Ouroboros Spine sikusiutik ◬
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moonglow had a new warrior.

kukutux moved through the village, searching for the freshly familiar scent of @Morte. moonwoman carried nothing, but wore the same grey skin over her shoulders. the throat of autumn was crisp.

soon she would be able to see her breath hanging in the air.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
There was much land to cover that belonged to Moonglow. Morte could only bear to travel so far across the expanse before losing interest. Few bodies crossed his path and that troubled him. He'd met none other than the moonwoman and the scarred guardian. Even with the pair, it had been some time since he'd last seen them.

As he trekked, the wind brushed against his shoulders. It was growing chillier by the day. Part of him now hoped he would see the moonwoman again. She had promised the new warrior new lessons and the anticipation was growing stronger.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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"i greet you, morte." moonwoman called the words to the man against the grain of the wind.

she came down to meet him then, and stood alongside him. "today i will show you the good places to build an ulaq."

kukutux looked at him, awaiting his reply.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The moonwoman had approached, satisfying him greatly. As it seemed, he would get what he sought after all. It was if she'd read his mind; aware that he wanted to know more before venturing fully into this home as if it was his own.

I return the greeting with much pleasure, He replied quickly, dipping his head respectfully.

In fact, I was hoping I would run into you. While I know the lay of the lands, it seems too soon to fully speak of them as my own knowing so little.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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kukutux felt pleasure that the new hunter had meant to seek her out. "moonglow honors the memory of moonspear."

the duck turned, motioning to the mountain that had been partly crumbled. "a star came down to strike the stone. many died. my daughter sialuk and i were the only blood of our hearth to live after."

the duck took a breath. "but we also have our own wwysm my ways. i have taught them to sialuk and i have taught them to the village. our words. we honor man and woman here. a balance between them."
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Ooc — Heretic
Listening to her words, an ache thumped in his chest. Perhaps the two shared similar feelings. Both had lost family, though, the only difference being that she was the only that had any existing.

An ear twitching, he turned to set his gaze upon her. Words do little, as they can't bring back what is lost — but, I do wish to offer my sincerest condolences nonetheless. I share similar loss.

For a moment he grew silent, body stone like a statue. He was thinking. Lost in his mind and past grievances. It hadn't seemed difficult before to shove the incident behind him, but now while speaking to another, the attempt failed greatly.

Inhaling silently, Morte returned his attention to the woman, lifting his chin a bit more. As from what I can tell here, you have indeed honored both Moonspear and your family well. You have become a leader they can be proud of... one you can be proud of as well. Shikoba spoke highly of you and I can surely see why.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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similar loss.

kukutux slid her gaze to him, and then away. "who can know the mind of the spirits? they give us teaching. but they are not kind in what they take."

the man became lost in his own mind. moonwoman gave him the time to exist, looking over when morte spoke again. "i embrace the path to show you that i have deserving to be taqqiq also in your eyes." but his sayings had made her warm with pride in moonglow.

his mention of shikoba did not go unnoticed. 

she would speak with kigipigak.

"your people, did they also have their own ways?"
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Never kind in what they take. True words, they were. Morte never did quite understand why things happened the way they did, but is it possible that he ever could?

He found some sort of comfort knowing that she truly wanted him to see the same respect and worth in her as he later grew alongside the pack. As for the question she'd asked? Well, there was little to tell.

We had no traditions or specific ways, as you call it. We were simply a family. Each day we protected and fed one another. When a wolf passed, we all mourned together. It was rather difficult adapting... after they were all gone. Mourning by my lonesome was different and in fact shortened the length of time I should have spent. Instead I was focused on surviving and learning of the world so I could do just that. He'd finished speaking, words ending in a hollow tune. This was the first he'd ever shared his past with another.

Curious of how she would react to the tale he'd told, Morte searched the woman's gaze.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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the woman put her ears back against her head. morte spoke of old wounds. perhaps they had not yet all healed inside his spirit. 

