Ouroboros Spine i just want to be the one you love
106 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
All Welcome 
hes at the border! this is meant to be a joining thread but idk if there's enough room? but im throwing him up here either way lol. being vague af with this

When he'd arrived, he'd arrived on trembling foot.

Less so from the festering wounds that cut through his face and rear. No, it was moreso from standing at the edge of this place, and the mental preperation that came before.

This place, his home, old and distant as the memory was. He hadn't rushed to its gates before, and he hadn't wished to now. 

Oh, if only he was granted more time! But time had waited long enough. The altercation in the mountains had lit a fire within, and now he is forced to act.

Lómion howled weakly for the wolves of Moonglow.
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
He had been home for days, now — at times, it still felt like there was much he needed to catch up on. Mainly to do with the growth of his daughters, who seemed to have taken his absence as an opportunity to double in size once more. He mourned their tiny baby-ness-icity, and then found he had no time for mourning while they were busy getting underfoot.

And there was the rest of the pack. He should pay attention to them, too.

He was patrolling, today, on the lookout for a good hunt while he marked the borders. A wan howl drew his attention instead, and he hurried toward the sound with his fur already bristling, just a sliver. His eyes, though, were kind as they assessed the stranger.

"You've come to Moonglow," he said to the young man. "My name's Valiant."

The smell of the man's wounds set him on edge.

"Do you need help?" he guessed.
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
106 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
The call was answered soon enough. A stranger approached. It was to be expected; so much time had passed. Why should he not expect faces from his youth to pass too?


Other than his sister of course.

Lómion nodded briefly. Ah, y-yes, please. Vairë... is she here? Who had stayed?

Or Kukutux— a name unspoken for quite some time. Is she still—?
w a y w a r d s o n
301 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The young man did want help, but not from Valiant. This only made sense, especially considering the names that did come up.

"My wife," he said, his tone enthusiastic and his nod cheerful. Of  course he wanted Vairë — she was the healer that Kukutux was, but she was wise and gentle still. Of the latter, he answered just as warmly — "She's still moonwoman. I can bring you to her, if you like?"

He didn't wait for an answer before he tipped his head back, voicing this intention and asking for @Kukutux to meet him at the healing dens.

"Vairë's with our baby girls," he said, explaining his choice of healer for the man. "What's your name?"
live and die on this day,
live and die on this day
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
moonglow mourned its star hunter.

the songs would be sung. and soon ajei would be the first to run the kinaalda in her mother's name.

the call of sivullik brought kukutux from where she kept vigil. it was with solemn step that she came in a wrap of black weaselfur.

her greenstone eyes found the stranger, and mother's recognition bloomed there. "aaglunukat," the duck murmured, ears sweeping, arms reaching to bring him closer.

the world had not been kind to him. "lómion," kukutux murmured with salt touching her eyes, "come. tell me who has done this. we will go to my ulaq." to valiant she looked now with an eloquent thoughtfulness in her springjade eyes. "lómion is your marriage-brother."