Blackfeather Woods you must know life to see decay.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
All Welcome 
They had spent the night before as though it was their last on earth. For all they knew, it could be. It had been one sweet moment of joy in the cruel, cold place her world had become over the past few months. Fin had been loathe to retreat from her mate's embrace, but there was work to be done. It was time.

The alpha crept towards Blackfeather with @Towhee and @Quixote, her mind focused completely on the task at hand. A lot had happened in these past few days that might have turned a younger Finley away from this endeavor entirely. But the woman had grown a great deal in her many years on this earth, and she had learned how to channel her distress into a tool for accomplishing her goals. Her anger and heartbreak over Lucy, resurfaced, was a whetstone to sharpen her rage at the Blackfeather beasts who would do what Lucy's kidnapper had done - Steal a child, warp it into something defeated and frightened, steal its memories of the only good things it had ever known. They had to die. They all had to die. Her Lucy might not be dead, but Finley was no less angry for what the world had done to her little Spot.

Finley's lips peeled back as the scent of their borders and the sight of the gore strewn about them greeted her. It was further proof that these bastards were a bunch of sick fucks that needede desperately to be put out of their misery. She didn't hesitate at them for even a second though as she wove past and stepped into claimed lands. She paused only to make certain Towhee and Quixote followed, giving herself an extra few seconds to spend looking at her goddaughter. She would be watching this one like a hawk, knowing the girl was vulnerable with her disability. Not so vulnerable as one might think, though.

She looked away from her companions into the inky dark of the Woods and stepped forward again.
Sun Mote Copse
5,035 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
In the days leading up to the march, Towhee felt as if she was slowly going crazy. When Finley signed that it was time to go, at long last, the piano wire wound tightly within her sang with tension and snapped. But it was coolly that she bobbed her head and followed her godmother, who led the way across their own borders and, only a little later, behind enemy lines.

Towhee felt a lot of things as they crossed into their nemeses' territory: disgust, excitement, fear, fury... but none of it manifested on her face. Her expression remained stony as she continuously swept her unfamiliar surroundings with her sharp orange gaze. Occasionally she glanced at Finley for instruction or Quixote just to make sure he was still there, though mostly the yearling kept her eyes and nose peeled for any sign of their deplorable foes.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
The familiarity of heading off to some basically unknown territory to mess some wolves up was an eerily familiar feeling to Quixote, and not one he particularly enjoyed revisiting.  Even if they were doing what was right, there was still the problem that he was here in the first place.  It was far too late to turn back now.  Doing so would be the mark of a coward, not a reasonable individual as it might have been before.  Instead he was walking along, veering mentally between calm and mentally twitchy depending on which way the wind was blowing.

Honestly he still wasn't entirely sure what to expect, he could only guess.  Things could go incredibly well or incredibly bad and the things that would define which it was going to be were those aspects that still existed in the unknown.  To a certain point, he hoped they would continue to reside there.  That would mean they'd arrived and nobody was home.  That was probably too much luck to ask for.

Quixote brought up the rear of the trio, and when they crossed the pack boundaries he fell back a few extra paces but didn't let the distance spread any further.  Basically he just wanted to make it harder for enemies to surround the whole group.  That and he'd rather be the most appetizing target rather than Finley or Towhee -- especially since the latter wouldn't hear an approach.  Yeah, sure, he wasn't exactly fond of potentially putting himself out like that, but eh.  It seemed the best choice.  If they came to a stop he'd catch up, though, it all depended on what lay before them in the forest.  He'd only been able to guess a little from peering around at the landscape from the outside.
killing is the most natural thing in the world; we're created for it
651 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the war was upon them.
awareness nipped at relmyna's flanks like the click of warhound teeth; she secreted herself upon the shores of blackfeather and watched as strangers entered; first a woman with a slimly feminine build, then a yearling who brought to mind some summerbird she had perhaps seen long ago, but relmyna dared not dwell on a past closed to her, rarely now did she think of it, and in this moment it was unpropitious.
her breath came slowly; she held perfectly still, crouched behind a bank of snow, the rock of tongues safe between her forepaws. a male now; she saw the emerald glint of his eyes as he gazed 'round, and she did not dare stir. but the thought of the spiderlings presented itself to her; night mother; She spoke and relmyna knew she must try to seek them. but for the moment the evoker was held fast, and prayed to those deities listening that she would not yet be discovered.
mouthed words | thoughts
[Image: bfw2.png]
218 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Sorry for the wait everyone. @Potema

It was time. Rouge didn't even consider herself a fully fledged member of this pack yet, but here she was sitting in thier battle. With some of her enemies being from her former pack no less. She wasn't even completely sure what everything was about, but that's not what she would be fighting for. She was fighting for the life style. For those who was the darkness as a place to live, as a place to call home. She may not be as dark and "evil" as the other member of this group, but she felt as though she was closer to them than any member out of it.

