Heron Lake Plateau Demon Boss
135 Posts
Ooc — Me
It had taken Apple few days more after her meet-up with Rory to make up her mind about, what she should be doing next. Her kaleidoscope mind had calmed down a little, there weren't any blackouts and the old lady had learned to keep track of things and time, and events, so that she would not get lost again. Her memory was like an ocean after a ship-wreck, where various parts of the vessel itself, as well as bits and pieces of interior and stuff from inhabitants was scattered around and floating in the water. Now and then she would catch either a plank, a life-buoy, a plastic cup or other things that were metaphors for actual memories from her long life and they would resurface and she would have a moment of clarity and control over it. But she had come to the realization that she would not be able to rebuild the her mind the way it had been before the stroke had happened. It would take too much time and Apple did not have it.

She managed to provide for herself independently and still enjoyed her travels, except now the lack of routine and rock-solid structure in her life scared her. The world was big, she was small and frail and could easily get lost in it. While much of, what had made her the personality she had once been, had disappeared, her will to live and survive was as strong as ever. The former Blackthorn matron was simply not ready to kick the bucket yet. Therefore she made a choice to exchange her freedom to stability and that was why she stood now on the borders of the Redhawk claim and howled for the leaders to come and meet her. She wanted to join the group for now and take her time to recover.
Sun Mote Copse
5,045 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
Towhee woke to the unpleasant sensation of a cold, wet nose pressed tentatively to her shoulder. "What," she griped, her voice a sleepy burr, even as she rolled into an upright position. She blinked grumpily at a gesticulating Rory, who was also mouthing, "There's someone at the borders. I think I know the voice..."

"I'm coming," the newly reappointed Beta muttered, rising onto all fours and shaking out her pelt. Rory seemed to recognize her cue and pivoted to lead the way. They weren't far from the plateau's fringes, so the trip didn't take long. But by the time they approached a particularly pale and portly figure, Towhee felt wide awake.

She glanced sideways at Rory, who was saying something. "Towhee, this is Apple. I've met her a few times while traveling." The youngster then turned to face the stranger and the Beta didn't catch what else was said ("How're you feeling today, Apple...?"). She did follow Rory's gaze though and scrutinize the she-wolf, who looked older but rather hale.

Aware that she was quite probably interrupting an ongoing conversation, Towhee butted in with, "What's your business here, Apple?" The words came out brusque and clunky as ever, though a warmth spread through the Beta as she spoke them. It really was good to be back.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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Ooc — Me
A long time passed between Apple's call and before someone appeared to greet her. She sat and waited patiently, trying to keep focus and her mind clear, but after some 5 - 6 minutes it began to drift. She suddenly caught a strong scent of lilacs - flowering bushes that she had seen only once or twice in her life, which had bloomed with purple flowers during mid-spring. Curious and baffle she looked around and tried to capture a whiff of some more molecules, but the smell was gone as fast as it had appeared. Odd... she thought, because in the wilds, where she had lived and travelled later in life, she had never seen these plants again. 

However, with this particular a snippet of an old memory resurfaced and she saw herself young and beautiful with stars in her eyes walking through, what people would call remnants of an old house, but what were just a peculiar place for a wolf. And there, where once front door had been, the lilac bushes had been growing, in blooming and their aroma being so strong that it simply pushed every other smell away. Apple closed her eyes and for a moment in this cold and grey winter day she was back in her youth, feeling, how the sun's soft and warm fingers caressed her fur. 

She was woken from her daydreams, when she heard two wolves approaching and the voice of one of them reminded her someone she had met recently. The name had escaped yet again, but Apple recognized Rory the moment she was visible and greeted her with a kind smile and wagging tail. It was good that she was here to assist in doing the introductions, because the wolf, who had come with her, did not strike as someone, who was friendly to all. Under different circumstances Apple would not have seen a problem with talking to any stranger, but now she was somewhat unsure, whether in her vulnerable state she would be able to muster up good introductions enough to make a good impression of her. Unfortunately she was a beggar now and could not afford to mistakes.

"Good day," she told Rory, swallowing an awkward pause in the place, where the girl's name should have been. "You look well," she added. "Who is your friend?" But before the other got to reply another voice, a strange voice intercepted, making the old wolf look away from her acquaintance and take a better look at the other Redhawk wolf. "I wanted to join you," Apple said, leaving out "for the winter" or "for the time being", because, who knew, how long would it take her to recover or if she would be well ever again?
Sun Mote Copse
5,045 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Warrior
Rory was good at taking cues, Towhee observed as the juvenile fell silent and stepped back to stand beside her and a little to the rear. As far as the Beta knew, she didn't say anything else, but she wouldn't know one way or another as her attention fixed resolutely on Apple's features. She wanted to join them, which was more or less the answer Towhee had expected.

