Swiftcurrent Creek [m] Ain't a DJ gonna save my soul
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Description of eye injury/infection
I was gonna make this read only but I'll leave it open for joiners for a week!
Within days her eyes had swelled and crusted with pus, skin angry red beneath, body alight with fever. Still Mae refused to allow @Arlette to tend her wounds. The very thought of allowing the healer to touch her made her skin crawl. There were so few wolves whose touch she could tolerate. Even before she'd been attacked, Mae had been selective about who she allowed close.

Now it was enough to make her panic.

More than once she'd contemplated making the journey to Hearthwood. She knew she could. Not for any sense of self-preservation (where had she left that old thing, anyway?) but for guilt; @Akavir's distress gnawed at her as deeply as the taint in her blood. Yet there was guilt in that thought, too. Mae feared he would see it as a betrayal. So she kept that idea to herself, and wasted her days sleeping by the creek. Her waking moments were sparse, and reserved only for her father and @Arric.

Mae was eager to forget that the rest of the world existed at all.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All of Arric's moments away from Arlette were reserved for his neice. He went between keeping her spirits up and begging her to let Arlette help her. Finally he arrived one day and spoke softly.

Heya shithead. 

His voice lower than usual reserving a quiet tone with her. He didn't want her to wake up violently.

What if Arlette tells me what to do, Mae. She doesn't need to touch you. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it?
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Mae lifted her head at the sound of Arric's approaching footsteps, aware that it was him by his gait and his scent. In some ways the loss of vision had taken less from her than she'd expected. In other ways it had taken so much more.

She could still picture her uncle's face, at least. His smile, the blue of his eyes. How long before that memory faded?

She laid her head back against the ground, listening quietly as he spoke — and there it was again, the guilt. Anger flashed through her, first at herself and then at him, at her father, at Arlette, all of them. If she was being so irrational — so stupid and defective, then weren't they just as stupid for caring?

The anger faded just as quickly. This criticism was all her own, she knew, though some part of her suspected that they must be thinking it. Maybe it was the truth. Sure, Mae answered finally, voice low and weary.

After a moment, she began again.

Y'know what he said to me? The fucker at the marsh, Mae took in a slow breath. Said women should learn to be seen and not heard. I wanted to kill him.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric held no guilt at his neice. Himself certainly for not being there. He hadn't been there to save her this grievous injury.

Arric sighed and settled beside her. I won't make you Mae
 I'm just worried. Infections can cause serious issues.

Arric snorted. I would have tried myself. Thats bull shit and hes obviously a toxic male that suffers from tiny dick syndrome.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
His teeth ground together--he had caught a grouse and was on his way back to Mae when he overheard vaguely what she spoke of.

He prowled forward, dropping the grouse unceremoniously at the paws of the Beta, though it was neither wolf in front of him who had drew his agitation. I'm going to kill him, he noted, his tone deadpan. I'm going to hunt him down, kill him and then have Arlette revive him so I can kill him again.

Was he kidding? We'll allow interpretation to the reader.

His pale eyes caught Arric's blue gaze. Mae, you should go see Reverie.

The girl had lamented she wished the gilded she-wolf was her mother. Surely, she would allow Reverie to tend her wounds.

And if there was some comfort to be found in the embrace of a mother in the process... Then perhaps that would be best.
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I know, Mae mumbled as Arric expressed his concern, ears lowering. She hated to make him worry. She might have said more, but another set of footsteps caught her attention then. These, too, were familiar.

And nothing settled Mae quite like the presence of the two wolves who occupied the most hidden, precious space in her heart. Akavir's arrival soothed the last of the tension in her. She felt abruptly tired, as if she could close her eyes now and sleep better than she had in months. Later she would realize it was because she felt truly safe.

Not that either of them would ever know it. Mae was already smirking slightly at Arric's colorful remarks, but at her father's words she snorted a laugh, finally sitting up. I'd say I wanna watch, but... Was it too soon to make jokes? Mae was pretty sure she was the one who got to decide that anyway.

When Akavir mentioned Reverie, however, she stilled. You think so? She tried to sound casual, but already her head tilted toward each of them in turn as if to say and which one of you is coming with me? Mae knew better than to assume they would let her leave alone, mostly blind and burning with infection, though she thought herself capable enough. Of the travel itself, at least. If anything threatened her along the way — that would be a different story.

