Firefly Glen Why you always seem in a bad mood?
268 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Quick, short posts please! Anyone is welcome, but we callin' specifically for @Hydra @Dirge @Jarilo @Osiris @Antares and @Atlas. Main 3 are gonna be Keres, Dirge, and Osiris for ease/speed, everyone else can post whenever.

Being vague on when in her timeline this is because I have no idea where it fits.

From the Weald, Keres would run, booking it back to the Glen in record time. Before she even neared the borders, the silvered valkyrie would cast a call into the skies to call the leaders of the Glen and Spear both with a tone of urgency. This was a grave matter, and she would waste no time in sharing what she had learned.

Arriving, she would all but skid to a halt, pausing only to catch her breath while the others made their way to her.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
spear of the sun
263 Posts
Ooc — Bo
The call sounded and Atlas was quick to respond. His dark ears cupped in the direction of Keres' summons, long legs carrying him swiftly across the glen's grounds. The urgency could be felt in the air as the inkwell closed the space between himself and Keres. The light of his golden gaze was etched with worry, but Atlas did not speak as he approached; he waited for the others who would surely not be far behind.
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Osiris was quick to respond to Keres' urgent call. He ran through the glen quickly, already dreading whatever had happened; her tone worried him. When Osiris arrived, he stood beside Atlas. After a quick once-over to affirm that she was okay, he waited for her to explain what was going on.
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
Further back, he breached the mingled border between Moonspear and the Glen with haste. The cool air helped to fuel him along, his concern immediate to get to his sister and make discoveries untold. Dirge only knew a few reasons why Keres would rally all she could and starkly none of them he thought were good. There hadn’t been much good over the course of the year and it didn’t seem keen on improving.

Finding Osiris and Atlas in her company, his steps slowed as he neared them with a curt chuff to announce himself. No trace of blood on the wind here, thankfully, but the grim look set on her face spoke volumes about what tale she had to tell.
268 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Atlas. Osiris. Dirge. They answered her call the swiftest; who knew what the others were doing, what business she had interrupted with her distressing call. The important thing was that she had the audience of two alphas, and that was enough for her to start. The others could show late, or have the information passed onto them.

Breath still tin and rapid, Keres began to explain. I was scouting near the Weald to the north and heard Mal, Neverwinter's alpha calling for someone. I went to investigate and he informed me of his missing beta. How long she had been missing did not matter, so — for now — she omitted that information, choosing instead to get to the meat of this grim tale.

He's been searching for her for a few days and was looking around in the woods, and when I found him we split and searched together. We found... a crime scene, honestly. Mal believes that Kynareth, the Saints' leader, took her. She explained, in case it wasn't clear or names had been forgotten. And then, rephrasing it, Kidnapped her. Bomb dropped, Keres would finally fall quiet once more, panting due to her run and because of stress. Those that new Keres well knew she was not dramatic, and would not bring these concerns to her leaders unless she, too, put weight in them.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
spear of the sun
263 Posts
Ooc — Bo
The inkjet beast slowed his pace as he shortened the space between himself and Keres. She looked like she had ridden the winds with urgency. As Dirge and Osiris appeared shortly after, she jumped quickly into her explanation for the summons. Their neighbors – Neverwinter – had lost someone important to their ranks and they had believed it to be the work of one of those packs Atlas’ brother had mentioned to him. Hearing that they had struck so close to home, the inkjet yearling glanced toward his sibling with a worried expression etched onto his features.
“What is our plan of action then?”
The shadow looked to his sibling for the answer to that question. Osiris was the primary guardian of the pack, after all. He had worked hard to develop that skill and would likely be the best resource for whether or not the glen would be joining in the hunt to return Neverwinter’s member.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Promptly dropping his prior trail, he changed course immediately at the note of that howl. Without a second spent to consider it in any greater length, he went running off to join them, and then to find the gathering not long after it appeared Keres began the explanation. He slipped into the scene quiet, but attentive as he took a spot near Atlas, but watching Keres and his father most of all. Details soon took shape while he tried to get up to speed.

