Ouroboros Spine Landstrider
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
All Welcome 
For any and all. Hopefully someone who can fill him in on all the updates!

Arrluk kept himself busy in the village Moonspear, his attention placed to the areas which he was best suited. Those skills which he had learned directly from his father (and Kivaluk for the herds) - hunting and guarding the borders. He watched the pups at a quiet distance, allowing their freedom as much as could be allowed while making sure they were not harmed or did any harm. Something he had watched his father do, stoic and calm on his rock. From time to time, as often as could, @Ajei would visit Moonglow to see her mother. Arrluk had not yet visited. This time would be the first. 

Howling to both @Sialuk and @Alaric before he made his way, he also spoke to @Ajei at their next-door den sites, should she wish to join him. His pace is swift as he crosses the valley between the two claims. Within his jaws, a leg of a mountain goat. It was a different type, he assumed, then the ones he often saw in Moonglow and so hopefully would make a new tasting treat to someone there. He expected both Vaire and Chickadee would have had their pups by now and was eager to see them all in his little visit. Yet much had happened in the single moon which he had been gone. As Arrluk crossed the threshold of home, he would come to find out soon enough.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
546 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei had visited her mother as often as she could. She had done the tasks given to her amd tried to stay cheerful. It was with glad heart she followed behind Arrluk. He hadn't visited home aince they left. 

She didn't know much of the goings on herself. Preferring to stay with her mother when she visited.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"arrluk!" arms thrown round her son, a tight embrace. "ajei!" an equal gesture for the girl, a kiss to the soft temple.

"much has happened!" she told the moonspear hunters as she walked with them along the worn path. "vairë has given three daughters to the hearth of valiant. they have the names of nantahala, lariat, and ikniqpalagaqï."

her pride was clear.

"ipiktok has gone upon his spirit journey. it was hard to see him go. kivaluk and chickadee, they have gone to live in brecheliant village among her people," kukutux added with some quiet feeling.

"and — ariadne has come back to live here, with kigipigak. they have three children. stratos too, has come back to this village."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Anaa! Arrluk calls out as he drops the goat leg to the forest floor and the length of his neck drapes around hers. He then lifts his gift, storing it into the nearest cache where he is able and listens to his mother's words as they walk along the worn paths of home. 

His ears perked at hearing the leave of Kivaluk and Chickadee, then higher when he hears of Ariadne and Stratos, eyes widening. 

Many to return and many more children. He spoke. Hell, he and Ajei were still but yearlings. Grown in the eyes of the Sunshine people and yet still far from well-rounded adults by many not of their culture. I will have to meet Stratos... He admits, the eldest son of Aiolos and Kukutux that he had never known. Is all well with Ariadne? And I'm sure Chickadee's family is happy to have her there for her first litter. Who will be First Hunter, now that Kivaluk has gone? He asks, eager to know all that he has missed.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
546 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei excepted the brief kiss with a smile and a return. She listened to all the words of everyone. So happy to hear of the pack growing. And yet a small feeling of discontent, only because so many names she no longer knew.

She felt a bit removed from it all, but that was alright. A tilt of soft ear as she listened.

It's lovely to hear of so many new faces and happiness.

She would need to separate from them both soon and greet her mother and check on her.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
"valiant is now sivullik. he is strong in the place that kivaluk left behind. ariadne is well. her heart has suffered much loss, but she heals now that she has returned to the place of her birth."

her eyes moved between arrluk and ajei, her thoughts velveteen.

"tell me of moonspear, both of you! i want to hear all things. how is sialuk? and the new young ones?"
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk continues to listen. About Valiant who has taken the place as First Hunter. About how Ariadne had returned with pain, yet begins to heal now. Arrluk would ask all of what his mother meant by this, though does not yet. 

Now, it is their turn to tell of what had come to pass in Moonspear. I am glad we made the decision to help at Moonspear village for a time. They had just four adults when we arrived, though Sialuk and an elder woman both had pups soon after. He paused, sweeping his gaze towards Ajei before looking back to his mother and continuing. The woman Moonshadow had four and sister three this year. I have taken watch at the borders often and hunt with Alaric and Ajei... He trails off, allowing Ajei to take over.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
546 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled softly as he explained. Ahe helped where she could, but again she had fallen short in some aspects.

I mind the older children. And keep the healing dens and other dens clean. I fish of course. And I have been messenger to villages for Starwoman.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
moonspear was small, but thriving now due to the concerted efforts of the extended moonwolves. kukutux was pleased to see arrluk as guardian and ajei as nurturer, and thought to herself that she might not have to look for a wife when it came to this son.

already the two were bonded, but another hand of seasons might say if hearts too should turn.

"i am certain sialuk is happy for your help. i will send medicine and elk fat back with you, for the mothers and the young ones."

her eyes moved between them, wondering. "it makes my heart feel delight that both of you are well when you are away from this village."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
192 Posts
Ooc — Vami
probably last one for me!

Arrluk's eyes sweep to Ajei as she speaks of the duties she had been keeping up with. Tending to the pups sure had helped the mothers tend to their own needs, including Sialuk with her duties as leader. She certainly had her paws full, for certain, as Arrluk felt wraggling the pups was a full time job on its own. 

I will always be well among family. He says to his mother. For despite being away from his birth pack, he was not far from those he found comfort in. Much of them were all family in one way or another and even if he didn't know them well... Well, Ajei was always near and they would always keep one another company.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
546 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei simply smiled. A shyness creeping alongside her again. She shifted and dipped her head. I am well.

She didn't have family, not really in Moonspear. Oh moonwoman treated her as one of her own. And so did SunMan, but she didn't belong to them. 

She thought on her mother and wanted to run to her quickly and tell her all about her days. She would excuse herself presently and retreat to the solitude and calm of her mother's den.

Last from me as well.