Coconut Grove I feel it more, the further that I get
Fear is the heart of love
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How she'd managed to saddle herself with a blind castoff, Rosalyn didn't know.  If she'd realized before she helped, likely she'd have left the wolf to die... it would have been kinder.  But she didn't, and now she'd invested.  The girl didn't slow her down, exactly, but was a burden in that she wasn't exactly a help.

She had a home, she said, but Rosalyn wasn't interested.  Perhaps eventually she'd return her, or simply point her in the right direction and send her running.  Right now, she didn't have the time.  She'd made a beeline for the coast, dragging her newfound weight along, and had arrived at a landscape drastically altered.  Her stomach dropped when she saw the results the cove had suffered... it took her a moment to realize, with some relief, this place was south.  She knew it, but hadn't recognized it.

The beach was a mess of tossed driftwood and broken trees.  The entire line had been wiped out by some force, and debris littered the ground at her feet.  Thankfully the girl was behind, because even Rosalyn had a hard time picking her way through this mess.

She stared a long moment, despair and an edge creeping its way into her thoughts.  What would the sound look like, then?  What had done this?  Whatever it was, it looked worse than a bear... and this time, she wasn't there.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
When the raging storms had susbsided on the coast so much that Wraen could course the beach without fear of being blown either in the ocean or in across the nearby lands, she went out to investigate. Take damage control and see, if anything useful had come out from this. She had forced herself not to think about too distant future, rather live day by day and so far the tactic had paid off. Food was more difficult to come by, but they were not starving. It was a good thought to go to sleep with - yet another day and they had done it. 

She had wished to take children to the beaches, but the recent "unweather" had refrained her from doing so. Ocean was underappreciated source of food and if it disappointed one coast, you could almost be sure that there would be a precious gift on the other. She recalled meeting a wolf by pools, where clams had been plentiful and was heading there, when she happened across a territory that looked as if the fifth rider of the Apocalypse - Chaos himself - had raged in there. Broken trees, flooded lands, scraps of all kinds blocking her path and making her change the course on more than one occasion.

Suddenly she realized that she had company - a brown she-wolf and, what appeared to be a youngester or a simply an unusually small wolf - was taking look at the devastated plot of land as well. She approached the two, greeted, when they took notice of her and asked: "Do you know, what happened here? Was anyone hurt?"
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec had been told to stay back, but when the woman began to depart from earshot, the young girl had scurried to keep up.  She stumbled on the uneven footing, however, and ended up taking a seat near the edge of the beach, a few paces from where Rosalyn now stood.  

She was fine so long as she could hear her.  She could not be left behind.

It was easy enough to hear the other wolf coming too.  They didn't seem to be moving quietly, and gave a friendly greeting before either of the two here bothered to speak.  Fennec turned her head to the direction, but mostly to hear and scent better.

She did not know what they were talking about, and it made her suddenly uneasy.  What did she mean, what happened here?  Slowly she began to breathe in, sorting the scents more carefully.  Nothing but the foreign smells of the ocean, water and salt and maybe some rot?  She shifted uncomfortably, but remained silent, allowing her newfound reluctant guardian to answer.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Rosalyn did not want to linger here, and when she spotted Fennec, intended to grab the girl and move on with haste towards Rusalka.  She needed to find out what had happened to her family, and here she would not discover any clues.

Before she could, Wraen called out, and Rosalyn turned to face the new stranger.  No more than you.  I imagine nothing good, and if any were, they are beyond help now. she answered, somewhat dismissive in her impatience.  There wasn't a sign of life she could see, but she also hadn't known any who lived here.  If they perished it wasn't much her problem.

You've felt the earth shifting? She asked suddenly.  It was possible the two were unrelated, but improbable.  Just how widespread was this?
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"It has been happening quite frequently," Wraen explained, looking around and hoping that none of the packs that had intended to settle here had challenged their fate and not run for the hills, when the first earthquakes had taken place.

"The coast, frankly speaking, has been a hellish place to be in the last few weeks," she reminisced her journey towards Moonspear and, how she had been almost blown in the ocean herself. "There were strong storms, most of the coastal areas are under water or suffered from floods," she explained.

