Swiftcurrent Creek hexing circles
Swiftcurrent Creek
660 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
@Elodie, @Swordfish, and lestan arrived at swiftcurrent creek in a downpour of warm rain beneath a sunny sky. he glanced woefully at the borders and then called for @Akavir.
shaking rain from his ruff, he pointed out the light fragrance of the young woman at the borders and gave shardik a reassuring look, leveling a nod to elodie before he prepared in dismal silence for the disapproval of his cousin.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,141 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Another hunt—another kill. He dropped the carcass off outside the den of @Arlette and disappeared back into the seclusion of shadows and trees of the creek. He brushed his stocky frame along the moss beds—wiping some of the blood from himself—he debated a swim in the creek to clean off.

He debated simply drowning himself in the creek.

Either seemed a viable option in this moment.

The sun promised life and happiness—yet rain fell, despite its shine. Fitting.

When the call came from the border, he frowned inwardly—recognizing this voice—never expecting to hear it again. When he removed himself from the shadows, his eyes fell upon the trio—a woman, he did not know. Shardik—another face he had not expected to see again.

Finally: “Cousin,” he greeted—not with warmth, yet not with indifference. Their last conversation had been anything but pleasant—Lestan had made it known on multiple occasions he considered Akavir a monster—so why was he here?
382 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Swordfish was almost rigid with nerves. His mind had never raced so frantically before. Even the bear had not crippled him this way. As though his body was perfectly normal and must be kept appearing normal. But his eyes held a sea of fear so deep that he feared he might drown. 

When Akavir appeared, the young bear-hunter could only avert his eyes from the dark man. His head lowered. Akavir had taken him in when he was still young. Not even a year old. Had given him a place to stay. In turn, Shardik had vanished in pursuit of a wicked beast. How could he explain that it had not been an act of disloyalty but one of necessary revenge? 

Akavir... his ears flattened. Good to see ya 'gain...
Swiftcurrent Creek
660 Posts
Ooc — ebony
akavir appeared in summary fashion, looking both better and worse than lestan himself felt. he was surprised by the fact there was no woman beside his cousin, though he truly could not remember if his relative had been seeing anyone before.
"akavir," he said, blinking a little as shardik too greeted the dark man. they knew each other? had he been meant to remember that as well?
"i-i'm — it's g-good to s-see you, truly. uhum, if a y-young w-woman named s-suzu came through here, it's t-terribly important that shardik s-speak with her." he paused. "i t-told her to c-come here and she a-asked that i tell h-him w-where she w-went."
no word of himself. lestan was not here for that.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
1,141 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Akavir can be skipped for a round or two... calling for Arlette or Etienne or both.

Both men seemed nervous—Lestan, it felt more understandable. His cousin looked worse for wear, though Akavir kept this grim statement to himself. Shardik seemed misplaced—if the youthful man had thought Akavir would hold a grudge for the ambitious wolf disappearing after he had been all but made to babysit three rowdy pups that weren’t his, well… the Mayfair had hardly blamed him.

“I see,” he offered, considering the man’s words. Arlette had announced the acceptance of two wolves—and would be more privy to the circumstances. Tilting his muzzle upward, the swarthy man beckoned for either @Arlette, or the young man who had traveled with the pregnant she-wolf, @Etienne.

There was little reason to not trust the two men before him—but he was unwilling to just assume, and would have the story corroborated.

Then: “Good to see you both as well.”
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne heard the call and followed it. It sounded important and not one to ignore the call of another. He came across the two. Golden eyes narrowed at the young man that had left his sister in her current state and the cousin of he supposed the man in front of him.

A gentle dip of his muzzle to the ground. But he tightened his spine, and held his paws tight to the dirt.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
It was a little difficult to show up right away with four pups that also needed your attention. Luckily she had the best mate ever and Arlette was on her feet running towards the border. When had this become a thing that she was needed at the border instead of Arric? She had never considered she would play such an important role within a pack but she wasn't entirely hating it.

The pale woman made her way to the border and was met with not just one wolf but three. Then there was also Akavir and Etienne. She was glad to see Akavir, only smelled or seen glimpses of him. The healer couldn't help but give him a quick scan to check if he was alright. Then she focussed on the three before her. Hello, I'm Arlette. What is it you need my assistance for?, she asked politely.
Current State
Chewed up nipples
382 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Swordfish felt particularly out of place when two others appeared. His eyes shifted over them and he felt his chest tighten a bit. There were things that he felt were easy to discuss. This was not one of them. This left him feeling weak in his legs. It was like they all saw through him. And he feared what they would find underneath the scarred body and feigned apathy. 

