Ouroboros Spine But it gets hard to stand
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Again, she sought @Kukutux. But this visit came with no glee. Only tears.

He knows... By the voice of one and the teeth of another.

He will take me as wife, but not in this place. Her head fell with shame.I have agreed to leave with him. 

Nasamik hoped that Kukutux would not find too much disappointment. But regardless of how she felt, the girl's mind would not change.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux had tensely waited to see the end of things.

now nasamik came. indignation followed. "he can force you in no way, nasamik. you wish to be mother? then be mother. you do not also have to be wife to a man who is shamed in moonglow."

she looked sharply for the man. "i will send him away for saying this."

kukutux reached to draw nasamik close. "will you speak also to sun man?"
186 Posts
Ooc — Decay
Kukutux reached, but Nasamik did not allow the embrace, taking a step back.

He may be shamed here, but he is not shamed in my heart. He could have made the choice to abandon me and our children, but he did not. These were the reasons she had said yes.

I come to tell you this out of my respect for you. But once I leave here, I go only to Chakliux. Seal hunter will be my husband and father to my children. We will learn the way, together.

Moonwoman may have said more, but Nasamik did not stay to hear it. All was done in this village. Now, the young hunter would go to find the seal hunter.
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux did not understand.

this was nasamik's home. he was only a foolish boy. 

she should never have let him enter their village.

kukutux had raised her daughters with an eye for marriage. but this was different. she looked at the younger woman's fervent, determined face and saw in it what she had once been when she first came a scared girl to moonspear.

chakliux did not have any of sun man's glow in him.

and then nasamik was gone.

the duck's eyes followed her.

dejection and worry curved her shoulders. she called to @Aiolos.
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos came to his wife's call, thinking that she might have come to the knowledge of Aiolos' actions against Chakliux. Aiolos hoped the young man would learn from his mistakes. Would stay clear of spoken for brides when he had already lain with one other in their ranks. He had not expected what was to come...
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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Master Medic
"i think that chakliux has left. he — he said he would marry nasamik. but not in moonglow. so she has gone with him. she said only that he is her husband."

her eyes turned to him.

"i do not think she will be happy. i am filled with worry for her."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
I had a hoped for the best in that he would learn from his mistakes. His pride seems far greater then I expected... Aiolos grumbled under his lips, which set to a deep frown. He brings Nasamik down with him. Instead of trying to find redemption. 

Aiolos steps closer, to lay his muzzle over her shoulder. I know... He addresses her worry. But we can't make the decision for her. 

After a moment, another grumbled set of words. It looked like he was setting eyes on Samani, too.
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux nodded. aiolos understood all the things she might have said.

she sighed a long sound.

"i have gladness he is gone. but i hope to see nasamik again. she will need a mother. sisters."

it was a hard thing to be a woman alone, large with child.
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Maybe they will not go far. He thought. After all, she was young and this was her first litter. The stress of a sudden up root, travel, plus those things- surely Chakliux would know not to push her far. We have many allies near, plus Moonspear. They might find settlement there. You can visit?
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
kukutux tilted her head toward him. he was indeed wise. "yes. if she will stay close, i will show to her i am also a friend."

but for now, she only kissed his jaw. "i am tired, husband. i think that i will sleep early."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He nods, a little grunt there after in wordless response. Aiolos didn't know if things would work out for the young girl. Honestly, he was quite pessimistic when it came to men sticking arojnd and staying true to their wives, given the fall-outs he had seen time and time again. 

I think I'll join you. He noses his wife's muzzle, following her into the darkness and quiet of their den.
moonglow daddy