Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: birth
@Arric. Pack members welcome to make cameo. Pups will be tagged!
The last few days were a bit of a haze for the pale healer. She was rather exhausted and spend time in the den sleeping or resting. The weight of her belly was painful on her back and she wasn't too keen on moving. She noticed that her body was preparing for the birth. She knew better than the fight it. The female went along with it all. The only thing she went to do for preparation was to gather any of the herbs she might need during birth. It had been completely exhausting and she was glad the pups hadn't decided to make an appearance that night. The restlessness started a day later. As placid she had been before that was how restless she was now. She couldn't get comfortable in any position. She would get up, lie down again, get up, and then lie down.
The familiar pinch of pain shot through her. Her ears flattened against her skull and gritted her teeth. She had not missed the feeling, but she had litters before. The woman knew that this was all part of it. The part she had warning Arric for. She rubbed her face against the dirt floor of the den in agony. She tried to breathe through it. A hiss leaving her lips. Arlette relaxed a little when the pain slowly moved away. The woman with her nose to the small pile of lavender. Wanting to calm herself by smelling that, distracting herself from the pain. Only moments later another contraction went through her body. She pushed herself up again, to shift position but when she did her water broke. Okay, they were really coming today.
They're coming.She tried to gather her herself and willed herself to stay calm.
She shot Arric a look though, because if he was going to panic and cause chaos she would kick him out. She went to lie down again. Arlette was excited to meet her children, but she was genuinely curious how many were in there. She was not sure what she favored; less children but large ones or a lot more pups and smaller. Her breathing had picked up, which she tried to slow once more. Another contraction came and she tried to push with it. Arlette winced. It was never fun this part, but she just tried to think how much in love she was going to be later. A whine escaped with the pain. She tried to push but it almost felt as if it wasn't working. Unfortunately for the female it was a whole hour of this going through those contractions without much process. She realized that things weren't going as smoothly for her when she reached the end of the second hour. She would get up, circle, try again, get up, circle, try again, get up, try to relax, then get up, try again. She slumped against the ground once more as a fierce contraction went through her body. Being completely into the zone, she cried out as she pushed. Movement. She realized instantly that this pup was large. She huffed, knowing that time was of the essence.
Arlette pushed.
Shit!She growled. She couldn't really remember it being this difficult the last time around. The woman never really cursed but if there was a moment, this would be a good one. She curled her toes and gathered the courage to push again. She winced, followed by a huff of frustration. There was also a mild panic starting in her gut. What if his pups were too big for her? No. She shouldn't think like that. She tried again but with little movement.
Fuck, Arric,she hissed at him, shooting him a bit of a glare. The red color of her eyes weren't really helping, probably giving much more of a murderous look than she really intended. At least the build up anger was working, as she pushed again something seemed to shift. She groaned in pain. Her body continued to work, and with another push or two she felt that panic she did have fade away. She gathered her breath and with another try she was relieved to feel at one pup was out. But Arlette, well she was completely exhausted already. Her sides heaving, trying to catch her breath. Normally she would jump up to meet the pup but currently she just couldn't. She felt a little nauseous and dizzy.
As Arlette caught her breath, a dark colored pup lay behind her. It was a behemoth of a child. It was clear why the female had such struggles with birthing the pup. The sack around the pup was luckily already partly broken. Even with the pup still wet, it was clear he was back in color. When one of the parents would further inspect the child it was much a father's son. A boy with the same marking as his father.
What... is it? Can... Can you.. look?,she asked Arric.
Arric didn't know when his beautiful wife was gonna have these babies, but he was rather plagued with nightmares of a popping Arlette. And it made his stomach tight and sore.
He had thought the restlessness from. Before was difficult, but holy shit. This was a whole nother level.
She was bouncing around like an oversize pinball. Up and down and up and down. His eyes grew tired. At first he had attempted to walk with her or get up , but soon realized it was best to stay as small and curled as possible which was fucking difficult with his size let him just tell you.
Well Damn. Was his only coherent thought as her labor started. The next was just like panicked screaming and wolves running around on fire and static. His eyes went unfocused and his own breathing ratcheting up a notch, it took him a solid minute maybe two to calm down and pay attention.
Hours passed and Arric did what he could
Licked her head, held her or just stood still and let her beat at him. Gods. His ears went to his skull what was? Had he been too much for her.
As his little healer swore out loud he didn't even laugh. Panic was rising in his chest and his own blue eyes were swimming. He had hurt her so bad. This was both beautiful and God awful. Her soft eyes glared at him and he gulped a little, but he did manage a small shit eating grin
He did tease softly.
Finally one was here. God she was too big for it to only be one. He hoped it was only one. Surely not though. Their child was holy shit hefty.
At her gentle plea he stepped into action.
Arric gently maneuvered the pup. Snipped the sack the rest of the way and quickly it was gone, soft licks to the childs head and body. He was breathing. That's all Arric cared about.
He gently lifted their first born son to Arlette.
He had thought the restlessness from. Before was difficult, but holy shit. This was a whole nother level.
She was bouncing around like an oversize pinball. Up and down and up and down. His eyes grew tired. At first he had attempted to walk with her or get up , but soon realized it was best to stay as small and curled as possible which was fucking difficult with his size let him just tell you.
Well Damn. Was his only coherent thought as her labor started. The next was just like panicked screaming and wolves running around on fire and static. His eyes went unfocused and his own breathing ratcheting up a notch, it took him a solid minute maybe two to calm down and pay attention.