She snuck around though the trees, careful not to make any noise as her dark coat blended into the well shaded forest. She could her steps and calls here and there, but none of them sounded close, until she spotted a trio lined up steping though the territory. She stayed still and let them walk past where she was. She was no good against three wolves on her own, especially if she came out charging the one in front. 

As they passed she spotted another hidden figure out of sight from the enemy. She tried to catch the eye of her pack mate, one that she was not aquainted with, wondering if they would be of any help in their situation. Staying hidden was the easy part, her fur helped her blend in and fact that it was their domain meant their scent mixed with their surrounding. Following a far distance behind the group, she stayed quiet and patient, wondering what her next move would be and if any others of the pack would be able to help.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay had followed the group of wolves as he saw them heading into the territory. He'd kept post outside of the Woods for a while and he intended to find the Heda or mommy or daddy or hopefully all of them to show them that he could be brave, too. Eljay didn't feel very brave -- rather, he much felt like pissing himself -- as he carefully trod into Blackfeather Woods territory. A shiver ran down his spine as he crossed the borders, feeling very much at unease, but knowing he must do this. What else could he do now that he was already here? Returning home to Drageda now seemed like the worst thing to do, because everyone'd know that he wasn't home for a while and he would only seem useless. No, he needed to prove that he wasn't useless.

He wasn't too sure what he was really doing, what he wanted, how he thought everything'd play out. He just knew that, well, something, he needed to do something. Fight. They'd see that he was worth something then, wouldn't they?

His heart skipped a beat when he caught mommy's scent. He'd hoped to find them all together but he found that their scents diverged. With a worried frown on his face Eljay decided to follow mommy's scent, because he was worried that she might not be okay. He quickened his pace until he saw her in the distance. Mommy! He wanted to call out to her, but his voice caught in his throat. What if someone was near? He didn't see any enemies anywhere, though the forest was dark and he didn't see much in there. Suddenly Eljay realised for all he knew there might be an enemy right next to him and he swiftly looked to the right... But saw nothing. He didn't realise he was passing by quite close to where the Blackfeather Woods wolf was hiding to follow the rest of the Redhawk party as he, too, followed them while gathering the courage to let mommy know he was there to fight by her side.

if anyone has a prob with me butting in here, please let me know - I'd asked Stevie back when we didn't know who'd be in the thread yet. :) Eljay won't contribute much to this fight for RHC's side; rather the opposite, he's just here to miserably fail in his quest to impress mommy. feel free to pp hurting Eljay as he won't be able to defend himself much, any kind of wounds and mutilation is fine except for death or things that'd lead to death.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Gonna go ahead and post just so we can keep this moving. @Potema and @Kotake and whoever else, please hop in whenever! For the sake of time, let's move this to rounds with no post order and I'll start the next one in ~5-7 days. Come at us bros!

Fin was watchful for the enemy as they moved, but they were not quick to appear. She didn't know whether to be thankful or unsettled by this fact. Their goal had been to take the Blackfeather wolves by surprise, but she hadn't expected by now to have done so. Knowing what she did of the territory from Sebastian's insight, she wondered if perhaps they were just underground. She hoped not... The last thing she wanted was to take Towhee into a tunnel. She didn't need Quixote's tactical brain to tell her that was a terrible idea.