I need to see Suzu... girl ya might've let in here. Pregnant girl... he spoke in a quiet voice.
Swiftcurrent Creek
660 Posts
Ooc — ebony
also skippable for now!

soon the trio was a quartet, and lestan looked once again with reassurance toward shardik.
but he did not speak, and he didn't dare glance at akavir. not yet. not now.
[Image: 3515172a008a413e194364af258f186a.gif]
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne gave a soft little noise. Wut you be wantin' wit' Suzu Swordfis'? You gonna do rite by 'er and your babies? 'Mm.

Etienne shivered and he felt amgry so amgry that these men just kept prancing on his heart and his sisters. But she had said maybe.

So Etienne lifted his head.It be up to de leaders dey let you in. And I will be dere if you want to see Suzu because if 'er says no.

He had a warning in his voice, but then nodded.

Mrs. Arlette? Mr. Akavir?

And he took a step back from the two men allowing the leaders to assess and decide
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic

The pale female looked from the male that spoke to her wishing to see Suzu. The healer seemed to consider it when Etienne had a rather interesting response. So this man was the father of the children? It had to be. Arlette was not sure what sort of man would leave a female pregnant and without a home. The woman and her brother had been begging her for a place to live. Such a terrible circumstance. Now the woman did wish to believe wolves were generally good and that it had just been some misunderstanding. Still, Suzu was unavailable at the moment since she was tending to the children that couldn't be long without her body heat still.

We do not allow strangers entry in our pack lands, Arlette spoke, her reasoning was the protection of her own children as well as Suzu's. Her tone was firm but not too unkind. It was more of a simple statement. Arlette glanced at Akavir. She had also been wary of Etienne and Suzu but they had shown that they were alright. She also did not know why the man wished to see Suzu for. Suzu is unavailable and can't come to the borders to speak to you. I also do not know if she even wishes to speak to you, she told him. If the woman didn't wish to see him then the man could do little about seeing her in Arlette's opinion.

I'd suggest you come back in a week when Suzu can leave her newborns, your newborns, safely. I doubt you would want her to risk their lives to come and speak to you? If Suzu wished to talk to him Etienne could be with the children unless the brother wished to be there as well. Then someone else had to watch the pups. Etienne, you could tell your sister... Mr.. 'Swordfis' was it? Came by and ask if she wishes to see them in a week. The pale healer looked at the male that asked the request. I think that is rather reasonable?
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,141 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
It was rare for the man to sit back and simply watch—his features unreadable as his pale eyes swept to each being present in this potentially chaotic gathering—but it was something one of their newest members said that drew his attention, and his gaze fell starkly then upon Shardik. Swordfish? He mouthed it to the man—whether the youthful wolf saw or not he didn’t know, but it would be a conversation for another moment.

Arlette wasn’t keen on letting the alleged father in—and Akavir could feel a surge of sympathy well in his chest. But the Beta female did well to protect the woman who had just given birth—especially when their Kappa seemed put off by Shardik's (Swordfish’s?) presence.

He gave a nod to the outskirts of their land—closer, perhaps, to the mountains, or the meadow. “Suzu will be notified of your presence.” He paused, a slight frown pulling at his features as he shifted his weight. “It’s good your here if you want to do right by them,” he offered, his tone dipping lower.

With that, he stepped back a pace, his eyes drifting over the quiet girl and then to his cousin. “Can I have a word with you? Or would you rather wait until you come back?”

Assuming he would. Lestan had never trusted him before—so his sudden presence was a curious thing.
Swiftcurrent Creek
660 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the answer was a staunch scold and an almost-no. lestan, who had grown increasingly more restless the more wolves arrived, shot the accented young man a haunted look and arlette a worried one. etienne.
"s-suzu a-asked us to c-come," he managed, feeling as if he might come right out of his ragged pelt. "i'm c-certain she w-won't m-mind if w-we wait, b-but," glancing now to shardik, "she w-was v-very — s-specific." 
he wanted the young man to at least be promised entry to the pack, if not joining; he knew that — swordfish? — intended to be a father, regardless of what had happened between he and suzu.
the golden heft of akavir's eyes weighed on him. lestan shut his mouth and bobbed his muzzle in a meek nod, glancing at swordfish — what! — one last time before he made to fall in with his cousin.
[Image: 3515172a008a413e194364af258f186a.gif]
382 Posts
Ooc — Teo
For a man who had spent most of his short life alone, Swordfish was overwhelmed by the number of wolves who looked at him with vitriol expressions. The brother spoke. Etienne had the gall to puff himself up, make himself seem like the rightful protector. And it took a great deal of self restraint to keep from turning his fangs on the bastard and giving him a few scars to think about speaking to Swordfish like that. Instead, he ignored Etienne. The heavy-lidded gaze shifted over him with a forced unimpressed look before he shifted his focus to the leaders. 