Maybe it was a bad idea to go alone.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette wasn't offended by the fact that the young woman didn't want to be healed by her. It did worry her though. So she went to comb through the territory for burdock plants. Their typical flowering hadn't started yet so it was rather difficult. It took her quite some time to find a patch where she was pretty sure it was one. She disliked that she had to dig up to the roots already. Arlette took off a good inch or 2 and let the rest under ground. She felt triumphant with her success.

Before going to her she washed it in the river so most of the dirt was off it. Then she went to set out to look for the female. It didn't take long for her to find her. She didn't expect Akavir and Arric to be there as well. Arlette was also close to getting her heat. She knew Arric was rather protective of her but this was something that had to be done. Arlette diverted her approach so Arric was between her and Akavir. She trusted their alpha but she really didn't want to spark a fight between the two while the focus should be on Mae.

Her eye looked... bad. She didn't step towards Mae she instead placed the root by Arric's feet so he could hand it to her. "I've been looking all over the territory for this root. You can chew and eat it. It will help fighting the infection." Though perhaps pain relief was something more needed by the looks of it. Still, any help to fight the infection would probably be welcome too. "I hope it makes you feel a little better," she spoke quietly. Arlette shot a soft smile at Arric. "I should leave," she spoke then. Not wanting to upset or distract her mate too much.

Probably my only reply, you can totally PP her leaving after this, but if you want her to stay she will! <3
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric looked over Mae and he felt so sad. He didn't know how to help and he hated it. But he hated more that he hadn't been there.

Though he didn't want to leave Arlette. He also didn't want Mae to go by herself. And as if conjured Arlette was there with items to heal.

A harsh glint colored his eyes, but he didn't say anything. He didn't think Akavor would try anything. And if he did. Well that didn't bear thinking about. But he did feel a tightening in his muscles.

Your dad or I could take you there?

It didn't take long to walk. And he'd hopefully be back. He met Arlettes eyes gently. A small smile. He knew she would understand.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
It was the small motions Mae made—he was learning—that reflected her internal thoughts. The simple fact that he had made a suggestion and she had not immediately balked simply because it was his idea was telling enough—the offhand casual tone she held even more so.

Before he could respond in kind, Arlette came, offering a few things. Akavir cast her a small smile—as much of one as he could muster, even if it was for the gentlest member of their pack—but his gaze drifted to Arric, who made the offer to take her, if she wanted.

Yet a sharp gaze caught the tautness of his friend’s muscles at the presence of his mate—her scent was changing, and both men were seasoned enough to know exactly what this meant.

If Arric were to take Mae and his mate, it would be more dangerous, given the attention the ivory healer would draw. Leaving Arlette here… They could miss their chance for a family this year.

Which meant Akavir had the choice between once more thrusting himself upon Reverie’s home and tiptoeing on eggshells…Or dealing with an irate Arric.

His pale eyes drifted from the couple to look over his daughter—his heart clenching at the brutality of her features… if she wanted Reverie, then Reverie she would have.

“Looks like you’re stuck with me, Mae,” he informed.
Swiftcurrent Creek
314 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Arlette was trying to be helpful; Mae almost felt bad for not letting her close enough to truly help. Almost. Thanks, She muttered, a little agitated herself by the change in the woman's scent, but otherwise let the moment pass without much acknowledgement. A root wouldn't be the most exciting thing she'd ever eaten, but it surely wouldn't be the worst either.

She was more interested in the conversation playing out between her father and uncle. Secretly Mae was glad that it would be Akavir accompanying her. It was getting more difficult to find excuses to spend time with him, and she couldn't shake the lingering worry that if she went too long without checking in on him, he would decide something else was more worth his time.

More like you're stuck with me, Mae smirked, not bothering to hide her satisfaction with this turn of events.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Akavir and Mae were doing so well. Part of Arric felt a little sad not to be word sparring with either one. But his better half was glad for them both  perhaps they would mend their rift. He could only hope.

A tilt of his large head. And he bowed down.

Talk to you both seen. I'll come talk at ya tomorrow maemae.

Then he'd turn and escort Arlette out while feeling a little bit lost.