In most cases like this, the wolf was a total stranger without any particular connections to the Redhawks. But because Rory had mentioned running into her a time or two, Towhee figured they'd gotten along and that had drawn the old woman to them. Thus she skipped that particular line of questioning entirely and asked, "What are your skills?"

She did afford Rory a brief sideways glance, as she sensed that perhaps the youth was about to say something. But when Towhee looked her way, Rory didn't return her gaze, nor open her mouth. Running her tongue over her jowls, Towhee faced Apple again, expression expectant.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
135 Posts
Ooc — Me
What were her skills? 100% whole Apple of earlier times would have replied with something witty and cheeky, but the 60% that was left unharmed was not that bold. She took her time and pondered her answer in silence. It was not easy to find one, good-for-all characteristic to describe her and she did not have access to the sophisticated ones either. There were blank spots, where her portfolio shone with many achievements and valuable life experience, she realized that there had to be something to build these empty spaces, but she could not come up with anything.

Therefore she tried a different technique: what did she see now? Her coat had a somewhat unkempt appearance, since she had been more occupied with sorting her life out during the past two weeks. But she did not feel hunger or cold, even though she could not recall, what had been the last thing she had eaten and when. So - a hunter. And alive. That had to count for something, right? Her confusion and moments of amnesia aside, she did not feel sick. So... she was a healthy individual too. She cast a quick glance at Rory - the kid seemed to like her. So... she had to be a good person. 

All that was left to do, was to sum them up and present in a favourable light and she tried: "I... I provide for myself, I hunt and I have stayed alive for longer than I can remember." The last part was not exactly a lie. She had been on her own, when she had woken up with her illness. "I like children and am good with them," she added a brief moment later, when this memory sprang out of the pool like a beautiful fish. There was more confidence in her voice, as she said this, because the words felt true to the core. She could not have got this wrong. 

"And I can help with, whatever you need, if that is possible for me to do it," she finished.
Sun Mote Copse
5,045 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Apple's resume didn't wow Towhee, though few ever did. Her willingness to pitch in wherever she could was perhaps the strongest part of her case. Still, the Beta deliberated. Apple looked a little older, so even if she was healthy now, the pack might soon have to take care of her. They had their own aging members—namely, her godparents—to consider.

Later, Towhee would wonder if Rory had read her mind. Another soft, cold press of a nose stole Towhee's attention. She arched her brow at the youngster, who said, "She's a Blackthorn." Rory very visibly hesitated then, as if she wanted to say something else but uncertain if she should. When Towhee leveled her with a look, she added, "I think she might've had a concussion, like Tegan. I should've taken her to Ra—" But Towhee had turned sharply toward Apple.

"Rory says you're a Blackthorn?" she prompted. She knew Rory had just mentioned fetching Raven and that she should consider calling for Finley too. But the situation wasn't emergent and Towhee would rather vet her a bit more before deciding to involve anybody else.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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135 Posts
Ooc — Me
The wolf, whose name Apple still hadn't heard (or simply missed), did not seem impressed. The old lady did not blame her, because she would not have seen much in the provided CV and motivation letter either. But she did not have the ability now to come up with an inspiring and artificial tale of all the noble reasons, why she wanted to compliment Redhawk family, how she would be an invaluable and loyal asset, who could not only learn much from them, but share her experience as well. It would have been great, if she were able to fill out her life and career description fully, but she could not. And in the end, weren't it true for all job interviews? That the true reason you wanted the job was because of the money or in Apple's case safety and stability?

"I am a Blackthorn. Apple... S... Suibhne, I think, but no one has ever called me by that strange name. I have... always been Apple," there were pauses and hesitation as she told this, because these facts came to her mind so effortlessly that she did not have much time to check them, whether they were correct. Because sometimes a memory or a tale of another person would feel just as real as it had happened to her. She furrowed her brow as another piece related to Blackthorns resurfaced. Two lovely names. And a young man telling her about them. "There are a lot of us in the world," she added, after giving up the effort to recover the names. For the time being memory of Finley and Elwood and Lucca, who had told her about them, was not accessible to her.
Sun Mote Copse
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Ooc — Kat
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The hesitant way Apple spoke of herself struck Towhee as very odd, though at least she had Rory's inexpert diagnosis to preface it. Had Apple hit her head, causing her to grow forgetful? Or was it merely old age? She knew the body deteriorated, so it was definitely possible the mind did too.

