Redhawk Caldera We were born to live a long and happy life
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Pack Activity 
A few short rounds!! No post order <3 I'll leave each open for a few days but this is mainly just to finally denote this happening! Pups (and packmates) are welcome but not required, assuming everyone is here regardless

It was finally time. It was past time, in actuality, but Maia hadn't realized how late in the year it had gotten. @Shenanigans' recent declaration of love, combined with @Ceridwen's news that she wanted to go exploring, had served as reminders (one a bit easier to handle than the other.). She'd chatted with her daughter and @Eljay into the night and tried to convince her to wait until the weather warmed, but she was so eager, Maia could tell she would leave regardless. So she'd instead given her a destination she might want to use for the winter... her own family's pack, south of here a ways. The further south she went, the better the weather she would find.

It was time. The kids were all nearly full grown and enthusiastic to begin living their lives. Maia called the pack together, still feeling a bit odd to be doing so, but taking comfort from Eljay's warm presence at her side. She'd invite @Teya to join her on her other when she arrived. She could speak for @Sorana if she wanted, but Maia's words were to all of them.

When they'd gathered, Maia looked at each of them and smiled, her eyes getting a little misty when she looked at Ceridwen first. It was getting harder and harder, even for her, to let them go. You've all grown so much over the past seasons, and learned so many things. You'll keep learning, and keep growing, even when you're our age and beyond. She laughed a little, breaking the sad feeling. But it's time for you to join Brecheliant in full. We're all so proud of you, and we can't wait to see how you shine as you find who you're meant to be. She stepped forward and touched each of their foreheads with her muzzle. Ceridwen. @Aiden. Jay. @Chickadee. @Shenanigans. Sorana.

Then she looked to the rest of the members gathered and, subtly, leaned against Eljay for a moment before taking a breath and speaking to everyone. Join me in welcoming our new Family! Then she lifted her muzzle and howled a call of celebration.

Soon they would need to organize a hunt. She would likely approach @Bronco for something like that, or see if Teya wanted to lead it. Cooperative hunting was something she didn't mind participating in, but she did not think it was something she could lead. Better to let an expert take point.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay smiled softly and encouragingly at Maia when all the wolves were gathered. He imagined she needed to get used to being the pack's Auspex, but these kind of events were good to help her get the hang of it, especially when nothing bad was on the line. Instead, they were here to celebrate, so surely everybody would be in a good mood. Eljay himself was, smiling proudly at his children. How grown they looked all of a sudden — time had flown by so fast this year. He wished that he could have kept them small and close to his chest a bit longer, but such was not life.

Maia spoke some words and Eljay smiled at each of the children in turn; a soft, fatherly gaze at all of them, including Sorana. Then, as Maia called to welcome the children as adults in Brecheliant, the father lifted his nose into the air and let out a celebratory song for his children.
40 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Aiden didn't need anyone to confirm that he was mature now, but he could sense that this was somehow really important to his mother, so he showed up anyway and played his part in the little theater show that she put up. Aiden looked sideways at his siblings and found it hard to keep posture rather than erupt into play — there were not many 'formal' events like these in Brecheliant, after all — but he kept thinking about how important it was for his mother, clinging onto that until the short ceremony was done. He puffed out his chest then, perhaps to compensate for his mother's soft touch, as the pack celebrated him and his siblings' coming of age.
146 Posts
Ooc — Kat
If there was one thing that could distract Ani from her blossoming love life, it was the pageantry of this gathering. For a few moments, she didn’t think of Stratos at all, instead beaming around at her adopted parents and siblings, as well as the extended family gathered around them. She was old enough now to appreciate her fortune in being part of something as wonderful as Brecheliant.

