Ouroboros Spine atangiksauruk ◬
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Ooc — ebony
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women's circle meeting! assume this was called the end of the first day, optional, no posting order! @Ajei to post first and then reactions can follow <3 @Callyope @Nasamiituuq @Waawaashkeshi @Nantahala @Akmaaksi @Yuralria, PPing vaire as present but helping take care of @Mae with the help of @Aiolos! <3

beneath the three sisters did moonwoman gather the women and girls of her village.

it was not a place for men, and she knew her sun man would occupy the hunters while she spoke here.

ajei was with her; she bid the young woman sit beside.

and when the young faces were upturned to her once more, she smiled. "today ajei will tell you of the kinaalda, which you who are girls must run to become a woman. she ran this, and we honor the star woman shikoba with your feet fast upon the ground."

akmaaksi, yuralria, lightfoot, nantahala — the rest had become themselves in their own right.

turning now to the wolf who had returned from moonspear, kukutux encouraged ajei to speak tp those gathered which would hear her wisdom.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
607 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei moved forward and dipped her head down to the other women/girls in attendance. She wetted the corners of her maw. And touched a tongue to her teeth, entirely unsure. But then she thought of her mother and lifted her head a little prouder. 

I am Ajei Shikobasdaughter. And I bring you information on the Kinaalda something my mother held dear and something I did to both grow into womanhood and also to grieve her. She was strong, stronger than me and beautiful and it pleases me greatly to share something of her with all of you.

Ajei shifted and swung her tail gently. As she gathered her thoughts. This rite of passage lasts 4 days. 4 days for the 4 seasons. You will run to the east each day as the sun rises, twice or thrice if you must. This is to ensure you grow strong. Moonwoman will mold you each day ensuring that you are formed int he shape of leading women. You will only eat simple foods, nothing seasoned. Only the flesh of animals and the harvest of the land. On the third day you will hunt alone. This is to bring something back to the village for all to eat. You will store this and on the fourth day bring it to the wolves to share.

her voice broke on some of the tellings. And she felt tears gather at teh corners of her eyes as she thought of her mama. 
[size=1]yes! tags for v[/size]
79 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
While she had come to join Moonglow, to join Nasamiituuq, the sunflower girl had spent little time within the packs borders since her arrival. She would return upon her friends call, yet she came and went just as quickly as the winds. She wished to wander, to discover what the Teekons had to offer her.

But it was true that she had come to learn about Moonglow, and so she had promised herself to return more frequently. Sat with the women of the pack she realized just how unfamiliar they were - making a note to herself that she would need to take the time to speak with some of them later on.

Intently, she listened to the tellings of a woman called Ajei. Her interest peaked, she allowed her tail to gently wave across the ground.
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