Shadewood So many thoughts going through my brain
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
All Welcome 
anyone welcome but tagging @Issun and @Takara for reference

For the past few days she found that she grew more sensitive to certain things, like scents. Certain prey scents made her sick, certain wolf scents gave her different emotions. To Cry's there was gratitude, then Issun's made her heart soar overwhelmingly, to Takara's she felt confused. The woman made her feel so overwhelmingly dominant while also...making her feel small in a strangely good way. She didn't understand it but she wanted it and she felt a very territorial sensation. Then she thought of Issun again and it dawned on her.... she's pregnant.

Currently she was very loudly, very disgustingly hECK hACKin up half a rabbit into the bushes while switching between cursing in japanese and sobbing while nearly dying. Ah the beauty of pregnancy, she fucking glowed.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
avoiding cry was not easy, for he was an involved individual, genuinely concerned for the well-being of each of his wolves. but kukutux left her den before sunrise, and kept herself busy almost until the evening as oft as she was able. looking upon him when she knew gwen would soon grow heavy with his children sparked a pain in kukutux she did not like, a weakness.

today the girl was upon her familiar task of plant-gathering, and had so far collected three bundles of different herbs.  one would be useful, she knew, a mint that reminded her of the spicy plant that grew upon the edges of the isle. today, it seemed, she would be able to use it, for as kukutux moved through the keep, the acrid scent of vomit came to her.

a lean black wolfess, honed by battle, expelled her weakness into the foliage, and the duck heard the flare of tears in the words she did not recognize. "you need this," she murmured, forgoing a formal greeting for now, and pulling the rabbit fur from her shoulders to reveal the mint.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Her head swung quickly to the side so she could see the stranger who spoke. She had been so focused on releasing herself from the awful nausea that she had failed to notice the woman's approach. She remained silent wondering whether to accept the offered herbs in the premise of them being pack mates or to deny the offer because to accept showed she was admitting weakness, admitting she was now a mother and that she had to focus on that rather than working. 

Thinking of the babies growing within her caused her to reach out and gingerly take the mint, chewing it and swallowing "Thank you" she said simply and then the stench of her own sickness drifted up her nose and she turned away. "That's normal? Nothing is wrong with them?" she asked the medicine carrying woman, because if she knew what mint was for surely she knew other things. Minori knew nothing of medicine and very little of pregnancy.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
a bit taken aback by the other's ignorance, kukutux decided not to judge. first-time motherhood was something altogether new and difficult; perhaps this warrior-woman had not the instruction of a mother to know what was to come. "this is not unnatural," she murmured gently. "it will go on for some days, but will soon end."

shouldering her rabbit skin once more, the duck cleared her throat. "i am kukutux." healer aspirant, though that was perhaps clear from her burden of herbs. she would wait here, alongside the sable woman, to see if she was needed further, unsure of whether or not she should offer more advice to the sickened wolfess.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
She took the healer's words to be the truth without hesitation, the tension leaving her body instantly. She even faintly smiled a bit "Well...that's unfortunate. I knew that moodiness and fatigue happen but not the sickness" she said shifting slightly. She motioned for the woman to follow her, eyes silently voicing an invitation to walk with her. "I am Minori. Nice to meet you" she said in return to the introduction. She felt awkward and busied herself with sniffing the air, searching for any interesting scents. "Do you have any tips for the actual birthing?" she asked hopefully.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
minori. committing the name to memory, kukutux fell into step with the taller woman. "yes," came her gentle answer, accompanied by a small smile to hopefully soothe the soon-mother. "when the pains begin, it is good to walk, until you cannot. this helps the babies to move through your body so they can be born."

the girl hesitated, wondering if she should speak upon the taboos of birth. supposing one would not hurt, and though she began tentatively, kukutux' voice grew in confidence. "only women should be near. even your husband should not be close. the spirits of women are softer, and will welcome the pups more easily."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
There was something about this woman's presence that was indeed soothing. Perhaps it was simply that she knew about pregnancy, that she had helped Minori with the sickness. She was a friend, a sister in the pack, and that made her alright in the warrior's eyes. She listened intently and smiled, a smile filled with humor "That is no problem. I don't like sitting still at all" she said as she paused to rub against a tree, leaving her scent. She frowned at Kukutux's next advice, recognising a spiritual soul in the woman immediately. It reminded her of her mother and she felt a warmth for the woman despite not agreeing with the advice given. "He is a gentle soul, he won't do any harm. As for women...well I don't have many friends. I am friends with Takara but she's been rather absent" she trailed off there, worry evident in her tone. Where had the annoyingly adorable woman gone off to?
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
minori seemed to disagree with the duck's pronouncement, and kukutux feared it was not clear what she meant. gentle or not, the place of a man had never been within the birthing den. but she would not speak on it again, enjoying her time in the warrior's company. "we have just met, but i do not mind being with you also," came her shy offer. 

"do you want sons or daughters?" kukutux inquired then, girlishly curious. she would not be able to give a husband children until winter had come and gone again, and while she had attended births since childhood, the true gravity of the experience was still veiled to her.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
She liked Kukutux more by the minute, she was gentle but had a calm resolve, she wasn't weak. Minori smiled to herself marvelling at how every wolf Cry had brought in had a purpose of their own. Her new friend's question brought her up short and she paused, considering the question for a moment. A daughter would be something entirely different from a son, a daughter she'd have no idea how to raise. She only knew of how her customs said to raise them and she hated the customs, she had broken them herself and become General instead of Princess. "A...son. I just...I won't know how to raise a daughter" she said honestly and then flicked her ears, her gaze softening "Though I will love either just the same and do my best" she felt a surge of warmth.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
everyone wanted sons, kukutux thought. they worked hard and brought honour and kills to one's ulaq,, though sons left to go live in the homes of their wives, and daughters left to become daughter again to another woman. "my mother had two daughters, myself and my sister," the duck revealed in a soft voice. "daughters are the root of the tree. sons are its branches. that is what she told us." a bittersweet smile passed over her features, gone as soon as it had come. "you will be a good mother."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
She considered the words of the spiritual woman's mother and nodded slowly, not quite sure what it meant but somehow still grasping some meaning. She smiled softly wondering if she really would be a good mother when she already so desperately wanted to return to being a warrior. "Thank you....I intend to do my best" she said. Then she turned to look at Kukutux and studied her for a moment "You will be too. Do you plan on children?" she asked curiously.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
dipping her head shyly, kukutux smiled, but in her heart was a pang of bittersweetness. "i have only twelve moons," she revealed softly. and in that moment she thought of gwen, and of cry — how very little she had asked, how much she had been prepared to give in return. all for naught. the wood had become stifling. "perhaps one day."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
574 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Oh! She was so young. The fact that she was so young yet so wise was startling to Minori who usually associated youth with impulse and mistakes. She could sense a sort of sadness coming from the woman and she was unsure why except maybe that she wanted pups "You'll be an incredible mother whenever you do have them. You have many years...don't fret. want experience beforehand you can help me with my children when they're born" the offer was hesitated upon before she made it, as she wasn't too keen on letting someone she barely knew near her babies but she sensed no evil in this woman.
Merc. Mastery: 6/20
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3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
minori's reassurances only inspired grief in kukutux, though she hid this well. with no promise of a husband, for now there was also no promise of children. yet she smiled warmly at the expectant mother, her small teeth showing in a brief expression of gratitude for minori's invitation.

"i would be honoured," the duck murmured respectfully, genuinely moved. "i will bring something for the pain." in the weeks to come, kukutux would discover that time and sensation would sweep her away from the keep, but for now she was the picture of soft-eyed innocence and interest.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]