Northstar Vale Makriá
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Being with his children, Arsenio had been absent from many things in Epoch. It had left him feeling like a poor leader. His family had stolen his attention and his time. He could not be regretful that he had been away from the new joiners. Tamar seemed to have thrived in her ability to charm their company, their members. Arsenio loved to see her, flourishing like a flower in spring.

It interested the man to know that @Towhee had joined them. She brought her family with her to the vale and the redstone mercenary wondered if she had found interest in becoming a teacher. On his journey out, he made a note to search for her scent. If he found her, he would welcome her the way that he should have on her first day. If he did not, he would find the borders instead.
Sun Mote Copse
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Tamar parked her in a cave in the center of the maple forest, so I’m gonna take some liberties here, lol.

Towhee ducked her head and pawed at her muzzle when something dripped from the ceiling and struck her there. Her eyes fell to her paw, which was now smeared with warm white goop, and then lifted to the cave’s ceiling. There was a bird flapping around wildly up there, evidently having trouble locating the exit.

Not that she needed an excuse to go outside, but she made a hasty exit herself to avoid any more dung bombs. That definitely wouldn’t help with her healing if any happened to land on her back. The cold November air hit her briskly in the face as she paused just beyond the doorway to wipe the bird shit off her paw.

When she looked up and out into the woods, she thought she saw a glimpse of auburn among the sea of red and brown and shouted, Arsenio, that you…?
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Yes, yes! I’m so happy they’re here. ^^

The man stopped at the sound of his name being called into the autumn leaves. He turned, ears pricked atop his head. Blue eyes searched the span of autumn colors until he landed on the familiar shape of Towhee. A grin split the man’s features. It might have been good timing that had drawn her out into the open as he had passed, but he would not complain.

Trotting toward her, the Arche bumped his skull to her shoulder in greeting once the space had been closed. She looked like she had suffered a rough go, wounded. Arsenio squinted with concern at the woman. He wondered if something had happened at Mereo, if that was what had driven her to Epoch. It didn’t matter, in the end. He was pleased that she was there.

It is good to see you, warrior woman. What trouble have you found yourself in? the man nodded toward her wounds.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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It was him. Before Towhee could make any further assessments, the trapped bird finally made its escape, buzzing her on its way out and causing the Theos to flinch and duck. Her back complained and she quickly righted herself, watching it swoop away over the treetops even as the Arche stepped forth from beneath their cover.

His amiable greeting reminded her of what Germanicus had said. Somehow, she hadn’t realized the man held such a high opinion of her. But Towhee appreciated it, as well as the familiarity and warm welcome. She didn’t think she’d ever met wolves as hospitable as Arsenio and his wife.

I bumped into a lynx who thought it was time for me to retire, Towhee joked with a cock of her head. No regrets, though. Mereo was kept safe and I got a ticket to paradise. She motioned at the vale surrounding them. I’ve only been here, what? Five days? And I can’t even take a look around yet. But all the same, I already love the place. You guys chose well.

But other than the obvious, nothing was going on in Towhee’s world since her arrival and she was thirsty for any kind of news about the goings-on here, prompting her to ask, How are things with you? Staying busy with the tykes, I assume?
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Ooc — Teo
A lynx… Arsenio’s eyes softened on her.

You taught it a lesson, I hope, the mercenary offered with a smirk. He was careful to be sure that his lips could be read by the woman. It was a lesson that he had not forgotten. The man wondered if she taught the signs he had seen her use. A question for another time, perhaps. It did not seem fair that she should have to meet him on his speaking grounds each time.

Towhee seemed pleased with Epoch. This was a good thing. Arsenio wanted her to be happy in her newly gained retirement. The vale was intended to be a place where the young could grow and learn. Where all of their members would teach something valuable to the generations that came after them.

When you are better, I will give you the great tour. Even then, I am sure that Tamar has some places that even I do not know about, Arsenio promised her.

At the mention of his children, the redstone figure sighed. He was proud of them. He loved his children with all his heart. They were tiring but the job was always a rewarding one. In truth, the mercenary could not imagine his life without them. It seems like this was always where he was meant to be.

They are smarter than I thought, learning faster than I can keep up with. I love them dearly. A cock of his head. And your own?
Sun Mote Copse
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Germanicus and Reyson were there to finish it off, Towhee replied.

