Please let @Muskrat to post first.
“Knock knock,” he greeted, the words muffled by the carefully packaged fish he carried. Muskrat was behind him—somehow he knew this by simply sensing her, for the she-wolf moved quietly, despite being injured.
The fish had apparently been procured for the to-be mother of the pack, and when Akavir found @Arric and @Arlette, he dropped the bundle at his paws, nosing it toward them. “Little panther here caught these for Arlette.” He cast a glance to Muskrat—waiting to see if she had anything to say.
May 15, 2024, 05:06 PM

the awqalli remained stoic, ear flicking toward akavir's words. she said nothing, only set down her grass-swathing of two fish and nudged it toward arlette.
the giant man was not stared at; muskrat examined him with great interest from the corner of her eye. he too bore a warrior's build! would he also deny that he was a fighter.
there was pride in her bearing, but she was silent. she did not need praise for a slave's work.
May 15, 2024, 05:12 PM
Arric stepped further into the light. Mindful of his wife at his side. A soft press of muzzle to her side. The little ones in there already loved so deeply.
He blinked and studied this little black panther here. He had known there was a new face. Had been caught trespassing if memory served.
He looked towards Akavir and gave him a lopsided grin.
And then back towards Arlette. Letting her speak more first since the gifts were for her as they should be.
He blinked and studied this little black panther here. He had known there was a new face. Had been caught trespassing if memory served.
He looked towards Akavir and gave him a lopsided grin.
And then back towards Arlette. Letting her speak more first since the gifts were for her as they should be.
Arlette had been happily snuggled against Arric, dozing. She perked up when she heard the voice though. She stretched her legs first before getting herself to her feet, which was getting more difficult. Though she knew that she would expand even more. She got to her feet, Arric next to her.
She moved forward. From the front the pale female wasn't showing that much yet pregnancy-wise. From the side it was more obvious, especially now the fur on her belly starting to thin. She stepped forward to take the fish that was pushed closer.
Akavir and Muskrat! Hello!She greeted them happily with a wagging tail. Her eyes fell on the fish and she was instantly starving.
Oh I'm being so spoiled!Her stomach instantly growled loudly and she shot Arric an apologetic look who had recently fed her too. Honestly, she felt extremely spoiled being pregnant in Swiftcurrent.
She moved forward. From the front the pale female wasn't showing that much yet pregnancy-wise. From the side it was more obvious, especially now the fur on her belly starting to thin. She stepped forward to take the fish that was pushed closer.
Yatiri, thanks you,she spoke a little more quietly and with a smile to Muskrat. She took the fish and couldn't help but already grab a bite from one of them.
How is the splint? How is ankle?She was curious, as she shot it a look.
I'm totally okay with the splint not making it, especially if she gone fishing haha.
May 16, 2024, 12:36 PM
Muskrat remained silent—unreadable to the man, but his focus was mostly upon the couple before them who had been mid-cuddle and very glaringly in love. Arric’s grin was met with the hint of a smirk and an arched brow—but his eyes drifted to Arlette as she rose, his features softening.
He slowly sat himself down—pleased the little healer was plied with food, for he needed her to be in a good mood… But her question about the makeshift splint had Akavir tilting his head slightly, looking down and over to the feisty warrior, internally sighing as he noted the way it was beginning to fall off—
—not the best start to butter the healer up.
“Arlette,” he began slowly, gaze drifting back to her—voice light, for clearly he was trying to be coaxing. “How long do you think before Muskrat can potentially fight?” Another arched brow—a pause, as his gaze moved to Arric. “We believe we’ve located Mae’s attacker. I’m taking a handful of wolves to bring him to justice.”
Muskrat was on his list of potential warriors—but not without Arlette signing the permission slip. Remarkable, perhaps, how the diminutive she-wolf somehow held both male leaders in check.
He slowly sat himself down—pleased the little healer was plied with food, for he needed her to be in a good mood… But her question about the makeshift splint had Akavir tilting his head slightly, looking down and over to the feisty warrior, internally sighing as he noted the way it was beginning to fall off—
—not the best start to butter the healer up.