So, they continued. Fin was unaware that they were slipping past hidden enemies and being approached from behind by her very own son - a fact that would surely rock her world in a moment. In truth, her attention was split evenly between searching for butts to kick and listening for the sound of fighting taking place elsewhere in the woods. It was dead silent still, which made her even more uneasy. Apparently no one had found and engaged the enemy yet, and why was that? A sinking feeling in her gut told her it was not a good sign, but she steeled her nerves against it as she halted the trio and looked around scrutinizingly.
Sun Mote Copse
5,035 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Towhee had never heard a sound in her life, yet countless times she'd seen the way others reacted to various noises. Observing Finley and Quixote react to stimuli she couldn't even fathom set her teeth on edge. Her deafness rarely bothered her; she had never known anything else. But in this particular scenario, her disability made her feel extremely vulnerable. Her other senses were sharper for her lack of hearing, yet she didn't have eyes in the back of her head and she wouldn't smell someone rushing her from behind.

It was simply impossible to be aware of every single thing around them, though that didn't stop Towhee from trying. She wound up spinning in place several times even as they slowly crept forward, deeper and deeper into enemy territory. So far, she hadn't seen anyone, though she certainly smelled them. This whole place stank of filth and decay. It curled the Gamma's lips into a severe grimace of distaste. Between the stench and the mounting tension and frustration, Towhee felt a second piano wire rapidly tightening within her.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. "Where are they?" she said to her two companions. Then, unable to hold herself back even though she was neither the Alpha nor the tactician, Towhee abruptly hollered, "Show yourselves, you fucking cowards!"
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
848 Posts
Ooc — Alisha

im finALLY HEErE

Potema was not a warrior by any means. Her body was softer than most, kept lean only by her constant ventures out into the Wilds to find herbs, climbing over various terrains. But she was a defender, a protector of her mother's legacy. If it took preserving the traditions her mother had set, fine. If it took insulting her children, sure. If it took killing and maiming, so be it, she would do it gladly even if she didn't have the skill.

A group had entered the Woods. They made the mistake of coming close to the Temple, where Potema had been walking from, a fetish in her maw. She had the intent to extend the wards that she had put in place, to protect them from the soon-to-be invaders, but it dropped from her mouth at the unfamiliar voice screeching a challenge to the Woods. In the distance she could see three figures standing still. Gray and white, black and orange, stormy.

Potema slid forward, quiet as she could, before breaking into a trot and then a sprint, a blur of white and red and silver and blue, aiming at the young girl who had so foolishly yelled. She was acutely aware that there were more besides her, but in the wrath that filled her mind she did not care. It was a suicidal effort, she realized in her head. But if she died today Potema would be overjoyed. Dying in the protection and service of the Brotherhood, she would be returned to her mother and taken away from the hell that would become her life. If she did not, she hoped that she would strike a blow against the invaders, who had no doubt had more patrols swarming into the Woods as she charged, fangs dripping in frothing saliva.

Sithis qrimbrōzagon ao! She hissed as she burst from the shadows and aimed her teeth at the girl's neck. While she did not know of her companions hiding in the darkness, her voice would be like a signal for the rest of them to strike.

I'm really not trying to kill her off but she's just being an idiot right now
218 Posts
Ooc — Raven
She was warry unsure when she should strick, knowing that it would be the death of her to go in alone. She respected the wolves that lived here, but sacraficing herself for respect was rediculess, especially if that sacrafice wasn't helpful. She couldn't quite read the other members of the pack hidden within the foliage. Some had followed while others had stayed put, she had been following behind looking for the right moment to strike.

She had been in many fights before as a loner, but one where she had multiple enimies. One on one was where Rouge thrived. She heard a noise from behind her and crouched down even further into the foliage, waiting still to see who it might be. Behind the three wolves she had initially seen was a white and gray colored male. He wasn't part of her pack, she knew that, but he wasn't really walking with the rest of the intruders. He was far behind, maybe unnoticed by the two females and male that walked in a line up ahead. She let him walk past her as he distantly followed behind the trio. Once he was a safe distance away she continued to follow the group, now much further behind the trio and closer to this intruding white and gray male.