He didn't catch that his aunt's tale was from the Weald, necessarily, but that Neverwinter was missing a beta and lo and behold, turns out the Saints were suspect number one. Keres had a distressing note to end on, and Antares tightened his jaw.

i am incredibly skippable so don't mind me in any order
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
Simmik was gone—presumabley kidnapped by Kynareth. Osiris felt his heart skip a beat, and he regarded his siblings and father with concern. "We should help, right?" he asked Dirge in particular, looking for guidance. It only felt right, given their previous conversation about Neverwinter Forest.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin

Desdemona heard the call and while once more leadership was to be summoned, she found it particular the call was to not only Hydra Dirge and Jarilo, but to the Fireflies as well. Generally so she was late to the mixture

Though not late enough to catch the last bits of a missing person, and her paws tensed to the grounds grass. A visible scowl upon Desdemona's face, remembering moons ago the wolves just came for an alliance, and yet already they decided to kidnap another..

"Simmik..?" The guard whispered slightly to the Neverwinter Beta, faintly remembering the white woman who Osiris and her spoke to many moons ago. She would think that perhaps she could escape, holding confidence to the other, and wouldn't put past of the heinous deciet the others could pull. After all they tried to use Ursus and Valour to gain a favor for Moonspear..

They reminded Desdemona of her home pack, making her teeth grind with a hatred burning within that was quite visible to others as she sat in the back listening.
191 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He was late to the party, which was a recurring theme. When Mesa came upon the gathering he was curious about why everyone looked so out of sorts—but then he heard someone murmur his sister's name, and his attention zeroed in on Desdemona for a moment. The boy did not know what he had walked in on; he moved around where the woman was sitting in the back and made his way towards Atlas and and Antares, but looked past them to Keres.

Did you say Simmik has been kidnapped? Who is Kynareth? Mesa didn't want to believe his sister was here somewhere, or that she might have been the victim of some nefarious plot; he couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her. There wasn't much of a familial bond between them due to his separation from Diaspora... But that didn't stop the twisting of his gut or the anger that flared upon thinking of his sister harmed. We have to get her back.

He turned then to Osiris, his pale coat bristling — We need to go now and - we need to get her back.
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys

The word hung in the air, incredulous at best. A troubling thing no doubt, but he found reservations lingering. Not that he didn’t believe any wolf belonging to the Saints was incapable of doing such—he certainly believed it was possible. Wolves of their brand were more like a fungus, cropping out only to be taken down only to come back once again with a vengeance. Maybe it was less a fungus and more of an infection, but the distinction hardly mattered.

His eyes went to Mesa then, picking up on his words.

He withheld the cutting glance—he wanted more information.

“Let's not be hasty—why does Mal think she’s been taken? Could she have run him off and might be laid up somewhere?” He couldn’t recall if he had ever met with Neverwinter’s second-in-command, couldn’t put a face to her name even as more of their pack filled in the space behind him. Perhaps she were every bit of a goliath like Kynareth for all he knew.
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Hydra had been searching for the lost Mintaka, the same as she had for Mira. Her heart soured, though, to know that Mintaka knew how she had felt when one daughter had been lost just to leave without a word (to her) just the same. Oh, to Keres she had said plenty... but to her own mother, or father? Hydra would have her own answers. Returning home, Hydra heard the words said as she came upon the scene, her ears pressed forward. 

Simmik had been stolen. 

Donovan had proven to be a foolish man indeed. Hydra had seen time and time again that while genius had its limits, stupidity... well, it truly knew no bounds. Not for her wayward daughter, not for her late sister, not for whatever the man might have come to call himself.

Mintaka had a different place in her heart than either, and all the more privilege for it. But that she was still gone... that she had left at all... it wounded Hydra, so terribly that it might know no repair. Time would tell. That was what Hydra knew, more than anything else in this world. Time revealed all. Life, death, lies, truth... still, Hydra felt the pull to protect and save their silver girl. Her eyes turned to Dirge, the suspicion that he could hold their daughter there. Unprotected, it would be easy. And though Hydra ought to let her go, Mintaka was young enough where the protective pull still lingered.

We kill Donovan, she answered simply. Every problem had a solution. Hydra had known this to be the solution for quite the time. But, she did wonder if the mad dog had any mind within him to provoke some wisdom and therefore future use. Evidently not. Another thing time had revealed to her. If not for Neverwinter and our Wilderness, then for ourselves. We kill any others who rise against us that might live to fight for his name, if we can. We take Simmik back, she drawled, and in turn, she could suss out whether or not he had her daughter there. Looking to Dirge, and thinking him not wrong, she nodded. We can do our own diligence, but Donovan has a history of this. I'd like this matter settled, and I think this is the only way to see it properly done with. 

