Ouroboros Spine the life we live is by choice, not by force
187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The world is an unforgiving place. Day after day, an immense amount of effort is demanded just to survive. Seasons change. The air grows humid or frigid  whichever mother nature decides. Is it hard? Yes. But as for impossible... never. At least, not for those who know how to survive. 

Through recent days it seemed there are few of those; survivors. Morte happens to be one of those few. Granted, he's been doing it for most of his life. Living alone... hunting alone... sleeping alone. It was second nature. Sure there are times he often wondered what it would be like to have a friend or a family. But is it likely? Probably not.

The lands upon which he walked were bare. No tracks. No prey to be seen or smelt for miles. He began to think towards the reason by what led him here, but no ideas came to mind. Sometimes when you're alone, the world doesn't seem as small. Paws carry the body aimlessly, with no set location of where to go or whom to see. You're free to go wherever you like — to see what scenery mother nature has to offer. It seems nice. Sometimes it is.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
the large male does not go unnoticed, for shikoba watches from afar from the higher spines of moonglow. she is still and silent at first, interested to see whether or not this man will sing for an audience. though, his lingering nature without a note of his presence causes her curiosity to turn into caution. with everything unravelling with the new broods, she does not take lightly to having unfamiliar wolves, especially males, near their borders. the last thing she needs is another nuak and tupilak at her doorstep.

so with purpose and power, the scarred woman descends from the spine at a hearty lope, hackles raised but with a calm expression over her visage. as she approaches the male, she takes note of his larger size and prominent features. jadeite and aquamarine eyes with with ground wheat, soil, and night sky hair. peculiar.

she draws herself to a halt once she is close enough to him. "who you?" she asks, her voice is calm but direct. shikoba takes her job seriously and prefers to not dally in conversation.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
An instant chill wavered over him, like a gust of wind forcing itself down against the earth. Something was different. A strange pair of vocals tickled his audit, chin lifting briskly in response. It didn't take but a few seconds to set his eyes upon the woman. For several moments of time, he did not speak. Instead, he stared. The expression was not lacking caution, but it spared disdain.

Physique, pigmentation, scars. There were many scars. These features were all of what he took into account. It was an immediate instinct for most  especially those who had been living only for themselves for so long. Though, with this particular individual, the woman seemed to interest him, more-so frighten him or give cause to be wary. The appearance of one who would be slow to judge and fair of heart struck his eyes of her. Though, who was he to make such an assumption? He would have to learn the truth himself.

Pointing his ears and lifting his nose, the behemoth took a small step forward, planting his confidence affront the stranger. I am called Morte. And what is it the name of the woman I speak with?
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
confidence for many can be appreciated, but shikoba does not take to it kindly. she puffs out her chest and lifts her nose at him in a small display of dominance, a signal that he holds no power over the border. while his action may be harmless, the warrior woman prefers if outsiders remain respectful and submissive in the ancient way of silent speaking. should the man step back and perhaps recoil his approach, perhaps she will lower her stature.

though, he asks of names. "shikoba, guardian of moonglow." 

it has a nice ring, doesn't it? normally, if shikoba held a more leadership-focused position, she would introduce herself with her ranking. but in moonglow, she has proven herself not as an alpha or a beta, but as a protector, as a provider. therefore, others may get to know her through this new position instead, rather than just her ranking as a delta.

"what morte want here?" to live life without purpose is to waste breath for others. no one acts with no reason. so, this man must have something in mind while encroaching onto the village's lands.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Had his confidence been taken too boldly? The woman didn't seem to like his form of approach and pressed her own, dominant figure. His intentions weren't ill, though, he figured he'd be made fun of if he came of as weak during a first encounter. Of course, it was to be understood. She was of rank in a pack, whereas he was some random stranger.

Rather than ignore the hint, he would heed it. Taking that same small step back, the behemoth let both his ears and tail fall. It was an apology of sorts. Regardless of this returned action, he decided he would by no means drop his head in a bow, no matter who they were. This was as submissive as he would be, for now.