Arsenio mentioned giving her a tour when she felt up to it. Of course, she planned to do most of her sightseeing with Maxim; they would go to all the places he’d described to her. But she would gladly accompany the Arche too. And Tamar. And anyone else who wanted to go for a walk. Towhee was going to go on so many walks.

I told myself I’d hang out here for a week, Towhee said, motioning at the cave behind her and spotting a speck of white on her paw, which she wiped in the grass again. I’ll come find you when the time comes, so you can show me all the hot spots.

A flock of geese appeared overhead, winging southward. Towhee watched them for a moment, though she lowered her eyes in time to catch Arsenio’s answer to her question. There was a softness to his eyes when he spoke of his children. She would never forget what it was like to be a first-time parent.

It’s awesome, isn’t it? And exhausting. Mine are pretty damn great. I can’t complain, Towhee said, thinking fondly of Jack and Leo. We gave them the choice to stay behind in Mereo if they liked, since I feel they were old enough. But they both came here. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it to them but, she said with her own happy sigh, I’m so fucking glad they’re here with us.

Speaking of children, one of the main reasons Towhee had come here was to teach, so she said, You’ll sign yours up for my classes, right? I’ll be teaching Ptero one day a week. And once I’m back on my feet properly, I hope to do some weekly merc training as well. I was wanting to talk to you about that, actually. I was hoping you could tell me what areas I should focus on for that. I was thinking guarding and patrolling but…
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676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The Arche understood that she would need to heal. He did not wish for her to reopen any of her wounds by gallivanting through the vale. There would be time for her to learn the secret places. Winter would be new for all of them. Arsenio felt as though he had not tasted the bitterness of it in Akashingo. The Pharaoh was good for something, perhaps.

As Towhee spoke of her children, Arsenio smiled. She had made a brave choice by offering to let her children stay behind. Mereo was strict and challenging. They would not have had an easy life under the watchful eye of the Roman Imperator. They would have learned a good deal about being soldiers and fighting for a cause, however. The redstone wolf believed that both were important lessons.

You could not think they would want to stay and let you have all the fun?

Arsenio laughed heartily. It was good to know that there were other children. It was better to know that Epoch had turned itself into a place for families. It meant that they had a future.

At the mention of her classes, the redstone figure became intent. His ears stood perked.

I would like to attend the class, please. My son- I am certain that he would have interest in one, or both. My daughters, too. The man thought it was an exciting thing that they already had someone wanting to teach, to pass on their knowledge.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Arsenio enthusiastically volunteered all three of his children, as well as himself. Towhee grinned. Over the years, she had taught Ptero to many wolves, some more successfully than others. There was nothing she appreciated more deeply than students not just ready and willing but eager to learn.

Awesome. I’m going to start them right here, in a few days’ time. I’ll howl right before it starts. Nobody will be able to miss the bell, Towhee promised. Is there anything specific you’d like me to cover when I start the mercenary training? I can just go over the basics but I didn’t know if you might want to emphasize—or, hell, deemphasize, if that’s even a word?—anything in particular.
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Ooc — Teo
Oh, I wish to learn the er- ptero class. To start, anyway.

Arsenio had been in many fights in his years. He had earned a base trade while in Mereo but had not sought to pursue anything official to the pack, otherwise. There was a chance that he could learn a thing or two from the woman. She was skilled and had mastered the art of many skills. The redstone man thought that he would attend one of her mercenary classes on another day, when his mind was less occupied by his family.

And I do not have anything I wish for you to avoid, or include. I trust that your lessons will prove educational for those who attend. I will join a mercenary class when my young ones have grown a bit more. They were still small, still at risk of everything in the world. Arsenio tried not to hover over them, but they occupied his thoughts every second he was away from them. It would take time for him to adjust the daily tasks he had known before.

All of your family has joined you, yes? They are here?
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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Arsenio made a clarification and Towhee nodded. She knew what he meant and welcomed whatever interest he showed in either course. He didn’t have any stipulations about what she chose to teach when it came to mercenary training, trusting her judgment and promising to participate when his kids were a bit older.

Awesome, Towhee said, sounding like a broken record.

He asked her about her family and she looked around as if Maxim, Jack or Leo might materialize as if summoned. But they were probably on the far side of the valley, exploring and getting to know its every inch. Towhee tried to ignore the horrible FOMO that hit her right then.