Jus' tell her I'm here. I ain't lookin' fer trouble. I'm tryin'. I came here, didn't I? Didn't even know 'bout her bein' pregnant until I got the message. 

But if he had to wait a week, he would wait. They wouldn't force him to become Njord. They couldn't make him become absent. It did not matter if he had pledged himself to Swiftcurrent once before. He would not allow them to block him from his own children. They had no right. 

As Akavir requested to speak to Lestan, Swordfish regarded his companion with a heavy stare. Something in his chest twisted. He'd spent a good deal of time with the other man. Some form of attachment had grown. Maybe even dependency. 

I'll wait fer ya here, Lestan, he drawled.
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The gall of Swordfish. Etienne was allowed to be protective. And Swordfish could do right by Suzu if he would, but frankly he and hia family had a lot to make up for. Even he had left when the bear attacked. Just gone. And that was an absence Suzu never got over.

And he ignored Etienne. As if he were nothing more than anything.

Etienne tutted and spoke, his voice meaner than it had ever been and he should be ashamed, but he was not.

'er cried for days w'en you left dey first time! after dey bear. And den 'er went back to back against our manman and our auntie because you dey fadder. Our family is so angry at 'er because of you! and you waltz in 'ere like you did not'ing wrong! Do better!

Etienne puffed his ruff and he gnashed his teeth. Tears pricking his eyes. You should be ashamed and 'ow dare you act like you did no wrong! You 'urt 'er over and over. You do better! You be better! You is a fadder now, be better Swordfis'

Then without waiting for anything or anyone. He snorted.I tell 'er you be 'ere and you wait.

Then he shook his head and left. Not caring for his outburst. Not caring at all. He would not have Suzu hurt again by this one. And perhaps part of it was his own blame and guilt. But he couldn't see this.

I am so sorry guys. Etienne out. Unless one of the leaders want to stop him for his rudeness.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,220 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was glad for the support of Akavir by her side. He spoke up after her and agreed with her. She looked at the strangers and the dark one seemed to speak up. Apparently Suzu had asked for them. But she had not been informed. Plus it was not only Suzu in this pack. There were others and to just allow this little group to enter was something that Arlette wasn't keen on yet. Her children could easily be harmed, and Suzu's children as well.

She was about to reply to this swordfish, since she didn't know him as anyone else, when Etienne lost his temper. The Beta took it all in with some curiosity on her face. But it did make sense that the bother was not happy with this situation. This only made her decision even more clear that Suzu could manage her affairs on the border instead of inside of them. She watched as he stormed off. She would check up on him later. Arlette cast a quick look at Akavir but he seemed to be as stoic as ever.

Thank you for waiting. As been said by others she will be notified, she spoke. Since Akavir wanted a word she dipped her head. I shall give you some privacy, she stated and then made her leave from the group. Perhaps check in on Etienne.

- Arlette exit -
Current State
Chewed up nipples
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,141 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
There was a stubbornness in the set posture of Shardik (Swordfish) that Akavir could not recall having been there. A dull throb began at the man’s temples, signifying a headache—something he found occurring more often as of late than before. Had he simply not noticed the obstinate nature that settled over the youthful man before, or had the world placed a weight upon the boy’s shoulders, much like it seemed to do to so many of them.

HIs lips thinned in a line of disappointment at an outburst—Shardik wishing to see his children, and the brother, he assumed, stepping forward to protect his sister in the best way he knew how.

He was not the jury in this matter, and he sure as hell wasn’t the judge. At least, not yet. And he hoped he did not have to be—hopefully, an amicable agreement would come to pass, or whatever feud would end. Surely, the children should be the ones placed as priority, should they not?

Lestan turned to move with him—but Arlette dismissed Shardik and Etienne stormed away. A soft sigh escaped him, his own muzzle giving a bereft shake. “He might need you right now,” he offered, his eyes drifting from his cousin to study the newly acclaimed father. “Keep him nearby. We will catch up soon,” he offered, wondering if his cousin was even interested in that or not, given all that had transpired between them.
Swiftcurrent Creek
660 Posts
Ooc — ebony
too much happening! too much going on;
etienne rounded on shardik. arlette assuaged the situation. akavir reframed their conversation to come.
he drew a breath, nodded, and turned to go. "i'll b-be on the b-borders."
they'd hunt. talk. come back. this could be fixed; he knew it.
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