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Ooc — Sofie
Pack Activity 
For @Kynareth Deagon and @Nyra
Promotion Thread
They'd made it.
The place was what Valour had said for it to be.
Lucky for him.

However, they now had matters of the pack to attend to.
Derg was wondering when the rest of the pack would show their skills and prove their worth of higher ranks. But they were too stale, it seemed.

But now, Derg stood with Kynareth, and the Overseer sent up a call for their Blade.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
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The Shieldmaiden had been resting somewhere in the wood that neighbors the river when the call for her came. 
Lifting her head with perked ears, Nyra pulled herself to her large paws, easier now to do than it had been in her earlier stages of recovery - and trotted in the direction of the howl.

It took some time, but she arrived all the same, dipping her head to her alphas as she stopped before them.

"You called me?" The monolith woman was attentive, curious as to the reason of her summons.
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Sun Mote Copse
5,128 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Hope it's cool to cameo!? :D

They'd spent a lot of time in the glade last month, though Towhee was a lot less familiar with the sweep. She decided to head there today following her patrol, to scope it out more thoroughly. If they could look past its proximity to the hideaway, it might make a great location for a future sister pack. And with so many potential breeding pairs (at least in her mind), such expansion might be necessary sooner rather than later.

Despite her hatred for the prison looming back there, Towhee forced herself to explore every inch of Cedar Sweep. How could she possibly deem it inhabitable if she didn't assess its southern borders? The scent of wolves close by hit her like a bucket of cold water dumped on her head. Fuckin' seriously? she thought incredulously, creeping closer to the gateway full of broken, crumbled rocks to ascertain the situation.

Maybe it was just another batch of transient wolves, like before. Yet this did nothing to quell the disgust and outrage she felt. Perhaps it was disproportionate, but this discovery really threw a wrench in her idyllic little plan. With no wish to approach or engage, Towhee spun on her heel and stomped back to the copse.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Tha gràin agam air an t-saoghal
Health (100/100)
725 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Just gonna leave Malia out lol. Towhee is fine <3
Nyra came. But Kynareth went, thinking he could hear something snooping.
Probably just a fox.
He smiled at Nyra warmly.

"Thank you for coming," he replied.
"Donovan and I have spoken. And decided you have earnt the honorary title of Paladin for your bravery in the face of Ursus alone, and we believe you have great potential in the future too."

He let the words sink in.
He did feel bad, had done ever since he'd calmed down from that day. But this should make up for it. And stop his mind from punishing itself for his aggression.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
Catching the last traces of Donovan as he left, Nyra canted her head a bit more as her Overseer spoke.

A promotion? Definitely not what she had expected - and the surprise was visible upon her features. 
Stumbling over her words a bit, the Shieldmaiden lowered her head in a bow "Thank you, I will wear this title with pride." There was more she wanted to say, but couldn't put the words together to voice her gratitude or the promise to keep the title 'Paladin' from getting muddied in any way.
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Tha gràin agam air an t-saoghal
Health (100/100)
725 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
"As you should Nyra."
He smiled to her.
He was glad this was settled.

"How are you settling here? Have you found any issues?"
Oh, the plethora of issues she could notice and tell him that he'd not yet known. Where there neighbours? Were they friendly? Was there a giant sinkhole? A snake nest? 
If there was a problem to be found, Nyra would find it.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
The large woman righted herself as he inquired about their new home. 
Neighbors? Definitely. 
Friendly? To be seen. 
Sinkholes? Not so far.
Snake nests? None she had found. 

Even though she couldn't read his mind, she would tell him all she knew.

"We have neighbors, it seems. On the other side of those impassible mountains, Moonspear resides. We actually ran into some of the Moonspear wolves when we first arrived to scout out the land. To the west, it seems there's a pack claiming the forest on the other side of the mountains past the Morass. Somewhere further northward is another pack, too. I believe we went around their claim coming here - but they are there. I don't know if they're friendly or not though." Nyra reported, sliding her gaze to look toward the moores and the mountains past them. 

"As far as the Strath and it's surrounding terrain goes, there is a ravine on the other side of the woodlands we claim. It has countless amounts of bones...speaking of which, Dove might leap with joy at the treasure trove. Additionally, I think it would be wise to be careful upon exploring the ravine. No doubt there are snakes in there, or even the occasional cougar." 

Rummaging through her brain a bit, she continued, "As secure as the Strath may look, and even feel, being enclosed on all sides by mountains, I strongly believe we should scout and patrol those mountains. Make note of every possible entrance to this place - and secure them, whether that be by blocking them off somehow, or otherwise." 
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Tha gràin agam air an t-saoghal
Health (100/100)
725 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He licked his lips.
Yes, this was good.
She had a good eye for what needed to be done and where danger may lurk.
Dove would bless this place so it seemed, he liked that.
It was good to have the Shaman onside. They needed her.

"You'll be Harbinger before long Nyra."
Hopefully sooner rather than later, he wanted to see it happen. His pack grow and develop. Flesh out with power and confidence.

"You know we have lost many since forming. I'm glad you've stayed faithful to us. But we need more like you here. Try and recruit as many more wolves as possible, and if not." he paused. Choosing his next instruction carefully. "Kill them. You have the power to instruct other members to do so, and if they refuse, Donovan and I will take care of them."

A kind smile that was too warm for his cold words.
The Saint's weren't founded on a homely doorstep. They only kissed ass to prevent war with low numbers and to keep Ursus. But that didn't matter now.
"I will inspect the mountains with Donovan, and we will all ensure the safety of the pack, yes?"
He wanted further confirmation of her loyalty. It was something that needed to be proven to keep from slipping away.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
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Master Warrior
She smiled a bit more at Derg's approval, and at hearing what at least seemed to be faith and pride in her. 
Harbringer? She was definitely aiming for that - it was an active goal. 
Nyra nodded at her Overseer's instructions, to try and recruit as many more wolves into their ranks as possible. 
And to kill them if they refused to join. 

In her heart, Nyra wasn't entirely certain she could just slaughter another wolf for not wanting to join them, but, if that needed to be the case, she would do her damndest to follow through. 

Derg assured he would overlook the mountains with the Grandmaster, at which point to his inquiry, she nodded "Of course. At the end of the day, that is the duty of all of us, right? To keep one another safe and by extension, keep the pack strong." Nyra confirmed, a confident determination sparking in her golden inferno gaze.
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Tha gràin agam air an t-saoghal
Health (100/100)
725 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
"Yes of course," they would be stronger. They will be better. They are Saints.
He thought for a moment, looking to the rocky peaks through the trees. They had a lot of territory to play with right now.
Her answer was pleasing. He felt...prideful even. Yes, he'd go as far to admit that. She was a Saint through and through.

"If you come into contact with other packs, get information and we can then work out what needs to be done from there," be it slaughter or bonding, they'd find out.
"Do you have any questions?" She could ask anything. He'd do his best to answer.
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This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
It appeared Nyra would be on an indefinite mission for a while, which she held no qualms about. 

Her instructions noted, she shook her head a bit "No sir, not so far anyway." 
With that, she took a couple steps back - clearly hesitating to turn to leave in case her Overseer had more to say to her before she was dismissed.
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Tha gràin agam air an t-saoghal
Health (100/100)
725 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Derg smiled again.
She had a lot to think about, but that came with gaining higher ranks. She'd know that.
But with more responsibility came power.
She'd like that.

"Thank you Nyra," he nodded, allowing her to leave. Then, the Overseer turned to search for the Grandmaster, wondering what he'd got his nose stuck in.
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