Moonspear chaadaquudax ✢
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Ooc — ebony
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the time of milk was over.

kukutux was grateful to have been mother in this way, but the increasingly sharp nature of little teeth had made the young woman more irritable as of late. both she and @Jarilo had been attentive to the growing demands of their pair, and several times she had bestowed chewed fish upon @Sialuk and @Saviguk

they would require fattier things, were they to be taken off her milk. in the next several days, she would make a paste to lie in, one that might hopefully dry the life-giving liquid from her teats. but for now, she chuffed to them. "xadaxs!" kukutux exhorted, leading them beyond the neat clearing to the mossy stones that marked the path beyond. "we will go for a small while and then come back."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
77 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Young Saviguk's appetite was growing. He had always loved the sense of fullness the nourishing milk from his mother gave him. But he wondered if it was enough. There was so much more out there for him to feast upon other than liquids, even if he didn't know it yet. His sharp little teeth had more than once accidentally pinched his kind mother and when she objected by reprimanding him, he would look towards her with sorrowful eyes. At her call, he came running. Oversized paws carrying him over the blades of grass and right at her heels. He mouthed a pale hock gently, eyes upturned and ears pricked in rapt curiosity.
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Though her tongue was still healing, Sialuk felt mostly back to normal. It now only bothered her while she was eating or if she accidentally pressed too hard while grooming herself. She had taken to the fish offerings of her mother well. They were strange, but good, and Sialuk saw them more and more as the days went by. They weren't the same as her mother's milk, but they were tasty in their own right.

Sialuk sped bast her brother, then her mother, deciding she would take the lead. She wouldn't go too far ahead, of course, just enough so that she could feel like she was leading this merry band of moons.
Atkan Aleut
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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saviguk was careful, and sialuk rambuctious. this was again seen as the wild ostrega girl tore ahead of her mother and brother. a laugh, a nuzzle for the little boy, and kukutux stretched her stride into a slow lope. as sialuk had not yet dimmed from view, she did not call, only arched a brow at saviguk as if to suggest they might run, too, and overtake their wayward kith.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
77 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Ears pricking, eyebrows shooting up as Sia raced past him. Seemed she was determined to be in the lead. While many a time Saviguk preferred to sit back and contemplate his options on any given situation, even he wasn't immune to a bout of rambunctiousness. Needing no further encouragement from Kukutux (for he had already made up his mind), he willed his growing legs into motion, furiously eating up the ground below him. Several growly yips were issued at his sister, alerting her that he was gaining ground, and fast.
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The sound of her brother's yips so close caused Sialuk to laugh joyously, her childlike wonder in full bloom. She didn't know anything other than this carefree life, and if she'd been asked, she would not have been able to describe a moment more perfect than this one. It was unlikely that she would ever know such peace, happiness, and pure joy as she did this day, although many other days in her life would come close.

She picked up the pace, her gait lengthening and her heart pumping faster as her dented tongue dangled out the side of her mouth. Sialuk pushed herself just a little bit harder, wondering how long she could keep herself out of Saviguk's reach.
Atkan Aleut
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
they were racing, these children of hers. for a long moment kukutux paused upon the trail to watch them. how they had grown, her ice crystal, her raindrop. surprising tears stung her eyes; throat tightened. would it always be so? it seemed as though motherhood had passed so swiftly. she remained their comfort and they were encircled by her love, but truly, saviguk and sialuk needed her less and less.

as if she might outrun her own thoughts, kukutux broke into a trot at the sound of her daughter's laughter, trilling wildly to them both, encouraging them to the end of their little mights pitted against one another.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Keeping this one moving along since Saviguk is inactive atm.

Saviguk outpaced her in the end, speeding past in a flash of black as Sialuk began to slow. She didn't mind if her brother won this round; she was certain there would be many more. The raindrop came to her mother's side then, her little legs moving faster than her mother's in order to maintain the same speed. It was difficult, but not impossible, and she nipped at Kukutux's shoulder, grinning up at her with all of her childish wonder.
Atkan Aleut
3,228 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
saviguk gave a burst of speed then, and kukutux looked after him. sialuk soon drew her attention; she nipped back with a glint of her small teeth in a widened smile and shook out her ruff. "let us catch braata," she encouraged, tail lashing once behind her as she leapt lightly after her son, keeping pace with her pale child
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
who stole my toe?!
1,200 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Ahh! I need a more up-to-date thread with Kukumama.

Sialuk obliged, pushing herself a little harder so that they might catch up to braata. These small interwoven words of her mother's always delighted her in a way. They sounded so different than the way her father spoke, and Sialuk drank them in with fervor. This time spent with her mother was precious, although Sialuk did not really understand that now.

When they finally caught up with Saviguk, Sialuk found herself tired, but happy. This time beyond the den was wonderful, and she could not have asked for a better day to explore.
Atkan Aleut