She leaned into Chickadee, as always, throughout the small ceremony. When the adults began to howl, Ani felt the urge to sing along. But she held her mouth shut, listening to the rise and fall of the song. We are family. No matter what happened in this life or where it took her, this melody would live in Ani’s heart always.
Ani suffers from a condition visually comparable to cerebellar hypoplasia. For a visual reference, check out this video.
345 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chickadee, for once, did not shout or cut up. at eight months of age, she had grown into her full height and would now spend the following year filling out.
but that was not the reason.
she was thinking contemplatively now of how ani and stratos had looked at one another, how her sister had changed her name, how she seemed — ahead of chickadee, who had only just woken to realize she was not a child any longer.
she listened closely as maia spoke, nipping gently at ani's ears and and sticking her tongue out toward her brothers. today marked something important. not only her new rank but a new feeling.
maybe she should go after what she wanted.
but chickadee had no idea what that was. and she was silently, sweetly, envious of her sister for knowing.
she would miss 'dwin, and their sister's departure only intensified the sensation.
there was a tiny hint of melancholy in chickadee's voice as she sang, no matter what she would have liked.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
so many things had passed. so many things had gone on. teya drew a breath and looked with love to maia. this had to be difficult, to have one disperse and all of them grown.
she glanced around for sorana and then for bronco, something pleasant tightening in her belly when she thought of their potential densite and the spring to come.
masterful of him, to prolong such things.
but there was trepidation also — what would sorana think? suppose she left in ceridwin's wake, but for different reasons? 
teya sang, and her voice was light, joyous, though her heart felt swamped with a thousand things.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia's call was joyous despite the bittersweet nature of the relaxed ceremony. They'd send Ceridwyn off properly that night, and it would be a parting with more tears and more emotion, but this moment was for all of them. Brecheliant was a lucky pack to have them, even if eventually they decided to find homes elsewhere. She would treasure all of the time she was given.

As she finished, Maia dipped her head to them all. Thank you. Then she stepped over to where Eljay stood, nosing the fur of his cheek gently and signalling an end to the gathering. She knew that some would linger, like she did, to do their own private congratulations. Then they could disperse about their days.

She didn't miss the hollow sound below her daughter's call, and she could see that of her children, Chickadee was likely the most affected. Sisters tended to feel in a way that brothers didn't, but maybe only outwardly. She'd check in with them later, individually, and quietly ensure they had the chance to talk through the things that might be hard. Right now she just quietly enjoyed how much taller they all seemed to stand.

I love you. She murmured it at an undertone, just for Eljay, and it was something she knew she'd never say enough. That's why she felt the need every chance she got.

Last official round! Feel free to post as often as needed, though, no posting order <3 and I'll wrap once it feels everyone's finished
63 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Jay bellowed along with his siblings, though his call was way too loud and more than a little off-key with enthusiasm.  H-e-l-l yeah!  Finally they were going to stop being treated like kids and allowed to do the cooler stuff that he'd always wanted to do!  Things like.... uh..... yeah.  Adult stuff.  He didn't entirely know what those things were, actually, but that didn't change the fact that he was stoked to finally get to do them!  Whatever them was!

Jay grinned up at his mom and pops, then his tail when to whirring as he rounded on his siblings and gave each one of them a couple of excited, congratulatory nips.  Sorana too!  If Bronco was round he'd bound up to him and let him appreciate how cool it was that Jay was totally on his level now, plus hopefully maybe fill him in on a few secrets of... what exactly that meant.  But either way, he was happy to be here, and there wasn't anything in the world that could bring rain to his personal parade.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Dont mind me he was just sitting here the whole time hehhhhh

The inclusion of this year's batch of kids into the full ranks made Bronco proud, but also a little bit sad. They were growing up, which meant his Dad jokes would get lame, his silly, gentle games were no longer needed, and even his obstacle courses and more challenging ways of having fun with the kids...They'd fall by the wayside as they learned to patrol, hunt, gather medicines...Become. 

It also left him without a job, for a little while. Even though he knew the kids might still look to him for advice, they weren't exactly kids anymore. And even though he had bonds to mend with Sorana, he couldn't approach her as though she was a child. 

It was bittersweet for him, though he knew it would only be a matter of time before there were screeching, laughing, messy little kids to chase around again- potentially, some of his own. So he smiled as he sat alongside his beau, and tilted his head back to join his voice in the welcoming howl.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
wrapping this!

As the howl faded, she watched as the kids were congratulated by some. She’d go and talk to them soon. For now she enjoyed the sight of their family all gathered in one place to celebrate.

She was still extremely nervous when she thought of the winter and how she would do, bringing them through it. Then there was spring, being a mother and Auspex… could she?

Whether she could or couldn’t, the future looked bright. They’d have plenty of help with the new, and wonderful, fully-fledged members.