Moonspear aviktuk ╩
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Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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following her talk with towhee, kukutux made her way back to the mountain.

with her, soft roundnesses of carefully chewed leather, for small mouths and aching teeth.

this day she came to sialuk's den in search of @Panuk and @Rolayne, though her jadestone eyes looked for maggak and acrux, knowing they too would not be so far.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
he'd awoken at the crack of dawn to go on an early hunting lesson with @Elentari. she'd intended to teach him how to track the scents and trails of the smaller mountain creatures, though he'd spent most of his time mumbling about having to have woken up so early. once his lesson had been complete, he gave a quick kiss to his crow-lit mother and then bounded off in search of a playmate. 

that's when he'd run into @Seal, and the two opted for a game of i spy. they walked, spotting trees, sticks, rocks, paw prints, leaves and more. the two youth played until noon rolled around, eventually splitting off from one another to pursue other interests. 

that was when he stumbled over the scent of anânsiak, and his tracking lesson was soon put to quick use. he followed the woman's steps diligently, eventually having them spit him out at the very place he'd been intending to go in the first place. 

"anânsiak," he greeted as he moseyed his way over to investigate what she held clutched between her jaws.
"atkan aleut"
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"tutaaluga," kukutux greeted when she had placed down her offering. perhaps the others slept.

"i have brought three toys. you must share them with panuk, rolayne, and maggak," she instructed, before she sat and grinned fondly. "what have you been doing? already a hunter!" kukutux praised, catching the fragrances upon his coat.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
his paws found their way to the gifts, a wet nose carefully drawing over each one as he inspected them. he glanced upwards when instructed to share, and he responded with a prompt nod of his head. he would let each of his siblings have their choice of playing with the new toys first. 

he leaned forward to stretch out his limbs when he was questioned on being a hunter. a groan escaped him as he shot a disinterested frown at the older woman. "yes, but i do not think i like it." he did not explain any further than that, instead recalling the story his mother had told him to ask about when he next saw his grandmother. 

"anaa told me to ask ya about the story of lightning mother and rain father. can ya tell me?," he asked with a tilt of his head. he'd much rather hear a story than discuss the boredoms of hunting.
"atkan aleut"
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
the worn teeth of the grandmother shone in a radiant grin.

"lightning mother! it has been a long while since i told that story, little warrior." watching acrux for his reaction to that, kukutux invited the boy closer and took a breath before she began the retelling.

when it was finished, kukutux looked to her grandson, anticipating what he might say.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]