Cerulean Cape kajuq ⌿
3,277 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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Limit Two 
she had come back; she had not gone far.

beneath a wheeling flock of skuabirds the duck stood. she called for @Aiolos, and though she wished for the sake of the redsun to be filled with delight, with joy; though she longed to say i have brought you a bride, there was only sorrow.

but the dark woman of the island came to her mind, and she wondered why he had not chosen her.

no mind of that now; kukutux waited beneath the fading light and the muting echo of her call to the saltchieftain.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The world was cold and the winds fierce and he could not stray far from his island home. A break in a storm, with the next one brewing overhead, he had padded down the sandbar which connected his home to the mainland and down to the cape. Whilst the island still provided plenty of fish, crustaceans and smaller mammals, Olo hunted for the opportunity of either prey or other wolves lost to the storms. 

He found Kukutux instead, who, being of Moonspear found it odd she was on this side of the coast. This was the furthest from her home he had met up with the little blonde. He wondered if something bad had happened and indeed it had. A solemn expression was on her features and she seemed worn with a heavy air around her. 

Kukutux? What happen..? He inquired, lowering his head and red ears flattening as he drew nearer.
moonglow daddy
3,277 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
he found her, as kukutux knew he would. and with the same kindness he had always showed the duck did he come closer, her name upon his mouth. "aiolos," and then she could say no more.

kukutux stumbled backward, turning fiercely away from her into the very fangs of the seawind that brought snow and ice to bank upon the foam of the lapping waves. she did not wish him to see the way her chin trembled, nor the angry salt that had leapt to her eyes and threatened to spill — her sweet friend lying in a pool of crimson.

"a bear came and killed many."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
His name but a whisper on her tongue and she turns quickly away from him to face off the winds. To perhaps freeze the flow of tears which threatened to spill. She explained, what little she needed to in order for him to know much tragedy had happened since their last meet. A bear? In winter? Should it not have slept during this time?

He steps forward, but does not try to pry as she keeps her features from him. Many? Who? Aiolos did not think he would know them. In fact, Aiolos did not know many outside of those who called the coastline 'home' savor a few of his allies in the pine forest and a few former members of  Courtfall, like Kukutux' self. Still, he wanted to know and needed to relay the message to Hua, as she knew many. I must tell Hua... He then adds, hoping that she would be willing to offer more information so that their Empress wasnt lost to this information.
moonglow daddy
3,277 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux wanted to round upon aiolos with an anger that burned bright but was not for him. never for him. only for the murderous grandfather who had seen fit to bring so much killing.

"one of them was the woman i would have brought to meet you," the duck said softly, mouth twitching. she still set her salt-wet green stare upon the ocean, though it had hardened into a mixture of pain and ire.

"she walks in the dancing lights now." kukutux at last turned back toward the island-wolf, studying his handsome and compassionate features for a long moment. was there something amiss within her, that she could not manage to conjure friendships with she-wolves? he was the gentlest man kukutux knew.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
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Master Guardian
Idk what's up with the coding on this site but I cant get all that to go away. Oops.

[size=small][size=medium][size=medium]"one of them was the woman i would have brought to meet you"[/size][/size][size=medium][size=medium] ... Aiolos found his limbs crumpling so that he fell into a defeated sit onto the sandy shore under him. He takes a heavy breath and now his own gaze, fiery with both sorrow and anger as Kukutux' self, turned out to the endless open sea. He found himself mourning for a woman he had never even met. A woman who could have very much so become his wife. [/size][/size][/size]

[size=small][size=medium][size=medium]When he returns his gaze back to her it is to see her looking back at him. He looks to her a long moment as she does. I'm sorry... What ever else was there to say? [/size][/size][/size]
moonglow daddy
3,277 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
no worries its still readable! <3

kukutux watched aiolos collapse with distress writ across her delicate features. she went to the redsun at once, nosing his shoulder with what she told herself was no more than interest in healing. but the duck lingered there, wishing him strength as hope faded.

"there are — there is," kukutux began twice before she surrendered the concept — she pulled in a deep breath. snow began to fall lightly "i am sorry," came the gentle insistence of her voice. "i should bring you only good things to hear."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
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Master Guardian
At once does she come to rush to his side, pressing her nose to his shoulder with a much needed affection on his part. He could only think of it as a reaction of their deep friendship as well as the nurturing nature which the blonde woman held. After all, she was a married woman and it was he who was the quite literal bastard which had allowed himself to become quite too attached to her. But why not? So little wolves in life stuck around. Being a leader of a pack had taught him as such. There was few and far between who were loyal, trustworthy and consistence beings in ones life. 

No. He spoke quick, clipped as he objected Kukutux is a manner he very little did to any woman. Though if any at all were understanding of Aiolos, it was his Empress and the woman before him now. I should only have truth and honesty from you. As ever she was a woman to him, even when the truth hurt, such as when Kukutux had given her opinion on Aiolos' relationship (or lack there of) with Ruo.

Lifting up once more, slowly as though the news physically weighed on him, Aiolos looked to the heavens and the returning of snowfall. Delicate, at first, but if the weather had told him anything this season it would not be so for long. You shouldn’t be out in this weather much longer. I'd hate for you to loose your way in these storms as so many already have.. Including lost members of his own ranks, not as kept up and safe on the island as he had hoped.
moonglow daddy
3,277 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
aiolos spoke. "then you will have it," kukutux said, feeling rather helpless in the face of her grief and his own. a pall stretched between them, and when she lifted jadestone eyes to the redsun, it was with a sting. was he dismissing her? of course; this shoreline belonged to yuelong so far as she was concerned.

demurely she let her gaze fall to the snowbound earth where it belonged, a nod beckoning through her slender muzzle. obedience. or something akin to it. "i will see you again, when the storm spirit has departed."

but still she lingered, and at last her ivory ears lifted. "the woman elixir is within your ranks. i think kindly of her." a hint, a nod; if aiolos allowed, kukutux would reach to touch his cheek, once, before she turned and began the snowy trek back toward moonspear.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Jade eyes, now jaded by him, cast the the sand and snow at the coast. She nods, taking the dismissal and he bites his tongue, having not meant to be harsh to her in any manner. The news was hard on him but he knew it more so for her who had known these wolves she mentioned personally. Aiolos need not time alone to process this, only wanting her leave for her own protection. He couldnt loose her too.

He nods then, already looking forward to their next meeting despite the grim tone of this one. And then a pause before she mentioned a woman of their pack, @Elixir. He knew she had joined them on behalf of Hua though honestly had not formally met her, only seeing one another in passing. An odd looking wolf, one not of all wolf truly at all, with floppy ears, black coat and hard, red eyes.

I'll speak with her, then. He said only and would so such a thing if Kukutux favored her enough to mention her. Truth to be told though, he was a bit put off by the woman she had originally planned for him being mauled by a bear...

And with Kukutux gentle touch, he might have forgotten of the half-blood all together. Not wishing to loose touch of his dear friend already, he would watch her a few lingering moments longer before he retreated home himself.
moonglow daddy