Alright love bug. You got this. What do you need me to do? If anything?
Hours passed and Arric did what he could
Licked her head, held her or just stood still and let her beat at him. Gods. His ears went to his skull what was? Had he been too much for her.
As his little healer swore out loud he didn't even laugh. Panic was rising in his chest and his own blue eyes were swimming. He had hurt her so bad. This was both beautiful and God awful. Her soft eyes glared at him and he gulped a little, but he did manage a small shit eating grin
He did tease softly.
Where did you get a mouth like that. And yea thats sort of how we got here.
Finally one was here. God she was too big for it to only be one. He hoped it was only one. Surely not though. Their child was holy shit hefty.
At her gentle plea he stepped into action.
Arric gently maneuvered the pup. Snipped the sack the rest of the way and quickly it was gone, soft licks to the childs head and body. He was breathing. That's all Arric cared about.
Holy fuck Arlette. You did good and he's gorgeous.
He gently lifted their first born son to Arlette.
June 12, 2024, 06:38 AM
Arlette was close to wanting to strangle him a little but she had to remind herself it was not the poor man's fault. She knew watching this was probably already terrifying enough for him. He had said he had never seen a birth before. He was here to support her and that was what matters.
Arlette was grateful when Arric brought the pup closer. Though she was rather startled at the size of the child. She choked out a gasp and shot Arric a look.
A contraction went through her, reminding her that it was not over yet. How could it be with the large belly she had been sporting. Though, she did remember that she could use these brief moments of rest. Her whole body was already exhausted, it was a marathon not a sprint. She hoped not too long of a marathon.
You,she huffed. Arric could be so foul mouthed, and perhaps it had rubbed off on her a little. Plus all that rubbing off also caused other things to happen, like these pups.
Arlette was grateful when Arric brought the pup closer. Though she was rather startled at the size of the child. She choked out a gasp and shot Arric a look.
I birthed... a giant!Was everything about this man big, because no wonder she had so much trouble getting him out.
He?She then nosed over him and started to lick the pup clean. It was a good distraction from the pain and her sore body. She felt a little emotional, finally meeting one of her babies! She noticed the lighter fur around the child's eye.
He looks like you,she spoke between licks to get him as dry as possible.
A contraction went through her, reminding her that it was not over yet. How could it be with the large belly she had been sporting. Though, she did remember that she could use these brief moments of rest. Her whole body was already exhausted, it was a marathon not a sprint. She hoped not too long of a marathon.
Congratulations... you are officially a dad now,she reminded him. Then she groaned, but not more contractions followed after that one. Arlette nosed over her child, she wanted to call him her little one, but that wasn't accurate. A name, he would need a name. But her mind was fuzzy, she had thought of some names maybe once all of them were born she could see which one would fit him the most.
Shhh, it is okay,she hummed, already completely in love with the pup that caused her so much pain before.
June 12, 2024, 09:23 AM
Just a cameo.
His tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth—discerned worry etched clearly upon his features as the swarthy Alpha stalked the land outside their chosen birthing den. Every so often a panted groan would stop him, his eyes tracking to the den entrance—but within seconds, he would pace again. Back and forth, back and forth.
Worry clenched to him—of course it did. Arric was huge—Arlette was not.
Still, this was a momentous day for his best friend and his wife—and Akavir would not be leaving until all was well, or he was chased.
June 12, 2024, 10:07 AM
In spite of distancing herself from Arlette and Arric, she felt like an outcast. Arlette was replacing her, and with Arric's children! She'd made it clear, of course, that she wouldn't be separated from Arric, but to have children with him? It made Cygnet rot inside.
And now, it seemed the children were on their way- and Cygnet hoped for failure, bitterly.
She sought out Akavir- only to find his scent brought her to the pair's den, as if acting as a sentry. She felt something in her chest sink, to see him worry for the couple. She whined; wishing he would abandon Arlette and Arric, remember how much this whole thing hurt her.
But she couldn't expect him to turn his back on them, either. He wouldn't.
She heard what she thought was a small, muffled sound from inside Arlette's den. Her ears flattened, and she growled softly.
Stiffly, she stalked off. Now, not even Akavir could be an ally for her.
And now, it seemed the children were on their way- and Cygnet hoped for failure, bitterly.
She sought out Akavir- only to find his scent brought her to the pair's den, as if acting as a sentry. She felt something in her chest sink, to see him worry for the couple. She whined; wishing he would abandon Arlette and Arric, remember how much this whole thing hurt her.
But she couldn't expect him to turn his back on them, either. He wouldn't.
She heard what she thought was a small, muffled sound from inside Arlette's den. Her ears flattened, and she growled softly.
Stiffly, she stalked off. Now, not even Akavir could be an ally for her.
June 14, 2024, 02:43 PM
You think Arlette had a hard time? Well... let me tell the other side of the story.
You start out small. Two cells meet. A process of cell division follows. A clump of cells become something resembling a living being. Three weeks down the line. Heartbeat. All is well still - plenty of space in that dark and warm universe of his. Then as days go by it continues to grow smaller and smaller and smaller, until that being, who has a lot more cells now and a lot more form as well, is barely able to move.
Then it gets worse. The universe is suddenly crushing you from all sides and you have no control over it. It is uncomfortable, painful and exhausting. The wolf being would have protested against this unfair treatment, but there was simply no room to do so. Then all of a sudden it was all over. He was in a new universe now. A big one, but also very cold. When someone touched his body gently, removed the packaging and cut the cord that had kept him tethered to that previous world, he greeted the day with a loud "EEEP"!
