Firefly Glen kullimagaat ⌓
3,422 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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over time, a path had been worn between moonspear and the glen. as this year passed, another would see itself beaten into the remains of an deer-trail, widened by broader paws.

she had asked for @Kyrell's assistance this day; in amusement she had bid him carry a new elkhide, gently rolled to drape across stronger shoulders than her own.

kukutux had the wish, she explained, that moonglow walk more easily in this place before the great hunt. "we have one enemy," moonmother murmured, thinking of cen. "it will be a good thing, that we know this land before so many strangers place their camps close to moonglow and moonspear."

preparing a place in the grass for the hide to be laid, kukutux turned toward the thin streams which ran through the glen, admiring the glimmer of sun upon their winding bodies.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
87 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
He was enlisted to be an assistant today, and he was more than happy to oblige the moonwoman. Carrying the hide was a nonissue. And, while he would not voice this, it was nice to leave the confines of the spine, if only for a short time.

The route taken was one that was worn and familiar to Kukutux, but wholly new to him. This first trip would not commit it to his memory in its entirety, although Kyrell intended to finish his mental mapping on the trek home.

The tall trees that laced their limbs to form a thick canopy provided a refreshing shade. The hide yoked across his shoulders trapped his body heat as they moved. A keen eye would catch the occasional score marks upon a tree trunk. No doubt made by bull elk starting to shed their velvet. How many more trees would be marred once they began to rut? Soon Kukutux halted their march within view of several waterways. With care Kyrell lowered the hide from his shoulders to be rolled out. Emerald eyes set upon the pale fur of the moonwoman.

Are you hoping to establish possible escape routes from the Glen? It took some time to attribute the enemy to the man Cen. Kyrell did not believe the beast would be so foolish as to return; however, he could not deny that Cen was at large in the teekons. Or do we plan to map the territory today?
3,422 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
a wise man, this one.

"both," the duck said after a moment, her springjade eyes lifted now to the mountain of moonspear. "i know this place well in my mind. but not all of moonglow understands in their mind how the night falls here."

"our clan is large. cen is one man. there will be others," she pronounced, moving back to the elkhide and arranging its edges smoothly against the grass.

"we let him leave this place. if he lives still, he will be filled with a great anger. caribou men travel together. we must have care," she went on, straightening to regard the streambank and its rich mud once more.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
87 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Kyrell came to sit at the moonwoman's side. Ear canted towards her as he followed her gaze. The dappled streams babbled on within their beds. Emerald eyes moved to follow their trailing bodies as far as he could. No doubt there would be some larger body of water where they ended. Were these streams fed runoff from the spine or from Moonspear?

Kyrell reigned in his musings. Giving Kukutux's words his attention. He gave just as much care to his thoughts as he choose his words. He turned to face the moonwoman, expression earnest. I remember catching a glimpse of the year's pups during the bison hunt last year. Had the hunt really been that long ago? If we're anticipating the potential for conflict, will we allow the young to witness the elk hunt? They will be the most vulnerable.

The pups weren't born yesterday, that he understood. But they would be inexperienced if anything came to blows.
3,422 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"nantahala has asked to be part of the hunting. more may have the same desire. when the villages have gathered, she and her sisters will see six or perhaps seven moons. akmaaksi and tautukpik will be older."

a sigh came now from moonmother. "swiftly they grow taller. higher. but tell to my ear, kyrell: do you have the believing that i should say they must only watch?" it was within her power to order this, and they might obey. "i can keep them from hooves, but —" her breath went out.

tones genuine. "it is more than a hunt if it becomes defense of their people."
87 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Her breath is drawn out, undoubtedly from the weight upon her shoulders. Kyrell's expression remains neutral, but his eyes soften. He looks upon the moonwoman, finding his own logic twisting at the predicament.

The children would be old enough to learn how to hunt large game. To join a hunt itself posed risk even to an experienced hunter. Even the bison hunt of the year prior had minimal injuries. The risk of injury or worse was to be weighed against the reward of experience. To hunt with multiple packs had the added benefit of forging connections.

What if their enemy appeared to the hunt, hidden amongst a foreign pack? If the pups ran with the older hunters they would be weary. The adults too, but Kyrell had more faith those older could hold their own long enough to escape.

What if there were no enemies to be found at the hunt? That was possible still. If the children were sidelined then it would be all for naught.

Kyrell closed his eyes. I believe to hunt in itself is a risk. The hunting party under Kaluktuk both had the interference of a youth and an injury to Raiyuk. His eyes opened with an exhale. However, I cannot deny the experience they might gain by joining the hunt. If they wish to hunt, perhaps they must hunt with at least one member of the moon villages? Someone to lead them away if need be.

There is a small crease to his brow. At this moment in time the danger was hypothetical, and he hoped it would remain that way.
3,422 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"it is a wise thing you say, kyrell. i will trust you with this. tell to rodyn that you will stand with him when he makes the hunting groups." his wisdom was clear; his eye far-seeing. he had proven these things in this moment to the duck.

she considered. "i watch over the healing circles. i will not hunt." some regret in that, but her work and that of the other healers was vital to the blessing of such a large attempt.

"i tended raiyuk after he was hurt. and now," her tongue clucked, "he has enough months to be one of the wise hunters, even if he is not moonglow."

how time ran fast!
87 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
thank you for your patience!

Kyrell blinked, surprised at how well received his thoughts were. His careful control of his expression is loosened before he recomposed himself. A slight upturn at the corners of his mouth.

I will do as you say. He is uncertain of how he will be received by the Moontide leader, but Kukutux's trust in him was what he needed to uphold. He would locate Rodyn prior to the hunt to discuss this.

The conversation turns to reminisce on the year prior. Kyrell's eyes wander from the moonwoman, to the winding waterways of the glen once more.

You are wise and experienced in your craft. The healing circles are well tended to under your eye.

Raiyuk. He was young then. How much would he have changed since Kyrell last saw the young hunter.

It has been almost a year now, hasn't it? His tone is measured, wistful.

Almost a year since he arrived to the Teekons. Since Hearthwood. Since the bison hunt. Since... the incident. Perhaps it was a milestone of adulthood to look back in wonder at the passage of time.
3,422 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
always! <3

kukutux lowered her head beneath his praise, pleased at it though she did not wish to preen. his gaze stood open when she looked to kyrell again.

"it is my third great hunting. the first was in the taiga. all of moonglow left our village and came to the taiga, to hunt with many others. aya! i was stained with blood all those weeks; we took so many pelts and scraped them that i do not have their number in my mind."

her eyes were half-lidded in remembering; she returned to herself, now with callyope upon her mind.

names! names to gather; names to know.

"time runs on as the legs of an elk. we too, we must try to keep our steps just as fast."

lest they be left behind.
87 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
If time continues to run, then we can only pursue it then, yes?

Much can be learned from reflecting upon one's past actions. To anticipate the future was a skill founded in this reflection. There was much to look forward to.

This year will be no less successful. A bold declaration perhaps. Kyrell's eyes glimmered playfully. I'll even help you keep count, if you'd like.

The woodsman rose to his paws with a brisk shake. They still had the present to think about. The hours of work to be prepare for the hours of hunting and the hours of collecting. There was feasting and celebrating somewhere in there he supposed, but there was work to be done now.

Where shall we start tonight's chase?