"it is hard to lose one relative. it is a weight in your heart, to lose more than that."

they were not so unalike.

"moonglow shares in the same way. we have held everything that has happened between us. we speak in plain words. it is worth loving another people. another village. even if the first pain still lives in you."

moonwoman was silent. 

she thought of nuak.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Her reaction was different than he would have expected. He had not meant to share his sadness and force the moment to dull. Morte lifted his chin, briefly touching it to her shoulder in a form of apology. Stepping back, he lowered his crown again, showing that he meant no disrespect towards the gesture.

Pain never fails to wring a heart until it aches to discomfort. I apologize if I have brought sadness to you. Flicking an ear, he paused for a moment, glancing out over the expanse of Moonglow's territory.

I have no doubts that I will grow to love your family here as much, if not more, than I did so my former. To speak frank, it will be far better just considering I have been left with none for so many years of my life. I did not speak falsely when I informed Shikoba of my desire for new start. You have granted me this opportunity and for that I must deeply thank you. Being able to call Moonglow my home and my family is an honor in of itself.
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Ooc — ebony
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she shook her head, returning the hunter's gesture with her own. "it is good to share even sadness with my village." and it was the truest word. one might suffer alone, as he had done. but he did not need to carry such a harsh burden alone now.

morte spoke of the future in vivid planning. "my heart has gladness that you mean to put down strong roots in moonglow."

kukutux faced into the wind. "we face our second winter-moons here. after this, i think the spirits will bless us with more children. a man might catch the eye of a woman then."

he had spoken twice of shikoba.

and there was more than one path to a newer beginning.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
A small, genuine expression cracked through his former gloomy one. Moonwoman was not displeased by his gesture, nor did she scold him.

Without strong roots, there can be little hope for success. The impression I give now will depict how well the outcome is of my future. He was honest when he said this. From now, long into the future, he would keep a firm paw and watch carefully where he stood. This was his home now and it was required of him to act as such.

The words of winter and children caught his attention. The creation of a family never much struck his interest. With Kukutux speaking of it now, a slight interest crept forward. Shikoba is strong at heart and in will. This I can see just based on our recent interaction. Morte was quick to admit this. It was odd to speak to highly of another, but it felt right. She had earned the praise given to her by this stranger, surely.
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Ooc — ebony
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the duck's small teeth shone as morte picked up her meaning. "she has much respect in moonglow. she is trusted by all."

with the hunter plain in his interest, kukutux went on. "in moonglow, when a man has interest in a woman, it is custom to pay a bride-price. speak with her. know her. take the time of autumn. she has not said she will take a husband."

but the gaze of the duck was encouraging.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Much respect. Much trust. This was what he had assumed.

Moonwoman's suggestions were clear. It almost felt as if she was encouraging him for Shikoba's sake. Perhaps Kukutux wanted to see Shikoba find life. A possibility, but not certain.

Nor have I determined, but it would be worth the time to get to know her. 

A true statement. Morte wasn't sure if he wanted a partner right now, though, the idea did seem appealing. For now, it was better to simply create a friendship and see what sparked from there.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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he spoke of passionate things.

"that is an agreeing between you and another. seek a path to be in her hunting party. she will test you when you go out to find meat for moonglow."

kukutux chose a different word now. "morte. what meaning does this name have?"


you are a trickster, moonwoman.

the voice of lynx was amused.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The change of topic grew a bit dull. His name? What did it mean? He knew, of course, but was almost too embarrassed to share.

The past, the present, and the future were far different things, but all collided together in some way. Here now  this time in the present was meant to be a new start for his future. Yet, every time he tried to put the past behind him, it came back to stare him in the face. Now, he would have to stare moonwoman in the face and tell her the truth. He refused to begin his new life with a lie.

Glancing to Kukutux, a deadpan expression befell his gaze. It means death.