You start out small. Two cells meet. A process of cell division follows. A clump of cells become something resembling a living being. Three weeks down the line. Heartbeat. All is well still - plenty of space in that dark and warm universe of his. Then as days go by it continues to grow smaller and smaller and smaller, until that being, who has a lot more cells now and a lot more form as well, is barely able to move.
Then it gets worse. The universe is suddenly crushing you from all sides and you have no control over it. It is uncomfortable, painful and exhausting. The wolf being would have protested against this unfair treatment, but there was simply no room to do so. Then all of a sudden it was all over. He was in a new universe now. A big one, but also very cold. When someone touched his body gently, removed the packaging and cut the cord that had kept him tethered to that previous world, he greeted the day with a loud "EEEP"!
Arric loved the sound their first born made. It made him smile. He chuckled further at Arlette's exclamation. He tilted an ear forward and licked along her head.
He nuzzled along their son. Breathing him in. A stocky hefty thing.
He pushed his head out catching Cygnets scent but not seeing the girl. He offered a shaky smile to Akavir.
Arric's ears went to his head a little and he spoke whisper soft so only the male could hear him.
A question and a plea for his best friend. Then he turned back into Arlette. A soft nod. He knew Akavir didn't need to answer. He'd stay.
He curled around his wife and son. Ignoring the mess from the childbirth.
It was then it fully hit him.
He blinked eyes going wide. Brain stupid. The shittieat eating grin on his face.
Love bug you did awesome.
He nuzzled along their son. Breathing him in. A stocky hefty thing.
He pushed his head out catching Cygnets scent but not seeing the girl. He offered a shaky smile to Akavir.
We got a big ole boy so far.
Arric's ears went to his head a little and he spoke whisper soft so only the male could hear him.
Hang around until the end, dickfuck?
A question and a plea for his best friend. Then he turned back into Arlette. A soft nod. He knew Akavir didn't need to answer. He'd stay.
He curled around his wife and son. Ignoring the mess from the childbirth.
It was then it fully hit him.
I'm a dad.
He blinked eyes going wide. Brain stupid. The shittieat eating grin on his face.
I'm a dad
June 15, 2024, 11:15 AM
Arlette hadn't been aware that someone had been outside of their den, only when Arric spoke (and cursed) she realized it. She also knew who it was by the way he was speaking. She shook her head and focused on the big black puppy by her. That poor little guy -compared to them- having to go through a lot. She started to lick him clean and dry now she had a moment of time. She didn't want him to be cold for too long. Arlette had to smile softly at Arric's reaction and revelation. Arlette licked over the little fur change by his eye, the ring of lighter fur. So adorable. She lifted him, closer to her belly so he could find what he needed. She had more than enough milk, thanks to the care of the pack providing all the food she wished.
Contractions were reminding her that she was not done. They weren't as close together as she expected. Though before things were really starting to amp up again it was an hour or so later. She got a little of a rest, but as soon as she really needed to do her work her muscles protested. The female gritted her teeth, knowing she would love what came after. She thought that the first one might have paved the way, however with the way she was struggling again it was clear that it would just be the same thing. She whined lowly in pain. She didn't want to make Arric feel bad but there was nothing she could do about it. She just had to express what she was going through without thinking too much about him, as much as she would like to.
She pushed, however this time she really didn't want to get up and lie down again. It might disturb the first pup a lot. She winced but then did want to shift. She groaned and pushed again with a contraction. Damn! How could she forget each time that it hurt so bad?! The woman shot a scowl at Arric. Not really his fault but she was the only one she really could display her discomfort to. She had reached the part where she was in too much pain to care. She was panting hard as she pushed. It was again a struggle.
Arlette felt panic rise again as she felt that she wasn't making any progress. She didn't know about time, or how long she was doing for already. The poppy seeds were kicking in now, so it had to be at least an hour. The female screamed as she pushed. Something moved. FINALLY.
Contractions were reminding her that she was not done. They weren't as close together as she expected. Though before things were really starting to amp up again it was an hour or so later. She got a little of a rest, but as soon as she really needed to do her work her muscles protested. The female gritted her teeth, knowing she would love what came after. She thought that the first one might have paved the way, however with the way she was struggling again it was clear that it would just be the same thing. She whined lowly in pain. She didn't want to make Arric feel bad but there was nothing she could do about it. She just had to express what she was going through without thinking too much about him, as much as she would like to.
She pushed, however this time she really didn't want to get up and lie down again. It might disturb the first pup a lot. She winced but then did want to shift. She groaned and pushed again with a contraction. Damn! How could she forget each time that it hurt so bad?! The woman shot a scowl at Arric. Not really his fault but she was the only one she really could display her discomfort to. She had reached the part where she was in too much pain to care. She was panting hard as she pushed. It was again a struggle.
I can't,she winced. She could feel the pup but damn. She was so tired. She closed her eyes. But the healer in her forced herself awake. She reached for the poppy seeds she grabbed it might make her a little more hazy but it might help. She tried to catch her breath.
Arlette felt panic rise again as she felt that she wasn't making any progress. She didn't know about time, or how long she was doing for already. The poppy seeds were kicking in now, so it had to be at least an hour. The female screamed as she pushed. Something moved. FINALLY.