Hydra felt certain her allies would rally to this cause. Towhee had experience with kidnappers, if she was remembering rightly—and what was done once Donovan had proved he would do again. Hua would fight for this, she thought. Ira surely would too. Mintaka, at this age, was responsible for her own actions... but for perhaps the last time, Hydra would defend her. Her tail lashed behind her, surveying the faces of her family. She had been preparing her children for wolves such as this for all of their life. Speaking of their existence. Making them aware it was not simply a bedtime story to keep them from leaving their domain, but something they would need to know how to defend themselves against. And now they saw it for themselves. Evil had an everchanging face. Often it could be her own, but this day, it wore the face of the Saints very own leader. With the thought that he might hold her silver girl captive, that, now, became her priority.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
157 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy

"We kill..."

Holland didn't hear the rest, too surprised with the turn of events. He had been sitting in the background as Keres runs into camp. There was talk of a wolf being taken. He didn't know this Simmik female, but the act alone was enough to earn his ire. The medic felt his lip curl in disgust. He may not jump right to 'kill' but he wasn't averse to violence talking for the packs.

Sometimes idiots only responded to it.

It was a sad fact, and he wondered if he'd be asked to march on this pack and this male they spoke of. Holland was no soldier anymore. He preferred to keep to the outskirts and patch up others. But would the Glen risk their only medic? He was not sure. Seemed like shit was going to go down and he was here for it whether he liked it or not.
268 Posts
Ooc — Gina
She was not surprised at how many showed, knowing Moonspear and Firefly Glen to act as though they were a veritable clown car of wolves, all piling out to see what the commotion was. And truly, her heart swelled to see just how many of them showed, pride burning fiercely alongside the anger and the disgust. An odd mix of emotions, yes, but nevertheless she forged onwards, listening to what each one of them had to say in turn.

Hydra's solution was the end-all-be-all answer that she had in mind, but unlike the heathens that lived in the Strath, she would not attack, or kill for that matter, without considerable justification. Justification that she believed she could provide. Breaking the earnest silence that followed Hydra's words, the valkyrie spoke once more, her tone and message both grave.

He has solid reason to believe she's been taken. Recently, the Forest took in a couple of orphans and Simmik was looking after them. She did not return after a nightly patrol, and this is out of character for her according to Mal, especially knowing that she had pups to look after.

When we found the scene, it was a disaster. Fur everywhere. The foliage was destroyed and crushed. It was absolutely the scene of a fight, and yet there was no blood trail leading anywhere. A wolf goes home if they are wounded, if they have pups to care for. Add that to the fact that he is sure she'd never go anywhere with Kynareth after finding out that he is a rapist and kidnapped someone prior... It doesn't bode well for the Forest, or any of us.

However, there is also the chance that it wasn't him. I don't know what plague descends on these wilds if another wolf is running around kidnapping others, but...

Looking around to each of them, old and new, she knew she would leave none of them alone with the mutt. Her attention settled on Hydra, Osiris, and Dirge in turn, her gaze fierce. Whoever it is, is an infection, She pronounced, unknowingly mirroring her brother's thoughts. If it is Kynareth, he is a danger. To us, and any future wolf that dwells in these lands. Rather than cutting the head from a snake, thus giving it the mythical chance to grow several more heads, Keres was in favor of eradicating the infection, though she knew it was not her decision to make.

If it is not, then... She trailed off, mouth set in a grim line. I think we should try and investigate further, perhaps send scouts out to survey and talk to others and see if anyone else has has had trouble. I don't know, but with Spring coming, it is an issue that will have us all looking over our shoulders.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
253 Posts
Ooc — Zina

A howl for the leaders? From Keres? It all seemed quite irregular. Toad moseyed on down to the pile of wolves gathering, including definitely not leaders. She felt like she was important enough to at least be in the know with recent events, especially ever since Dirge had been coloured rather surprised that she didn't know things. When she arrived, there was a lot of people. Lots of back and forth was happening, but Toad just listened at a distance. Someone from Neverwinter was missing, and someone else name Kyn..Ken... K-something (Donovan, according to Hydra) had probably taken her. Keres recited her knowledge, and Hydra declared they should find him and kill him.