“Arlette,” he began slowly, gaze drifting back to her—voice light, for clearly he was trying to be coaxing. “How long do you think before Muskrat can potentially fight?” Another arched brow—a pause, as his gaze moved to Arric. “We believe we’ve located Mae’s attacker. I’m taking a handful of wolves to bring him to justice.”
Muskrat was on his list of potential warriors—but not without Arlette signing the permission slip. Remarkable, perhaps, how the diminutive she-wolf somehow held both male leaders in check.
May 16, 2024, 12:40 PM

yatiri thanks you, arlette said, and muskrat's eyes shone with a surprised pleasure that possessed her entire fierce scarred face. it was a deep respect for her, and again she almost laughed that this was the life of a slave in the creek camp!
she did not understand all akavir said, only that she was expected to fight. this brightened muskrat, and she held the tattered splint up for infection. the swamp panther had indeed been working, but she had taken pains not to put full weight onto the break at all where possible.
remaining silent, muskrat waited for the plantwolf to decide.
May 16, 2024, 01:32 PM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing
Arric raised a brow and returned the smirk. But his gaze fell to the wolf behind wondering exactly what was going on. Because Akavir didn't do curbside service for nothing. Even someone they all loved like Arlette.
His ears shot forward. And the bastard wasn't gonna invite him to the trouncing of ass. Not fucking cool.
His face darkened a tad at the edges.
And where exactly?
May 16, 2024, 02:22 PM
Arlette watched the expression on Muskrat's face and just shot her a soft smile. She was glad it got the reaction she hoped. Arlette had really warmed up to the female, respected her for not whining or showing any signs of pain. To also come here in this pack at a not so favorable rank, at least in her eyes. Though there had been the matter of trespassing, or so she had heard from Arric.
She looked up from her fish when Akavir spoke. She raised her brow at his light tone. She slowly squinted her red colored eyes at him in suspicion.
She noticed instantly that Arric seemed to dislike it.
Arlette wouldn't want Muskrat to go yet but like she said... Mae's attacker should be punished. She was not so innocent to not realize what they would do.
She looked up from her fish when Akavir spoke. She raised her brow at his light tone. She slowly squinted her red colored eyes at him in suspicion.
Bribe the starving pregnant lady with food, huh?She then shot him a grin though. She wasn't too mad about it, even if it wasn't a bribe because she had been hungry. Very much so. She got a little more serious at the question and the reasoning for it.
She noticed instantly that Arric seemed to dislike it.
Would you leave your pregnant mate alone, unprotected, to brawl?,she challenged teasingly. She honestly felt that she would be okay for a few hours. But you never know... Someone had to stay behind to at least keep an eye on things. She was going to be slow, and not very mobile soon. So not a good candidate to look after the pack's lands. Now onto the other matter. She looked at the splint. It looked worse for wear, and could, no, should be replaced.
She broke her ankle. It is most likely not healed yet. Frankly I don't know if it is ever going to, she might always have a stiff or sore leg,she explained, her eyes turned to Akavir with her medical knowledge.
I would like her to stay off of it for at least a whole moon cycle,Arlette paused then.
However, I also understand the importance of your reasoning why. The things I mentioned before are of higher risk of happening for Muskrat if she goes with you. Perhaps even complete loss of usage of that leg if it breaks further or again. Now I have met a wolf that lived until a very old age on three legs, but he always kept pain and soreness. I wouldn't wish that life on someone.
Arlette wouldn't want Muskrat to go yet but like she said... Mae's attacker should be punished. She was not so innocent to not realize what they would do.
I can make a new splint if you must need her, try to relief the break as much as possible...,Arlette suggested, now looking between Akavir and Muskrat. She wasn't sure if the latter understood. She needed Akavir to understand that there could be consequences. What would he do if Muskrat did lose the usage of a leg because of that fight. She agreed there needed to be justice, but perhaps not at the cost of Muskrat. Then they might have to keep her in the pack and provide for her if that leg does not heal properly because of that said fight. They would all need to take responsibility really. Maybe she was just being cautious but... it should be said.
Think about it, and when you want to go I can check the break and see what I can do to help,she then decided.
