Ouroboros Spine Be the singer and the speaker
26 Posts
Ooc — Forest
All Welcome 
Not quite a joining thread, but maybe the precursor to one. Thanks to whoever replies. <3

Night had fallen before Shemesh realized why Moonglow sounded so familiar to her, and it took her a couple days to build up the courage to turn back around and return to their borders. Her anticipation grew as she trotted through grassy plains and broadleaf forest, then beneath the towering conifers of Ajei’s home. Shemesh stood near the place she’d met the young girl, close enough to smell her own tracks on the earth, and took a deep breath to steady her nerves.

Shemesh sought an audience with the pack’s Moonwoman, but she felt petrified by inexperience. Did she howl for her? Stand or sit while waiting? There weren’t any doors to knock on or bells to ring— only a scent border to tell her she was in the right place, and wilderness as far as the eye could see. All Shemesh really knew was that the Moonwoman required the utmost respect, and if she was offered food and a place to rest she had to accept.

The coydog licked dried hare blood from her lips. She’d just have to try her best, and hope that was enough. With a hesitant uptilt of her muzzle, Shemesh howled: “I was sent to see the Moonwoman. I need her help!”

The call was high and yapping, entirely unlike the wolves she had sung with on that moonlight night. Unlike the Moonwoman’s, she was sure. But it was hers, and it was earnest, and it would have to do.

Shemesh sat down in a patch of mid-morning sunlight and waited. At least it wasn’t raining like yesterday.
512 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei usually stayed away from the borders except those two times and then she only crossed them at least on her own. She was within reach of them. She knew it was normal fir pups to explore past eventually, but well Ajei wasn't exactly normal. Things and other wolves scared her. And she noticed it was only getting worse.

However, today she recognized the voice that called out for moonwoman @Kukutux and slowly went towards it. She kept her ears down and her tail tucked she had only met the woman once. So she was still wary, but a smile was held on her puppy face.

She hesitated when she arrived. Why had she come. No reason except simply maybe to keep the woman company while her auntie was busy.

She took a deep breath. Hello, Ajei keep you company until Moonwoman come?
3,266 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
a yipping cry rose into the air, and kukutux looked up from where she had been searching for galana.

pausing at the ulaq to gather a skin-wrap of immediate herbs, moonwoman made her way at once to the call, jadestone eyes shining with worry and then protectiveness when she saw little ajei at the border.

stepping in front of her sister's child, kukutux set aside her bundle and looked into the face of the other. "what is the matter?" her voice was gentle, but her bearing protective.

this one was like tk, noted her mind, though with more of her own kind blended among the spirit.
26 Posts
Ooc — Forest
The longer Shemesh waited, the harder it was to sit still. She sniffed the air expectantly, before huffing and rubbing her snout against her shoulder. The border smelled so strongly of wolf that it was almost unpleasant. Too many scents mingled here for her to smell beyond it — and even if she could, the wind was at her back.

A small, dark red shape drew her eye, occasionally illuminated by a ray of sun through the trees. Ajei! Shemesh squinted happily and nodded. ”Of course!” She yipped, her ears splayed sideways in thanks. ”You’re great company.”

Shemesh wondered where Ajei’s geode was. She’d schlepped her piece all the way to the coast and back, before burying the little treasure under a rock stack near a stream. The tchotchke had quickly become Shemesh’s most prized possession — though its competition consisted of chewing sticks, marrow bones, and tasty feathers.

A small, white wolf separated them before she could ask, appearing from between the trees as if she’d sprung from their bark. Shemesh shuffled backward and averted her gaze. I’m lost. I’m looking for a road that will take me home, but I can’t find any roads at all,” she said, the last syllable drawn out in a nervous whine. ”A Spear wolf… Alaric! He didn’t know what I was talking about, but he said the Moonwoman might.”
512 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Before she could even properly greet Shemesh and ask her about her gem. Moonwoman was there and she seemed a little more rigid than usual. The little star hunter's daughter didn't understand, but she reached up to touch Moonwoman.

This is Shemesh! She helped me find a geode.

Ajei's little ears splayed to her head. It wasn't too far past the border, I promise. But it was really shiny and I wanted to see what it was. I'm sorry, but she's nice.

Ajei looked down a frown on her face. She hadn't wanted to tell on herself, but she also didn't want anyone to think that SHemesh would hurt her or anyone.
3,266 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
the woman had mismatched eyes. kukutux thought upon how this had once meant to her an omen of bad things, of twisted spirits.

ajei was gentle. her touch beckoned moonwoman's more friendly nature, and it was with warmer eyes that she turned back to shemesh.

a road? 

"tell me of what you have the wish to find," kukutux said softly. "you are friend to ajei. so you will be friend to moonglow. come." and now she stepped back, gesturing over the borders as she smoothed her niece's face with a long lick. "if you stay close, this is good. if you want to go far, another will walk with you."