"It is the first day, when it has calmed down somewhat, but I cannot guarantee that this is or will be like this everywhere. In case that is, where you are heading," she said.
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
There was no good news in Wraen's short summary, and while she recovered quickly, there was no mistaking the flicker when she spoke of floods.  If they'd sheltered in the grotto....

Home.  It came out rough, so she took a minute, a steadying breath.  My family is just north of here.  I need to find out if they are alright.  She glanced back at Fennec.  After that, I'll sort the rest out.  The girl was probably already dead to her parents.  No point in rushing the good news.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I understand that you plan to head along the coast," Wraen wanted to clarify, because in her mind North was somewhere in the ocean. The lady did not strike as a relative to Minerva - the islander she had met here few weeks prior. "I suggest you take the road through plains and plateaus away from the waters. The last I walked - few days ago - it was an easier terrain to manage," she shared. 

"There were places, where the cliffs had given way and crumbled into the water," and had she known that this way the ocean had claimed lives of two wolves, she would have added it as well. But the lady seemed to be a sensible woman and wiht a youngster in tow, it was not likely that she would take any unneccessary risks. No matter, how badly she wished to get back home.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec listened carefully as they spoke, and as usual, flared up when Rosalyn spoke of going home.  She'd begged already, but it was like entreating a wall to move.  The woman dismissed her.

The other voice sounded nicer to the young wolf.  Wondering if there was something to be gained in having a kinder ally, Fennec decided to try her luck again.  

I need to go home, she said, adamantly, and her ears tipped back as she lifted her head to look at nothing.  Her words had the stubborn tone of a child, but she felt an edge of desperation.  She didn't want to be here, trailing after this woman who hated her.  She wanted to be with Fig, with dad and Towhee.  She didn't belong here.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Wraen's words only set the dread deeper in Rosalyn, but she nodded quietly, taking it in.  Whatever path was quickest she would take... god, collapsed?  

Her ears flicked when Fennec piped up, and she flicked her tail dismissively.  Then go.  She could not bring herself to abandon the girl to her death, but if the decision was on the other paw, well... the easier things got for her.  

I need to find my family.  Instead I found her, but I'm not going to stop.  The explanation was for the benefit of Wraen, and her look almost dared the woman to argue that logic.  She'd already delayed too long, obviously.  She couldn't detour to sort out where the hell the blind girl came from... and Fennec could hardly give visual clues.  She's already slowed me down enough.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen was puzzled by the exchange between the woman and, what she had considered to be her child. How could it be that each had a different home was beyond her, especially, if they were travelling together and an adolescent seemed far from being able to take care of herself on her own. Could it simply be a spiteful exchange? Perhaps. Not all parents were holy martyrs, when it came to patience with children. 

The next words, however, baffled her entirely. "Erm... forgive me asking, but, what kind of relationship you two have exactly?" Wraen asked. The she-wolf was not a kidnapper or was she? "Where is that home you are looking for?" she addressed the cream coloured youth.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec bristled with indignation, as she usually did when Rosalyn spoke about how useless she was, how 'slow'.  She wasn't baggage.  No one at home had ever made her feel that way.

She's not my mom, Fennec clarified a little too emphatically, and using the sound of Wraen's voice, moved carefully a little closer to her.  I'm from Asterism Grove.  But I got lost.  With that she fell silent, embarrassed.  She might not be baggage, but she did get herself into this, and she was too scared to leave on her own.  Without Rosalyn she'd be dead, no doubt.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Rosalyn opened her mouth to clarify, but the girl summed it up rather nicely.  She gave a small snort at her tone, but didn't talk until she was finished.

She's blind.  Rosalyn stated, feeling that needed clarified in case Wraen didn't notice immediately.  Rosalyn hadn't.  Watching her and guiding her was no walk in the park, especially when now it was at the expense of her own goals.  Perhaps this woman would take her off of her hands, best case scenario, but she should know what she was getting into.  