That was it. All he was to give was meaning, but no explanation. The warrior would not elaborate unless ordered to do so, in the hopes he would not himself further in the spotlight for judgement.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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this revelation did surprise kukutux. she had never met a wolf given a name for death. 

but then there were many deaths. moonwoman wondered which had placed its stamp upon his title. 

"i have given new names in my words to hunters who wished them."

a smile. kukutux would say no more upon this. "do you know the place of the long water?" she asked, referring gently to the ocean that existed beyond the spine.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
There was a silent breath of relief that escaped him. She would not question him and for this, he was thankful. To revel in the past was to hold him captive. All he wanted was freedom and here was his chance to have it.

Upon the mention, the warrior's head titled to the side slightly. I have not, no. While I have traveled great distances, the body of salt is not a place I have reached. He wondered where this inquiry would lead and so fell silent quickly, intently listening for her next words.
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Ooc — ebony
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"the sun man, aiolos, who is also your chieftain here: he knows the long salt. it is my wish that moonglow becomes close to the sea, as he has, morte." 

the village would see more changes through the coming seasons.

"in the place of my birth, we hunted upon the thick ice of the ocean during the time of a great darkness."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Hunting, on ice? Hunting on land, for him, was hard enough. Imagine doing so on a surface such as ice.

Since you mention it, I s'pose you could say I would as well. I've always wanted to see it... Morte paused for a moment, imaging what he thought it would look like. Others have described it to him before, but descriptions aren't the same as seeing it in person.

Returning his focus, a thought came to him about what Kukutux had said before about names. While he had intended to drop the subject, he was curious and wanted to learn.

What did you mean before? About naming others in your own words? He asked, eyeing her as he awaited a reply.
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Ooc — ebony
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he came back to the first thing. kukutux inclined her head. "a hunter comes to me and says, 'i must have a new name so that i am able to begin a new path.' the spirits say to me this name. it is the one they have chosen. i only give it."

moonwoman looked with curiosity at morte but said no more. he had been named for death. but was it in its warning or in honor of the passage to the dancing lights.

perhaps he is shaman. perhaps he does not yet know this.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
He was silent for a moment, thinking on what she had said. Times had changed and he was ready to move on. Moonglow had given him a home and for this he was grateful. Maybe it was time to start anew completely.

For a great deal of time now, a new beginning has been all I desire. Since birth, I have been known by a name that brings only shame and guilt upon my existence. I don't wish for others to look upon me and think of death. It isn't the life I chose, but was one I was given. Knowing that you have done this for others, I wonder if perhaps you would do the same for me? This way I can begin my life how I choose without the fear of judgement by others for who I am and how I am called.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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kukutux smiled. "you are strong to say these words. moonglow is a place for new things to grow. and you are willing to do this. to take a name in our words." she was caught by emotion; it wavered the curve of her lips.

and then the duck looked at him, up toward him, in truth. he was tall and with strength, but something settled had always been in his voice. "i give to you the name of inutsuk. it has the meaning of 'stone tower to mark where the village stands.' but it has also the second meaning that it is not only your body which has power. it is also your heart."
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The man looked down over Kukutux as she observed him, thinking. When the new name came from her lips, his ears rose high. It rendered a new feeling within himself. Comparing what it meant and the ways he thought of himself... they differed slightly, but then, he never really had a positive image of his existence. With this new name, perhaps soon he would.

Inutsuk... Eager to speak his new name, he whispered it beneath his breath.

A form of pride swelled within him. It wasn't selfish, boastful, or arrogant; it was joy, excitement, and determination. He would live up to the new name moonwoman had given him. 

A new home and a new identity. He truly was reborn for the better.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
in a moment morte was no more.

where he had stood was inutsuk.

she saw the man swell with pride and with happiness. "go and hunt. shed blood under the name of inutsuk and the spirits will know you have taken a new title."

moonwoman reached to brush his shoulder, stepping back with a small smile. 

she would not tell him to seek shikoba after. he must decide this for himself.
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