May 16, 2024, 02:49 PM
Tags for reference only.
“Bearclaw Valley,” he replied to Arric—his tone darkening. If he was being harbored there by Ancelin and his wife, and they knew what kind of beast he was…
He had to press the thought from his mind, for the moment. Arlette’s news wasn’t unexpected—but it was certainly deflating. “His name is Glaukos. He helped another claim land up in the bypass, or something… Apparently he knocked some of her teeth from her mouth. He’s a real fucking charmer.”
A clench of his jaws—a shared look with his Beta. He knew what his friend would be thinking—the farther this guy was from the valley, the better… if they let him leave in one piece. “I want to take a sizeable group. I plan on sending a rather big message to Ancelin and his girlfriend—but hopefully they don’t realize who’s staying with them. He’s also the size of a bear. I had the marsh on my side last time—might not be so lucky this time.”
He paused, eyes glimpsing over to Muskrat. The point of her being here was to repay—from her insistence, or whatever her culture deemed was justice—but he wasn’t looking to further injure her. The scrappy little swamp panther would need to be able to protect herself if she went back into the wilds.
When she went back into the wilds.
“Muskrat stays, then.” Succinct, to the point. Rolling his shoulders back, he felt the stretch—a light crack given to his neck. “Viinturuth is with me. I can take @Nanou. I think she’s seen some fighting in her days.” Another pause—his eyes skimming over Arlette. “I’d like to take Arric, too. But do you feel comfortable being here with just… Mae, Muskrat and Pukei?"
And finally… “I can also take @Cygnet.” But she was young and inexperienced—he wasn’t fond of the idea. “But it would be for appearances only. I worry she’ll overstep.”
May 16, 2024, 02:55 PM

hirka questioned. yatiri answered. tuta runa spoke onward.
there was a man in the valley. akavir wanted to take a large war party. muskrat tensed to comprehend she would not be going.
her role here was to pay back what she had taken. but the silver bear had stolen her first opportunity, reducing muskrat to a fisherwolf and nothing more while she healed. an old man could do that! a child!
but she understood. she was too injured and would compromise a raid. jaw firmed, muskrat continued to listen.
Could he leave her. He wasn't sure. Akavir asked her what she wanted and he looked at her too.
Arric didn't know this Glaukos, what if he attacked their borders. She was right even in joking. He couldn't leave her by herself
I can stay Arlette. It actually might be better if he tries to come this way.
Arric didn't know this Glaukos, what if he attacked their borders. She was right even in joking. He couldn't leave her by herself
May 16, 2024, 03:34 PM
Arlette's mouth fell open in shock. Bearclaw Valley!? But, they were allies right? Or they had helped Ameline? She slowly closed her mouth as Akavir continued to explain his plan.
Arlette dipped her muzzle when Akavir asked if she was okay with staying with Muskrat, Mae and Pukei.
She turned to Akavir.
I hardly think Ameline would be the type to house such a man! I'd rather have a close ally than a close enemy,Arlette commented, ears falling back. She was unsure. Maybe Arric should go, to show off a display. But even if he was part of Bearclaw, would they give him up or protect him? She didn't know they had someone so vile living close to them...
Arlette dipped her muzzle when Akavir asked if she was okay with staying with Muskrat, Mae and Pukei.
Yes, I feel safe here. And I would have Muskrat if I truly need protection,she offered. She knew the fierce woman would protect her if asked. Even if she was injured and shouldn't fight. She glanced at her mate.
I only meant to tease, Arric. I didn't mean to sow doubt in your mind,she offered to him.
Go if you must, as long as you return to me.That was her only demand. Because she couldn't bare to be without a mate and be rearing pups again.
She turned to Akavir.
Could you ask Hushed Willows a favor? We helped Reverie quite a bit lately?,she suggested. It might only be to show off more wolf power? Maybe not actual fighters.
I'd definitely take Cygnet, but have her under clear command. I feel she would wreck this place if left behind. She is a fighter. But make her listen to your command, Akavir. I do believe she might become a bit feral,Arlette admitted but still it would probably be better to take her than to leave her here. She rather wanted this Glaukos driven away than close to their borders. But what if this all got more of his attention on them. She feared to speak it. She trusted Akavir and Arric.
