Starglow Basin [m] look what you [m]ade me do
66 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Limit Two 
her heat was dwindling, and she could not stand to wait.

reeking of a desire older than the molecules that made up her bones, she marched up to @Soto's nearest location and called for the man, tail flagging behind her, insistent. she deserved nothing but the best, and within verapaz's hierarchy, the ragged mercenary was the best.

she would have him one way or another; if he would not come to her, she would come to him.

while she waited, fiamma paced, ribcage heaving with long, deep breaths. she licked her lips frequently; they dried quickly in this desert air. 

the time was growing short.

she could not wait.
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
368 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
she calls, and she appears.

she is spitfire made steel. forged mercury routed in damascus grey. a mercenary, come to claim his spoils.

and why should she not have them? there is little about her drab.

soto pans his single eye to her, allowing the scent of her season to wreath around him like plumes of heady smoke.
66 Posts
Ooc — mercury
two eyes met one. she smiled at his approach, coming closer and circling his form like a housecat 'round a table leg.

soto, fiamma told him, voice low. capo. i've been waiting for you.

she chose each word very carefully, including the title she used. osiel was gone; soto was top dog here, now. he, alone, had stuck to the cartel from the start; he, alone, deserved the respect a leader should command.

the woman stopped, hips at his right shoulder, and looked over her own to regard him with a playful yearning.

fai l'amore con me, she said—

it wasn't a request, but a command.
5,292 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
She had no desire to join Verapaz but her son wanted to stay a little longer. So they stayed, on one condition: the two of them camped out nearby rather than intrude. This meant nearly daily forays to the basin, though Towhee didn’t mind, so long as she was there to supervise.

Naturally, Bushtit ran off at the earliest opportunity today. She wanted to chase after him, though her leg hurt too much and, besides, he was grown enough to explore on his own. Soto and his wolves weren’t a danger to her their son, as far as she could tell.

When the unmistakable scent of a woman’s season hit her nose, Towhee wondered if that’s where she might find her wayward boy. Was he off humping some stranger’s leg? Okay, probably not… but she zeroed in on the scent, tracking it down to its source: Fiamma.

Soto was there too. Towhee’s ears drew backward as her orange gaze slid from man to woman, then back again. Was this awkward? Good, she thought, narrowed eyes fixing on Soto as she waited to see what he would do.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
368 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
she curls around him and for a few tantalizing seconds he is a plume of willowing smoke cupped in the coil of her palm.  he drinks in the fragrance with eyes closed, a riverwater's current of nostalgia running through him.

if only he'd not dedicated his life to the green.

capo, she purls - her hips cocked against his tremoring shoulder. the look she gives him says more than any word in his tongue could; well? won't you?

he stands straight, unbending the longing arc in his spine. he cannot.  to do so would lose sight of the green, to lose sight of every careful pawn he's set up three moves in advance: they were too close to it all coming together for him to sunder it by creating duty where no duty need exist.

he stays the impulse to seize her in his arms and pull her hips to him; that brief image is gratification enough, but the illusion breaks when he sees the amazon out of the corner of his eyes.

have them both, osiel suggests.

but soto is a depraved ascetic. his lay with the amazon had been play before his gritty work in the teekon begun, and now he is arm-deep in work that cannot be sacrificed because of his own stupid manhood.

no. soto growls, pushing the woman he would very much enjoy towards the one he knew for a fact he did enjoy. no puedo. but his single eye traveled them both -- not without appreciation. encontrar a los hermanos.
66 Posts
Ooc — mercury
all of a sudden—the feeling of being watched. she ripped her gaze from soto's; it rested then upon the warrior woman with shrill voice. unaccompanied by her son, thankfully. . .but still an unwanted presence in this place.

fiamma narrowed her eyes, the smile leaving them (though remaining curved upon her muzzle).

you like this? she wondered of the other she-wolf, tail flagging as she began to press further into soto—

only to stumble forward with his shove, nearly losing her footing in her shock. she didn't understand much of what he says—but one word is abundantly clear.