Then seemingly out of no where a light colored female from her pack attacked the trio from the side and was targeting the dark female in the middle that had called out. This was the perfect time to strike. Their focus would be on aiding the middle female. The only opponent remotely close to her at the time was the white and gray colored male behind the main group. To attack anyone else would mean to run past him and that seemed redundant. She rushed out of the foliage and punced for the male who's name unknown to Rouge was Eljay
. Hoping to grab hold of his neck and bring him to the ground with her surprise attack. Prior to her attack he had called out to one of the members in the main party. 
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nervously followed, trying to find the right words to say to let mommy know that he was here and that he would protect her, too. He hadn't thought of the fact that Towhee wouldn't even be able to hear him when he called out at all; Eljay had never been a star at being mindful of her handicap and even now he didn't think much of it, considering Towhee functioned so well even with it. Towhee seemed to grow impatient and Eljay's mouth still hung half ajar, trying to find the words to call out to them, to let them know that he was there, too!

Suddenly lots of things happened at once. "MOMMY, LOOK OUT!" Eljay shouted as the white wolf sprang from the brush, but his words were clipped short handway through the 'out' by a strangled yelp as he himself was mowed down. Eljay'd never been in a fight and didn't actually know how to fight; even sparring he hadn't done much of, growing up without any siblings. He screamed as his neck was grabbed and he was brought to the ground, though he tried to turn round. Teeth snapped and paws flailed but he seemed to catch nothing but air while his neck started to hurt badly.
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Quixote halted a bit farther back, keeping close to the pacing he'd had before.  He still thought of himself as the one playing bait, despite the fact there was another in the party that he didn't realize.

Oh how he wished that Towhee hadn't yelled.  His face contorted, lips drawing back in a stifled flash of fangs.  The slowing pace had brought him to the twitchy side of the spectrum.  He wanted to be the one doing the hunting, and she'd gone and given them away.  It was foolish.  Bold, certainly, but still foolish.  But then again, their numbers were widely spread -- perhaps if the whole force came together, evenly sweeping through the brush like a fire, that would have been the ideal way to deal with it.  Far too late, no point in lecturing otherwise.  Far too quiet now.  He hoped there wouldn't be a next time, that explaining how things should be done wouldn't be a necessity.  Let it end here.

For a brief moment he thought her err had gone unnoticed, but that was quickly proven otherwise as a faint noise in the distance became a pale apparition that sprung from the brush.  He'd barely had time to open his maw and utter half a letter, not that Towhee would have heard it.  Whatever garbled word it was, it died as he started forward a bound or two to close the gap to the impending fight before another cry caused him to spin in heel, expecting another attacker before his brain finally caught up and processed the words.  He didn't know Eljay, didn't recognize his voice, but he did see a flash of greys bowled over by a dark one.  And honestly, somewhere in his dark, snarky heart he was a bit of a sap and that was just the kind of words that would get his attention -- even if the kid would turn out to be only marginally younger than himself.  Finley was closest to Towhee when he last saw, and he gave it a fraction of a second thought before dismissing that they could deal with one together.

He snarled and dove at the black woman, acidic eyes blazing with the intensity released from the coiled spring within him.  He was definitely doing his best to be a giant, much more threatening distraction, planning to careen into her and latch his fangs into whatever was convenient if she didn't release the grey wolf.

He expected things to go pear shaped, but not like this.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
Finley flinched visibly at Towhee's sudden outcry. She turned to give her goddaughter an exasperated, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND sort of look, but it was brief. Things were picking up pace now, and the sound of approaching pawsteps in different directions sent her spinning in preparation for impact. Her gaze landed on the white bitch that was springing towards Towhee, hissing evil words in some unknown tongue. Before she could do anything more than glance at the woman, however, a voice cried out from behind her, and Finley's entire world tilted on its axis.

Mommy, look out! 

Fin's heart began to beat wildly out of control as she turned to see Eljay, sprinting towards her, only to be bowled down by one of Blackfeather's wolves. Her mind raced - it screamed at her, at him, at their enemies, at her packmates, at the whole god foresaken world. And only Quixote seemed to hear, for he was on the female in the next instant, keeping her son safe. Protecting him. One of her children was being protected.

The whole exchange happened in less than five seconds, and yet it felt as though an entire age had passed before she spun and launched herself at Towhee's attacker. Eljay was her son by blood, but Towhee was no less her daughter than if she'd been born a Blackthorn as well. They both needed protecting, and only one so far was covered. Fin reached with gaping jaws towards the white bitch, hoping to grab onto the witch's scruff and tear her away from her kid.
Sun Mote Copse
5,035 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
I took some liberties. Just tap me and I'll happily make edits.