Toad wondered if it was the same disgusting person who had taken Miriam's son, or hurt others. She watched her leaders, nervous for their reactions. It all made her 'problems' feel quite small.
Moonspear and Firefly Glen members can powerplay Toad for whatever they'd like barring injury, just tag her!
spear of the sun
263 Posts
Ooc — Bo
It was all a little too tar-and-feathers for Atlas' liking. He stood awkwardly listening to those around him throw around ideas like murder? The inkjet male had never felt more distanced from his family. Did they not wish to learn? Was it merely up to them to make a detailed action plan with only fragments of information that had been collected along the way? Were the Ostregas always so arrogant? 

Atlas said nothing, but his face reflected his discomfort with no attempt to conceal it. He did not think they had enough details. They had hints at what might have happened and had pole-vaulted their way into a full witch-hunt. The longer he listened, the more he did not want to be involved.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Carefully, he took stock of this and listened intently to everything he could catch. A few more filtered into the scene, with Mesa pressing for urgency soon. Dirge wanted more details, where Antares agreed and soon, there was more of a picture painted.

Antares held Neverwinter in a strange regard since most of his involvement with them was their lost puppies. There was the one, the curious fellow on Nocturne that he had not disliked, but that was it, and he certainly didn't know their beta wolf, the centerpiece of this incident, Simmik. So--he couldn't judge it by any act of character, however there was great malice circulating all across the wilds about this Donovan, or Kynareth, whichever side it happened to be today. Their own wolves had heard the tales, it seemed. Hydra had condemned him already, and he had no reason to disagree yet; Keres' assessment of the scene was a trusted one to him.

Though he didn't appreciate that Neverwinter misplacing their shit might be a real catalyst here this time--if this suspicion turned out to be true. He supposed they could give them somebenefit of the doubt, but even he was loathe to. The Saints were not a new problem.. but, would that finally be the thing that drew Moonspear's involvement against them? Had they not just come here scoping for good-will?

The dark yearling was still quiet, digesting this.
523 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Master Guardian
@Dirge—tagging as requested!
Mesa quickly reacted to the news, demanding that they go and rescue Simmik now. Osiris felt his fur prick, and he turned to his subordinate with a biting glare, a silent warning for his packmate to settle down. While Osiris could understand the want for urgency—especially with his sibling involed—, they needed to carefully approach this situation. If his subordinate did not calm, he would further drive his point. 

When Dirge requested more information from Keres, Osiris nodded in agreement. He shook out his fur, still feeling unsettled by Mesa's rash orders.  It was the most logical decision; they couldn't be hasty in their decision making. Hydra then replied, offering her own insight. Osiris agreed to her to some degree, but he felt that they needed confirmation before acting; though, he couldn't help but think that the wilderness would be safer without Donovan. 

"Should we get a scouting party to suss out the situation?" Osiris asked once Keres had elaborated, turning to his parents with a curious cast. He would defer to whatever decision they made, but he wanted to suggest the next course of action that made the most sense.
so lay your hands across
my beating heart, love
938 Posts
Ooc — Rhys
Kynareth didn't pose a direct threat to them—yet.

But Hydra's swift decision left him much like it did Atlas; he wondered if this is what they would become, or would have to become. He sighed in the lapse of his wife's voice, his stoicism breaking long enough for him to draw his gaze away from the amassed group to look at and see through the lush forest and it's wintry pelage, but it was a fleeting action.

He listened to Keres, then Osiris, and rejoined the conversation.

"No," he disagreed with Hydra, "there's no reason to bloody our maws with urgency. That's the thing with infection—it spreads. It makes us no better than any of our threatening predecessors and we've seen how fruitless headhunting is. A scouting party would be better," but, he trailed.

"But we need to confer with Mal first. This matter involves him moreso than us and it should be his decision, not ours. We can bolster his numbers if he wants to assault, or negotiate, but a man like Kynareth is as smart as he is vicious. It could be a ploy to test us; no doubt he's tested others in the same matter before, and we know that much from word of mouth in and out of his ranks." Namely Valour, if his words could have been trusted, if the words of others left in the wake of the Saints rang true.

He didn't like the stakes in this dangerous game they were playing.

"We must have absolute, irrefutable proof. No one's perfect and there's a mountain between them and us. He would have had to leave a trail, or had help. I say we go to Mal, we talk, and we search from there. Either we find that proof or we find a body." He gave a pointed look among those who gathered, but did not bother to read the expressions in detail; he searched for dissension, unwilling to have the blood-hungry join them.
the bonecracker
2,670 Posts
Ooc — kit
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Hydra listened to her mate and licked her chops, calming some as she saw his reason and understood it well enough. I suppose it could be Ursus, she considered aloud, knowing her son had encountered the black wretch recently. But now Donovan was close to their home... close enough, anyway... where he and his history both made this not at all an unlikely thing. 

