Ouroboros Spine Alive With Young Hearts
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Massaraq was growing quickly, the world was big and wide, but that had quickly ceased to be a source of consternation, instead, a sense of curiosity roused him. He was not supposed to go too far completely alone, but he felt that he was ready to go further afield than the little clearing outside of the den. After all with his family (@Aiolos, @Kukutux, @Galana, @Arrluk, @Kassuq) nearby he felt nothing as to the press of danger. Everything was a source of wonder. His tiny paws carried him a few steps out into the light, he could see the entrance promising warmth but a cricket bounded across his path and he quickly turned his attention to attempt to pounce on that instead.

tags for ref! Anyone free to join, Massaraq is 5 weeks here so grown-ups feel free to powerplay him
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
And while his brother would never be alone, Arrluk would make sure that Massaraq would never feel alone either. As the silvered young boy began leaving the den, Arrluk roused himself from the floor and followed there after. He would be there to keep an eye on him, make sure he was okay (like dad did), should anything weird happen out in this wide, bright world out here. When Massaraq was quickly distracted by a cricket, Arrluk is errect, tail high and he woofs out to his brother. What was that thing??
3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
gonna cameo here <3

kukutux sat outside the den, ear flicked toward their little sounds.

she kept galana close, doting on the small girl and singing a working-chant.

eventually she chuffed, inviting the rest of the little ones out into the sunlight, among her stacked hides and pieces of curing meat.

and she thought of @Saviguk, and her heart cried out to the very clouds that it be true, that he was returned to her.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq did not notice his brother until he woofed out to him and Massaraq let out a bark in reply. "Arrluk, look!" He pounced again, this time springing towards his brother, forcing the cricket in his direction. His mother was nearby but he would show her once he caught it - maybe she would know more about it. Massaraq felt that his anaa must know just about everything, but he could hardly learn more about this little moving thing unless he could properly show it to her. His tiny rump was in the air as he got ready to pounce again.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Massaraq hops into Arrluk's direction, causing the jumping bug in front of him do the same, landing between Arrluk's black limbs. Arrluk backs up, tail high, ready to fight this thing if it caused them any trouble! 

He growls, following his brother by crouching down in the same manner which he was. NiKik? He wonders allowed and paws at the thing, causing it to jump up and land on his face. Ahh!! Backing up, falling on his buty and shaking his head, he gets the thing off hum but only for it to land on Massaraq instead!
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq watched Arrluk, but when his brother paws at it the thing springs towards him, before he can jump to Arrluk's aid it then flings itself in his direction. Letting out a shout he twists, landing on his side and feeling a lump. Turning around and shaking himself he sees the small insect half crushed and struggling. This time when he experimentally taps at it with his paw it twitches and then goes still. It seemed that the pair of pups had conquered whatever it was. Nudging it with his snout he gave out a hum of confusion. "Huh, it has wings." He looked at what he thought was part of its body.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Imitating Arrluk came to rush to his larger brother's side to offer aid. He would nudge his brother's shoulder, making sure he was okay from his tumble before turning to the (now dead) bug with a vicious little snarl. How DARE! But, it was unmoving now and with Massaraq's nudge, proved so. Dead, like things which mother and father (and others of the pack) had given to them to eat. Still, Arrluk did not know if this was food. He was a cautious wolf and so would not eat it without his parent's 'okay'. 

Like birds? Arrluk spoke with a tilting of his skull as the brothers examined the little creature. Meanwhile, it seemed Kassuq was content still to keep out of it, surely not wanting to get his pretty white paws dirty. Arrluk's corner of his mouth turns up, nosing Massaraq and whispering. Maybe we let Kassuq see it. Close up and personal, like they both had!
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq grinned and nudged Arrluk back with his nose at the light bump. He was glad Arrluk was okay as well, the cricket had fled him at first so he had not expected it to turn around and attack the pair of pups. But now the cricket was inert like the other things like much of the prey that they were brought and just like those dead things they did not attack wolves anymore.

He looked at the thing again, scrutinizing it. Birds did have wings so it would make sense. "Maybe?" Massaraq looked more intently at the tiny wings. They did not have feathers like birds but they seemed a little bit feather-shaped. It was difficult to tell with the tiny thing unmoving. But a wide smile played across his face when he heard Arrluk's suggestion. Yes, @Kassuq should see it, he had not seen it this close yet. "Yes! Let's let Kassuq see." Picking up the body, trying his best not to crush it too much between his tiny teeth he began his best sneaking forward crouch.
30 Posts
Ooc — box
Kassuq had taken to a sunny patch of grass, his head tilted back to observe a bird in flight. It swooped on its wings, soaring in wide ranging circles. And he followed it, with his eyes and his head. 