Towhee tried to weigh things in her head. If it was up to her alone, she would turn Apple away. But what would Finley think, if she found out she'd shunned an ailing Blackthorn? And what would Rave say if she knew her sister had left an old and forgetful woman to winter's mercies? Towhee herself was no bleeding heart, and she was left to wonder what her fellow leaders would think. Their opinions ultimately mattered more than the former leaders'.

"Rory," the Beta said rather abruptly, voice sharp, "call for @Quixote and @Niamh, please." Leaving the youth to this simple task, Towhee explained to Apple, "They're my fellow leaders. I'd like a second opinion." She blinked as she delivered this frank explanation, then fell silent to await one or both of her co-leaders' arrivals.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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135 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Sounds fair," Apple agreed and nodded, thinking that her chances were very slim already and that, if other leaders were in any way similar to this girl, then she did not see a point in them coming. She sat down, while waiting, and weighed out her options. Being on her own in the wilds, drifting through life, moments of wakefulness changing with those she could not recall, was a very likely scenario. Perhaps, she would meet another group, or one morning she would fail to wake up, her frozen and lifeless body staying there, until the scavengers did their job an nothing would be left of the Apple Blackthorn's former glory but just white bones scattered around and some tufts of creamy yellow fur. 

If she gained an entry in this group, the things were going to be pretty much the same. With the difference of her not being alone, when she died. The idea of death and leaving this Earth had never felt closer as it did now and for a moment there she thought she caught a glimpse of the bony man with the scythe, standing in the forest behind Rory and her friend, looking at her with it's blue, burning eyes. She jumped a little, blinked and the apparition was gone.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
wc: 467
Tagged Colt just for reference XD
Niamh had just suggested a future-puppy name to @Colt that had nearly made his lip curl, and in response, she’d burst into laughter and flopped onto the ground, secretly wondering what it would like to have a puppy named Nag Blackthorn. She wanted something that followed in the Blackthorn- and Redhawk- tradition by using animal names, and of course, she wanted something similar to Colt’s name. So the issue of finding such a thing came up. Niamh didn’t know many horse terms, given that she’d probably only seen wild horses once or twice in her life. So the name Horse was too obvious, and any kid named Mule would inevitably be trouble when it came to crossing other packs’ borders (too much?) so she’d settled on the alternative of Nag. Nevertheless, when Rory called out for her, she assured Colt that she’d try to convince herself not to fall in love with the name Nag Blackthorn and headed for the borders.

She sniggered to herself as she trotted along, still trying to find another name that might fit. Nag, Mule and Horse were out of the cards, and Niamh didn’t know what a zebra was, so she couldn’t use that name. Fortunately, she didn’t think of Donkey or- worse yet- Ass, as relatives of a horse, and fortunately for the future pup, she found herself drawing blanks. But it was something she could ask Towhee, she figured, when their paths crossed next.

She saw Towhee, Rory and an unfamiliar face- but a kindly one at that- in quiet conversation in the distance. She didn’t figure that it was a joining sort of thing, as surely Towhee, a former alpha and experienced leader, would have no problem making a decision about a joiner, right? All Niamh could assume was that Rory had called out and that Towhee had answered first and was already taking care of business. As Niamh got closer she could tell that the pale wolf with them didn’t bear the scent of other wolves. She was in great shape- perhaps a bit older, but not that Niamh was an expert on ageing wolves anyway. She was quite plump, which likely meant that she was a good hunter...Or lazy, and had had others hunting for her.

She nodded to the pale stranger, noting then that she had a dorsal stripe and found herself smiling slightly. Another Blackthorn? It was hard to tell- they seemed to be everywhere. Assuming that Towhee had already passed judgement or was in the process of doing so, she casually bumped her muzzle against Towhee’s shoulder and glanced back at the older lone wolf. She had no idea, of course, that Towhee had actually wanted her guidance; and there Niamh was, preparing to totally take the back seat on this one.
Sun Mote Copse
5,045 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Master Warrior
Although Towhee never heard the summoning howl, naturally, she trusted Bat had done as she was told and settled down to wait. She said nothing more to Apple, though she baldly continued her scrutiny of the pale she-wolf. Despite her probable mental issues, she really did appear quite strong, even a little chubby, which meant she was well-fed. Towhee was just pondering the ramifications of this when she felt a bump to her shoulder, on the side opposite from Rory.