no? the sylph exclaimed on a baffled burst of laughter. she turned back to him, shaking her head. what do you mean, no? unless—

fiamma whipped her head around and glared at towhee, then back toward her boss. preferiresti questa vecchia strega? she queried, still chuckling in disbelief. 

to towhee, she added, come take your man, then. if you can.

she walked away with head high and shoulders squared, but beneath the suave exterior, her pride was smarting. never had she been refused—even outside of her heat! 

he would regret this; fiamma was sure of it.
5,292 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Her eyebrows rose when Soto pushed Fiamma away. Towhee didn’t understand a word of what he said to her, though the shove spoke for itself. He didn’t want her, though that begged the question: why not? Fiamma herself didn’t appear to know the answer, though she seemed to think Soto belonged to Towhee if her pointy words were anything to go by.

She blinked a few times as Fiamma took her leave then, likely to go find someone who would bang her. That left Towhee’s eyes to shift slowly to Soto, wondering if the younger woman’s words had any merit. Had Soto rejected Fiamma for her sake?

She realized there was no way of finding out, seeing as her translator had just left and likely wouldn’t be particularly willing to provide her services after this. Towhee drew a great breath into her lungs as she continued processing these last few minutes, orange eyes still drifting speculatively in Soto’s direction.

Maybe she heard about your barbed dong, she mused, well aware he wouldn’t understand a word of it. What makes her think you’re my man? And what the hell does ‘if you can’ mean? Does she need receipts? Speaking of which, I’m gonna go find our son.

Towhee picked up a paw and prepared to turn from the scene, only to pause and look back at Soto. He knew the boy’s name, she was almost certain. Hopefully she could inject enough inflection into her voice to get a simple question across.

Have you seen Bushtit?

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
368 Posts
Ooc — Lauren

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: sexual themes

soto does regret it -- almost immediately.

he longs to pull her svelte body to him; to feel the riffle of her silver fur against his own as he climbs atop her. his breath hikes as he envisions that coalescing, all-encompassing warmth as he slides within her -- a great longing that crackles along his abdomen.

but the moment is gone immediately, replaced now with a bitter tension.

another tinge of regret then, for the rough manner in which he'd shoved her. two insults lumped in one.

he understands just enough to know her laugh was not in mirth but in bafflement - and the words that leave her tongue thereafter string together as if a curse.

now fiamma storms off, leaving just soto and the amazon.

his single eye slides to her, apprising. but if he cannot have fiamma, he cannot have her. his appetite must be whetted in other ways.

that night he'd think of them both, and leave evidence of such in a long string of pearly fluid hanging unpleasantly in some secret corner.

she speaks, but he cannot read her gaze or understand her words. a shame, for he'd likely swell with pride to hear her speak of his truest weapon.

but one word he understands. his ears clip forward, assessing the query in her expression. bushtit. soto parrots back, searching her face for more context.  in his next breath he knows. no.

conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
5,292 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
It was strange how two simple words could be so striking. But they’d managed to comprehend each other, which felt significant. Towhee blinked, then remembered his wasn’t the answer for which she’d been hoping. It didn’t matter. She could locate her son easily enough.

I’m gonna go find him. Bushtit, she said, perhaps futilely. Towhee motioned—not exactly Ptero, though close enough—to help him understand. Adios, she added, unaware that this salutations learned at some random point in the past was, in fact, in the language he spoke.

If Soto reacted to this, she wasn’t aware. Towhee had already turned away, this entire rendezvous already fading into the background as she resumed her search for the young boy.

-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Segundo *
sometime come the wolf
This character is rated M+
368 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
another string of nonsensical words.

soto memorizes the movement of her lips. the hand gesture.


a sorry sense of loneliness comes over him, but not before she speaks and a spark of hope lifts his gaze. adios, she'd said.

adios. he grins into the pleasurable arch of her back, mesmerizing the sway of her haunch as she left.

and for once, noticing something asymmetrical about the way she swept that singular hind leg.

conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie