur has use," she demurred gently, and then decided to quietly choose from among the hues pictured in her mind. "fox. marten. the cousin of muskrat, the one with the flat tail." had it been desdemona who told her of its name: beaver? she could not remember. it had been so long ago.

"i will make them ready. take them to your ulaq," she said softly, hintingly. 

she wanted adrastus to meet much success.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"I would agree," He said, nodding his head. More than once in his travels had his pack crossed paths with another, and the elders of his pack had been able to communicate with them having learned their language. It was not terribly similar to the one Kukutux shared with him now; he didn't recognize any of the words he had spoken thus far, where he had come to know at least a few basic words from the other language he'd heard before. He felt a bit ashamed that he had not taken the time to learn that language too- but they had only needed to communicate briefly, in passing, as one pack went in one direction and the other continued on their way. A peaceful transaction of information amongst elders, but little more than that...And the majority of the conversation had been in the common tongue. "You are a Wisewoman indeed," He said softly. 

He felt a pang of shame, having spoken a compliment to her, though he hoped she did not think of him as being too bold. She grieved, he reminded himself. And while her songs had ended, he couldn't imagine that that meant that the pain had ended too. Still, she seemed to approve of his character, and he dipped his head in thanks. He would also like to think that he was doing his parents proud, even though he was far from where he'd been born. 

He was keen to know if there was something that might please her above the others, in terms of pelts. He was not surprised that she liked fox pelts, as foxes were beautiful and soft. He had seen some that were darker in hue as well, and he wished that he could find something along those lines around here...But they were a rarity, and even a regular fox could be tricky enough to hunt down. Martens had a soft pelt as well, darker ochres, and when she mentioned the next, he smiled and supplied "Beaver." That one would be water resistant as well, he thought. "I think I might know of something you might like," He said, though he couldn't be sure. He wondered if he should surprise her- but then again, there was a possibility that some pelts were not to be used. "Is there any creature- aside from wolf, of course- whose pelt you do not accept?" That was the safer way of doing it. That way, he could potentially still surprise her with something- if he could track down the creature he hoped to find- without potentially bringing her something she did not wish to see. 

The idea of her bringing pelts to the den she intended for him to dig gave him a warm feeling in his chest, and in his belly. He got the hint, of course- and that was that she wanted for him to have made a den for himself the next time he brought her a pelt. "I will have an ulaq to show you," He said. Another promise, but another one he intended to keep.
3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux bowed her head beneath his praise. she was not her mother, nor her aunts, nor her grandmother. she was not the many women who had come before her. she was not even her blood-sisters or her marriage-sister. she was only a wary snow duck onto which the heavy mantle of leadership had been placed, and she struggled to claim her footing beneath it even now. but adrastus saw in her the makings of that.

kukutux was not immune to his strong features and the striking set of his jaw. moreover he was known to her by his pale fur, the heavy musculature that bunched beneath his white parka with each movement. a glacier who might kill for moonglow if a time demanded it. and yet it was matched evenly by his caution, his thoughtfulness.

she was reminded of the blackfox. her breath was stolen. this snow-giant shared similar care. 

but she could not and would not compare the two. the man who had been father to sialuk was gone now; the young moon-hunter was with him. kukutux forced the thoughts away, focused her mind upon what it was he had asked. "i do not like skin of the one called coyote. it is not well known to me. but he seems a close relative to wolf, and so he is our brother. i do not use his fur." she meant to honor such bones where she found them, but not as decorations for her sleeping place.

upon his own merit, kukutux had warmed swiftly to this thirdhunter; he meant to observe her laws. and she remembered how he had said the name of the cloudberry tea woman. "i look forward to this sight." beneath her paw, the muskrat held more securely. he had hunted for her, brought a pelt. respected her. and yet she wished greatly for him to speak with the pretty, helpful lótë, believing her skill and beauty would be of interest to the man who had already seated himself so powerfully within moonglow.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
165 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He was relieved to learn that the creature he intended to stalk was not the one she spoke. He did not typically think much of coyotes, though he knew them to be clever. But he knew that they were similar to wolves, and that they could cross-breed, which meant that even while they were not the same species, they were somehow still family and not to be used as food or as a resource. He would accept her request that coyotes not be brought to her, with ease. He would not stop himself from chasing a coyote out, should one trespass, but he did not believe they needed to be hunted, the same way he could hunt down other animals, and make use of their gifts. 

He'd noticed that Kukutux was a very earnest woman, and spoke with great sincerity. So when she spoke of seeing his den, it spurred him to set higher goals for himself. To find a place, and dig an ulaq that she might approve of, and to bed it with pelts that she would find pleasing. He knew exactly what he wanted, though he would keep that secret to himself- and would do what he could to obtain it. "As do I. Thank you," He said, though he found himself unsure if he could use her name, or if he should refer to her as his alpha, or Moon. Instead, he offered her a soft but deep, rumbling tone of respect and reached out to touch her chin with delicate subservience, before he stepped back, bowed his head, and turned away to disappear into the wilderness.
3,235 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kuktutux could not have told him how to respect her;

these were new ways to the duck. and so when he reached out, she felt the power of his limbs near to her, felt the touch of his breath beneath her chin as he sought her favour. eyes closing a moment; she nudged along his jawline in answer. 

the two swans came away; she gave another smile and watched adrastus move confidently away, subsumed by something she refused to name. her desires could not become the focal point of moonglow. she would not allow it to be so.

and yet her eyes beheld him as long as he was out of view, silvermoon and filled with strength.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]