Turning to see Niamh, the swarthier Beta's eyes crinkled a bit as she smiled. "Hey, I was hoping you could help me with a particularly tough judgment call." She leaned in close and attempted to whisper to her friend, although her voice was a lot louder than she realized. "This is Apple. Rory seems to vouch for her, plus she looks like she's in good shape. Says she'll help in any way she can and," she continued, pausing for effect, "she's a Blackthorn. But it's like she's not all there. Rory guesses concussion. I'm not so sure." She straightened up and rolled her shoulders, silently opening the floor for Niamh to question Apple, see for herself.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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135 Posts
Ooc — Me
It was a while, before another wolf joined them and eased the awkward silence between the three wolves. Apple had managed not to drift off in the dreamland again, pulling her conscious mind back to wakefulness again and keeping the sounds, the colourful images at bay. Yet she could feel them being in the vicinity, spun into something like a yarn-ball and waiting for it's opportunity to encase her again. 

A cream pelted she-wolf was first to come to aid - she seemed rather nice and more positively inclined towards the stranger than the wolf, to whom she had spoken to earlier. She replied with a kind smile and then listened them discussing her not too quietly. While nothing bad was said, it was still kind of unpleasant hearing someone else repeating her words, adding intonations and meanings to them, which had not been in the original. She tried not show, how uncomfortable it was. But she was not in the place to tell that this was not a polite thing to do. She was a beggar here and at her possible benefactors' mercy.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
For Towhee, whispering was a challenge Niamh didn’t think she necessarily mastered. Not only was she not quite quiet enough, but the tone of her voice evened out, making it harder to understand the words she was saying. Niamh gritted her teeth and plaintively regarded Towhee with this expression hoping it might prompt her to speak a bit more quietly. But she found she couldn’t simply turn an ear to Towhee and listen- her whispered words were even more garbled than they were when she decided to speak loudly and clearly, but she was able to get the majority of the message. She looked Apple over, realizing that this was the wold both Phox and Rory had mentioned over a week ago. She hadn’t simply been mentioned in passing, though- Rory and Phox had mentioned her because she’d been a part of the wolves gathering in the Shadewood. Niamh became suspicious.

”She used to be with the wolves gathering in Shadewood,” She echoed the narrator, for the benefit of the other characters. Her eyes flicked to Rory for confirmation, and she wished Phox was there to back her up. Right now, it wasn’t her current condition that bothered Niamh, it was that fact that she could possibly be a spy. ”What of them? Two of our wolves saw you with them,” She said, hoping that if Apple was here to spy that she might fess up. She looked to Towhee then, and using ptero- which she sincerely hoped Apple wouldn’t understand- she signed -Looks healthy enough but could use a check-up from Raven to see if she’s OK upstairs. May need to be watched for a few days...- Niamh said. Like Towhee, she was also cautious of taking in another concussed wolf, given the way Screech had turned out. All in all, in Niamh’s opinion, things weren’t in Apple’s favour. She frowned softly, and understood now why Towhee was having a tough time with this one. Apple was technically family, but she was also potentially both a spy, a traitor and a danger to their well-being if she had a violent episode.
Sun Mote Copse
5,045 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
Towhee's brows lifted curiously when Niamh mentioned Apple's possible affiliation with Shadewood. She turned her head to see what Rory had to say on the matter, in time to catch a furrowed brow. "She was alone both times I ran into her," was all the youth contributed, rolling her shoulders. "Sorry, I dunno." Rory paused and then put a paw beside her mouth to block Apple's view as she added, sotto voce, "I don't think she knows either..."

Niamh took the opportunity to question Apple about it, leaving Towhee to wonder if Rory might be right. But if Apple was with Shadewood, then joined them, what sort of problems might arise from that? Suddenly, the darker Beta decided Apple simply wasn't worth any of this trouble. Before she could let Niamh know, her counterpart turned toward her and signed a message. She chewed on the other wolf's words a moment, then glanced at Rory, then Apple, and finally back to Niamh.

-This is too much of a risk for me. I'm thinking we should turn her away. Maybe Rory could show her back to Shadewood,- Towhee surmised with a slow shrug. She turned to see the teenager watching them uncomprehendingly and wanted to repeat herself out loud, but waited to see if Niamh agreed before announcing the decision publicly.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
135 Posts
Ooc — Me
Had Apple known of the troubles Redhawks had run into, when dealing with other wolves, who were not right in their heads, she would not even have bothered asking for a shelter now. After all something had happened to her, there was some part of her mind in disarray, and there had been blackouts during the first two weeks after the incident. Now she had been in control and tended to wake up in the same place, where she had fallen asleep. 