FUCKINHELL!She panted hard and with the next wave she felt the pressure release. A relieved sigh came from her. Pain was everywhere even with the poppy seeds working her system. She was exhausted. Behind her lay another hefty child. It was a dark golden in coloring, only because his fur was wet. @Buckthorn would dry up much lighter. Both pups currently born were rivaling in size. Arlette counted on Arric to do this work because she couldn't move. She wished to but she needed a moment. Her eyes closed as she was catching her breath.
Arric shifted and gods he hurt so bad for her. Ears to his skull. He felt useless. He did whatever she asked shifting moving.
He curled around her. Bring paws around her.
Arric shifted to pull the little gold pup to him. Relieving him of his birth sack. And licking his fur dry. Spiky tufts, and then smooth em down. And he tucked him warm and dry next to his mother and brother.
Do you want me to keep the little guy warm? Do you need to move?
He curled around her. Bring paws around her.
You can do it Love bug. You can. I'm right here. I got you.
Arric shifted to pull the little gold pup to him. Relieving him of his birth sack. And licking his fur dry. Spiky tufts, and then smooth em down. And he tucked him warm and dry next to his mother and brother.
I'm sorry, Arlette.He whispered quietly.
Arlette wanted to sleep and rest. She knew she probably had some time until the next one came. She thought. She hoped. But nope, clearly the next one was very eager to arrive. Arlette winced as pain shot through her. It was nice to have Arric's support. She wasn't sure if she was able to get through all of this without his help. She would apologize to him later. He was really amazing as a dad already. She knew it but it was even more confirmed now.
Arlette inhaled.
Arlette pushed again, giving realized that anger did help with the pushing. This pup went a little smoother. Still it was large. Arlette groaned. The noises coming from the den could spark some worry. She didn't have the easiest time. Still, she would do it again if it meant she could have these babies with Arric. With that on her mind she pushed again. She gathered her courage once more. With another cry she pushed and felt the third pup being born. @Juniper had arrived. Arlette sagged. Too tired. She didn't want to move. She hoped she was done. She had three last time.
She was completely worn out. The woman knew that her mate would look after the pup. She was glad for it. It perhaps also helped Arric with the feeling that he could help her. Arlette blinked not sure if she had passed out or not. She shifted and lifted her head to look. She angled her head a little. She had expected all the pups to be black. But they had a variety of color. A grey one too, though it looked different kind of grey. It reminded her of how Thyme had looked faded from Turmeric. She looked at Arric, hoping she was done, curious about the details though. She laid her head back down again. She could use some rest after this.
Arlette inhaled.
Don't be... sorry,she panted and glanced at him. She tried to soften her gaze. She noticed that he was working on the pup, a hint of ... gold?!? She couldn't spend too much of her attention on it though as she shifted more onto her side. Her nostrils flared as pain moved through her. She was so done with this pain! She wished to spend time and fuss over her little babies. She really was so surprised that one would forget this pain. How could she forget?! She would really have to consider for next time, if there was going to be a next time.
Arlette pushed again, giving realized that anger did help with the pushing. This pup went a little smoother. Still it was large. Arlette groaned. The noises coming from the den could spark some worry. She didn't have the easiest time. Still, she would do it again if it meant she could have these babies with Arric. With that on her mind she pushed again. She gathered her courage once more. With another cry she pushed and felt the third pup being born. @Juniper had arrived. Arlette sagged. Too tired. She didn't want to move. She hoped she was done. She had three last time.
She was completely worn out. The woman knew that her mate would look after the pup. She was glad for it. It perhaps also helped Arric with the feeling that he could help her. Arlette blinked not sure if she had passed out or not. She shifted and lifted her head to look. She angled her head a little. She had expected all the pups to be black. But they had a variety of color. A grey one too, though it looked different kind of grey. It reminded her of how Thyme had looked faded from Turmeric. She looked at Arric, hoping she was done, curious about the details though. She laid her head back down again. She could use some rest after this.
June 15, 2024, 01:33 PM
Arlette was about played out. He could see each push, each contraction doubling down on her pain. Her eyes were tired. The cries that ratcheting from her sliced his heart each time. Holy shit balls he wasn't sure if they should try again next year. And whoever said size didn't matter was lying.
A sweet blending on a darker scale. Where Buck was creamer. Thia little girl was shades of grey.
He spent time licking the after birth from her. And pulled the boys to himself. Given Arlette a little longer to rest. Then bundled them nicely next to her.
Kinda hard not to be. But I'll try.
A sweet blending on a darker scale. Where Buck was creamer. Thia little girl was shades of grey.
He spent time licking the after birth from her. And pulled the boys to himself. Given Arlette a little longer to rest. Then bundled them nicely next to her.
Little girl mama.
June 15, 2024, 01:55 PM
Juniper's birth was marked by her loud cries and high energy, as she had been cramped in the womb but now had the space to be active and vocal. She squirmed from the moment she was born, expending the little stamina she possessed, and by the time she was placed at Arlette's breast, she had used up most of her energy and was ready to eat. She ate until she was satisfied, and to her surprise, she started to feel drowsy instead of refreshed.
With all her needs met, and as drowsiness started to set in, she found a cozy spot and drifted off to sleep, snoring loudly.
With all her needs met, and as drowsiness started to set in, she found a cozy spot and drifted off to sleep, snoring loudly.