May 16, 2024, 04:00 PM
Arric was hesitant—Arlette was surprised and Akavir gave a light shrug of his shoulders, though his eyes were also rapt upon the little warrior. Was that disappointment in her features?
Maybe she had been hoping to attack him with the bear man, Glaukos—he tapped a claw on the ground in consideration.
Still, the conversation between the couple drew his thoughts back, his eyes sweeping to look at Arlette—all thoughts of quipping a joke fleeing at her words. ‘As long as you return to me.’ To have a love like that—
—had he actually felt that? Been on the receiving end of it? Ibis had moved on pretty quickly after his assumed demise.
“Arlette,” he murmured, his brows knitting together momentarily. “I’ll always bring him home to you, okay?” The idea of not—it wasn’t anything he could fathom.
Further—the idea of asking Reverie for assistance drew a further storm on his features, and now he looked to Arric. He didn’t feel as if the Willows owed them—Reverie had taken care of Mae above and beyond. The girl who always managed to find herself in trouble… Much like her mother-figure, it seemed…
“Best be you to ask, then, Arric. You’re more likely to garner a favor from them than me. I'll handle Cygnet.” The girl would need to fall in line... Or else she wouldn't be able to come.
Maybe she had been hoping to attack him with the bear man, Glaukos—he tapped a claw on the ground in consideration.
Still, the conversation between the couple drew his thoughts back, his eyes sweeping to look at Arlette—all thoughts of quipping a joke fleeing at her words. ‘As long as you return to me.’ To have a love like that—
—had he actually felt that? Been on the receiving end of it? Ibis had moved on pretty quickly after his assumed demise.
“Arlette,” he murmured, his brows knitting together momentarily. “I’ll always bring him home to you, okay?” The idea of not—it wasn’t anything he could fathom.
Further—the idea of asking Reverie for assistance drew a further storm on his features, and now he looked to Arric. He didn’t feel as if the Willows owed them—Reverie had taken care of Mae above and beyond. The girl who always managed to find herself in trouble… Much like her mother-figure, it seemed…
“Best be you to ask, then, Arric. You’re more likely to garner a favor from them than me. I'll handle Cygnet.” The girl would need to fall in line... Or else she wouldn't be able to come.
May 17, 2024, 07:05 AM

arric and arlette interested her, if only because the small yatiri's word was treasured here as it would be among the swamp panthers. there was laughter and some indication of jokes, before night man grew solemn once more and spoke several words.
muskrat hid her sigh of annoyance and boredom, choosing to take this as an opportunity for more education on their language. she knew tuta runa spoke another, and was interested to know if this was the same for arlette and arric.
May 17, 2024, 07:39 AM
Arric blinked. He had to ask Reverie for this favor? Not that he minded and he didn't think she'd deny, but. He wasn't sure if she had any warriors to spare.
As far as Arlette went. He'd be damned if he let her alone. He'd crawl his way back if he needed too. But he also held no doubt as terrible as it were Akavir would make him cut it and run if they were ever in a situation like that.
Arric spoke no language but English. Not that he hadn't wanted to learn. He had just literally never met anyone who did except Akavir and it was so rare to hear him speak he hadn't picked anything up.
As far as Arlette went. He'd be damned if he let her alone. He'd crawl his way back if he needed too. But he also held no doubt as terrible as it were Akavir would make him cut it and run if they were ever in a situation like that.
Bearclaw probably doesn't know the type of wolf he is. They don't ask many questions. Seem to trust a little to easy. At least the alphess anyway. Not that its bad. Just noteworthy. But they also seem to be able to hold their own. I'llrun to chat with Rev later today.
Arric spoke no language but English. Not that he hadn't wanted to learn. He had just literally never met anyone who did except Akavir and it was so rare to hear him speak he hadn't picked anything up.
May 17, 2024, 09:52 AM
Arlette turned to Akavir when he spoke her name. She shot him a grateful smile, but her eyes were a little pained.
