Lion Head Mesa quantus
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
All Welcome 
as light touched the edge of the flatlands, germanicus readied himself to leave.

he waited for princess @Makono, the sun turning him to a silver statue. she would bring her lilac maidservant and her guard. 

germanicus was ready to return. he no longer wished to be in akashingo.

"the trip as you know is three days, princeps," he informed the girl when she arrived. "it is two if we travel by night as well."
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
of course she would have @Nazli with her, assuming they had prepped one another for the journey to come. familiar to them. perhaps easier this time now that they had grown more.

she would whisper words of warmth, then they would go to meet the imperator.

she imagined @Khaba was preparing to set out with them, if he was not already.

i believe we can handle night travel, she assured him with a thin smile. a warmer gaze than what had been present last night.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
An uneventful sleep had restored some of Nazli's faculties. She had been more withdrawn around the princess, although she had not shared with her why (and dared not to); it was perhaps the first rift between them, this refusal.

Yet there were still expectations. She was still a fellahin and the goal of sending the crown prince to Mereo could not be put off. Nazli hurried to prepare some things; they would be ready in time.

For now she attended the princess silently. She kept back from the meeting between Makono and the General, and her eyes were averted; should they need her for anything, she would be attentive as always.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Khaba had known he would be traveling with the amiirad soon. But when he was summoned, he couldn't help but be surprised. This was sooner than he had expected.
Regardless, the mazoi was quick to arrive.
The imperator of Mereo and fellahin treasure were present also. He acknowledged them both with a small nod, but offered nothing further once his attention had been turned to the amiirad
Expecting that they were ready to set off, he moved to flank the girl. He was here only for her, so he would make it known as such.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
only ram post!

the lord of akashingo rose to watch over his daughter's departure. he did not hear their speaking; he did not address any but makono. "travel well," he said to her; treva had been invited if she so chose. but she was not the mother to this crown prince, while ramesses was her father.
until the land swallowed the three, pharaoh would watch.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — ebony
only senmut post!

senmut watched unseen as they gathered and spoke.

he would pray for each of them, resting with fervency on the crown prince and nazli.

he was suddenly envious and wanted to come with them, but knew he must remain.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
makono came with assurance and her small retinue. germanicus nodded. he stood back as ramesses approached and said nothing until the man had stepped back.

the eagle looked unto the sun. he glanced at the young servant and the silent guard. and then his attention belonged to the proud heir of pharaoh.

without a word he set off at a gentle clip, leaving behind the red sand.
785 Posts
Ooc — anon
nazli and khaba.

she felt whole, even if she was to depart from akashingo. her palace, her people. her father wished her well. she bid him a warm, long look.

she would touch a shoulder to her lilac and spared a look to the mazoi.

they would follow the roman at his pace. she only hoped they were prepared for the night travel she had signed the on for.
388 Posts
Ooc — Decay
They were ready to depart, but the pharaoh had come to see his child off. 
When he appeared, the mazoi offered a small dip of his muzzle out of respect and a knowing glance... I will take care of her, his eyes spoke; a promise.
Then when the imperator moved, Khaba returned his attention to the trip ahead and followed close beside the amiirad.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any


Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
They would be gone soon.

A fellahin came with the rest of the prepared foodstuffs and things, adding them to what Nazli was to carry, and hurried off.

The girl watched Germanicus until he turned, then her eyes were carefully upon the ground with stolen glances to Makono; feeling the hairs at the back of her neck stand on-end each time, as if she were being judged for it, or watched.

No doubt Pharaoh was there to see them off - that was all. The eyes of divinity gave themselves away.