June 15, 2024, 02:13 PM
Arlette didn't know if she had passed out or not. There was screaming though, and that calmed her. It was always good when they used their lungs. Arlette smiled with her eyes closed as Arric told her that they had a girl. She wouldn't have minded all boys--- though then she realized she didn't know what the golden one was. It was alright. She would find out. First she needed rest. Arlette noticed she was dozing, with the gentle tugging she remembered as pups feeding it lulled her to sleep. It wasn't a bad feeling until they got teeth. Arlette knew she wasn't completely done, after birth and all that, but she couldn't. No. She needed to rest.
She was not sure how long she was sleeping but she awoke with a jolt. She winced. No. No. Arlette shifted and whimpered in pain. Her muscles were sore. She wasn't sure if she could go again. She pushed herself up to trembling legs, but was quick to lie down again. Fuck. Fuck. She half leaned against the wall of the den.
She found strength in them. Also in Arric who hadn't left her side for one moment. If she couldn't do it anymore then she had to do it for them. She tried to gather more courage to confront this pain and work. God, what if this was only half?! No-- Don't think about that. Focus on this one first. Arlette pushed, low whines coming with each push. She didn't realize she was crying. Soft sniffles really. Arlette had hardly control over herself with the exhaustion. She was going through the motions. This one was no runt of the litter either. Damn. She had to work for it. Arlette was half out of it when she heard the loud cry, and instantly black out after that. Too exhausted.
She was not sure how long she was sleeping but she awoke with a jolt. She winced. No. No. Arlette shifted and whimpered in pain. Her muscles were sore. She wasn't sure if she could go again. She pushed herself up to trembling legs, but was quick to lie down again. Fuck. Fuck. She half leaned against the wall of the den.
There's.... another one,she huffed. Another round. Her body wasn't done yet. Arlette sagged more and tried to push but she was just empty. She let the contractions take over but there was hardly any energy for her to really push. Her red eyes drifted to the three pups. She slowly wiggled closer to them, muzzle close to the little ones.
She found strength in them. Also in Arric who hadn't left her side for one moment. If she couldn't do it anymore then she had to do it for them. She tried to gather more courage to confront this pain and work. God, what if this was only half?! No-- Don't think about that. Focus on this one first. Arlette pushed, low whines coming with each push. She didn't realize she was crying. Soft sniffles really. Arlette had hardly control over herself with the exhaustion. She was going through the motions. This one was no runt of the litter either. Damn. She had to work for it. Arlette was half out of it when she heard the loud cry, and instantly black out after that. Too exhausted.
Arric was keyed up now. Arlette was drifting barely there. He was constantly checking on her. And she didn't seem to have any abnormal issues. She was just sleep and sore. Gods.
It started again. The tears and sniffles that gwll from her maw. Drew his own throat taut and warm. He had to blink. Breathe through his nose. God almight if he hadn't known how to meditate. He tried to help however he could but what could he do really this was woman's work. He could only support.
Arlette slumped forward and a surprised whimper left Arric's maw. He sniffed at her burying his face into her ruff. Listening to her breathe and back to their newest little one. Another little girl. His eyes were too blurry woth unshed tears to pay much attention and he felt bad for that. But he cleaned her and nosed her over. Her own cries mixing in.
He curled the babies into Arlette and kept a weather eye on her. It seemed she was just tired. Should he call @muskrat or @pukei?
He curled around them after letting @Akavir know the outcome and request one of the girls who might know some healing in case. Then he watched.
It started again. The tears and sniffles that gwll from her maw. Drew his own throat taut and warm. He had to blink. Breathe through his nose. God almight if he hadn't known how to meditate. He tried to help however he could but what could he do really this was woman's work. He could only support.
Arlette slumped forward and a surprised whimper left Arric's maw. He sniffed at her burying his face into her ruff. Listening to her breathe and back to their newest little one. Another little girl. His eyes were too blurry woth unshed tears to pay much attention and he felt bad for that. But he cleaned her and nosed her over. Her own cries mixing in.
He curled the babies into Arlette and kept a weather eye on her. It seemed she was just tired. Should he call @muskrat or @pukei?
We have two boys and two girls love bug. And you were, are amazing. And I love you to the moon.
He curled around them after letting @Akavir know the outcome and request one of the girls who might know some healing in case. Then he watched.
June 15, 2024, 03:22 PM
Things were a little crowded in there, wherever she was. She was in a small space but ever quiet. Things were different than normal. She was squished and pressed. Where there were once not a lot of space there was now more space, still there was this endless urging? Why? She couldn't really disobey it. Her body was urged and it only felt even smaller and tighter. It wasn't very comfortable.
It was a complete shock when she was met with incredible cold. In her shock she took her first gulp of air. Another new thing. It seemed to be an ongoing thing!? She breathed in but also couldn't help but let her voice be heard. The girl however was unaware of the voice she was using. Things were a lot better for her when she felt something warm. It soothed her. She was moved, but here there was more warmth. The girl was familiar with the tight squeeze and that was what she looked for. Making sure she was right there by her siblings.
Her nose brushed past something that smelled good, it took a moment to really locate the source but she managed to latch on. Once she got the warm food in her belly everything seemed to be okay and not so awful. Not that she would later remember anything of this. She happily suckled until she fell asleep with a teat in her mouth. It had been such a tiring event!
It was a complete shock when she was met with incredible cold. In her shock she took her first gulp of air. Another new thing. It seemed to be an ongoing thing!? She breathed in but also couldn't help but let her voice be heard. The girl however was unaware of the voice she was using. Things were a lot better for her when she felt something warm. It soothed her. She was moved, but here there was more warmth. The girl was familiar with the tight squeeze and that was what she looked for. Making sure she was right there by her siblings.
