Hideaway Strath That perfect moment, the last tear you shed
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
813 Posts
Ooc — hela
Pack Activity 
@Kynareth Deagon /alduin @Atka @Nyra @Arlette @Derge @Turmeric @Thyme @Mulberry @Hemlocke @Charles @Vein /whrist @Leigh @Aerin @Patroclus @Ramesses @Fig

set for 5/11 early morning, mid 60s, sunny
come meet all the babies!!

It had become too difficult to keep the children confined to the den at all times. They were eager to explore, and she didn't want to squash their curiosity; she wanted them to be strong and self-sufficient, even if that meant she couldn't protect them from everything anymore. At some point they needed to start growing up. 

So after the sun rose and everyone had been fed hers and Ky's regurgitated breakfast, she told them it was time to meet the pack. She had ushered them to the chosen rendezvous site, careful to go slow. She was on high alert even with her husband at her side. They needed to start growing, but they were still young enough that they needed protection while they explored. 

Once they had settled in the right place, she looked to the boys. You need to be respectful to your pack mates when they come to meet you, she told them, her voice stern like it tended to get when she expected them to follow her orders. And you stay in this area where your father and I can see you. No wandering off and getting into trouble. 

She called for Arlette and Derg first, hoping she would bring her children out to meet the pack, as well as the boys. She was eager for them to get to know each other. Even when she refused to let anyone see them, she had been looking forward to her time with Arlette and her pups. She was excited to meet them.  

Next she called for the rest of the pack, her excited howl holding the promise of seeing their new packmates. But as welcoming as she was, she still watched the boys like a hawk, ready to jump in and intervene if needed. She kissed Ky on the cheek and then sat back and waited.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,160 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette listened to the howl of Simmik. She grew excited so it was finally happening then! She nudged her babies. They were now around five weeks old. She forgot the time really. Arlette looked at @Derg. She would need his help getting the pups there. The site wasn't too far away. She looked down at her little ones. "Ready for an adventure?," she asked them. They probably wouldn't understand but Arlette's excitement shone through.

She hoped the pups would make it. It was only a little walk, but they had little legs. She started to walk, hoping Derg would be at the rear to fetch any stragglers. She woofed for them to follow. Arlette had been a little different in her parenting than to Simmik. Before the two weeks had passed she had moved her children from the chambers to her own den. So from three weeks of age she had already taken the pups outside the den to explore. She wanted them to be able to explore as much as they wanted, plus it caused for tired pups. She always kept a watchful eye, together with her mate.

Now they would move again, to play with Simmik's children and to meet the rest of the pack who hadn't seen them. They arrived after a short walk maying sure her three balls of fluff stayed close with her. Arlette woofed in greeting, her eyes instantly going to Simmik her pups. Her tail was wagging in greeting.
8 Posts
Ooc — Raine
As the weeks dragged on Atka had grown more adventurous, he would dart for the exit of the den whenever his parents turned their backs for even a second. Certainly, a pup who kept wolves on their toes. Today his latest escape plan included yet again slipping out into the early morning sun as soon as the mother beast was distracted. Of course, breakfast held much more importance. 

Now at 6 weeks of age Atka had begun to tussle with his brothers over food, biting and snapping with sharp baby teeth. If they ever tried to fight back though he'd roll onto his back and yelp in submission. All bark and no bite, as they say. Breakfast was finished and the mother beast turned to them, telling the boys something so exciting his curled tail did not stop wagging for a heartbeat, so fast it had become a stripped blur. "Pack! Pack!" He chirped, snapping at his tail as he began to chase it in dizzy circles. 

And then they were off, the beasts led them agonizingly slow towards some unknown destination. The white she-wolf was impossibly more radiant in the sunlight, the father beast loomed tall above them. Such fine parents he had, so strong and powerful. The rest of the pack must be fearsome to behold.

Atka's mother had begun to talk but the whelp was hardly listening, murky blue eyes scanning the world around with an awestruck gaze. Everything was so big. His little form jolted as Simmik called for the pack, slightly floppy ears pinned against his head. 