"There are..." she repeated, trying hard to recall any of the more recent events and neither the name Shadewood, nor any particular wolf stood out there. "I have met many people along the way," she responded to Niamh's inquiry. "But I do not recall making any alliances or promises with any of them," true fact. Maybe her past self had, the current had definitely not met anyone aside from Rory for several days. And she had woken up alone, no one had been looking for her either. 

More whispering and gesturing between the involved parties, which made Apple frown inwardly. This let's-talk-between-ourselves-only in the presence of the person, who was being discussed, began to get on her nerves. Just the same way Redhawks doubted her value to the pack, she began to doubt, if she really wanted to be a part of this group. Being suspicious was natural, but they did not strike her as people, who were easy to be around in general. Save for Rory, but she was young.

Therefore she made a quick decision to end this and get on moving. She got to her feet and shook her coat. It felt good to have a different purpose, now that she had stopped pushing against a concrete wall. "I see that I am wasting your time here," she smiled ruefully. "You don't want me here and I have nothing else to recommend myself as my own words," she concluded. "It was nice seeing you again, Rory," she turned to the teenager and then to the two leaders. It would have been great, if she had been able to drop a bombshell of "say hello to Finley - it has been a while, since I have met my sister last" or "how is that young man, Lucca? Did he find his way back here?", but these memories were swept away and unreachable. 

"Thank you for your time," she told the two and turned to go. Maybe her flight from Death did not depend that much on being in a pack. Maybe she still had some time left, a freedom of will and choice to do, whatever she wanted with her time. And just maybe there were enough minutes, hours and days still for her to fill the void in her mind that had been left by the hurricane, which had gone through it and caused all of the mess in the first place. 

All she had to do... was to find out for herself.
So then find Dodge, then get out of it
1,740 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Niamh glanced to Rory, confusedly, when she said that she’d met Apple alone. Hadn’t she said that there was an Apple with the Shadewood wolves? Or was that Phox who had said that? Niamh’s attention to detail had never been the best, so she had confused what both wolves had said, but what she could remember for sure was that both of them had seemed to have kind things to say about Apple- whether that was the same one that was with them now or not. Niamh’s confused, skeptical look remained on her features for a moment, though she wasn’t aware she was even making that face, but she looked to Towhee when she spoke again. Her lips pulled tight; she didn’t necessarily want to turn a wolf away, but things just seemed too confusing- and Towhee herself seemed to have had enough with the whole situation. Blindly, she was comfortable following her Person’s lead, unfortunately for Apple.

Apple spoke to her own defense- but Niamh couldn’t help but cast a glance to Towhee when she admitted that she couldn’t recall making an alliance with any other wolves. Niamh was sure that either Phox or Rory had mentioned the fact that Apple was with the Shadewood wolves...So naturally, she assumed that Apple was, in fact, confused, and not remembering properly when it was likely the other way around. Either that, or-

-A spy?-

She signed the words to Towhee before she shrugged. There was no way to tell, but like Towhee, she wasn’t willing to risk anything. It was simply easier to doubt a stranger than to doubt herself. Niamh, young and quick to assume as she was, foolishly was fine with sending Apple on her way, if it meant saving the pack the trouble of dealing with another wolf who had a concussion. She seemed to catch their doubts, and Niamh nodded slightly to her, trying to appear empathetic by putting an apologetic look on her face.

”Safe travels, and I’m sorry we couldn’t help you,” She said and without thinking of it, she’d spoke to Apple the same way she’d spoken to Towhee when she’d first learned that her friend was deaf- a bit more slowly than usual, and with slightly exaggerated articulation, as though a concussion would also make this elderly lady hard at hearing. It might have come off as being rude, but at the same time, Niamh felt that they were doing the right thing. After all, if Apple had turned out to be truly confused- or a apy- it could have meant tough times for the Redhawks, and she was going to avoid that at all costs.
Sun Mote Copse
5,045 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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While Towhee and Niamh made their discreet exchange, Apple apparently saw the writing on the wall. The mercenary turned when she saw the woman's mouth moving, squinting dubiously as she explained herself and then announced her departure. By this point, Towhee surely wasn't going to dissuade her from leaving on her own terms. She'd been a few seconds away from telling her to be on her way anyway.

Niamh offered some farewell pleasantries and Towhee remained mum, though she did motion Rory closer. The youth was frowning but she paid close attention as Towhee said, "That's just how it goes sometimes. If you do decide to take her back to Shadewood, report back to me on any intel you discover. And be careful." She took a step back then, shooing the youth in the direction of the disembarking Apple.

"I've got a nap to get back to," she said in parting to Niamh, offering her Person a wan smile and a dip of her head before she returned to her sleeping spot.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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