Her nose brushed past something that smelled good, it took a moment to really locate the source but she managed to latch on. Once she got the warm food in her belly everything seemed to be okay and not so awful. Not that she would later remember anything of this. She happily suckled until she fell asleep with a teat in her mouth. It had been such a tiring event!
June 15, 2024, 03:32 PM
Arlette hadn't heard Arric with the news or his sweet words. The woman was knocked out cold. She was completely exhausted. However, as a last resort the mother had curled around her babies. After birth would probably come and it would wake her up, or another pup would wake her up, but for now she was completely spend.
It was rather disconcerting for Swiftcurrent that the one with most healing knowledge was knocked out cold at the moment. But there was probably little anyone could do except let her rest. She had told Akavir about the healer woman Dhalia but she might not be in the valley at the moment. Plus, she was a stranger. They might not want that. The birth had taken a long while, and shouldn't have taken much longer. Luckily for the new parents these were all the pups.
It was rather disconcerting for Swiftcurrent that the one with most healing knowledge was knocked out cold at the moment. But there was probably little anyone could do except let her rest. She had told Akavir about the healer woman Dhalia but she might not be in the valley at the moment. Plus, she was a stranger. They might not want that. The birth had taken a long while, and shouldn't have taken much longer. Luckily for the new parents these were all the pups.
June 15, 2024, 10:38 PM
/posts a novel omg
A piercing scream tore Pukei from her nap. She woke with a start, dazed and blinking against the sunlight, before a following loud cry of FUCKINHELL! had her snap to attention. That was Arlette's voice! A mixture of excitement and dread suddenly pooled in the pit of her stomach, feeling disconcerted by the intensity of the screams ricocheting through the territory. Had something gone wrong? Despite this, Pukei knew she simply could not miss the event, and so took off in the direction of the sounds.
However, as she neared the scene, her paws grew cold. More screams, the scent of blood, Akavir nervously pacing outside. She desperately wanted to be near, to help in some way, but what could she do; would they even want her there? So, instead of approaching, the girl channelled her nervous energy into running laps in a wide circle around the entire site, a secondary guard to the alpha's last line of defence right outside the den – at least, that was what she told herself.
Hours had passed, if the sun moving through the sky was anything to go by. Every so often Pukei would veer her path to be within eyeshot of the den to ensure everything was still fine, taking notes from Akavir's body language. It was when she spied Arric poking his dark head out did she stop her mindless run and finally approach. There hadn't been any more screams of pain for quite some time now, and the scent of milk was heavy in the air. Was the worst of it over, finally?
The Zeta moved cautiously towards the den, keeping her body low and head tucked submissively, though her entire backside swayed as she failed to keep her wagging tail in check. She so wanted to be involved but knew how protective new parents could be, especially when it came to outsiders – something she still very much was. The only other birth she had witnessed had been her younger siblings back in her natal pack, and even then she had been chased away.
"Is everything...all good?" she asked Akavir in breathless pants, stopping several paces away from the swarthy guard. Still, she craned her head to try and peer past him, gaze boring into the darkness of the den to see if she could even catch a glimpse of Swiftcurrent's newest additions.
June 15, 2024, 10:56 PM
buckthorn, oblivious to the pain he had inadvertently created, was not at all disturbed by the gentle ebb of contractions. the process of happily floating to eventual birth was a slow one, and his trip through the birth canal was rated a 10/10 in the lazy river category.
his serene trip was ended with a splash of cold reality, and his entrance to the world was met with a loud squeak. he settled once placed next to the familiar body of what would be known as his brother. he gorged himself until he crashed into a milk drunk slumber, ears and toes twitching as he experienced the first of many dreams.
his serene trip was ended with a splash of cold reality, and his entrance to the world was met with a loud squeak. he settled once placed next to the familiar body of what would be known as his brother. he gorged himself until he crashed into a milk drunk slumber, ears and toes twitching as he experienced the first of many dreams.
June 16, 2024, 08:15 PM
He paced—curse words filtered through the air, and for once, they did not belong to his best friend. Cygnet came and left—a frown clouding his features, though he did not give chase to the girl. It would seem she needed space—she seemed to think she was being replaced.
Arric popped out—asking him to stay. A swift nod was given, but no words. Akavir had done this a time or two—it never got easier, it seemed. Arric was worried—and the Alpha would be here as required… even if it was just the knowledge that another presence was right outside.
Pukei was noted pacing a perimeter further from him— a vigilant pack as they waited for news of their Beta female.
But when Arric requested a healer, Akavir felt his heartbeat quicken in his chest—and fortuitous timing brought the pale Zeta closer to him, though he couldn’t answer her question—he didn’t fully know. “Arric just asked for a healer,” he offered her, knowing she had a knowledge of some things.
He prowled closer to the den entrance, the silence now after Arlette’s tirade of curses filling him with a hint of dread. “Hey, Pukei is here,” he called in, his voice a loud whisper—waiting for someone to invite her or him in.
Arric popped out—asking him to stay. A swift nod was given, but no words. Akavir had done this a time or two—it never got easier, it seemed. Arric was worried—and the Alpha would be here as required… even if it was just the knowledge that another presence was right outside.
Pukei was noted pacing a perimeter further from him— a vigilant pack as they waited for news of their Beta female.