It seemed like forever until more scents arrived, drifting to him on the wind. As soon as he spotted the other pups he let out a huff of confusion, eyes flicking to his mother for reassurance. 
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ramesses appeared, holding back from the small group gathered.
he had never enjoyed children, though like any proper royal he saw their necessity. but the idea of siring his own revolted pharaoh, who could see only torment in being given the responsibility of someone unintended.
this was based upon his own eligible birth, and how his royal parentage meant that ramesses would always be. a demi-god in his own right, second only to seti. and he would be a true being of light once the realm bowed their stubborn, enchanted heads and accepted him as their leader.
he had been wanted, and so assumed all who were not divine were ill-bred by design. this did not apply to ramesses, of course; pharaoh recognized no bastards.
but he came as was his duty and place; underling, an insect clinging to the inside of a dirt wall. he loathed it. 
more children arriving; to the prince they looked the same age and sticky nature. he sat petulantly nearby, submissive in his withers but contempt in his heart, that he should be expected to share space with inept little things for any amount of time.
the dragon and her fire
162 Posts
Ooc — Leigh
She already felt like shit, and then this had to happen.

It was just the occasional cough, shortness of breath or faint dizziness. One of the side effects of getting old, she supposed. But she could handle that. Not feeling well every once in a while wasn't anything new. But now the pups too? That was something she didn't feel like dealing with. Leigh knew that it'd be best to at least catch a glimpse of the new additions to the family, though that assumption didn't help ease the frustration of doing so.

The woman trotted over towards the direction of the call, her face holding an expression of pure unhappiness and disgust. There was no use in acting polite. Besides, Kynareth couldn't do shit about her sour attitude. This was his fault.

Upon arriving, Leigh barely glanced at the new faces before averting her orange gaze elsewhere. She could hardly stand to look at the perfect mixtures of Kynareth and Simmik. Their brindle fur and patches of white. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel like tossing the little monsters to who knows where.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

She had learned her lesson with Simmik, she would stay away from any mothers who didn't need medical attention or who hadn't specifically asked for her help with their children. But still. She waited eagerly, on lungs of bated breath, for the day that the children would be introduced to the rest of the Saints -- already feeling protective and attached to the newest members of her pack, whom she hadn't seen since they were tiny. 

The midwife came bearing a dried deer tendon, over which she had threaded a few vertebrae from the same creature, so that they rattled and jingled together musically anytime you grabbed both ends in your mouth and shook the cord of bones. She bypassed Ramesses, who clung to the shadows with his shoulders low. She could only assume the man was still having trouble adjusting. Though truthfully, she couldn't fathom why he stayed if he thought himself above her people. 

She didn't fully approach either mother or her clutch of respective younglings just yet, seeing as things seemed to just be getting started. She didn't want to intrude on the two litters getting to know one another, instead deciding to settle on her haunches nearby and place the makeshift toy at her paws. Her argent gaze moved from Simmik to Arlette as she smiled widely with joy, "Zey 'ave all gotten so big!" 

It was only then that her pale orbs moved up to see who else had come to meet the Daggers, locking on Leigh -- who was practically glowering down at the dirt as if her jack-o-lantern gaze could singe a hole through the grass, her features turned down in a scowl. The midwife's ears raised alertly, gaze flickering with careful observation -- keeping an eye on the obviously displeased woman for any threatening displays. 
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Alduin is stupid excited for absolutely no reason. He just sees his brother freaking out so obviously he has to as well. Barking and jumping he hops up and places his paws on his mother anywhere he can get. Especially when she mentions taking them somewhere. When they go, he’s up her ass the entire way. She’s practically tripping over him and he annoyingly can’t stay away from her, skittering about underneath and around her paws as they prance to this new place to meet new people. 

When they get there his blue eyes are wid with astonishment. Even though the trees and grass look the same as outside their den, it still looks different somehow and it makes his tail wag endlessly. 

Then he sees it, or rather them. A woman of white that looks just like his mother! How strange! She’s just as pretty though and he fearlessly greets her the same way he does Simmik. Running up, wide toothy smile on his maw, and purple tongue flopped out as he unsteadily throws his paws up onto her chest and hops up on his hind legs to try and lick her face. His chubby self just ends up falling and that’s when he sees the three other pups. His circular brows, much like his fathers, raise in curiosity and he tilts his head. More like him and his brother?? That’s cool!

Yet, he’s easily distracted, and he plans on running around everywhere he can! So when he looks over and sees more wolves he barks as loud as he can and begins running over. This poor wolf would be Ramesses. He makes his way over clumsily, sniffs, attempts to bite at his paws, and barks happily. 

