Ouroboros Spine tunrak ⊬
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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while she would now say nothing to kilgitsuk nor ariadne, the privacy of her ulaq with sun man was another matter.

"i have made vairë second moonwoman," she told @Aiolos beneath the stars one night, nestled against him but with a clutching tightness to her muscles that was unnatural. "she has heard the first history. i will give her more."

it did not matter that she was not of moonwoman's body, it mattered only their kinship ties and the ways in which vairë had been raised, her ways.

"rhaegal failed her. and through this i failed her through their match. she has remained when her sisters built their own homes. the spirits mean for her to follow me."

a contemplative silence followed, one broken only by, "ariadne has chosen kigipigak." kukutux said his true name, his first name. "his son was raised at our hearth," moonwoman growled, sitting upright. "he is much older than her; he has used his knowing of us to turn her head." her accusations came after lynx's reproachful look, and now shame stayed further words. "he has built a village. he is hunter and warrior. he is able, my husband, but you will understand when i ask why it must be him."
[Image: pSj9vo4.png]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Kukutux came to settle at the den for the night where Aiolos had already been. Outside the opening under the clear cool sky. As winter came and the days grew shorter, he found himself falling into a "hibernation mode", sleeping more then usually. As Kukutux though, her words made it clear she was not yet ready to rest. 

Aiolos stretches out his legs and his head resting on her shoulder. There is much she will need to learn. He murmured. There are still years to teach. There better be. 

Much of the ways which the village worked, was ways which Kukutux had grown up. Ways which were riddles with stories, tales and traditions. Words and manners which Aiolos would never know how to teach. After all, none of Aiolos 'ways' had been passed down, savor the respect and honor to the Goddess Moon and Sea. After all, 'the ways' which he was raised were not ones he wished to pass to his children. As for Vaire not being their blood, it was something which Aiolos scarcely remembered now. 

Now, she speaks of Kigipigak and Aiolos muscles tensed against Kukutux from her words. Him!? Why on earth-! It seemed Kukutux felt the same and when she sat upright Aiolos too lifted into a sit, his body rigid. He is those things but above all else he is a trademen. He built a home only to abandon it. His mate. His children. His jaw clenches. Ariadne must understand that he will not stay. It is in his nature to leave. She will be abandoned just as the others. Like Inutsuk had done. As Rhaegal. As Adrastus. All of them. It wasn't assumption to Aiolos, it was fact.

Is she too stubborn and foolish to heed our warnings?
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
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"i have the fear that if we show anger over this, husband, she will go from us. perhaps he will take her away."

her face showed plain her sorrow, her anger. she placed a paw upon his strong arm. moonwoman's culture dominated the moonpacks, varying from daughter to daughter. aiolos had much to teach, as did shikoba, who had passed her ways to ajei as well.

kukutux would encourage vairë to keep these as well.

relief flooded her heart, the galloping of a thousand caribou, when her rage was reflected in aiolos. "he is all these things. he is builder. he is strong for building. but not for being a husband. not for raising his children."

why did men not seek settlement? "i have hope for chickadee and kivaluk. we have taught him well. ariadne must learn in her own time. she is nuiruk clan. stubborn. she knows of natigvik and sakhmet. she has made her own choice."

her eyes flashed. "he came to me, in rudeness. in disrespect. they have been together, aiolos, for how long i do not know. he says he will come here. i expect this."
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
I feel the same... Aiolos takes a deep breath and sighs. If Ariadne was very determined, she would only shut herself from her parents and Kigipigak would wedge his way between them. Kigipigak came and went as he so chose and might just take their daughter with him as show of power. 

Kukutux continued, explaining how their daughter was well aware of the fall of Natigvik. The fall of the northern man's prior partnership. There was a hidden fear that his own sons may do the same- that Kivaluk may do the same. Aiolos breaths in deep, hoping for the best in them. That they will be strong and consistent support to their wife's whom lifted their village and raised their young. 

Aiolos jaw tightens, as teeth grind. If they were already laying with one another as a pair, then it would seem the choice had already been made. Ariadne was not a young girl awaiting the approval of her parents, to be guided. She was already woman, already building her own village. Then we will accept them. His nose wrinkles. But we will not lie and pretend to be happy with her choices. She is welcome always and when Kigipigak is gone, we will help, as always... As with Lote. As with Sakhmet. As with Vaire.
moonglow daddy
3,406 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Missionary
Master Seer
Master Medic
they would always be there for ariadne.

kukutux turned almost blindly for the constant, good warmth of aiolos. despite the heaviness of their talk and of all the words unsaid, her desire for him rose sharp and piercingly.

he had always been a pillar in the ocean that often raged around them both.

and the adrenaline of her dislike transfixed kukutux in another way; she lifted her eyes to him.

no more words.