But when Arric requested a healer, Akavir felt his heartbeat quicken in his chest—and fortuitous timing brought the pale Zeta closer to him, though he couldn’t answer her question—he didn’t fully know. “Arric just asked for a healer,” he offered her, knowing she had a knowledge of some things.
He prowled closer to the den entrance, the silence now after Arlette’s tirade of curses filling him with a hint of dread. “Hey, Pukei is here,” he called in, his voice a loud whisper—waiting for someone to invite her or him in.
June 16, 2024, 08:37 PM
Arric poked his head out. Loathe to leave her side. His eyes were cloudy and his body language spoke of worry and strain. He was testy, but he also knew when Arlette needed help. Even if it was just a check.
He stared at Pukei for a moment unsure. And then his resolve hardened and he shifted so she could spy soft white fur and four little bundles.
He spoke his voice taut with emotion.
He stepped outside pressed his shoulder to his best friend drawing comfort from the man's presence. They weren't usually touchy Feely guys. But he had a feeling Akavir would understand he just needed that small comfort.
He stared at Pukei for a moment unsure. And then his resolve hardened and he shifted so she could spy soft white fur and four little bundles.
He spoke his voice taut with emotion.
They were very big for Arlette. Hard for her to get them out. Took longer than it should have, I'd wager a guess. She isn't having any abnormal bleeding, but she is definitely in pain and she passed out right after our last was born. And I mean straight up world went dark like she got knocked out. Not sleeping.
He stepped outside pressed his shoulder to his best friend drawing comfort from the man's presence. They weren't usually touchy Feely guys. But he had a feeling Akavir would understand he just needed that small comfort.
You can look her over, Pukei. And we have two boys, two girls. They seem fine.
June 18, 2024, 02:07 AM
Any sort of excitement to see the puppies disappeared in an instant. Akavir's words shot a spike of ice cold fear through her heart, and she fixed the alpha in a frightened, wide-eyed stare. Needed a healer? "Wai—!" she started but he had already moved to the den's entrance, notifying the parents she was here. Frozen to the spot with her mouth agape, Pukei's gaze moved from Akavir to meet Arric's own who then appeared. He seemed tired and on edge, as if he was the one who had just given birth.
She listened to his words but it took a moment more for her to comprehend them. What did he mean passed out? That could happen? And they expected her to fix this? "Wh—" she started again, heart fluttering in a panic as she realised the Creek wolves had far more confidence in her skills than she did. She wasn't a healer; she was just a girl who liked flowers!
Yet the sight of the frazzled father leaning against Akavir for comfort inspired a spark of determination; Arric had done enough. And she at least knew of some herbs that could help. "I...alright, I'll see if she's okay."
Pukei strode forward to enter the den, hesitant, but offered a crooked smile to the two men to reassure them before slipping into the darkness. The smell of blood and milk was nearly overwhelming but, as her eyes adjusted, she gasped as she spied the four not-so-tiny pups tucked against the new mother's fur, all lined up and looking healthy. "Oh my gosh!" she couldn't help but exclaim, her tail beginning to flail once again behind her. Arric wasn't kidding. They were huge!
She looked to Arlette then, feeling a pang of empathy before shuffling forward, mindful of the newborns. The Beta lay silent, her sides moving as she breathed, though the movement was slow and laboured. Unsure what to do, Pukei watched for a moment before gently prodding the woman's shoulder with her nose.
"Hey, Arlette...are you awake?" Oh, please be awake. If you die, I'll have my medical license revoked before I even had a chance to earn one!
She listened to his words but it took a moment more for her to comprehend them. What did he mean passed out? That could happen? And they expected her to fix this? "Wh—" she started again, heart fluttering in a panic as she realised the Creek wolves had far more confidence in her skills than she did. She wasn't a healer; she was just a girl who liked flowers!
Yet the sight of the frazzled father leaning against Akavir for comfort inspired a spark of determination; Arric had done enough. And she at least knew of some herbs that could help. "I...alright, I'll see if she's okay."
Pukei strode forward to enter the den, hesitant, but offered a crooked smile to the two men to reassure them before slipping into the darkness. The smell of blood and milk was nearly overwhelming but, as her eyes adjusted, she gasped as she spied the four not-so-tiny pups tucked against the new mother's fur, all lined up and looking healthy. "Oh my gosh!" she couldn't help but exclaim, her tail beginning to flail once again behind her. Arric wasn't kidding. They were huge!
She looked to Arlette then, feeling a pang of empathy before shuffling forward, mindful of the newborns. The Beta lay silent, her sides moving as she breathed, though the movement was slow and laboured. Unsure what to do, Pukei watched for a moment before gently prodding the woman's shoulder with her nose.
"Hey, Arlette...are you awake?" Oh, please be awake. If you die, I'll have my medical license revoked before I even had a chance to earn one!
I couldn't wait to post >D. Lets say Pukei and Arlette switched turns lol. This thread is already crazy so go to heck with posting order!
Permission to PP as Arlette is ... explosive

Permission to PP as Arlette is ... explosive

To Arlette it didn't feel as if she had been unconscious and unresponsive. She just had been so exhausted from the birth. To her she had just closed her eyes a brief moment until an unfamiliar smell reached her nose. The woman's brain was muddled and she only had the mental capacity for a select few. This scent was definitely not someone or something she wanted around the most precious things she had. Especially not, after such hard labor of getting them here. The new scent creating a rush of adrenaline through her system.
