Deepwood Weald ᵃᶰᶰˑ úyë sérë indo-ninya símen
wearing my dream like a diadem in some better land.
1,195 Posts
Ooc —
Master Ranger
Pack Activity 
This thread is cameo-post only & I will archive at the end of November! All that's needed is your character's reaction(s) & their decision of following after Andy or not ♡ Tagging members involved in CF whether they've been recruited or not, yet. && main MSP / DIA leaders / blood relations for visibility.

Thinning, hymnal;
from a grove, the stricken's sonorous sighing again beckoned to those who had since pledged themselves to her plight. When gathered:

"Since our last meet, I have taken your counsel into thorough consideration. I have ministered much thought as to remaining beneath ze shadow of ze Moonspire, and that of our allies upon its peak. And though keeping to their sworn protection would be beneficial to ze well-being of all in our Weald,"  a numb, weighted lull,  "what-ever provisions they sequester to themselves will not be rationable unto us. Ze earth's shivering has spooked allprey north, and so, it is my wish that we pursue them. Forgive me; but I will not allow my wolves to starve. Furthermore,"
leaving the Wilderness meant that what-ever few bindings the Court shared with Moonspear would only fray further. Leaving the Wilderness meant forsaking @Isi and @Dragomir to the whims of those who would— tatters, the marrow of this decision, torn, in tatters!—
"I am not at all ... inclined ... to those others of whom their queen has also made allegiance with; her Nightwalkers, as it were. Ze Wilderness is weakening, and it is my assumption that our Weald has been watched, as of late. This, neither, will I tolerate. To be starved, to be stalked ..."  No. Their claim lie elsewhere. It must—  "I am certain that @Mahler and his Diasporans yet still remain amongst ze Sunspires, and so, I have devised that we will forge through ze Kintlas and ze passes. Therein is a vale that awaits a claiming ... and it is my wish, too, that I might declare our staying there with you."

Andraste would give her wolves this day and night to decide;
and for those who wished to remain present, the procession of leave-taking would begin by the morrow.

"What-ever your choosing, may wind guide you."

In the meantime hours ... to @Hydra, to @Dirge she would venture.

3,236 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
she sidled to agana's side, chill cutting through the rabbit-pelt worn eternally over narrow shoulders. this was the woman she had met before, who had offered all of them succor for the coming winter months. and now — now she asked of them to travel. moreover, they were endangered by these walkers spoken of by the pretty kanuk. 

and so the little duck lifted her chin a bit higher, bashfully caught the scarred eye of their leader, nodded. so long as agana came as well, kukutux saw no reason not to also follow.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
159 Posts
Ooc — Dan
messy response.
Agana felt offended by the fact they were watched. Her golden gaze narrowed, leaning a little closer to Kukutux. If Andraste spoke truth, then they will immediately have to leave this Weald.

The woman glanced down to Kukutux; it felt good to have someone to care for. She felt as if she was responsible for the girl, and needed to ‘protect’ her.

Golden gaze turned to Andraste; a nod. “You already know my decision,” she whispered, waiting.
common    romanian    valerian
— hover for transation

18 Posts
Ooc —

The youngest of the flock had slipped himself soundlessly among the outer edges of the gathered, uncertain of where he fit in amidst the others. And so where some came forth to deliver their answer, he remained s t e a d f a s t - wavering in his judgment on whether to follow or flee. He'd only just met the pale sylph but some unspoken enhancement had drawn his attention upon her during their initial meeting.

Should he stay? Go? Follow?


In the end he settled on joining the company of the fay and her fellowship, finally ridding himself of the loneliness that had plagued him for several moons.

assuming him & andy met behind the scenes
19 Posts
Ooc — mutton
After his encounter with the narcissist, Abedi was westbound. Quick were his strides. Why? He feared Nondofir would have mountains fall upon his scorned soul.

Out of one wood and into another. The priest was covered in shadows and scents and — oh! voices. How curious he was, the shadow was drawn towards the speech. From a distance he listened onto a leader's plight. Alliances, starvation, queens, oh my! Such an interesting tale to listen onto made all the more intriguing when she spoke of greener pastures. His stomach growled at the promise. Following a band headed towards a place with more prey, that didn't seem so bad at all. Abedi smiled and turned away, heading for the edge of the weald. There he would wait and when the group left he would follow.
two rat snakes, hasina and nea, are coiled around his neck at all times. feel free to reference them

common | swahili
i n n e r p e a c e
229 Posts
Ooc — H2O
She listened closely to the wisp, ears flickering at the winds' whispers. If she knew what was best, then Gracious would follow. She had done so before, she had counseled Delight for his choice to move his party from the elk's forest to another land, far away. She had no reason to not come with, what other choice did she have?

She hoped to catch the smaller one's eye, before visibly closing her eyes in a nod. She would follow, protect if need be. This was where her blood was now.
[Image: source.gif]
Gracious is currently traveling with Oceane; she is allowed to join all threads Gracious is in unless they are marked private 
90 Posts
Ooc — Zorah
She already knew she would follow the white wolf wherever she went. Andromaque lingered near the front of the group, rusted fur glistening in the pale light. She sat back and listened to the speech, looking around to the crowd once Andraste had finished speaking. 

"I'll stay by your side no matter where you go," she answered with little hesitation, giving a short nod before rising to her paws. There were preparations to be done now, mouths to be fed. She would wait until the crowd dispersed to finally leave and set about doing her duties.