Yeah, well, my husband, she said, wrinkling her nose in obvious distaste for that term, then laughing, and youngest two. I think my brother might follow me here but he wanted to tie up some loose ends. Other Redhawks may pop by, though I think we’re it for now. Towhee paused before offering, If you want, we could try calling for them, if you’d like to do some proper introductions?
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Ooc — Teo
The redstone man couldn’t help but laugh at her expression when mentioning her husband. He wondered how that had happened, hoping that she had found a man who offered her what she needed in a partner. It seemed that he was just the tip of the familial iceberg, though. Towhee went on to say that her brother might consider following her to Epoch, that she had other Redhawks who may stop in to visit. She offered to call to them, make proper introductions.

Arsenio was in no place to refuse. The man nodded his head eagerly.

Yes, let’s! I wish to meet the family of Towhee. Let me see if they are as tenacious as you are, hm?

Even if they did not wish to stick around, he was not opposed to guests. If Ramesses had taught him anything it was that hospitality built bonds. Family was the man’s priority. Towhee’s kin would be welcome in the vale.
Sun Mote Copse
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Towhee pondered what he meant by “tenacious” even as she tossed her head skyward and called for @Maxim, @Leona and Jack Snipe. She hoped they were in earshot and might return the call, even if they were otherwise preoccupied. She would never know, though her orange eyes quickly dropped back to Arsenio, watching him for any cues.

While they waited, she motioned for him to follow her and took a step inside the cave. It wouldn’t be their permanent abode, though Towhee and her family had made the space quite cozy for their stay. Namely, the goatskin rug Reyson had gifted them was spread out on the floor, a barrier between their warm bodies and the chill of the earth and stone beneath.

Have you ever met Reyson? Towhee wondered, having mentioned his name once in the context of the lynx and elaborating now, He’s the Legatus in Mereo, at last check. He’s a pretty cool dude. He brought me this, not long after we fought the lynx. Look, I’m not a material girl but I live in a material world and this is probably my most prized possession, she all but purred as she stroked the supple skin.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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Ooc — Teo
While they waited for her family to show up, she invited him into the warmth of their den. Arsenio followed her and perked his ears tall as she spoke of a man named Reyson who had gifted her a prized thing. The blue of his eyes fell on the pelt. He smiled, happy that she had been given something so soft from a beast that had knocked her on bedrest for the foreseeable future.

It is a fitting prize. I hope to learn how to keep the skins. I think that they will be valuable to us in the winter months, Arsenio voiced to her. He hoped that he might find someone who could show him how to maintain the hides of their prey animals. It pleased him to think of the dens lined in pelts.

Glancing toward the entrance, the Arche thought he heard a sound from outside. He hoped that he might meet Towhee’s young ones and her husband. He was intrigued to know who had won the woman’s heart, after all.
128 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The call from his mother had fractured his serious focus on a particularly slippery weasel he’d seen. The young boy hadn’t wanted to return home without his prize, but after he watched the creature scurry up the length of a full-grown tree… well, he figured he wouldn’t tempt the fate he would have if he ignored his mom’s call.

Trotting toward their home, Jack yipped to announce that he had heard, and he had listened. He hoped he would get brownie points for being so well-behaved. The scent of another figure was there. The freckled boy lifted his head and sniffed at the air, eyes squinted.

Inside their home was a red man. Jack eyed him from the edges of his gaze.

Who’s this?
Sun Mote Copse
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Next time I see Sunshine—er, Reyson—I’ll let him know you’re interested in learning the skill, if you want? Towhee offered.

Before he could answer, something drew his attention to the cave’s mouth. She followed his gaze and saw Jack Snipe’s familiar face hovering in the entrance. Towhee swiveled and grinned.

Hey! Come inside. This is Arsenio, one of the leaders here. He’s Tamar’s mate and Antigone’s, Zosime’s and Zulema’s dad, she introduced, just hoping she hadn’t bungled any of those names (she probably had). Arsenio, this is my son, Jack Snipe.