She ignored the urge to look for Finley's and Quixote's reactions to her shout. Instead, Towhee scanned the nearby trees, the streaky fur along her shoulders standing on end. When she saw some nearby brush rustle, her attention snapped toward it just in time to see a white figure spring forth, a mess of teeth aiming directly for her own neck.

The she-wolf landed her hit, fangs burying into Towhee's flesh. Since there was no avoiding the hit, the mercenary knew she must do the next best thing: pry herself loose. She must do it quickly too, before her enemy's teeth sank in too far and she lost too much blood. With a sharp snarl, the yearling dropped and rolled, dragging the white wolf with her. As soon as she was on her side, she began to kick ferociously with all four legs, trying to simultaneously bludgeon and eviscerate.

Because hers was a silent world, Towhee remained oblivious to Eljay's abrupt appearance and subsequent cry, as well as most of the rest of the scene. Her world had narrowed down to a very fine point as she wrestled to get the stranger away from her jugular.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
killing is the most natural thing in the world; we're created for it
651 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she did not see the other wolf's pointed glance. the war began even before relmyna had finished her prayers; the patchwork wolfess stared in mild horror as the wolves of blackfeather clashed with the interlopers. this was not ... this was not something she wished! sithis writhed in her mind, and the evoker swallowed. then -- shouting, and words snarled in a tongue relmyna did not know. potema.
but the strength of the spirit flowed into her thin limbs and anger fired suddenly in her belly. relmyna found an old rage she had not know before welling into her mind. her priestess bayed for blood, for the strength of blackfeather, and in a way her past self would have never mustered the courage, the evoker bristled and lunged through the trees toward the clashing wolves.
potema held the young girl to the ground; her pale, unknown packmate had attacked a boy who had shouted. the green-eyed male was upon her, followed by the willowy woman who had led the strangers here. slowing only to dig claws into the earth, relmyna lunged savagely for @Finley, teeth seeking to cut a swathe along the woman's cheek.
mouthed words | thoughts
[Image: bfw2.png]
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,124 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
i really need to post or eljay's gonna fall off the ranks, so i took some liberties to assume rouge will let him go and goes for qui. lemme know if i need to change anything. vaguely assumed relmyna actually gets to finley, either of you can pp hitting eljay anywhere. he is basically just standing at their side failtacking relmyna. i hope this makes sense, big fight threads are always a bit difficult. o:

Eljay's world was jumbled and everything felt chaotic and painful. He screamed but it seemed like nobody was coming — not until another wolf attacked the wolf that had grabbed him. Attention was diverted and Eljay managed to wriggle loose. His scruff hurt but he scrambled to his feet and with heavy, panicked breaths he looked 'round. There was a mess of fur where he had come from and he ran away, instinctively following the path that he knew lead to his mommy because he'd last seen her there.

Before he could reach there he saw that another wolf came for his mother. "Mommy, no!" he called but his voice faltered and was lost among the rubble of war and the snarling of wolves on all sides. He just saw fur and blood flying everywhere and all he could do was head straight for the wolf that was going for mommy; he tried biting at her, hoping to distract her but probably only being in the way.
169 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Euron watched from the cover of shadow and brush as Kris abruptly threw him into the thread just to say he saw some shit go down and because @Towhee is here and she might have an ass that he can bite or at least a tail he can pluck some fur out of. Oh and because Potema is here and he's hoping there's a chance to eat her. Standard stuff.

The boy kept his distance and took great care to preserve his stealth, but he paced around trying to see the action as best he could. His attention was divided but most of his focus was locked on to his mother. His chest was bursting with his desire to see her maimed and he hoped the dark wolf with the blazes of white and orange fur would do the job. He was drawn to her colors... so much so that he trailed closer and closer, his eyes fixed on her tail.

It is at this point that Kris says hey Kat, feel free to PP Euron taking a snap at Towhee's derriere. He'd run away like a cowardly little bastard after, cackling like a damn fool and probably finish watching from some other place... and then the thread will be over eventually and he'll flee and end up in the bypass or something. So he can be skipped forever after this post.
218 Posts
Ooc — Raven
@Eljay. Sorry if you were waiting for me. Ignore my PM. Replied before seeing your post.
She had a strong hold on Eljay, keeping him down and not wanting to let him get free and attack her. But that didn't seem to be an issue, he wasn't putting up much of a fight. Simply struggle to free himself rather then focus on how he could inflict pain on Rouge.

It was for this reason that when a large dark male came towards her she opted to let go of the weak Eljay and defend herself against the strong Quixote. He was heavy and hit her with alot of force. His jaws locking onto her shoulder and nocking her down onto her back. It was not an ideal spot, but Rouge was determined to keeping his attention on her upper part, as she began biting his ears, face, neck, whatever she could reach.
This has gone on awhile, and because BFW loses I'm just going to have Rouge lose this. Just don't kill her please XD
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
Alrighty, since if I'm reading right, she is scramming from the area after this thread, I'll give @Rouge ample room to skedaddle!  If I'm misunderstanding that, LMK, and I can edit as needed!

Wham.  A strike to her shoulder and the other black wolf toppled, Quixote's jaws coming free as his momentum almost tripped him over her prone form.  The other guy was free, but he'd gone right back in to the fray, goddamn it.  They probably could have taken this chick out entirely if he'd stuck around.  Oh well.

The woman's wild snapping did cause him to pull back out of her reach, but not before a nice new gouge was added to his muzzle.  Quixote didn't have time to be over here, distracted, and keenly wished to get back to the rest of the group ASAP.  Especially since he didn't trust Eljay to cover his place in the main group.  He wanted her gone.  Now.  All things together, he figured she was probably a mild coward, or at least in over her head.  She'd picked off a straggler the rest of the group didn't know was even there, one who couldn't fight worth a damn, which was a tactically smart decision, but her actions now didn't echo that. Perhaps Eljay's earlier screams had foiled a silent assassination attempt.

Trusting in his judgement, Quixote's face contorted into a brutal snarl, lunging at her hindquarters to try and get her up and running away, to cause enough damage to her flanks that when combined with his initial attack on her shoulder it might be enough smell of blood to not allow her to sneak up on anyone else unless they misplaced their nose.  Yes, this was her one chance to get out before the inky beast slaughtered all her friends -- or at least, that's what he was doing his best to pretend, like that bite to his face had awakened a demon within him.  Why bother actually fighting when a little acting might be better?

If she got up and did flee, he'd chase her off, diving for another bite at her hips or heels if she slowed.  He'd stop after being sure she was well on her way into the next county and not keen on returning any time soon.  Then he'd be able to head back, assuming stuff was still going on by then.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
hey all! we're going to go ahead and have this be the last round since it's been so long since we started and we know the outcome already :) You can all post once more and then we'll pop a conclusion on this one week from today. Thanks!!

Finley leaped towards the pale witch, but before she could even touch the girl, she was beseiged by a third party joining the fray. She spun barely in time to see the woman coming, which did her little good as she was already upon her. A sharp pain spliced across the already scarred and tattered side of her face and she felt blood, warm and wet begin to stain her fur even as she fell back from the blow. She landed hard on her side with the woman over her, but rolled quickly enough to get back on all fours. She sprang at the other she-wolf as soon as she found her paws beneath her, aiming for whatever exposed, vulnerable piece of flesh available.
killing is the most natural thing in the world; we're created for it
651 Posts
Ooc — ebony
her blow landed true; the silvered woman fell away, and relmyna found the heady shock of triumph in the taste of her enemy's blood. but like a spider the interloper sprang to her feet, and the evoker clashed again with the other.  this time, her shoulder was scored roughly, and a strangled whine escaped her thin throat. pain sprang to the fore within her small body, and with it anger; relmyna yanked herself roughly away from the strange wolfess, only to lunge back with a snap a moment later.  but the fight left her; relmyna backed as soon as she was able and attempted to find the shadows of blackfeather and evade the attackers, trailing blood in her wake.
mouthed words | thoughts
[Image: bfw2.png]
Sun Mote Copse
5,035 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
There was so much going on at once that Towhee couldn't be sure whether it was her efforts alone that pried her enemy off her neck or if someone(s) else had come to render aid. In any case, there were no longer teeth at her throat. Towhee was able to roll and climb to her feet. Every inhale ached and burned, not to mention the throbbing of her broken skin. But at least she was alive.

As she struggled to catch her breath and regain her bearings—was that Eljay?—something nailed her backside. Towhee yelped like a puppy smacked with a newspaper, spinning to face her attacker. But he was already disappearing back into the underbrush, a small smear of quicksilver that quickly vanished into the woods. The yearling bared her teeth and growled, though she quickly forgot about him as she turned to assess the scene.

As her orange eyes roved over the chaos, trying to decide where she was most needed, the group suddenly seemed to break into two pieces: the Redhawks versus the Blackfeathers. But instead of clashing again, the latter began to retreat into the forest. Although eager to chase after them and put them down, one by one, Towhee tensed her muscles and looked to Finley for instructions.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
218 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Rouge's exit thread. From this thread and from the pack/teekon.
Even though he was on top of her she didn't want to give him a chance to do any real damage to her underside. The most volnerable spot of a wolf. The stomach and intestinal area, where the softest skin and most important parts resided. Her efforts to bite and claw at his face had been successful as he backed off enough for Rouge to quickly turn over and exscape from under him.

But before she had a chance to fully free herself the male had taken a decent bite out of one of her hind legs. The pain of which didn't kick in right away with the adrenaline of the fight rushing through her vains. He then proceeded to chase her and Rouge did her best to manuver through the trees and swamp like surroundings with her injured leg. She wasn't fleeing, or at least that's not how she saw it. With how close her was on her heals she would have no time to turn around and get in a decent attack.

He chased her a pretty good distance away from the fight and she only relazed that he had given up his chase and returned to his pack mates when it was too late to go after him again herself. She would have gone back to fight and help, but she could see other members of the pack rushing away. Members who she didn't know and those who weren't in the fight with her. They all seemed to be heading in one direction. That direction unknown to Rouge was the undergroud cave system. Rouge read the situation as a full on pack retreat, possibly announced via howl, but she wouldn't have been able to hear it with all the fighting and chasing.

Rouge was unaware of the packs plan to retreat to the underground and proceeded to exit the pack's territory in search of the others. Unable to find them and with the pain of her back leg finally kicking in she ventured off in search, but without success.
Just wanted to clarify. The wolves I mention leaving are wolves not in this thread. 
612 Posts
Ooc — Jennifer
I'm assuming all BFW wolves are gone now, including Potema? LMK if I'm wrong.

Quixote's steps were quick as he wormed his way back through the woods to where the fight had taken place, but it wasn't as fast as he ideally could have gone -- he didn't want to get lost and run into a fresh and ready to fight Blackfeather who'd avoided any battles thus far.  High on adrenaline, he couldn't feel any pain from the gash on his muzzle, but the trickle of blood felt strange enough that his tongue kept lashing out to sweep across it as he jogged back.

By the time he popped back into the slightly clear patch where he'd left his packmates, it looked like things had pretty much wrapped up, a final wolf disappearing into the forest.  Was that it?  He'd missed whatever final volleys had brought the fight to an end and they seemed to be left the victors?  Including the kid who wasn't really a kid but Quixote couldn't help but think of him as one just due to his actions.

He stepped forward, ears alert, tail lashing once before pausing stiffly behind him as he stared down the spot he'd last seen them.  A quick flick of his gaze went to Finley, questioning if they were to chase or to just return to treat their wounds.  From what he could see, the group of them could go another round easily, but everyone had a few extra holes in their pelts that hadn't been there before. His weight shifted uneasily from side to side, as if he was keen to chase another if his metaphorical leash was released.
2,311 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Master Coach
wrapping up! Thanks guys!!

The altercation was brief, but clearly effective. Fin knocked into the pale female, snaring her teeth on white fur and tasting blood on her tongue. She pushed the woman back, but was once again knocked herself. She fell back, this time feeling a sharp pain stab through her leg and up her hip as she hit the ground. It gave her opponent the opening she had apparently needed to run for it, and Fin could do nothing to stop her or any of the other bitches from following.

She tried to stand, but fell almost immediately. Rolling to her stomach, panting, she looked wildly around to find each of her companions - Eljay, Towhee, and eventually Quixote - all in one piece, each of them. Safe. Alive. They had taken none of the others, but she had faith in Quixote when he returned to report that they were gone. Their enemies had fled, and their flight would have to do. It would have to be enough. She could not pursue them further, and she could not fight anymore.

It was done.