Then he’s sees another wolf! Oh my gosh, he’s too excited and he doesn’t have enough stamina to run so much. He’s panting heavily by the time he leaves Ram and now he’s heading towards his next victim: Leigh. Her fur is dark unlike the other wolves he’s met and he likes it! He doesn’t even notice her sour attitude and he’s instantly invading her space and barking and whining at her for attention. Doing the same he did to Arlette, he moves up on his hind legs and paws at her chest and arms to try and get a lick at her face. Give me attention, woman! I demand it! Give it to me!

Though as soon as he came to the others, he’s gone again. Offering her one little lick to her paw before running off and back towards Arlette’s pups. Not before seeing the familiar face of Aerin and barking a greeting to her too! Oh gosh, he needs to meet these guys! His tail is a blur as he runs up to the other poor unsuspecting pups and he drops his upper half to the ground with his butt in the air. Play with me! I demand it! He barked excitedly at them and if he’s scaring them, he’s completely oblivious, he just wants them to play!
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
119 Posts
Ooc — hela
As much as he enjoyed the comfort of the den, he too had a strong urge to explore. The second born wanted to see the world outside of their den just as much as his siblings, but had not dared incite the wrath of his parents by going out where he knew they were not yet allowed. Even if he had wanted to, it was rare that their mother wasn't planted directly in front of the opening to their little home. 

But today was different: after breakfast, mother had informed them that they would be meeting the pack—leaving the den. It took no coaxing to pull him out into the open. And when they made their way through the trees, he remained close to his father, his gaze watching him intently as he tried to copy his confident stride. 

His mother called out twice, her howl echoing through the air long after she had stopped making the sound. He was curious to see what would come of her summons, but he quietly waited near his family, his interest clear in his curious expression. And slowly other wolves joined them. Not only adults, but other children, who Tulok watched closely. He was curious, of course, but not enough to leave his post.

Tulok found his brothers' enthusiasm kind of annoying; the way they just ran around to various strangers like they had no self-respect. He was far more quiet than the other two boys—more grumpy and set in his ways. So when Atka and then Alduin left to go explore their packmates, Tulok took a seat beside dad. He looked up at his parents, his mother watchful, his father proud. Then he straightened up and looked out over the pack with his still puppy blue eyes. He just watched as each pack member came to join, his face blank and his muscles a little tense. He wasn't nervous but he didn't trust anyone here aside from his family. Even the strange object brought by the tiny woman of snow, although giving off an intriguing smell, didn't pull him from his spot beside his parents.
12 Posts
Ooc —
He was intrigued by the new mother's call. He had not seen much of her since joining, and he had stayed far away from the den of the Grandmaster and Harbinger; he knew better than get close to any of the pack's young while still so new here. But this call was to all of them, and he couldn't help but be curious about the meeting.

When he arrived, his attention was immediately stolen by the familiar scent of Leigh. She had beat him here, and he quickly made his way to her. She was sulking—something he found very strange in this situation. Maybe she didn't like children? They had never discussed it before. 

It seemed one of the Deagon pups was set on the same target as Endre. He watched the child run up and jump all over Leigh, who seemed to want to be anywhere but here. But the boy was easily distracted, and as the wanderer arrived, he was scampering away to terrorize a different packmate. He took a seat at Leigh's side, brushing his nose along her cheek in greeting. I think he likes you, he murmured with a smirk. But who could blame the kid?
53 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Thyme noticed something was different today when her mother spoke. He didn't understand what she meant but he could understand her excitement. If she was excited her was as well. The pale agouti yipped and jumped around his mother and father. He almost expected to be grabbed by his mother but instead she just started walking! Thyme squeaked. "Ma!!" And rushed after her, making sure her pale paws stayed in his vision.

Thyme also stopped often to check if @Turmeric and @Mulberry were still there with him. He liked them close. He didn't get a lot of time to explore of sniff things because then his father was there. Plus he was really curious where they were going. As he walked longer he felt more surefooted, keeping up with his mum. They reached a new spot, and when they arrived he instantly recognized the big man by scent. But now he wasn't alone... no there was another white female, looking like his own mother! And!! Small wolves like him!!

