limit two others, per favore! :)
Every step felt off-kilter, even after weeks of practice at the strange place that was not the real world. He could have chalked it up to a dream if it weren't for the very obvious fact that his leg was fucking missing. The pain in his right elbow had gotten worse, and he felt pretty useless these days, but here he was, still trucking along like he always did. Maybe he could have given up. Stopped eating. Stopped moving. Thrown himself into a river.
But he'd avoided some of the winter in the strange place, and now here he was, hobbling his way to the edge of the place he knew @Towhee to live. Step-step-hop! Step-step-hop! Step-step-hop! At least Fennec would be able to easily pick him out in a crowd. That brought a crinkle of a grin to his face, even now.
Calling for Towhee in particular was of no use, so instead he sent out a general greeting. Towhee was still here alright. Her smell was nothing short of pungent on the borders.
January 11, 2023, 01:56 PM
Since she was fairly certain the leaders were busy (if you know what I mean), Towhee added a few more patrols to her routine. As she navigated the uneven terrain, she mused about the pups hopefully growing inside her. She reminded herself that after she wrapped this circuit, she ought to go sniff out some mushrooms.
Speaking of fungi, Towhee halted abruptly in her tracks when she saw a swarthy silhouette lingering at the borderline up ahead. Her fur prickled and she swept toward him, every footstep bringing him into sharper detail. He reminded her of a three-legged version of Phox—wow, the resemblance was really uncanny—oh fuck, it was Phox.
Towhee goggled at his missing limb for a second before her orange eyes swept up to that familiar rugged face. With a loud blink, she threw herself at him, forelegs coming up to wrap haphazardly about his neck as she simultaneously hugged and strangled him.
Speaking of fungi, Towhee halted abruptly in her tracks when she saw a swarthy silhouette lingering at the borderline up ahead. Her fur prickled and she swept toward him, every footstep bringing him into sharper detail. He reminded her of a three-legged version of Phox—wow, the resemblance was really uncanny—oh fuck, it was Phox.
Towhee goggled at his missing limb for a second before her orange eyes swept up to that familiar rugged face. With a loud blink, she threw herself at him, forelegs coming up to wrap haphazardly about his neck as she simultaneously hugged and strangled him.
What,Towhee ejaculated,
the fuck, dude?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
He nearly lost his footing when she put half her weight on him, and he let his rear end sink down to compensate. Adjustments would be learned, just like anything else. He could do this.
-Long story,-he spoke and signed.
-But the short version is that I'm here after a bit of a detour.-Despite all that he had been through, especially in the last few years, he felt relatively optimistic about things. He had made a good life for himself in Mereo, but he felt his time there had come to an end. Besides, what kind of warrior could he be while missing a leg? Or even a hunter? Perhaps those tasks were best left to those who still had all their supporting body parts, and he could focus on his stargazing a bit more.
-How are you? And Maxim? And the kids?-He still didn't have the connection with the latter that he had hoped for, but maybe he could fix that now that he was living amongst them once again and not spending his time at the sparring ring.
January 11, 2023, 02:21 PM
She felt him teeter and sink to his haunches. Perhaps the polite thing to do would’ve been letting go, stepping back and apologizing for knocking him off balance. Instead, Towhee tightened her grip and tried to steady him as he went down. Only when he was safely seated did she finally release him and move back.
Phox barely touched on the topic of his missing leg. Towhee stared at the stump sitting there on the ground. It didn’t look very fresh. In fact, it looked nicely healed, all things considered. But her brother was missing like 20% of his body, which was difficult to grasp.
She jerked her eyes upward and processed his question. Towhee’s lips parted. She had about a hundred of her own she wanted to ask. But what did any of it matter, really? Phox was was alive and he was here. Someday, she would surely hear the story. But it just wasn’t important at the moment.
Phox barely touched on the topic of his missing leg. Towhee stared at the stump sitting there on the ground. It didn’t look very fresh. In fact, it looked nicely healed, all things considered. But her brother was missing like 20% of his body, which was difficult to grasp.
She jerked her eyes upward and processed his question. Towhee’s lips parted. She had about a hundred of her own she wanted to ask. But what did any of it matter, really? Phox was was alive and he was here. Someday, she would surely hear the story. But it just wasn’t important at the moment.
