Redsand Canyon That ole highway holds the key
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Today was the day that @Reyson was set to arrive home. Fennec allowed @Germanicus to greet him and give him time to eat and pause after the trip home, but they’d spoken about this already. She’d been pleasantly surprised, for the dozenth time it seemed, when he’d agreed to her perspective on the changes.

He’d been promised a rank in leadership. But Mereo had lost multiple leaders already, and according to Germanicus, Reyson had ties within Epoch. If he intended to leave, then the position should be held for someone intending to remain. Her mate had seen the sense in it, and from her perspective, it was not breaking his word to ask this. In the new ranks, there were other places of honor he could carry just as well.

Leadership needed to come with stability. Redhawk Caldera, and @Towhee, had taught her that.

She sought Reyson out, knowing she’d likely find Germanicus on the way or that he would join her there. He was never late. When Fennec found him, she stopped short, listening to ensure he was near enough before starting. She didn’t know if she was interrupting, but this was important enough she didn’t mind.

Reyson. There have been some changes since you left. She began, then paused. Should she? Fuck it.

Mereo’s ranks were changed to better reflect that it is a fortress, not just an outpost. The requirements for ranks have changed too, but Germanicus still wants to see you in leadership. We just need to be sure you plan to stay here first.

She stopped there, allowing either of them to interject or respond. The words were strangely militant, but she’d found herself easily falling into that pattern of speech when it came to this sort of thing. Fennec had always enjoyed playing characters and Imperatrix was very nearly becoming one of those… but in a way that didn’t feel fake.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,097 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Reyson had pushed himself hard to get to Mereo. To leave the land of sand and stone in his rearview as it were. Now he was lagging. His body was tired, his mind too, he hadn't slept in two days, more so if you counted the numerous sleepless nights, as he fought to stay even an ounce respectful of the beasts that lay in wait in Akashingo.

He had shared his words with the IMperator, had told him of his fury with Ramesses, how he hated the palace, and what had transpired with Meadow. All of it, irked him to no end, but he had been as respectful as he could in the circumstance and he had no regret for his actions.

He was thrown from his thoughts, by Fennec and he stared at her with bleary eyes. He stood at attention. Her voice held an air of command to it, Germanicus had told him of their mateship, but that was all. And she immediately started.

Reyson said nothing at first as she got her words out. His mind whirring and clicking with every single syllable, reading into it as he did. Wondering about it. Was this because of Akashingo or Meadow or both?

He sighed. Forgive me Lady Fennec. I am quite tired, but that would be a conversation I would need to have with Lady Meadow, and I haven't seen her yet.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
sorry for the delay!

fennec took point on this discussion.

any other time, germanicus might have found it disrespectful. but his wife stood at their helm as well and her investment in mereo was clear.

solemnly he listened. reyson had hated his time in akashingo and it was enough then to cement the imperator's decision to send no more there unless they chose the palace.

he declined. germanicus looked toward him. "this is understood. there is no request for a final decision at this time. say what you want, not what you have decided."

he wanted to know that reyson's heart was here, even if meadow held him in thrall.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Speaking her mind wasn’t new to Fennec. Having it hold weight was. She couldn’t see their reactions but Reysons’s sounded tired, Germanicus’ neutral - neither seemed immensely bothered by her stepping up. There were certain things Fennec had already decided to tread lightly on. She wouldn’t command patrols or command messages, nor would she really involve herself in the running of the pack at first. The only place she felt comfortable asserting herself this way was the hierarchy she’d helped him to adjust.

She had the urge to argue with him even now, but bit it back. Neither he nor Reyson had been interested in seeing if he would even be staying before gaining this promotion, something that she read as extremely poor judgement on both of their parts. She would never have accepted this position until she’d known she wasn’t going anywhere.

There’s no rush. But Mereo needs leaders who are going to be here. There’s enough changing, and whoever steps up is going to be someone the pack will trust. If they leave, it only makes things harder for everyone. Including them.

She stated this carefully, with no edge, but it was for both of them. Reyson’s tone didn’t indicate any displeasure at the terms but that didn’t mean he entirely understood - and she wanted him to. Fennec didn’t want to drive him any further towards Epoch, but if he chose to go, then the least she could do is make sure it wasn’t her attitude that sent him there.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,097 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Pepper in a little paranoia :D...add to his PTSD sure.