Thyme was stunned for a moment when he took everything in. The unsure pup checked his mother, but her tail was wagging and she looked relaxed and friendly. Thyme's confidence grew and he trotted forward. One came right at them, but was quick to dash off after he met his mother. He was so quick! And so big! Thyme trotted forward, wagging his tail (his mom did that too!). The pale boy approached the pup by his mother's look a like (Atka), slowing down, but still excited. He also saw another pup (Tulok) sitting. Thyme when to check them out, if they were like his siblings. Maybe they liked to play too! He instantly made a play bow to check.
96 Posts
Ooc — delaney
sorry for all the tags, kek!

mulberry chooses, as they make their way to the gathering spot, to stick close to her parents; not because she was shy but because all these new faces was a bit ...overwhelming to her. she bristles with uncertainty; balancing between fight or flight as @Alduin bounds towards them; brazen as could be. the witchling watches as thyme engages as she tries to burrow into @Derg's fur. there were a lot of wolves and most of them she's never even seen before. were they friends? or foes?

the concept of 'pack' is still not quite graspable to her yet and she is uncertain of them all ...except for perhaps @Aerin whom she recalls but a bit vaguely.

for the moment, it's a bit too much and she favors peeking out from between the safety of her father's legs.

bellatrix is pregnant since april 19th
115 Posts
Ooc —
Mom's excitement was tangible, but rather than join Thyme at the front of their parade, Turmeric stayed decidedly back, in the rear, where dad was. Now and again he exchanged a bright-eyed glance with his brother. Now and again he sought to exchange one with his sister, too. The world was big and bright and better, even than the little patch outside their den, with so many sights and smells! Every flower and rock begged to be inspected, and every new sight weaselled its way into his growing mind and filled his brain with questions of what, how, and why. He had no answers, of course, nor did he have any words to find them - but they would come, with learning and time.

So distracted by the natural world, he failed to realize he had turned around and, dragging along a peculiar stick to study a little further, missed just how many had gathered around them, until his butt made direct collision with his dad, and he turned around with particular interest to see what had made them stop.

His eyes grew wide. Who were these wolves? Thyme made quick work of slapping down to play, and Mulberry peeked out from between dad's legs. Turmeric's eyes roved the scene and he skipped a beat forward with a quiver in his step. A little bit uncertain. He looked back to mom and dad, as Thyme had done, to seek their approval - and nothing seemed amiss.

So with a quirk of his lips, Turmeric stole another step forward, then another, until he'd bypassed all the other pups entirely, and rather scooted himself to the strangest looking one - and one he scantly recognized, from that hazy day they moved from the dark cave to the brighter den. The new faces, he was curious about - but even more, in the strange object she had brought along with her. Turmeric had never seen anything quite like the contraption she carried, and when he got close enough he threw his stick before her paws like some form of peace offering and looked up at her with big eyes, before turning back to her instrument with curious wonder and the reach of a paw.
416 Posts
Ooc — Iris
The coywolf didn't know what was going on when he headed the call; only when he showed up he saw the little pups. He had been around pups in Easthollow, though he'd never been close to any of them.

Charles hovered around the edge of the meeting; perhaps hesitant to get too close to Kynareth, perhaps hesitant to interact with the pups. He just watched the pups, and could not help but feel his stomach twist as he realised that it would only be months before this would be Nyra. Would he stand there beside her like Kynareth stood beside Simmik, or would she stand there alone?
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ramesses had hardly settled with a round fat bouncing child had run up to him, nipping harshly at his paws. as pharaoh did not want to be seen drawing away from the assumed progeny of his leader, he pasted a facsimile of a smile to his regal features and allowed it to go on and on, including the puppyish barking that rattled his jawline.
and then the child was off again, plaguing another creature.
ramesses wanted very much to leave, but did not. instead his eyes fell with a sharp and lustful curiosity upon @Charles, who starkly resembled the coyotes with whom he had tangled in pleasure off the shores of yuelong. in what role was he? pharaoh wondered, lazuli curiousness deepening.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Had to post with big boi before he goes inactive again. OOP ‘:>

There’s an abundance of things happening and his attention span is so terribly fickle, but he’s still so interested in these small wolves that resemble him. Though the other two bound off, he sees one hiding between another’s legs. His tails wags furiously and he lifts from his play bow to pad over to @Mulberry

The large pup hops over to her, uncaring that she seems to try and hide from the crowd around them. He doesn’t even pay mind to Derg hovering protectively over her. He wants to play dammit and she’s the closest one! So he brazenly steps before her, a wide, toothy smile on his dark face. Purple tongue flung out and ruby eyes bright with interest. He pokes his nose towards her, completely ignoring her personal space and bats her with a huge paw clumsily on her chest. Play with me! I demand it! He practically says. Only to bat at her once more, only a high pitched, needy whine follows. Give me attention! I demand it!
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]