Arlette's eyes snapped open. Stranger. She saw red with anger. Now, the female was usually red eyes but now they looked quite murderous at the intruder. In her rage she didn't even recognize the recent addition to the pack. Arlette snarled and lunged for the other female with snapping jaws and spitting saliva. With that rush of energy to protect her newborns. She didn't feel pain or exhaustion. Her teeth snapping wildly as she wanted this wolf OUT. It wasn't very hard to get the intruder to move. As frantic as Arlette was in her lunging, that was how frantic the female seemed to be to get out as quickly as possible.
The mother was mindful of her pups as she stepped over them as she chased the quick and nimble intruder out of the den. She followed with those feral jaws and murderous outlook. Those normally harmless teeth of the healer now snapping at the other woman's heels like she wanted her for breakfast. Arlette stopped her chase when she was was halfway out of the den. Her front paws spread as she let the other female -whom she didn't recognize in her anger- run off. After all her children would need to be safe. Her vicious red eyes fell on the two dark men standing by the den. The dragon of a mother was close to spitting fire. Her jaws snapped in their direction with a savage snarl.
FOR FUCK'S SAKE! THE TWO OF YOU HAD. ONE. JOB. YOU BLITHERINGthere had definitely been some spit flying their way. Everything about the pale woman was on edge and tense. Her ears completely flattened in her fur, teeth and gums completely exposed, her hackles raised all the way to the end of her back, and her tail held up stiffly and unmoving. The furious woman snapped her jaws at both of them in threat. The woman held their eye to them a moment longer. She gave them a loud snort in disapproval before she slowly slithered back into the depths of the den. The venom still rushing through her body as she settled herself back into the den. She moved her children as far away from the entrance as possible before curling around them as tightly as possible.IDIOTS!!!
Arric's ears went to his skull. As snarls rent the air. He shifted and jumped as Pukei burst from the den and Arlette followed swiftly behind. She was all bristly fur and wild eyes and of course Arric thought she was gorgeous, but that was a completely different topic.
He stared as she raged at them both and he said nothing and he wasn't going too. Both he and Akavir had been worried, but now was not the time to talk about it. He was just glad Arlette was moving. He should have realized she'd be upset. But frankly at the time his only thought had been whether she was okay. And honestly the curse words that rolled off her tongue, amd the insults. Impressive. Next level. And no lie in sight.
He shook his head as she went back in and settled to his haunches. Let her be angry. Maybe they deserved it a little. And besides she was cute as hell like that. He would never tell her that, then she really might rip him up and he liked his limbs intact, but man.
He spoke softly.
He sighed.
He stared as she raged at them both and he said nothing and he wasn't going too. Both he and Akavir had been worried, but now was not the time to talk about it. He was just glad Arlette was moving. He should have realized she'd be upset. But frankly at the time his only thought had been whether she was okay. And honestly the curse words that rolled off her tongue, amd the insults. Impressive. Next level. And no lie in sight.
He shook his head as she went back in and settled to his haunches. Let her be angry. Maybe they deserved it a little. And besides she was cute as hell like that. He would never tell her that, then she really might rip him up and he liked his limbs intact, but man.
He spoke softly.
Here's to marriage and parenting. I guess.was his dry remark to Akavir.
He sighed.
I'll apologize to Pukei later.
June 18, 2024, 05:40 AM
If he had seen the deer in headlights stare she gave him at his request, it didn’t quite register with him—not when Arric was already emerging from the den, hesitant in the moment. The Beta acquiesced, and Akavir gave the youthful she-wolf an encouraging nod—the warmth of Arric’s shoulder stirring the man to his best friend for a moment, giving the man a gentle nudge with his muzzle. “She’s going to be fine,” he murmured quietly to the blue-eyed man—his own eyes steeling back to the entrance.
It was quiet for a stolen moment—the calm of birds chirping, despite the hammering of his heart in his chest. Arlette had to be fine, because—
—an explosion of snarls erupted, and stricken for a split second in confusion, Pukei flew from the den in a sprint that was massively impressive—but not as impressive as the angry ball of fury that followed her—vicious, spitting and absolutely venomous.
“Hey, whoa,” he barked, surprise catching him as he bolted forward, placing himself between Arlette and her intended target—but he wasn’t sure the red-eyed Beta even noticed.
A rampage of curses—words of blithering idiots scorning the creek, and then she was gone, sweeping back inside he assumed to check on her pups.
Akavir blinked—staring after her in mild wonder. He could see now how she had taken on a cougar before. “She’s awake,” he offered his friend, amusement lacing his tone, turning then to nudge at Arric. “Congratulations, man. And, uh… enjoy. I’m going to go find Pukei and make sure she’s okay.”
It was quiet for a stolen moment—the calm of birds chirping, despite the hammering of his heart in his chest. Arlette had to be fine, because—
—an explosion of snarls erupted, and stricken for a split second in confusion, Pukei flew from the den in a sprint that was massively impressive—but not as impressive as the angry ball of fury that followed her—vicious, spitting and absolutely venomous.
“Hey, whoa,” he barked, surprise catching him as he bolted forward, placing himself between Arlette and her intended target—but he wasn’t sure the red-eyed Beta even noticed.
A rampage of curses—words of blithering idiots scorning the creek, and then she was gone, sweeping back inside he assumed to check on her pups.
Akavir blinked—staring after her in mild wonder. He could see now how she had taken on a cougar before. “She’s awake,” he offered his friend, amusement lacing his tone, turning then to nudge at Arric. “Congratulations, man. And, uh… enjoy. I’m going to go find Pukei and make sure she’s okay.”
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