Reyson shifted trying to listen. But he was tired, exhausted even. He hadn't wanted such a heavy question and conversation upon his arrival. He truly just wanted to sleep. However, he didn't allow that to cause him to be short with his leaders or show his inward turmoil. Instead he thought deeply about what they were asking and what they wanted. And however brief a moment, he thought of Akashingo and was disgusted. To him a seasoned soldier who had seen too much. Felt as if they were attempting to maneuver him into a position as the pharaoh and his wife had, but that was unfair to the two who had only ever treated him fairly.

He looked to Fennec. I understand what you are asking Lady Fennec. Forgive me if that is not your right title. I like Mereo. It is home, however. I must be honest. If Meadow should ask me to leave to start a family with her. I will. If that removes my leadership title, very well I secede it. Give it to someone who is more deserving who will stay. That is what you are asking yes? To either stay and keep my title or leave and give it up?

Reyson shifted, his body protesting, eyes bleary. And congratulations on your marriage. I didn't say that at the beginning of our conversation. Forgive me my oversight. I wish you both much happiness There was a smile in his voice, he made sure to press it hard into the words, so that Fennec could hear it. He really did wish them all the happiness in the world. They deserved it, both had not had it easy with love.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
reyson was flustered in a way that germanicus had never seen.

but it was his admission that paused the imperator. the man before him was willing to leave to epoch. 

it was a disappointment. he did not allow this to show upon his face.

"thank you, triarius. fennec makes a fine imperatrix."

his eyes were warm toward her and then he set them back toward reyson. "you will be ranked for now according to your abilities. when you have had a moment to speak with lady meadow, report back to either of us."

it was only a handful of days until breeding season began. germanicus wanted this sorted beforehand if possible.
Sun Mote Copse
2,021 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Lady Fennec. She smirked a bit when he apologized if it wasn’t correct. It never had felt accurate, but that hadn’t stopped him or Germanicus from applying it anyway. She didn’t mind; it wasn’t exactly an insult. Just mildly hilarious to anyone who knew her. Penn would piss himself if he ever heard.

Fennec wasn’t surprised or disappointed by the choice. She didn’t like that he hadn’t considered it earlier, but she didn’t mind that he was thinking of leaving. He could hardly claim to care about Meadow (her first time hearing a name) if he was willing to place a title over her. She’d have figured their relationship dead in the water if his answer had been yes right now.

Congratulations to you too. She replied, satisfied now that everything was out and said. They wouldn’t really know until he talked with Meadow, but the terms were there. If they stayed, he would take the role. If he left, he would claim whatever title Epoch granted. And they would lose another soldier to the vale.

Fennec didn’t react when Germanicus complimented her, but that dangerous feeling was growing. Comments like that weren’t something she was used to.

She couldn’t see the way he stood, but Fennec could hear the tired in Reyson’s voice and tell that the conversation was over for now. He would find one of them when he was ready. She waited to see if he had anything left to say, then would turn to depart, angled to brush against her husband lightly in the process.

She knew Reyson’s departure would mean more to him than it did to her. They could talk later if he wanted, but she was grateful that he understood.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
-Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. -
1,097 Posts
Ooc — Danni
How could Reyson explain to Germanicus, how Akashingo played with this head. How he had been on constant alert, and now he was over vigilant. Not only would the Imperator possibly feel bad, it may cause an issue with their allies. And he didn't want this. Though truthfully, he had already felt the stirrings of something not good. And had told Germanicus as such when he had given his report. Though what the Imperator did with that information was for him to decide.

Reyson had planned to stay here, he had not thought another mateship was in teh cards for him. He was as pleasantly surprised as everyone else. He would have died a soldier, had he not met Lady Meadow and he could not regret this either. It had filled his life thus far with such joy.

Reyson had been considering what he would do, but he hadn't said as much. Simply, because Meadow had asked him to move slow and he was trying.

Thank you. That was all he stated.

He would find a place to sleep now, and hopefully wake up without his mind on high alert and paranoia slipping at his wings. Though he feared that he would have an episode of mental trauma in his dreams.
I will be building Reyson's personality largely in character. So his general personality and mannerisms may change as I learn more about him. I am fine with some plots with him as long as all parties are comfortable and know what is to be expected. 
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
fennec departed.

germanicus nodded at reyson. he watched the man go and straightened, thinking of what irony it might be to lose yet another officer to the paradise of epoch.

but it was not yet known, and so he went back to his tasks.