Swiftcurrent Creek Freeway dirt bike, popping wheelies
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
All Welcome 
He is here specifically to see @Sovereign... but as he is still openly trespassing on pack territory, I am leaving this open for any other joiners!

Days. Weeks. Months. He doesn't fucking know how long it's been. Endless roaming has its disadvantages... that's for damn sure. But, maybe it has a few advantages too?

After his last encounter with Sovereign, he honestly thought he would never see her again. But as his feet led him to the valley, there was no mistaking her present scent. 

Of course, after parting on rocky terms, maybe he was an idiot to consider lingering near and maybe even making his presence known. But what else was there for him to do? For him to live for. The girl had once been his whole life, along with her mother. May she rest in peace.

Long moments of consideration passed. Days, more-like, before he gained the courage to stride further into the valley in search of his deceased wife's look-a-like. There was no telling how she would react to him being here. Yet, there was a part of him that didn't really care. If she told him to go, he would. Or maybe he wouldn't. To be determined, on that bit. And if she wanted him to stay? Well—that invitation sure as hell wouldn't be turned away.

The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Me just eeking out a reply from the ooze at the bottom of my Muse barrel, lol

Sovereign had been patrolling.
Had been.
Sniffing the air as she went, the girl caught a scent she was certain she would never catch again.
She sniffed once, twice, three times before following the trail to find the living embodiment of a ghost she thought she had buried in the past. 


A furrow came to her brows as she stalked from behind him, tail and body stiff as she edged closer.
The form, the scent...it was him.

It was really him...

Sovereign felt the pain all over again, fighting the hot, salty tears in her eyes as she shook her head and rounded to stand in front of Arashi, gaze seeking him with a mix of emotions in her amber hues. 

But, as she searched for words, none came out except for a strained, damn near whisper-quiet...

"what the fuck are you doing here?" She demanded, voice breaking in the just-above-whispered-question, as she tried to reign in the emotions she felt swelling, making cracks in the dam she had built up over time...

So swiftly now, did it all threaten to come falling apart.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was not one to patrol but since she went through the territory often she was used to the smells of the wolves that passed. However, today after she checked the garden if things were still as dormant, she noticed a different scent. A new one. But ... she seemed to remember this one. Arlette hurried her pace, especially when she smelled Sovereign's scent nearby.

Arlette ran in towards them. She saw the side profile of the brindle male. Arlette frowned, he was not part of their pack. She stopped the same distance Sovereign did. This was Fury's mate once. She frowned. "Arashi?," she spoke. Her red eyes took in Sovereign. She didn't know how good their relationship was, but from the looks of it the girl was quite in shock to see him. Arlette stepped more towards her, almost a little protective. After all, Arlette considered Sovereign under her protection. Though, she wasn't sure how much protection she could give her knowing her combat skills. She even wondered if he recognized her.

I had to....
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Swearing

being as arric is usually on thr borders you get him. I can make this a cameo if everyone would like just pm me.

Arric as always was on border patrol. But he went on guard when a new scent pervaded his senses. And he chased it down.

A loud growl and he was in front of the girls about ready to tear the bastard limb from limb for trespassing. He and Akavir took no prisoners for trespassing.

The only thing stopping him was the way Arlette said this dudes name. She knew him.

His voice was low and deadly. I don't give a fuck who you are, but you'll step back over that territory line and have whatever the hell this is on neutral territory. Not on ours.
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Cocking his head to the side in an eerie manner, his darkened gaze swept over the trip, examining each in both physical language, and verbal. 

Sovereign. Arlette.You both look well. Tone A gravelly baritone, he nodded to both in greeting, blatantly ignoring the growling male standing between him and the two women.

206 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Have a grumpy Ensio! <3

He had taken to his new role in Swiftcurrent seriously. Like Arric, Ensio was never far from the borders. Little escaped his sharp eye.

An intruder on their land. Facing Sovereign and Arlette. Both women with whom he was close to in different ways. The males scent pushed a protective surge through him. Arric was already at the border confronting Arashi when he arrived. 

