Ouroboros Spine Keep your head up, don't let it fall
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Some implications here were made under the impression that Moonglow is aware of the illness spreading through the herds in Duskfire's territory. If that bit is incorrect, let me and I will cut that part out.

Past days had been fulfilling.

Every moment with Shikoba was well spent and he tried his best to keep busy, whether that meant patrolling, remarking the borders, or having simple conversations with his pack mates.

There was a new query that had been roaming the man's head, though.

Memories of the visit to the glacier flooded through, and while Inutsuk knew little of their village, he was curious of how they had been faring. 

Ever since winter had begun, hunting had been a troublesome time for all, but especially for Duskfire.

Maybe @Kukutux knew the happenings there. Her and Lane were close acquaintances.. or so he thought.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
all good! <3

kukutux kept to her tasks but did not strain herself.

soon it would be time to share words with aiolos.

when she lifted her head, it was to see the man inutsuk.

moonwoman called to him, inviting the mate of shikoba to her side with a welcoming thump of her plume.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
It was perfect timing, just about, when moonwoman called for him.

Inutsuk was quick to reach her and once he had, the man offered a touch of the nose upon her shoulder; both a formal and respectful greeting.

Fancy that. I was near to call for you myself, as I had a question. But first, was there a matter of importance you sent for me to address?

It was possible that Kukutux only wanted to speak as friends, but if there was another matter at hand, idle questions would not be thrown her way so quickly.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
"i wanted to tell you of the joy in my spirit that you and shikoba have made a path together." moonwoman felt that it went without mention of her openness toward the man and their sivullik to begin their hearth with children.

her jadestone eyes were curious, and her gaze bid inutsuk speak his own words now. she had set aside her endless pelt-creation for now, granting him her full attention.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Her words nearly made him forgot the question entirely, bringing warmth upon him. To know that she truly supported the joining of him and Shikoba was a blessing in of itself.

Thank you. It means a great deal to me, and I'm sure to Shikoba as well, that you share our joy. She has changed much for me and in me. I don't think I could see myself in another day without her.

All truth; nothing spared. 

As for the question. It had returned to him.

The reason I sought you out what to ask what you knew of Duskfire Glacier's whereabouts. After we'd left to share winter hunting, many incidents fell upon them. Have you spoken to Lane recently?

Pure warmth and happiness was now replaced with genuine concern.

Inutsuk watched the white woman expectantly, curiosity getting the better of his patience.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
"i have watched you both grow in love." kukutux was soft toward inutsuk.

he had taken a name of her tongue.

he had kept her ways.

and now he might be taataa in moonglow to the children of a woman whom the duck adored.

lane. duskfire. "i think they mean to leave the place of caribou. but i do not know where they will travel." kukutux appreciated the concern of the moonglow man.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Love... The tawny man whispered, vocals parting him for a moment as his gaze drew to the floor.

A time ago, I did not understand the meaning. And now... it is all I know. Inutsuk finally looked up, eyes meeting the white woman. You, Kukutux, and Shikoba have changed me in ways I never thought possible. Forever will I be grateful. Sincere words and nothing but truth.


Again, the query forgotten; all until Moonwoman's mention.

There is little that could be done to help, but, all the same... I still wish there were. No wolf, alone or not, should be left with such devastation. The glaciers were their home. I could only imagine I would feel the same if we were left with no choice but to leave our village. Empathy struck deep through the man's heart. If only there was something that could be done.

Perhaps we couldn't prevent their move, but what if assistance could be given? An idea had come to him. What if there was something they could do [size=small]he could do. Sure, he had not known them well, but he to put his paws in their place.[/size]

[size=small]Now he looked to Kukutux, seeking what opinions she may hold on this new thought.[/size]
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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"to love is to be alive. to feel the joy of breathing." 

but their words were upon duskfire. "i offered help to lane but she said i must think of moonglow." kukutux turned and looked quietly in the direction of the glacier for a moment. "they will be strong. they have the wolves of the snow with them. and if they leave and find a new village, moonglow will still be their companion."

she paused, thinking on how inutsuk had been changed. she found his mention of sialuk interesting. but her daughter was powerful in her own right.

"when the mountain of moonspear was struck, i lost my village. i made this one. there is always a place to live again. perhaps when the sun returns, some of our hunters will look for duskfire. we will see that they are still strong."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

"To love is to be alive. To feel the joy of breathing."

She certainly wasn't wrong. These last days, Shikoba was the one thing keeping him breathing. He now had a reason to live, and so he would continue doing: for her.

There was no reason to find disbelief in Kukutux' words. From what he'd seen before, Duskfire seemed to be quite the capable group; and with how highly Lane was spoken of, surely they were all in good care.

Still, there was a cloud of doubt, hazing his visible expression. The Wild's spread out into vast ground. Even if it was possible to locate a new home, how much time and sacrifice would be made before they could? Did they have decent scouts within their midst? These questions would roam within the mind, but be left unspoken.

As you say, Kukutux. All he could do was nod and hope she was right.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
they would move on from this. "what place do you wish here in the village? i am moonwoman. shikoba is sivullik." she looked curiously at inutsuk as she spoke.

"in the place of my birth, we had a man who was long talker. long rememberer. he kept the stories of that land and those clans."

for there was not only her family here now. there would be another.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

"What place do you want here in the village?" What place? Didn't he already have one..?

Inutsuk seemed slightly confused at first, but over the course of seconds, it came to him. I already have my place. Guardian and hunter; mate of Sivilluk. That was his place. Wasn't it?

3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
"you will always be these things, inutsuk. but you are also a man of moonglow. the children of this year and the next ones will look to you for teaching. what will you tell them?" 

every wolf in moonglow had a role. she was wife to sunman but she was also moonwoman, keeper of women's secrets and the sacred rituals that had guided her people through the long dark. 

"it is like having two names. there is the name you give to those around you. and there is the name only you know in your heart."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

He could understand what was meant by this. There was second titles for all. He lacked one, however. But, he did not quite know what else he should be called. Maybe Kukutux would know.

What does Moonwoman think I should tell them? Inutsuk looked to her with a questioning gaze, hoping she had some thoughts.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
"tell them of how to be guardian. what to see with their eyes. what is difference between guardian and warrior." she thought for a moment. "lómion is ready to go on the hunt."

it would be a high honor for the mate of shikoba to train the son of her hearth. for both her clan and the ulaq of the firsthunter.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Tell them of how to be a guardian. He repeated, archiving these words to both memory and heart. His children would be keepers of Moonglow, just like him and Shikoba. Someone must teach them.

And what of this second name? The concept still hadn't quite been fully understood. Was it meant to be a name of moral, of concept alone and nothing more; or was it meant to be a name that physically marked him with responsibility and purpose (one that Moonglow and allies would see him as)? He would need to all of what she meant, lest he be trapped within a conscious confusion.

3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
kukutux considered. "my daughters, they have the name that is given, the one that they tell to others. but each of them has a spirit-name. i whispered it to them at birth. i tell them again when they are ready to be married."

kukutux smiled toward inutsuk. "it is not something that must be done. but you are part of this village. i will teach you how to ask the spirits, if you have this wish."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Inutsuk listened to how she explained. Now he could understand better; he also grew with curiosity.

I would be honored if you would. This is something I have an interest to learn. He truly did. Moonwoman had intrigued him. The subject was not something he could let go without learning.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"take blood from your arm." she demonstrated where this must be; the inside of one's wrist. "let it fall to the ground. ask the spirits to give you a dream where they offer you a word that is different. it will not be a dream that is clear. but you will understand it, inutsuk."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]