You could say I'm looking for a new start. It wasn't fully my intention to run into any pack, but I suppose fate has done me a favor. His reply came swift and clear. All the while, a scrupulous gaze remained on the woman.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
good, this one is smart and understands her gesture as he steps back and drops his figure. a softer glaze rolls over her eyes, her shoulders relax and she levels out her head. shikoba is still cautious, but she at least does not feel incredibly threatened or disrespected. she grows silent as morte begins to speak.

a story is soon weaved from his lips and recalls the story that is all too familiar to the native woman. a search for a new horizon after leaving behind whatever history they know of. for many, it is daunting and terrifying. for others, it is liberating and exciting. for this man before her, she guesses the first option for a little. she wonders what troubles he has seen in his aged eyes.

"moonglow is home for those who need it. led by moonwoman, kukutux, and sunman, aiolos. what does morte offer us?" shikoba certainly does not believe that she would have ended up here had it not been for the talents she presented to the duck moons ago. now, as she reflects, she expects nothing less than the outsiders who find their way to moonglow's furthest edges.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
Good. She had accepted his apology and he needn't lower his confidence further. He watched as the woman listened to his tale, discerning whether or not she believed him or was one of the few that would think his words to be a fib. Of all things, he was no liar. Whether he able to fully admit it to himself or not, he was in desperate need of a clean slate. The past was all but forgotten, so perhaps a distraction and a purpose would do him good.

This moonwoman you speak of appears to be very gracious — having the heart to allow strangers such as I to seek a home within your lands. As per what I can offer? Well . . . I should think I can offer similar strengths such as yourself: Guardianship. I'm sure becoming of such a status requires time, effort, and trust, but I have the willingness for that. Combat and tracking are my strong suite, though, I can't say as much for hunting. At least, not the chasing portion.

After listing off what he could, the man fell silent, allowing the woman room to speak and judge him. She clearly knew what would be acceptable and what wouldn't. It was his hope that he had spoken the right words and in the right ways, lest he be denied what he sought and turned away.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux did not come at once to find him upon the boundary. 

shikoba would be there.

it occurred to moonwoman that the scarred warrior had been more sivullik to them since the man had returned. she thought carefully of this.

there was a man before the guardian upon their borders. kukutux put aside what she had meant to ask and instead stepped lightly to the hunt-woman's side. 

their companion was tall with haunted seawater eyes. the duck was fascinated, and listened to the end of his speaking with interest.
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breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
"she is."

kukutux is worth all the praise shikoba can possibly muster in a sentence or two. and thankfully, she is quick to join the native at her shoulder. shikoba lowers her position more now that the duck is present. upon hearing what skills the man has to offer, a swift nod of the head is given to him.

"tracking good, shikoba spars with morte later then." a light suggestion, more so she can see what the male possibly brings to the table, but that portion could not happen unless kukutux gives him her blessing to step into the land of moonglow. "this is moon woman, kukutux," she touches her nose to the pale woman for a moment, her voice growing softer as she addresses her, "and this morte, loner at borders."
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
A new face was quick to join them, taking a step in beside the guardian woman. By Shikoba's reaction alone, it was evident who the wolf was. 

The title as a moonwoman suited her. Pale, white tufts encased her skeletal, leaving no limb untouched by the serene tone.

Although the scarred guardian offered a regard of respect, the behemoth would not do the same. He was a stranger to them and therefore did not share the same relations. Who was he to bow to a leader who was not yet his own? It was not then did he have the place to do so.

Instead, he did dip his head low for a moment. He was no fool and so he would not allow her status in these lands to go completely unnoticed — loner or not. 

A pleasure to meet you. Words finally came, following the slow lift of his snout. 

No name was added to this greeting, as again, he did not find it appropriate to do so; especially being unaware of what he was and wasn't permitted to address her as.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
the man was polite, but his eyes missed no detail. kukutux felt that she was being carried into the water of his gaze. in a small way he brought to her mind the face of kigipigak. but where her kinsman was warm, this man was beige and umber, tones of earth to reflect that he was also one of their own kind.

like shikoba, kipaluak bore scars. he had seen much, the duck decided. she felt herself there between them, all of them scarred but both the man and the huntress wore their power proudly.

kukutux straightened the pale-grey rabbitskin she wore around her shoulders, more often than not as the breath of the changing leaves grew more filled with cold.

