Redhawk Caldera stay; silvering
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
i am literally so sorry, this week i got some horrible IRL news and other things happened, completely dropped the ball. this was supposed to go up the 12th ;; as such, i am going to say teya's labour stalled for a bit and restarted on the 16th <3 please forgive me but please message any of ur thoughts! <3 no posting order!

[Image: evergreen-icegif-11.gif]

the pains had begun days ago but nothing had come of them. teya had stayed close to @Bronco, sleeping often, walking. breathing. breathing; always. much of that.
but her weakening was made clear, despite efforts to keep her strengths high with food and encouragement. somehow all she could think of was sorana, even though the raven knew she must focus.
maia was not pregnant that she knew of; this fell to her for now, the furthering of brecheliant. somehow this provided a resolution she needed.
days bled into one another; nights whirled, and finally the pains began in earnest.
not wanting her mate far from her, teya clung feverishly to him as her sides hardened and hips began the breaking through which all mothers must go.
before dawn of that second day, she gave a great cry and a push, delivering @Bronte with a low grunt. scarcely had she reached for and cleaned the small golden girl when her body prepared for another. surprise touched her strained expression, and then anguished determination once more.
a boy, @Boris. teya reached to them both shakingly, bathing her son and settling him beside his fur-damp sister at her belly.
but more! teya felt tears come, for the agony was great. but she only bared her teeth and bore down with a sharp inhale of breath, for the third and final child, @Ponyboy.
three babes. her body continued its contractions for the afterbirth, but teya could only look at the trio of bundles beside her and then toward bronco, awe and love replacing the long days of pain upon her face.
she kissed her mate's shoulder and closed her eyes with a small sigh, too worn to speak for now.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I can move this if Bronco or others want in first <3 also I hope all is okay! As always lmk if you need anything

Single post cameo

As soon as she caught wind that Teya’s birthing was later than expected, Bridget remained close just in case her presence was needed. Moonspear could wait for the moment; she wasn’t the expert that Eljay was when it came to these matters but she still knew enough that she wouldn’t feel right being out of the territory and unable to provide needed backup. Eljay had a family to look after.

She didn’t intrude for the birth but she was near enough to faintly hear. It wasn’t easy, but in a way it was comforting as each wave of pain was followed by the signs of a successful birth. Bridget smiled to herself when it seemed to be done without issue or summons, silently full of warm congratulations and loving anticipation. She hoped Sorana could bring herself to be a part of their life and find healing in nurturing her younger siblings. And she looked forward to embracing her own role as their aunt, this time with a father who might even appreciate her presence.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
<3 <3 <3 I hope this week gets better for you! No worries at all about her pregnancy going another week! I haven’t been on much internet this week anyway.

When Teya’s labour began, he remembered how terrifying it could be simply to wait, and be helpless. She persisted, but with every passing day he worried more and more though he did his best to suppress it. 

It was in the moments that she slept that his intrusive thoughts barged in. He could lose her. The children could be all stillborns if they would not come out. He could lose all of them in one fell swoop, and Teya would die in despair and agony.  He would have to explain to Sorana that this was his fault. 

But when she was awake he tried to push those thoughts away. He walked with her, lay with her while she slept, relying heavily on the kindness of others to keep her fed. 

When the pain came again and he saw the muscles along her ribs harden, he braced himself, gritting his teeth, forcing himself to keep his breathing steady so she might as well. 

Still, he expected the worst. It felt like everything was going to take one final downhill turn- until their first child was born. She moved, and breathed- a pale little girl who brought immense relief and joy with her. The next a stony boy, the fur along his spine dark even once he was cleaned. A third came, pale and creamy like the first, and it made him smile to see their children born safe and sound.

He uttered a lot grumble and kissed Teya’s brow. He had no words for the joy, relief and pride he felt- only love that burst through him when he looked upon his mate and the newest additions to their family.
25 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
<3 <3 I hope this week gets better for you too ebony!! :( <3 And there is no apology needed, please continue to take the time you need to process & rest <3

In the beginning, there was life.

No eye had seen what transpired in the secret place of his creation. Not even Boris, whose silvered substance formed between two woven tapestries of gold. He only knew life: a light given him despite the present darkness.

And today, he would know another thing: warmth.

