Moonspear kaaksiugun ⋌
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aw but maybe @Sialuk or one of the pups? (@Treepie/@Tikaani)

moonmother climbed the slopes of moonspear once more, panting here and there as she realized with a wry look that she had become weaker in her age.

yet it was with another bundleskin of herbs and sundried meat that she arrived now, crossing the borders. her voice called once for her daughter and the grandchildren which lived upon this mountain.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Treepie lazed on an outcropping, enjoying the warm sun on their back as it slowly chased the chill from the morning air. As the temperature rose, so did the number of flies buzzing near their ears, setting them constantly flickering. Right about the time the pup grew weary of them and lifted their head, a sonorous call sounded from down the mountain.

Too quickly, the youth bounded from their perch and scampered down the slope. They stumbled countless times as they raced toward the caller, a familiar white figure just past the border. Fresh blood bloomed from their chin as Pie raced toward Kukutux and began peppering her own chin with affectionate, respectful kisses.

Having recently met a certain great grandmother, Treepie found themself signing as well as speaking as they greeted, -“Grandma! It’s good to see you!”- Eyes glowing, forepaws prancing, tail swinging, they backed off a few steps to acknowledge her bundle and add, -“What did you bring?”-

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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towhee had been here. kukutux remembered little of the gestures, though she attempted l-look! before she unrolled the otterskin.

there were strips of salmon, curls of elk liver, thin pieces of venison; there were edible green leaves and fresh elderberries. "for your anaa," kukutux murmured, letting treepie explore the sachet of dried mint and dandelion.

her eyes were bright! "do the others play away?" she asked, glancing around to see if more pups might join.
65 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tiki had heard the call and she turned to look and then follow. She was a little slower as she learned to traverse with new sized paws and head. She felt at odds.

A small smile and a wag if tail to both Pie and Pie's grandma. A little roll of her paws to say hello in the ptero that she and Pie had learned.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
They looked admiringly upon all the treats Kukutux had brought for anaa. Pie did not begrudge Sialuk the gift from her own mother. She could certainly use a pick-me-up, though quietly they wondered if it would be alright to ask for just one piece.

Before they could decide, Kukutux posed her own question. Pie opened their mouth, then clapped it shut when Tiki arrived, their lips curving into an easy grin. The elder pup motioned for their best friend to check out the wares spread out on the summer grass.

“Look what grandma brought!” they said, deliberating for a beat before looking up to the pale woman and querying, “Could Tiki and I have one piece to share?” Abruptly remembering her own query, they added, “I think the others are playing. But Pauk went away.”

Sadness flashed in their yellow eyes. They missed their brother, though there were many others around to soothe that ache. They saw how distraught his absence made Sialuk, though, and Tiuttuk just wished he would come home for her sake.

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
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Ooc — ebony
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"all of these are for all of you," kukutux clarified. "this is for anaa," the packet of herbs to settle one's mind

and it seemed they would be needed. their grandmother grew still, motioning tikaani to come forward. she pushed the skin of good things toward the children.

"how long has pauk been away?" she asked of tiuttuk, nutu's small, forlorn face flashing in her mind.

two moonchildren, gone the same year.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
65 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tiki stuck her nose towards the skin. Sniffing everything and wondering what tasted the best. Her mouth wayltered at the thought but she kept her thoughts to herself. 

She would wait until Pie got something. Though she did morph her face into something of sympathy and leaned against the other pup in a hug.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Kukutux clarified which gifts belonged to anaa and which were intended to be shared among the rest. Treepie bent to inspect the offerings again, then glanced at Tiki. Pie wanted them to choose one item together. Which ones appealed to her?

Their eyes danced up to their grandmother’s face, lips pulling into a thoughtful moue before saying, Too long, grandmother. They exhaled, then questioned, Would you like us to help you carry these to mother?

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
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Ooc — ebony
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pauk had been gone too long, which meant to the duck that he had joined nutuyikruk in the unknown. they were outside the bear wilderness, she was certain. groups of hunters and searchers for the lynx girl would have found the poor boy as well.

perhaps they had been taken.

hiding her dismay, her worry, kukutux clucked her tongue. "aya! such helpful children to an old woman! yes. let us go and find your mother sialuk," she exclaimed to both of them, pulling pauk's young face into her mind.
65 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tiki stepped forward to eagerly help pie carry things. It was the least she could do for the woman who smelled nice and spoke so sweetly. 

Tikaani was excited to hear new stories and try new foods. Frankly food was first. Because ummm food.
249 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Rather than make a selection, Tikaani hastened to help Kukutux pack up her spread to deliver it to Sialuk. Treepie immediately jumped in to help too, figuring they could pick out their treat once they’d brought the offerings to anaa.

She’s been spending most of her time in the den, Pie told their grandmother.

Destination declared, they bent to nip a corner of the skin bundled around the herbs and meat. Their mouth watered at all the delicious smells as they scampered up the mountainside, smiling at the thought of Sialuk’s face when they arrived with Kukutux and gifts in hand!

Common Tongue | Atkan Aleut | -Signing-
3,564 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Master Medic
we can keep going or fade! sia & kuku have a thread set after this one <3

"perhaps her spirit is sick, looking for pauk," kukutux said solemnly. "these things will help. and i will share words with her also."

she followed the helpful trail of her granddaughters to the ulaq she knew well, seeking around for sialuk with a warm call.

the fragrance of the treat-meats hung in the warm air.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]