How about you find out for yourself by coming home with me?Towhee replied.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
January 11, 2023, 02:31 PM
-The kids... do you think they'll even remember me?-he asked, feeling a bit sheepish for even asking. He hadn't been gone that long, but they had been young, and it wasn't as if he had really been there for them when they were younger. Wasn't it going to be weird for some old, three-legged creep to waltz into their lives and demand an audience? Maybe it would be better for them if he hung back and let them approach of their own volition. If there was one thing he'd learned from being a father, it was never to press himself into their lives uninvited.
He scarcely knew the kids from the year before, too. It felt like the past few years had been a constant game of trying to keep up and then falling behind, only to repeat the process all over again.
January 11, 2023, 03:49 PM
Towhee tipped her head thoughtfully before replying,
Wondering just how well he could get around on just three legs, she moved back to give him space and then waited. If he needed her to help him navigate the sloping paths down into the valley, Towhee would be more than happy to lend a shoulder.
In the meantime, she sent up a quick and earsplitting howl to let @Arsenio, @Tamar and the rest of the pack know that her brother was here in the vale with her.
You haven’t been gone that long. I’m sure they’ll remember you, though there’s no time like the present to get to know them better. Come on.
Wondering just how well he could get around on just three legs, she moved back to give him space and then waited. If he needed her to help him navigate the sloping paths down into the valley, Towhee would be more than happy to lend a shoulder.
In the meantime, she sent up a quick and earsplitting howl to let @Arsenio, @Tamar and the rest of the pack know that her brother was here in the vale with her.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
January 11, 2023, 03:53 PM
one post!
deep along tiger lake they were entwined.
tamar roused herself from sweet exhaustion long enough to howl back: a man favoured by towhee was one she welcomed.
and then she returned to arsenio, to the blotting of her mind for a brief span of time during these days.
tamar roused herself from sweet exhaustion long enough to howl back: a man favoured by towhee was one she welcomed.
and then she returned to arsenio, to the blotting of her mind for a brief span of time during these days.

January 11, 2023, 03:54 PM
His ears swept back when she caterwauled for Arsenio and Tamar, two names that Phox thought may or may not be familiar. Had he met either of them? His memory was getting worse with age, that much was certain. He imagined that the strange place hadn't helped. Maybe some of his memories were taken away along with his limb.
Pushing his rear up off the ground, he teetered for a split second, but he found his balance. Then it was back to his step-step-hop! which likely looked like he was an idiot. And hey, maybe he was, but that was fine. He was back home with Towhee.
An answer came in the form of a howl, and he relayed the information to Towhee.
Pushing his rear up off the ground, he teetered for a split second, but he found his balance. Then it was back to his step-step-hop! which likely looked like he was an idiot. And hey, maybe he was, but that was fine. He was back home with Towhee.
An answer came in the form of a howl, and he relayed the information to Towhee.
-Sounds like you've still got plenty of sway around here.-
January 11, 2023, 04:09 PM
She watched him closely, though Phox seemed to have adapted to his new hop-step. Nevertheless, she maneuvered to walk at his shoulder, ready to provide support if needed.
His remark earned a squint. What did he mean? It dawned on her that one of the leaders must have answered. She couldn’t know what they’d said, though she could guess it was a message of welcome. And that had a lot more to do with their temperaments than any of her own influence.
Towhee tittered, checking the impulse to give him a playful bump, lest she knock him off his three feet. Instead, she raised a foreleg to point as the views opened up ahead of them.
His remark earned a squint. What did he mean? It dawned on her that one of the leaders must have answered. She couldn’t know what they’d said, though she could guess it was a message of welcome. And that had a lot more to do with their temperaments than any of her own influence.
Did you mean to be punny?she asked.
Towhee tittered, checking the impulse to give him a playful bump, lest she knock him off his three feet. Instead, she raised a foreleg to point as the views opened up ahead of them.
We live under a willow in Lotus Spring, right next to a field I call Wraen’s Nest,the Theos told him.
I think it’ll make a good rendezvous site in spring.Her eyes sparkled with a secret.
Maybe you can hang out there for now?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
January 11, 2023, 04:20 PM
Phox grinned and winked, although he hadn't intended for the joke. It was still a weird sensation to be one leg short. He could feel the muscles twitch each time he took a step, knowing that they weren't doing anything to keep him upright. Sometimes, it was as if he could feel his missing foot touching the ground, although he could distinctly feel the weight distributed precariously across the other three.