It was up to her.  Either way, Rosalyn's time here was short, impatience pushing her to depart.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Huh. It was just her luck, wasn't it. Wraen racked her memory to see, if there was any bit of information there about a lost puppy from the grove, but found none. So either the girl had been taken away from the group very young or it had co-incided with the rockfall at the Hideaway strath. But what was worse, Wraen found herself in a situation that all messengers of bad news hate. To ignore that she knew nothing of the pack the blind girl claimed as her home, would be dishonest and unhelpful. To tell bluntly that there was a very good chance that the pack had perished and there was no home to return to - was also not very good.

"The pack I lead is a sister-pack to Asterism Grove. I know the leaders," she told the grown-up, who seemed to be very eager to rid herself of the unwanted burden. "The girl can come with me, if you no longer wish to accompany her," she offered.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, that was music to the girl's ears.  For a brief moment she hovered on distrust, but anything was better than being dragged along like this.  Yes! she exclaimed, taking another step towards Wraen.  All she wanted was to go home; she didn't care how she got there.  Rosalyn had shown no intention of leading her anytime soon.

She fell quiet, though, and a little chagrined.  She wasn't ungrateful - this was just the best option.  For both of them.  Besides, now she wouldn't "slow her down" any longer.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
Fear is the heart of love
1,970 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Master Ambassador
Wraen didn't seem to mind her statement, or at least didn't let it stop her from offering all the same.  Fennec answered before she could, and Rosalyn was glad she was so gung ho to go with.  

I have my own family to find.  she answered tersely.  Losing the babysitting weight would free her up to seek wider and hunt less, and allow her to go straight for Rusalka.  Though that plan had never changed, she'd wondered if as they grew closer the terrain would have even allowed the girl to follow.

Good luck.  Maybe we will meet again.  Remember this, little fox.  The last part she did put a small smile behind.  She'd never been one to pass up a chance for repayment on a favor, and her saving of Fennec's life might open a door for her own family should they find the coast unliveable.

Then with a last, grateful nod at Wraen, Rosalyn began northward.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
The she-wolf did not put up a fight, did not ask any questions. It was lucky that Wraen was, who she said she was. It was disappointing to think that the lady, who also had a family to tend for, would so easily and willingly give up her ward to a complete stranger. Only, when Rosalyn was out of her sight, did the Sovereign realize that they had not introduced themselves either. So much for future diplomacy.

She then turned to the cream-colored girl and said: "My name is Wraen and I am the leader of Firebirds now. What's your name and what is your family?"
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Remember this, little fox.. She wasn't sure what that meant, but she was hardly sad to hear Rosalyn depart.  Especially because with Wraen's next words came confirmation - yes!  She knew them!!!

Phox is my dad! Fennec burst out, her entire demeanor shifting into one of eager hopefulness as Wraen spoke of the Firebirds.  You live right by us!! I know Fig visited once!  She hadn't been allowed, unfortunately, and the fact hadn't sat well at the time.  She was never allowed to really go anywhere.

I swear I won't be a problem. she added, as if to get rid of any second thoughts Wraen might have before the woman could even voice them.  I can follow, I do it all the time!  Then, a moment after, when the actual question caught up to her excited brain, she added her name.  I'm Fennec.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Fennec was lucky not to witness Wraen's expression, when she heard the genuine happiness in the girl's voice, knowing that in few seconds she would shatter it to pieces. She had met only one member of Asterism Grove, ever since the landslide had happened, and had had no updates since. Who had been outside, who had been inside. Whether all had survived or quite the contrary - there was nothing more anyone could do for them. 

"Tag along," she told the girl. Unlike Rosalyn, Wraen had all the time and patience Fennec needed to follow her. Nothing at the first glance gave away that the young daughter of Phox was completely blind and therefore the older wolf was curious to see, how she navigated. "I will take you to the copse," she said and then with a sigh revealed the reason why.

"I do not know, whether the place you come from has experienced earthquakes and disastrous weather conditions, but here it has been an ongoing thing for several weeks," she began. "Two weeks ago an earthquake caused a landslide near Hideaway strath and sealed the entrance to the pack from the rest of the world," now the most difficult part. "I have met only one Asterism Grove wolf, who happened to be outside the strath, but we still have no information on those, who remained inside."

"I can't take you home now," there might be no home to return to. "But I promise that once we establish any kind of contact with those that are still in the strath and figure out a way to get them out, you will return to your family."
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was harder here, with tougher path, but as usual Fennec fell in alongside and let Wraen's proximity guide her.  She paid close attention to the woman's paw steps, out of habit, and matched while she walked.