Apparently, it was not enough to send him on his way. He all but ignored the Beta, focused on Sovereign and Arlette instead. Ensio moved in, tail flagged high. A growl rumbling in his throat. "Step back to the border. Now. Or I will make you." His narrowed glacial eyes were serious.
The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
If I need to make any edits, pls don't hesitate to ping me! <333

Arlette. Arric. Ensio. 
All to the scene in swift motion. 
Arlette, as Sovereign assumed to be her nature - was not aggressive like Arric or Ensio.

Arashi blatantly ignoring Arric though...Sovereign herself knit her brows together at the insolence being shown as Arashi spoke to her and Arlette.

The yearling looked between Arric, newly-arrived Ensio, and Arashi, and took a deep breath to steady herself as she brought her pale body forward, stopping beside her glacial-eyed counterpart as she looked upon the man she once considered to be dad

Before everything...

"If you're not gonna be respectful, you need to go, Arashi. If you want to talk, howl somewhere outside the borders." Her voice was firmer than she thought it would be, which surprised her, but she forced herself not to show it.
Her gut twisted within her with an unfamiliar anxiety despite the hard set of her face, so akin to her mother's...

Oh, how she willed the power of her mother into her now...what would she have done?!
More worrisome, how would she handle seeing him if she was alone?
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette disliked the way he looked over her. She had been out of the Saints for a long time and realized that the wolves there had been very different from what she was used to now. Arric arrived and she was a little relived that if the male was going to do something that she at least had Arric. The male did say she looked well, all the while ignoring Arric.

Ensio came onto the scene as well. Arlette felt a little more confident. She really didn't want this to escalate though. "I agree Arashi. You can't just barge through our territory. Please return to the borders so you can talk with Sovereign who I assume you are here to see," Arlette urged. She looked at Arric. This was a new side she hadn't seen of him. But she was clear on what he had told her before. He was protective of her, and protective of their pack. So it might as well end up in a fight.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
not sure how you do it and if its even going to go further than this, but i rolled a 10 on tabletop and 30/30 hp. And it doesn't have to be a fight. If Arashi yields Arric will back off. He just wants him out of the territory. Also he has a specialty in guardian some rpers like to know that.

The way he framed his body can be used as an advantage. He's aware it will cause him injury, but he wanted to keep his body between Arlette and Sovereign.

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: swearing

Arric's blue eyes blazed at the blatant lack of respect. His growl grew on octave and he felt that ever burn at the back of his head and neck.

His only thought was shit imma killl my girlfriends friend

Then it was on like donkeykong. Full bore, no warning he charged at the guy. Taking in his position. He went straight for his face, teeth claws whatever he could get. He aimed low to guard his own throat. Used his weight to press and kept his body towards the girls even though it let him a little more exposed.

Had he gone towards anything else it would have let the girls open and he'd be damned he let that happen.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Akavir is aiming an attack to Arashi's side, given Arric is aiming for his face. I can roll a dice if wanted. He's aiming to seriously wound, as per trespasser rules on the site.

Tension at the borders.

Akavir was still fatigued from the illness prior, but the day found him marking the creek borders and inwardly cursing the current season.

When he heard lifted voices, it drew him quickly to the gathering.

A stoical glance given as he assessed--three wolves pleading sternly to some stranger within their home to leave, while Arric lunged to action.

Like a phantom, Akavir descended. Swift to the side of his Beta, following the lead of the dark wolf, his own intent upon leaving a more permanent impression on the intruder and ensuring Arric's more open angle remained more protected with his presence as his jaws aimed for the man's side.

He never had been one to try to hash these type of offenses with words.
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Two flurries of fur. Two sets of teeth descending upon him. 

The agouti beast roared in fury, but did not retaliate with teeth of his own. 

Tearing away from both as quickly as he was able, he retreated back a few steps; though he did not cower. 

I did not come here to fight, He grumbled, licking away a few droplets of blood clinging to the new muzzle scar he wore. I only wish to speak with her, A gesture to Sovereign. Alone. 