He had always felt it, but never knew it until he slipped into the chill of the world he had been made for, and drew a sharp breath into the lungs he never knew he had, and he gave a sharp cry. But his voice stilled when he found himself wrapped in familiar heat and familiar smells again. Boris pressed into the side of his mother and sought to wrap himself in the comfort of her presence.

Something had shifted in the things he knew, and in time, the little one would learn them all. Yet here he was content, for now and for many days to come, to simply suckle until he lapsed into a heavy sleep.
96 Posts
Ooc — Jess
A new sort of awareness hit him when the day came for him to be unleashed upon the outside world. Everything he knew changed. He learned the brief flick of cold air, and the weight of his own body that kept him firmly against something that was soft, but harder than what he was used to. He coughed and spluttered and with needling cries, he inhaled the cool air- and came to know the scents of those who loved him most. 

Air wasn’t enough. He sucked in breaths of air and cried out, only to find himself rubbed and soothed and nudged until his muzzle found warmth, and soon thereafter, sustenance. 

Ponyboy lived. He kneaded with tiny paws and squealed through his nose in pleasure as he filled his belly. He sought warmth, found himself surrounded by it once again, and settled into his new home.
104 Posts
Ooc — Mai
All she had ever known was peace. No sense of up or down, of dark or light. Nor of warmth and cold. And for the little sun child, that was enough. Then, quite abruptly, her world changed. Compressing, tighter and tighter. Sending her on a downwards spiral, plunging into an unknown void. She was helpless to resist.

Bronte entered the world without incident. Shock in the form of cold air and hard earth registered in her senses. The wetness clinging to her new body didn't help either. She sucked in a breath, tiny lungs inflating. Squealed in the high pitched cry of a healthy infant, experiencing change for the first time.

Then, her problems seemed to ebb away when she was guided to a plush, warm source. She found her place at her mother's teat, where she latched. She could only dimly sense the chubby forms of her brothers beside her, for the very first time. A discovery to look into later. Exhaustion set in as the warm milk settling in her belly lulled her to sleep.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
two sons. a daughter.
teya nosed them softly, catching bridget's scent outside the den and smiling softly, though it waned as she discovered sorana had not been here.
there was some small hope her oldest daughter would arrive, and so she turned her attention to bronco.
"look," though he already was. her voice trembled. "they perfect."
the glowing coolwater eyes reached for his own. "boris?" for one of the boys, a smile tinging her countenance with joy.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
"Boris?" He whined. At first, it might sound like a complaint, if not for the whispering of his tone, and the little beads of moisture that prickled at his eyes. He looked at the little greyish pup (the one he assumed she'd named) and made an expression that was half a smile, half a frown- the only expression he could muster in the wake of something that sounded too adorable to be able to handle. 

"Ugh, I love it." He said. He loved the way the name sounded when Teya said it, especially. He reached down to give the pup a lick, as though to christen it, or something along those lines. "Boris," He said, all smiles now. "Boris, Boris, Boris," He said. "Can we just name them all Boris?" He asked with a slight laugh. 

The little girl was precious- and she was all Teya. He chose not to offer a suggestion for the girl, figuring that Teya- who between the two of them, was obviously the master of names- should pick out something for their little baby girl, and he looked to the other boy. A little beige fluff, with a lighter patch on his nose, and the typical Blackthorn dorsal stripe. He smiled faintly at the child who squirmed. Of course, there were other names that he could have offered- and they likely would have been far worse than the one he came up with. Instead, though, he landed on what he thought was a suitable ode to his father, Colt. 

"Ponyboy?" He asked. "If it's dumb, we can totally find something else, I-" He shrugged, with a quiet laugh. "I just...Wanted him to be named something like...I dunno, horse-y, it's a...Family thing I guess...Because of my Dad." He said.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
hope its okay i post again! this can be my last <3

boris. it was loved at once, and teya could not help but to reach for bronco and kiss him gently, once, twice. "boris." the little charcoal boy too received a press of her lips.
she saw him look in thought at their daughter, and then move to the golden son.
"ponyboy." there was agreement in her voice, moisture touching her eyes. "that beautiful, bronco." a child with a name as tribute.
she kissed the newly christened ponyboy and returned to their girl, who resembled her in many ways. for a long moment teya only thought, and then, "bronte."
it fit among them all.
suddenly tired, suddenly drained and hungry and fatigued, she lay back into the plushness of their bed, gathering the little ones closer. "i am so happy, bronco," and moments later off she drifted into a mother's sleep.