He took his time, not making himself rush to keep up with Towhee, who seemed somehow years younger than him now. It did not surprise him in the least to hear that she and Maxim planned for another litter.
And there it was: the little pang that reminded him he wouldn't have any children this year, just as he hadn't the year before. Enough time had passed, but with his recent physical upset, would anybody even want him as a father? He knew what Towhee would say, so he didn't bring up his own worries and instead tried to make small talk along the way.
Since signing and walking on three legs was a skill he had yet to master, he didn't bother with ptero, making sure to get his sister's attention and face her as he walked and talked.
He took his time, not making himself rush to keep up with Towhee, who seemed somehow years younger than him now. It did not surprise him in the least to hear that she and Maxim planned for another litter.
And there it was: the little pang that reminded him he wouldn't have any children this year, just as he hadn't the year before. Enough time had passed, but with his recent physical upset, would anybody even want him as a father? He knew what Towhee would say, so he didn't bring up his own worries and instead tried to make small talk along the way.
Since signing and walking on three legs was a skill he had yet to master, he didn't bother with ptero, making sure to get his sister's attention and face her as he walked and talked.
So long as there's a decent view of the sky close by, I can find a place to tuck in. On that topic, any single ladies here?he asked. It had never really seemed like anybody in Mereo was an option, but he also hadn't been looking. He thought he had caught a whiff of Keyni's scent, but he assumed that she was probably married off by now, smart and pleasant wolf that she was.
January 11, 2023, 04:48 PM
It definitely has that,Towhee said, easily picturing Phox resting in the snowy field beside the spring.
She pondered his next question, biting back a light laugh. When Towhee had realized he was missing, she’d feared the worst. And here he was, sans a leg, but his demeanor was exactly the same as she remembered. Life had thrown Phox so many punches, Towhee marveled that he was still an easygoing guy. She knew she’d softened over the years too, rather than hardened, but she would never call herself as upbeat as him.
There’s Keyni, though I barely ever see her. She’s kind of a hermit, I guess?Towhee shrugged as they approached the spring and Wraen’s Nest on the far side.
You never know, though. Someone could come along literally anytime.
They arrived at their destination. Towhee paused to give Phox a chance to look around. She wondered if @Maxim, @Leona and @Jack Snipe might make a cameo, since they were often nearby. She would have to show Phox the little roost under the tree, though it really wasn’t big enough to accommodate another full-grown wolf, even one with only three legs.
I’d love it if you’d pitch in with my next batch,Towhee commented casually.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
January 11, 2023, 04:54 PM
So Keyni was here, and apparently she hadn't shacked up with anybody. The two had revolved around one another off and on over the years, and Phox wondered if that was a good or a bad sign. Maybe they hadn't gotten together because they weren't a good fit. Or maybe they were both just too dumb to make the connection. In any case, it wasn't like he was going to go track her down right now. He wanted to get a nap in first, at the very least.
At her mention of the next batch, Phox gave her a shocked look and burst out laughing, falling to his rump once more. This time due to the sheer wheezing he was doing at the thought of "pitching in" to her next litter.
At her mention of the next batch, Phox gave her a shocked look and burst out laughing, falling to his rump once more. This time due to the sheer wheezing he was doing at the thought of "pitching in" to her next litter.
-Towhee,-he said between gigglefits,
-I love you, but not like that.-
January 11, 2023, 05:04 PM
Can you even fuck anymore, tripod?Towhee shot back, chortling as well.
Maxim and I were very busy last week. It’s too early to know anything for sure, though we did a pretty bang-up job last year, so…
She took a few steps into the snow-dusted field and took a seat. Towhee gazed around this small part of the vale, trying to see it through her brother’s fresh eyes. Would he find happiness and peace here, like she had?
So,she asked, looking over at Phox,
you in?
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
can probably wrap here!
Phox managed to get himself onto all four three feet after a moment, continuing toward the meadow.
Of course I can! I didn't lose my dick.He cackled at her mention of last week, which would give him a decent timeline to expect the next batch of niblings. Was two months ever enough time? Probably not. It always felt like the longest and shortest length.
The meadow, blanketed in thick layer of snow, was peaceful and calm. He could see why Towhee had decided to stay here after her injury rather than return to Mereo. There was no garish red, and it felt a little more homey.
-Always,-he said, beginning to dig a little pocket out of the snow so that he might take a good, long nap there. And, of course, he'd pause all that if his nibilngs or Maxim came wandering by to say hello.
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