He would take it outside of the border, but only if she was willing to follow him.

The Shieldmaiden
277 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Sovereign watched in what felt like slow motion as Arric and Akavir ascended upon Arashi with fury, which she couldn't blame them for.
But as dad Arashi roared in pain, retreating a few steps away with a statement. 

He did not come to fight, 
Only to speak.

With her...


Sovereign felt her chest clench as she looked between Arric, Akavir, and Arashi.
Hesitantly, she began to step forward, ears slanting as she looked between Alpha and Beta.

"If that's okay...?" She asked, feeling an anxiousness make her voice waver, which she damned herself for internally.

But she would not disobey if Akavir or even Arric said no to Arashi's want, and she meant to show this deference in the slight wag of her tail at her heels. 

Her golden gaze looked for Ensio now, too, for he mattered as much as the leaders did, at least to her.
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Soon Arric en Akavir went for the man. Arlette didn't intervene because the man was at fault. He shouldn't be in their territory. That was clear. Arashi wanted to speak with Sovereign. Arlette didn't really agree but it was not up to her to decide. Sovereign could make her own decisions.

However, she asked. Arlette nodded shortly, clearly there was some tension in her body but she didn't want to limit the girl. She then turned to Arric, wanting to check if he was okay. He probably was but she couldn't help herself. They were probably escort him outside of the border.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Akavir won't take kindly to any of this thus his reaction. Again, he is aiming to seriously main/kill at this point, which aside from the IC stand he has, OOCly, WOLF has a trespassing rule if packs choose to use it that the offender must gain at least one injury.

Arric to reply next--Danni wanted to go after Akavir. Mai was also skipped earlier, but told us to continue as is.

A snarl of fury from the stranger as he twisted away—somehow eluding the punishing grip either large man aimed to him. He did not submit—he did not retreat back over the borders—instead he made to speak—

—and Akavir was past listening, even as Sovereign mumbled a response.

His own gutteral snarl was given as he once more drove forward, ears pressed to his skull, jaws agape, this time aiming for the man’s neck and intent on ripping his teeth into muscle—before, he might have escorted the brazen fool out by his ear… now, he was willing to do so by disposing of a body.
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,071 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Arric is aiming for eyes and muzzle. I am fine with Arashi getting away with minir wounds. Just let us know where they are inflicted. Once he heads out Arric will give chase, but not full bore  he won'twant to leave the pack territory..

Arric's muscles bunched from his effort and he aimed again at the muzzle and face of the man. Keeping the girls to his side. He heard Sovereign from far away and he paused momwntsrily. Until Akavir continued. And he was a loyal beast.

So with snarls and snaps he spoke. Get the fuck out.
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
He'd spoken his wants, but these men did not relent. 

With a roar of a growl, he toppled sideways as two bodies came crashing forward once again. 

One at his muzzle, teeth piercing below the eye and tearing at his lip. And the other, going straight for the throat. 

Arashi writhed, teeth snapping, and paws thrumming against two bodies angrily, hoping that his claws would drive in far enough to dissuade his attackers and gain his freedom.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,214 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
skipping @Sovereign sorry but to wrap up this thread up for @Akavir :)

Arlette watched the fight with a twist in her gut. She disliked to look at it but was glad for the two black sentinels of Swiftcurrent. She watched Arashi. It had been a long while, and while she was curious about him now was not the time and place. It reminded her of a time with the Saints and why they had so many issues with others. He hadn't been respectful towards the pack crossing their border.

She would make sure to check in with Sovereign after this.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Fang met flesh—the trespasser snarling as the two men descended on him. His own aims were  given in demand and punishment alike—to get this man off his land and now.

Claws swiped at him—bruising, and a flurry of desperation, as one would with two large wolves assisting him out.

Akavir’s assault on the man’s flesh and blood only desisted when he turned and fled from them—a snarl reverberating in his throat as his eyes drifted to the others.

Without another word he swept away, his tongue sliding over his lips to clean the blood—noting some of his own was mingled with it.