But the rest she could not see the logic in. Watch and wait, while the body count continued to rise. Let the death bell ring. You said it yourself. Infection spreads. I will not allow this one to if the truth discovered is that she has been taken. But I will wait for your discovery, she drawled, and hope that no others go missing nor dead bodies be found in the interim. So very like the loss of her sister, this felt. But different. This was her family; they would come to see. To understand. That wait would be worth it; worth the bodies, worth the blood. 

They would kill him when the time was right, and they would do it together. Hydra softened, sighing. I hope I am wrong. I hope he is a better man than I think him to be. Nonetheless, she drawled, I do not want him close to where our young roam until we know the true nature of him. She looked to each wolf before her then, thinking that much would be understood.
I'll find that you'll find that I'm lethal
153 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Just a single post cameo of his presence in the background.
His presence looked in the shadows. Gold eyes studying Hydra and her counterparts, feeling his tongue slide over his teeth in contemplation to what she spoke. 

A new face to the group, Pippin did not make himself known in the moment, believing it to be improper to do so. Still--Hydra's scent was upon him--accepted by the regal Queen and with her words he felt a silent agreement. She had spoke to him of troubles, and for now, the fallen Ostrega would keep a keen eye out for any of the Saints.
grind me down
495 Posts
Ooc — Cyprin
"I do not doubt it is the man that hides behind our mountain. He has already kidnapped and assaulted many." Desdemona threw her words to the bunch as a slight.. She wouldn't say disagreement, as all loathed those of the Saints, but more of how to take action. Not to mention the factor there hasn't been any other cases of wolves being taken besides from that man.. The suspicions were held high and especially easy to target the brindled man.

Though the guard understood wanting to wait and investigate, not risk wounds and damage from a war that may not only be true- as all was but an assumption. However a part of Desdemona also wanted to regardless, for they already wanted an alliance twice, and they caused mayhem through their forests already. That enough, despite the kidnapping, was deemable for the assault to take place against them.
268 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Starting up this next/potentially last round!

The words of the mountain's royalty hung heavy in the air, one speaking for the side of patience while the other spoke for eradication. Two vastly opposite choices that would lead down vastly different paths. Keres was pleased, though, to know that the two balanced each other so well. She could hope that, one day, Osiris would find someone to help balance him in much the same way. Such thoughts were wisps in the breeze, gone as quickly as they had come.

I will scout the southern region. She would say, voice rife with strength and determination. I know the area a fair bit and you can trust me not to engage. Only to seek what information I can glean from a distance, and from others in the area. She had a mind to speak furtherr, that they should strengthen the guard, that they should kill any of the Saints on sight, but none of it was her decision and though she was among family, there were many here who outranked her and held a heavier weight in such decisions.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
157 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
exit from holly!

With his low rank in the Glen, he did not expect to be addressed. Not in such an important manner such as this. Keres offered to scout and he narrows his eyes - good and bad - and wonders who would join her. He needed to prepare. Not be here during shouting matches and ponderings. 

He was never very good at being around leaders when they made their decisions. Feeling stifled in the large group, the medic wanders off. He says no words to anyone, quietly preparing to be prepared should something amiss happens. He only wishes those that scout are not essential.

He does not want to lose anyone the pack needs.
inhale the stars, exhale fire
330 Posts
Ooc — gerra
Carefully, he listened on from one packmate to the next. It would be in their best to find their proof, but none of this was coloring the guilty party in a favorable light; Antares did not think it would take long for their follies to reveal themselves in full. I will scout too, the dark Ostrega voice for himself. He would decide which direction, or to what region, later but he would send the word when he had schemed it out appropriately.

With that, the bulk of this meeting was said and done. The leaders would confer on their own, he guessed, but this was good information to guide their next move. Now, time would tell what became of it. He got a good sense of the mood of the matter from this, at least. A lot had been said, too.

Once others began to disperse from the scene, he lingered a bit to catch his parents' eye but ultimately decided he would find them a little later. He offered one last look around to see who else had come to hear this before slipping off to make himself useful elsewhere.