She almost said to call him Jack for short, though Towhee would never forget her grandson’s comical correction at the big family get-together a while back. Surely her son could also voice his preference on what to be called, when he finished his own introduction.
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Ooc — Teo
Arsenio would have commented on her offer, but a young face had appeared in the doorway and carried a young body in with it. Towhee looked happily upon her son. The Arche smiled between the two of them, pleased to see another family in the vale, pleased to see that they were well.

The son – Jack Snipe – was a sharp young thing. He eyed Arsenio from the edges of his gaze. The pup looked shrewder than even the Imperator. The redstone wolf could not help but wonder if Jack Snipe was a serious, unshaken boy, like Antigone. It felt foolish for him to say that he wanted his children to have friends. Hovering would not be a gift to them.

Jack Snipe, it is good to meet you! Strong. You are a young mercenary in the making, are you not? Arsenio said to the boy, tail waving warmly. Whatever the boy wanted to be, he looked like he had the fire in his heart to accomplish it.
128 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Arsenio the Arche sounded fun. Jack wondered if the red-furred man had made his rank sound like his name on purpose, or if it had just been a cool accident.

Unlike stupid Swordfish, Jack didn’t mind sharing his nickname with others. When his mom introduced him using his full name, he looked at her with visible confusion. She had even called him Jackie a few times! Unable to figure out why, the young tornado had assumed that she’d given his full name to the man because it sounded the coolest.

Jack is good! I am gonna be a woosh! Yeah!

The boy spun around in a circle, nearly fumbling over his own feet.

A WARRIOR! The best in the world, as a matter of fact.
Sun Mote Copse
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While she watched her new leader and her young son engage one another, Towhee couldn’t help but draw comparisons between this interaction and the boy’s attitude around Germanicus. Both of Towhee’s kids were very boisterous and, she imagined, quite noisy. She loved their energy, especially since it usually focused on each other. But she also knew it had been a bit of a pain point for the stern Imperator, keen to train decorum and discipline into them.

Arsenio, on the other hand, didn’t hold back from hyping up her son, who proceeded to spin around the cave. It was a little over the top, though she enjoyed his enthusiasm and thought maybe the Arche did too. Jack might not be the most regimented warrior in the making, though he had so much heart for the role.

You’re gonna be a what now? Towhee queried, her son’s lips having formed a word that she didn’t quite catch.

She received a war cry in response: “A WARRIOR!”

She could tell that he was shouting and Towhee leaned back as if stunned by the blast of his voice.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The young boy was bursting with energy. Arsenio was baffled by it. Zulema and Zosime had both found some spirit and had sought adventure in small bursts. They were young, still. He had to remember that it would be some time before they would be preparing for their future. For now, he appreciated that things moved a little slower. The man couldn’t imagine how Towhee kept up with such a whirlwind. He smiled at her as she asked him to repeat himself.

Your mom is a great warrior, you know. She will teach you to be strong. Then, perhaps you will be able to spar with me, hm? If she teaches you her tricks, you will probably win.

The Arche laughed, hoping that he would see Jack chasing his dreams. He could remember being a boy and wanting the world for himself. It was curious to see the hunger of youth. Though he was not yet old, Arsenio had lived enough to have curbed such enthusiasm. He had already proven himself.
128 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Jack liked when his mom reacted to his loud voice. It wasn’t often that he got to see her physical responses to sounds, so their rare occurrence was a welcome one. When her ears fell back on her head, and she squinted – like travelling at high speeds – the boy giggled with pleasure. He all but ignored the next few words from the red rock wolf Arche, or whatever his name was.

Mom’s strong! But she’s stinky, too, he said loudly to the man, grinning wickedly back to his mother in hopes that she would try to scold him for calling her stinky. Jack didn’t think Towhee smelled or behaved in a rotten way. He just wanted to see if he could get a rise out of her. If given the chance, the boy would show just how ready he was to spar – any day, any time.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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The Arche tried to remind her son of her merits and skills, prompting Towhee to look at Jack and pull a smug face. He readily agreed with Arsenio, though he added a valid disclaimer.

He’s not wrong, she agreed with a shrug and splayed paws. And on that note, I think getting shat on is contagious ‘cause a bird vacated its bowels on me a few minutes ago and now I have to take a dump. It’s going to take a while; some of the painkillers I’ve been taking really back me up. Be back in fifteen… make that twenty… actually, don’t wait up, Towhee announced unceremoniously before waddling back out of the cave.

Last post from me! :)
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