One of his ears flicked with the sound of his own name in the mouths of his brothers. The boy turned to look at them from the distance he’d sat himself, confused. He pulled his brows down to see them snickering at each other, tipping his head to one side curiously.

What have? He called to them, cautious of what could be causing them to laugh with his name being spoken. Was he being made fun of?

The thought made him pout.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Hey bro! Arrluk calls out, hoping up from his placement with a newfound pep I'm his step as he excitedly made way to his other lightly colored brother. Most of the family was colored in fiery hues or like snow and ice- but not Arrluk. Maybe he would feel out of place, one day. 

He comes to shimmy up to his side and in doing so, trying to turn Kassuq around so Massaraq could get up close enough without being noticed of what exactly was in his mouth. Wot ya doin? He feigned interest.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Unable to speak with the cricket between his tongue and teeth he could only do his best impression of stealth as he wriggled forward trying to be quiet. He saw Arrluk begin to try to turn Kassuq away and came to a stop nearby, hoping that the perfect opportunity would present itself. The game was all up if Kassuq could figure everything out before Massaraq could surprise him after all - not that he was particularly good at stealth young as he was. Still, mouth wrapped gently around the cricket, his gaze stayed intent on the scene before him even as he did his best impression of an innocent expression in case he was caught.
30 Posts
Ooc — box
Something was up, a niggling little instinct told him, but Kassuq was young yet. He turned easily enough at the prompting, his eyes searching out the distant bird again.

Lookin’ at a bird. He replied, arranging himself in a sphinx like position. One of his ears swiveled back towards Massaraq, just in case his other brother wanted to chime in.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk tipped his head up to the skies just as his brother did, looking at the bird of prey in the distance. Likely something that, as little as they were, could scoop them up with just an easy as its could a rabbit. Arrluk had seen a much smaller bird up closer before as he watched from inside the den. They only had two legs because they had two wings instead. The bug they found though, had all kinds of legs it looked like, PLUS wings. Why didnt they have wings?? 

You know what else has wings... Arrluk murmured, trailing off to give Massaraq opportunity to let Kassuq get a good look at what they had discovered.
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq took Arrluk's cue right as Kassuq began to turn away. He sprung forward, letting the body of the cricket fling from his mouth towards his brother in a haphazard aim. Still, he was close enough that he felt it had a fair chance of landing. Before he could catch his brother's reaction he announced his presence, mid-pounce, "this!" wagging his tail and skidding to a halt almost into his brother. His heart pounded in his ears.
30 Posts
Ooc — box
Kassuq looked confused for a moment, looking at his brother with tilted ears, before he turned just in time to catch Massaraq. Way too close.

He didn’t even care about the cricket. He scrambled away to avoid getting slammed into, a short yelp leaving his mouth. He was half standing by the end of it, staring wild eyed at his brother.

Almost hit me! He half shrieked, eyes darting to the bug that had smacked him between the eyes as he tried to get away. Immediately, his ears went flat and his eyes went narrow.

Its a bug. Did that for a bug? Kassuq’s heart was pounding with adrenaline, but all he felt was a childish anger about a dumb prank.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Massaraq and his excitement came flying forwards and it would seem Kassuq was more fearful of being touched or getting dirty then the bug itself, which hit him in the face and landed to the ground almost soundlessly. 

Wanted to share, is all! He said with a laughter and tail waving high and proud of himself and his icy coated brother. It had jumped right on my face too...while it was alive. He then threw his upper half to the ground, nose close to the now half-crushed and drooly bug. It has wings-see??
216 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Massaraq laughed along with Arrluk but soon realized that their little joke did not seem to have been taken as well as he thought it would. Wagging his tail and approaching affably "Sorry Kassuq, but look." With that he took a few slower steps, jostling his brother good-naturedly (at least in his opinion). The bug, while certainly fearsome prey, was no longer a threat.

Slotting himself next to his two brothers he also peered closer to the now, admittedly, mostly crushed bug. He could just make out the wings and was curious to see more. It was coated in saliva, and now dirt, but the somewhat hard shell of it was still identifiable.