She missed a few steps, though, and stumbled, when Wraen revealed what had happened.  Distraction and walking were twice as bad when she had to rely so much on following suit.

A what?  She'd never seen nor heard of a landslide, and it was hard to imagine when she didn't know what the straith actually looked like. So they can't leave? And we can't get in?  Oh.  She deflated a little with the news that she wouldn't be returning to Fig and Towhee and dad.  It didn't occur to her to worry about them; Wraen had said they were cut off, but to Fennec that meant nothing but that she couldn't go home.

Was that the stuff where the ground moved weird? It had happened since, but the first had been the worst - the one that sent her running in the first place.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Just like that, yes," Wraen affirmed, glad that Fennec had not jumped to the more morbid conclusions in her mind. It was better this way. Focusing on the problem at hand and dealing with everything else, when they got there.

"Earthquakes - yes. There have been quite a lot of ground activity lately. Some have been just as you describe - funny - others have been of mightier scale and caused landslides," she explained. 

"It has been calmer after the last time recently, but you never know," she added. "How did you ever find yourself in the company of that woman?" she asked. "This place is way away from the Asterism grove."
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
That sounded serious, and dangerous.  Fennec listened quietly and was glad, she guessed, that no landslides had happened around her.  Not that she knew of anyway.  Would she know, if she couldn't see it?

The question was not an easy one, and Fennec felt herself flush a bit with embarrassment.  I ran, when the ground moved.  I didn't know what was happening, and it felt like moving made sense.  But I didn't pay attention to where I was going, and I couldn't remember how to get back.  She delivered this quietly at first, but as she forgot she was talking to Wraen and got distracted trying to remember, relaxed.  I couldn't find water, or food really.  I don't remember her finding me or really anything, but then she was there, and kinda helped.  In her own way.  She hadn't offered to take Fennec home like Wraen had, but she'd shared her food.  Fennec's experience so far made this more of a given than a true kindness, but perhaps someday she'd learn the harder truth of that.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen wondered, what had brought the brown she-wolf so far away from her home and family, but it hardly mattered now. She had found Fennec, not too altruistically taken decent care of the girl, even if it had not been the easiest of tasks to accomplish. All in all it was a very lucky coincidence, she thanked the nameless benefactor for it and wished her well. 

"So, how do you find your way around?" she asked, wondering, what kind of assistence Fennec needed. A constant companion to show her around or look after her? Or there was a certain degree of independence?
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Fennec had to think a moment.  It wasn't an unusual question; in fact, it was usually one of the first others asked.  She still found it hard to explain, though.

I listen, and I can follow.  I can go on my own but it's slower and harder to find things.  Water had been a big one.  If it was nearby, she could smell it, but it was hard to pinpoint signs without being able to see the surrounding area.  Something she would need to learn, one day.  This trip had definitely shown her that.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Can you hunt?" Wraen asked the next obvious question, which - in fact - was the most important one regarding Fennec's stay with the Firebirds. It was good and great to stick onto a blind cub out of pity, but the older that wolf got, the more food it needed. And she did not know any pack outside the family, who would wish to take on a disabled wolf. She could easily imagine, what Niamh would have to say about her latest foundling. Family or not - it was another mouth to feed. 

"Perhaps, if we figure out, what you are best at, we can try and find a way for you to sustain yourself," she said, though she had no idea, how could that play out. Sight was important.
Sun Mote Copse
2,025 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
When Fennec answered, she did it almost without thinking.  Yes.  She'd never done it successfully on her own; her eyes were too big a disadvantage.  She knew she could help though.  She'd been practicing, and was fast, and could follow orders. She hadn't quite managed to find how she fit in Asterism Grove quite yet, but she didn't intend to stop trying here.

She felt a bit of annoyance finally at Wraen's final comment, but her response was level.  Wouldn't want to drag everyone down with me.  Pretty dark down here.  It was kind of a funny statement to her.  Dark, but funny.
Fenn is blind, and as she's older, will take all of her character insight from tone.  If you are ever uncomfortable with an assumption she makes, please let me know!