Arlette was glad that Akavir would deal with Cygnet. After all, he did have a way with the girl, an understanding. She was glad for it. Arric then explained that Bearclaw probably didn't know. Arlette felt a little sympathy for Ameline, because well, she would be trusting as well. She knew she would be.
This had turned into a far more serious meeting than it started but she rather liked the frankness in which things were discussed, even with her. She still had to get used to the title if only she realized how much power she held.
I appreciate it, but sometimes it isn't up to you to decide that,she commented quietly. After all, especially in a fight one could get a life threatening injury and she wouldn't be there to help. Still, she doubted it would go that far but... she had experience with a mate leaving and never returning home to her.
Arlette was glad that Akavir would deal with Cygnet. After all, he did have a way with the girl, an understanding. She was glad for it. Arric then explained that Bearclaw probably didn't know. Arlette felt a little sympathy for Ameline, because well, she would be trusting as well. She knew she would be.
I hope they might help, but if not then you should go Arric. I will be fine,she assured him. She had survived a cougar. They would just be hanging out with the girls then. Girl's day. She wasn't sure if Mae, or Muskrat liked that. Maybe not then. She would be okay.
This had turned into a far more serious meeting than it started but she rather liked the frankness in which things were discussed, even with her. She still had to get used to the title if only she realized how much power she held.
May 20, 2024, 03:03 PM
They could speculate on Bearclaw or they could simply ask them—the likeliness of them knowing the history of the man wasn’t probable—but they were also two young wolves who were beginning a family and needed extra paws.
He wasn’t convinced they would be pleased with the creek wolves knocking at their door… But he also didn’t care.
Standing taller—a stretch of his shoulders, his gaze drifted between the Beta pair. “We leave soon,” he offered—he wanted to move fast, and he knew @Viinturuth did, also.
With a hint of mischief, the man sidled closer to Arlette, casting her an affectionate bump of his muzzle to her shoulder, while keeping from the reach of Arric as he began to leave. “Eat up, buttercup.”
Briefly—his eyes flickered over the omega—knowing it best to remove himself from her company before evening fell. “Always a pleasure, little panther,” he rumbled, sarcasm lacing his tone as he disappeared from the group.
He wasn’t convinced they would be pleased with the creek wolves knocking at their door… But he also didn’t care.
Standing taller—a stretch of his shoulders, his gaze drifted between the Beta pair. “We leave soon,” he offered—he wanted to move fast, and he knew @Viinturuth did, also.
With a hint of mischief, the man sidled closer to Arlette, casting her an affectionate bump of his muzzle to her shoulder, while keeping from the reach of Arric as he began to leave. “Eat up, buttercup.”
Briefly—his eyes flickered over the omega—knowing it best to remove himself from her company before evening fell. “Always a pleasure, little panther,” he rumbled, sarcasm lacing his tone as he disappeared from the group.
May 23, 2024, 01:59 PM

akavir's parting sarcasm merited a long look from muskrat, and she chose then that she would rebel.
soon the war-walk would begin, and she would be forced to stay behind.
quietly she looked away and waited for arric or arlette to dismiss her or to ask her for another task.
Arric snapped playfully at the empty air where Akavir was. A look of mischief in his eyes.
Normally he'd have added an expletive in there. But he didn't know Muskrat well enough yet.
A soft smile for Arlette.
Keep it up.
Normally he'd have added an expletive in there. But he didn't know Muskrat well enough yet.
A soft smile for Arlette.
I think I'm gonna go fishing. Either one of you can come.
May 27, 2024, 07:03 AM
Arlette happily took the fish. She shot Akavir a smile.
Thank you,she hummed and then watched the interaction between the two males. She shook her head lightly in all good fun. She happily took to the fish. Arlette stopped when Arric said he would get some more.
I think I will stay here and rest,she spoke.
Why don't you go with Muskrat?She offered. After all Arric didn't know her too well yet.
May 27, 2024, 07:30 PM

"i go," muskrat agreed. "we bring you fish, arlette," she promised, offering a swing of her tail as she glanced to arric.
it pleased her to have a task, kept her mind from what had gone on before she had broken her ankle and come to the creek.
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