"morte. you say you are not a hunter. but in moonglow we each hunt." she looked for a moment at shikoba. "perhaps this year moonglow will go to run down the tuktu, when they have moved to their winter eating place."

"but you are tracker. you know how to follow animals." her eyes searched him. "and you will be warrior." it was not a question, for this was what the man had said. 

"i say come to be one of us. i will teach you our ways and our words." a pause now, to look upon shikoba and seek agreement, and then back toward morte, wondering what he might say.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
words are spoken from the lips of moon woman and her decision is made. though, shikoba appreciates the searching gaze of kukutux and offers her back a gentle nod of the head. morte seems to be worth the trouble to learn more about, so perhaps the two woman can truly see what this man has to offer as the days go by.

now if the man is to join them, then perhaps the two women will guide him either towards the ulaq where he may pick out a spot for his own. until then, shikoba simply stays silent and lets the man decide his own fate here.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
As the woman searched his gaze, he held no discomfort, for there was no reason to. She was studying him and deciding whether he was worth their time. He hoped he would be. As Morte had informed the guardian, he did have talents, but regardless of what one thinks they can do, some skills do not always aim to please.

The pale woman spoke and he listened — intently. He was eager to hear and understand all that she had said.

I have never found my size to benefit my speed, therefore quicker prey is harder to catch on my own. As you have said, I can track. While my performance is yours to judge, I hope it is accepted when I vouch for myself. If the entire pack has the responsibility to hunt, then I will practice in the hopes that I can improve in the art to play my part. So long as you are willing to have me, I will learn what it is you have to teach and walk alongside your pack until either the pack's or my own death. The vow was genuine, save the fact his tone was a bit harsh. It was a commitment that he was making and in the presence of this pair... it was not made of words he could go back on now.
3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
morte spoke with much fire in his voice. kukutux looked at him and thought she saw the cinnabar threads which had made him warrior. kipaluak pledged to moonglow, and she lifted her chin in acceptance of the strong trade he had given for their favour.

"welcome to this village."

she turned and set a path for them toward the ulax. assuring herself that morte was upon one flank, and shikoba the other, moonwoman moved in pleasant silence for a time.

"the spirits gave their blessing to us. we have many children in moonglow. in some hands of time, they will wander. keep them inside our protection," she instructed morte, setting her jadestone eyes upon him to see what their newcomer made of this information.
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187 Posts
Ooc — Heretic
The hope of his words had granted him what he sought. A home. A family. A new beginning for the life he was brought into years prior. It was a relief, really. Many responsibilities would be charged unto him, but it would be worth his while.

The woman began to move and Morte was quick to follow by her flank. As she spoke again, he heeded his former promise and willingness to learn. She had already begun to teach and he listened as she did so. The mention of youth passed through his ears, lifting them. It had been quite some time since pups had last graced his presence. What would he make of them? And more-so, what would they make of him?

I would do as you have asked and keep a watchful eye for the young. I admit I know little of them, nor have I been in recent company with any. Despite this, I know the ways of a child, for I was one once. They enjoy wandering very much, especially when their minds grow and they become curious. I will do everything in my power to help protect them.

Few words carry much knowledge. Between what the moonwoman and himself had said, his first responsibility was lain before him as clear as day. He would shield their lives as he promised and it was his hope she could sense the honesty in his words.
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
last from me! <3

it seems all is well and settled, for the duck has taken another lost soul under her wing. despite this man having more years than moon woman, there is still much to learn from others. shikoba could always speak on behalf of kukutux, for each new day spent in moonglow is an adventure. for now, she would trail them while her company is wanted. and when dismissed, she would check the borders once more to ensure that her scent is reestablished.

with the baptiste gone, it seems his place is taken by another.
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3,399 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
and from me! <3

morte said he would be guardian to the young ones. "i have the hope that this village brings you much joy, hunter."

for a while they would continue on. moonwoman would share of her words and her ways, and when they had come to the ulax, she would offer to their newest a meal of dried fish. 

moonglow went on.
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